984 resultados para mismatch negativity


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The recently developed reference-command tracking version of model predictive static programming (MPSP) is successfully applied to a single-stage closed grinding mill circuit. MPSP is an innovative optimal control technique that combines the philosophies of model predictive control (MPC) and approximate dynamic programming. The performance of the proposed MPSP control technique, which can be viewed as a `new paradigm' under the nonlinear MPC philosophy, is compared to the performance of a standard nonlinear MPC technique applied to the same plant for the same conditions. Results show that the MPSP control technique is more than capable of tracking the desired set-point in the presence of model-plant mismatch, disturbances and measurement noise. The performance of MPSP and nonlinear MPC compare very well, with definite advantages offered by MPSP. The computational speed of MPSP is increased through a sequence of innovations such as the conversion of the dynamic optimization problem to a low-dimensional static optimization problem, the recursive computation of sensitivity matrices and using a closed form expression to update the control. To alleviate the burden on the optimization procedure in standard MPC, