997 resultados para persistent Müllerian duct syndrome


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Background - Marfan syndrome (MS) is a genetic disorder caused by a mutation in the fibrillin gene FBN1. Bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) is a congenital heart malformation of unknown cause. Both conditions are associated with ascending aortic aneurysm and premature death. This study examined the relationship among the secretion of extracellular matrix proteins fibrillin, fibronectin, tenascin, and vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) apoptosis. The role of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)- 2 in VSMC apoptosis was studied in MS aneurysm. Methods and Results - Aneurysm tissue was obtained from patients undergoing surgery ( MS: 4 M, 1 F, age 27 - 45 years; BAV: 3 M, 2 F, age 28 - 65 years). Normal aorta from subjects with nonaneurysm disease was also collected ( 4 M, 1 F, age 23 - 93 years). MS and BAV aneurysm histology showed areas of cystic medial necrosis (CMN) without inflammatory infiltrate. Immunohistochemical study of cultured MS and BAV VSMC showed intracellular accumulation and reduction of extracellular distribution of fibrillin, fibronectin, and tenascin. Western blot showed no increase in expression of fibrillin, fibronectin, or tenascin in MS or BAV VSMC and increased expression of MMP-2 in MS VSMCs. There was 4-fold increase in loss of cultured VSMC incubated in serum-free medium for 24 hours in both MS ( 27 +/- 8%) and BAV ( 32 +/- 14%) compared with control ( 7 +/- 5%). Conclusions - In MS and BAV there is alteration in both the amount and quality of secreted proteins and an increased degree of VSMC apoptosis. Up-regulation of MMP-2 might play a role in VSMC apoptosis in MS VSMC. The findings suggest the presence of a fundamental cellular abnormality in BAV thoracic aorta, possibly of genetic origin.


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Blepharophimosis ptosis epicanthus inversus syndrome (BPES) is a human disorder caused by mutations in the forkhead transcription factor gene FOXL2 and is characterized by facial dysmorphology combined in some cases with ovarian failure. To better understand the role of FOXL2 in the etiology of ovarian failure in BPES, we examined its expression in embryonic ovaries of mice, chickens, and red-eared slider turtles, representatives of three phylogenetically distant vertebrate groups that have different mechanisms of sex determination. Expression of Foxl2 was detected in early ovaries of all three species around the time of sex determination and was associated with both somatic and germ cell populations in mice. Expression was sexually dimorphic in all cases. Sequence analysis of turtle and chicken FoxL2 orthologues indicated an unusually high degree of structural conservation during evolution. FoxL2 was found to be autosomal in chickens, and therefore unlikely to represent the dominant ovarian-determining gene that has been postulated to exist as a possible explanation for female heterogamety in birds. Our observations suggest that BPES may result from early abnormalities in regulating the development of the fetal ovary, rather than premature degeneration of the postnatal or adult ovary. Further, our results suggest that FOXL2 is a highly conserved early regulator of vertebrate ovarian development.


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Equine Cushing's syndrome is a common problem in aged horses and ponies. It presents with a variable combination of clinical signs; hirsutism is characteristic of the disease, with laminitis frequently being the most devastating consequence. This article describes the diagnostic protocols available and, in view of the fact that complete resolution of the disease is not achievable, discusses how the condition might be managed appropriately to improve the quality of life of affected animals.


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China holds the key to solving many questions crucial to global control of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). The disease appears to have originated in Guangdong Province, and the causative agent, SARS coronavirus, is likely to have originated from an animal host, perhaps sold in public markets. Epidemiologic findings, integral to defining an animal-human linkage, may be confirmed by laboratory studies; once animal host(s) are confirmed, interventions may be needed to prevent further animal-to-human transmission. Community seroprevalence studies may help determine the basis for the decline in disease incidence in Guangdong Province after February 2002. China will also be able to contribute key data about how the causative agent is transmitted and how it is evolving, as well as identifying pivotal factors influencing disease outcome.


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Mental retardation in individuals with Down syndrome (DS) is thought to result from anomalous development and function of the brain; however, the underlying neuropathological processes have yet to be determined. Early implementation of special care programs result in limited, and temporary, cognitive improvements in DS individuals. In the present study, we investigated the possible neural correlates of these limited improvements. More specifically, we studied cortical pyramidal cells in the frontal cortex of Ts65Dn mice, a partial trisomy of murine chromosome 16 (MMU16) model characterized by cognitive deficits, hyperactivity, behavioral disruption and reduced attention levels similar to those observed in DS, and their control littermates. Animals were raised either in a standard or in an enriched environment. Environmental enrichment had a marked effect on pyramidal cell structure in control animals. Pyramidal cells in environmentally enriched control animals were significantly more branched and more spinous than non-enriched controls. However, environmental enrichment had little effect on pyramidal cell structure in Ts65Dn mice. As each dendritic spine receives at least one excitatory input, differences in the number of spines found in the dendritic arbors of pyramidal cells in the two groups reflect differences in the number of excitatory inputs they receive and, consequently, complexity in cortical circuitry. The present results suggest that behavioral deficits demonstrated in the Ts65Dn model could be attributed to abnormal circuit development.


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Despite widespread awareness that children with Down syndrome are particularly susceptible to hearing pathologies, the audiological status of students with Down syndrome in special schools is all too often unknown. Unfortunately, hearing screening for this population is unable to rely on standard, behavioural test batteries. To facilitate future improvements in screening protocols, this study investigated the results of tympanometry and transient evoked otoacoustic emission (TEOAE) testing for a group of children with Down syndrome. Assessments were not conducted in the artificial context of a clinic or laboratory, but within the school environment. Outcomes are reported for 27 subjects with a mean age of 10 years 5 months (SD = 4;11). Tympanometry testing was failed in at least one ear by 41.7% of subjects, while a failure rate of 81.5% of subjects was observed for TEOAE testing. Therefore, it is concluded that immediate review of hearing screening programs for students with Down syndrome is highly advisable.


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Diferenças na susceptibilidade do hospedeiro à infecção, na gravidade e na permanência do quadro clínico da doença podem ser atribuídas, em parte, às variações da resposta imune. Estas variações são associadas a polimorfismos de nucleotídeo único (do inglês: single nucleotide polymorphisms - SNPs). Como estudo prévio, foi realizada a caracterização da população geral do Espírito Santo (ES) - Brasil e de uma subpopulação do estado, de origem Pomerana, quanto aos SNPs -131 H/R, -336 A/G, TaqI, -308 A/G, -590 C/T, -174 G/C e +874 A/T nos genes FcγRIIa, CD209, VDR, TNFα, IL-4, IL-6 e INF-γ, respectivamente. Cem indivíduos da Grande Vitória representaram a população geral do ES e 59 indivíduos de Santa Maria de Jetibá representaram a população de origem Pomerana. Como a fase aguda da dengue é bem caracterizada, este estudo objetivou ampliar o conhecimento da fase de convalescença. Noventa e seis indivíduos diagnosticados com dengue sintomática no final de 2012 e início de 2013, no ES, foram acompanhados por 60 dias a partir do início dos sintomas por meio do preenchimento de um questionário clínico e epidemiológico em quatro entrevistas. A persistência de 37 sintomas clínicos da dengue foi avaliada. Para analisar a influência da genética do sistema imunológico do hospedeiro na persistência de sintomas clínicos da dengue na fase de convalescença, foi determinada a associação entre os sete SNPs, para os quais a população do ES foi caracterizada, e a persistência de sintomas. O DNA genômico dos participantes do estudo foi extraído do sangue periférico e a genotipagem dos SNPs foi realizada por reação em cadeia da polimerase - polimorfismo de comprimento de fragmento de restrição (do inglês: polymerase chain reaction - restriction fragment length polymorphism - PCR-RFLP) As frequências genotípicas de todos os SNPs encontraram-se em equilíbrio de Hardy-Weinberg (do inglês: Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium - HWE), com exceção do SNP no gene IL-6. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante nas frequências genotípicas dos SNPs nos genes FcγRIIa, CD209, VDR, TNF-α e IL-4 entre as duas populações. Diferença estatisticamente significante foi encontrada entre as duas populações nas distribuições genotípicas dos SNPs nos genes IL-6 (p = 0,03) e INF-γ (p = 0,007). Trinta e sessenta dias após o início dos sintomas, 38,5% e 11,5% dos indivíduos com dengue sintomática reportaram ter pelo menos um sintoma clínico da dengue, respectivamente. Dos sintomas analisados, os mais persistentes foram os relacionados à síndrome da fadiga como mialgia, artralgia, astenia e mal-estar, sendo a mialgia o mais frequente. A persistência de sintomas em 30 dias foi associada ao gênero feminino (p = 0,044) e a persistência de sintomas constitucionais foi associada à dengue secundária (p = 0,041). O SNP no gene FcγRIIa, foi associado à persistência de sintomas em 30 dias, no subgrupo de indivíduos com dengue secundária (p = 0,046), sendo a presença do alelo H associada à não persistência de sintomas (p = 0,014). A presença do alelo A do SNP no gene TNF-α foi associada à não persistência de sintomas no subgrupo de indivíduos com dengue secundária (p = 0,025), sendo o genótipo GG associado à persistência de sintomas neurológicos, psicológicos e comportamentais em 30 dias (p = 0,038). A presença do alelo C do SNP no gene IL-6 foi associado à persistência de sintomas dermatológicos em 30 dias (p = 0,005). O perfil genético desses SNPs pode favorecer o estabelecimento de marcadores imunogenéticos associados à fase convalescente da infecção pelo vírus da dengue (do inglês: dengue virus - DENV).


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A previously calculated predictive model for health risk selects infants who suffer 4-5 times more morbidity than their unselected peers. Preliminary results suggested that this risk is related to maternal neurotic symptomatology. To evaluate this hypothesis, 52 consecutive mothers whose infants had a positive predictive score (Group 1) and 52 in whom this was negative (Group 2) were evaluated by means of Goldberg's General Health Questionnaire (GHQ - 30). A total of 41.9% and 20.5% of the mothers in Groups 1 and 2, respectively, scored above 11 points in GHQ-30, established as the cut off point. It is concluded that among poor urban families in Santiago mothers of infants with high risk of persistent diarrhoea have increased frequency of detectable neurotic symptoms. New programs aimed at this type of infant should include psychological support for their mothers.


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This paper seeks to study the persistence in the G7’s stock market volatility, which is carried out using the GARCH, IGARCH and FIGARCH models. The data set consists of the daily returns of the S&P/TSX 60, CAC 40, DAX 30, MIB 30, NIKKEI 225, FTSE 100 and S&P 500 indexes over the period 1999-2009. The results evidences long memory in volatility, which is more pronounced in Germany, Italy and France. On the other hand, Japan appears as the country where this phenomenon is less obvious; nevertheless, the persistence prevails but with minor intensity.


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Introdução: A síndrome da cirurgia lombar falhada (SCLF) caracteriza-se pela persistência ou recidiva da dor ou aparecimento de novos sintomas após discectomia, descompressão de canal estreito ou artrodese lombares. Objectivos: O objectivo deste estudo foi descrever a abordagem em fisioterapia de um caso com Síndrome da Cirurgia Lombar Falhada e avaliar os seus efeitos na funcionalidade e sintomatologia dolorosa neste indivíduo. Metodologia: A amostra foi constituída por um sujeito com 41 anos, trabalhador da construção civil, apresentando dor lombar com irradiação para o membro inferior, após ter sido submetido a discectomia lombar e artrodese, que realizou sessões de fisioterapia convencional antes e depois da cirurgia, e que apresentava sinais compatíveis com compressão radicular. A intensidade da dor foi medida através da escala visual analógica (EVA), as amplitudes com o goniómetro universal, a funcionalidade foi avaliada utilizando o Questionário de Incapacidade Roland-Morris (RMDQ), o estado psicológico foi avaliado através da “Escala de Desânimo Associado à Dor” e do “Inventário de Convicções e Percepções Relacionadas com a Dor”. Resultados: A dor era inicialmente em média de 5,5/10 EVA, sendo de 3,4/10 EVA no final do tratamento. Quanto à funcionalidade (RMDQ) esta variou de 14/24 no início para 17/24 no final. De uma forma geral, após a aplicação de técnicas para diminuir a tensão do piriforme, técnicas neuurodinâmicas e um programa de exercícios para melhoria do controlo motor, o paciente apresentou alívio das queixas de dor na nádega esquerda e anca, aumento da amplitude de rotação medial da coxo-femoral, ausência das parestesias na face plantar do pé esquerdo e melhoria das queixas de dor na face anterior e lateral da coxa. Verificamos que houve diminuição dos índices de dor e melhorias dos níveis de funcionalidade. Conclusão: Neste estudo de caso, foi salientado o processo de raciocínio clínico desenvolvido pelo fisioterapeuta: a interpretação dos dados da história e levantamento das primeiras hipóteses e a realização dos testes no exame objectivo, permitiram estabelecer um diagnóstico funcional e elaborar um plano de intervenção através do qual o utente recuperou parcialmente a sua funcionalidade e diminuiu os seus índices de dor.


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Outbreaks of rapidly growing mycobacteria have been occasionally described. The article reports an outbreak of cutaneous abscesses due to Mycobacterium chelonae following mesotherapy in Lima, Peru. From December 2004 through January 2005, 35 subjects who had participated in mesotherapy training sessions presented with persistent cutaneous abscesses. Thirteen (37%) of these suspected cases consented to underwent clinical examination. Skin punch-biopsies were collected from suspicious lesions and substances injected during mesotherapy were analyzed. Suspected cases were mainly young women and lesions included subcutaneous nodules, abscesses and ulcers. Mycobacterium chelonae was isolated from four patients and from a procaine vial. In conclusion, it is important to consider mesotherapy as a potential source of rapidly growing mycobacteria infections.


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OBJECTIVE: To analyze whether previously identified risk factors for sudden death syndrome have a significant impact in a developing country. METHODS: Retrospective longitudinal case-control study carried out in Porto Alegre, Southern Brazil. Cases (N=39) were infants born between 1996 and 2000 who died suddenly and unexpectedly at home during sleep and were diagnosed with sudden death syndrome. Controls (N=117) were infants matched by age and sex who died in hospitals due to other conditions. Data were collected from postmortem examination records and questionnaires answers. A conditional logistic model was used to identify factors associated with the outcome. RESULTS: Mean age at death of cases was 3.2 months. The frequencies of infants regarding gestational age, breastfeeding and regular medical visits were similar in both groups. Sleeping position for most cases and controls was the lateral one. Supine sleeping position was found for few infants in both groups. Maternal variables, age below 20 years (OR=2, 95% CI: 1.1; 5.1) and smoking of more than 10 cigarettes per day during pregnancy (OR=3, 95% CI: 1.3; 6.4), significantly increased the risk for the syndrome. Socioeconomic characteristics were similar in both groups and did not affect risk. CONCLUSIONS: Infant-maternal and socioeconomic profiles of cases in a developing country closely resembled the profile described in the literature, and risk factors were similar as well. However, individual characteristics were identified as risks in the population studied, such as smoking during pregnancy and maternal age below 20 years.


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The temperature dependence of electrical conductivity and the photoconductivity of polycrystalline Cu2ZnSnS4 were investigated. It was found that at high temperatures the electrical conductivity was dominated by band conduction and nearest-neighbour hopping. However, at lower temperatures, both Mott variable-range hopping (VRH) and Efros–Shklovskii VRH were observed. The analysis of electrical transport showed high doping levels and a large compensation ratio, demonstrating large degree of disorder in Cu2ZnSnS4. Photoconductivity studies showed the presence of a persistent photoconductivity effect with decay time increasing with temperature, due to the presence of random local potential fluctuations in the Cu2ZnSnS4 thin film. These random local potential fluctuations cannot be attributed to grain boundaries but to the large disorder in Cu2ZnSnS4.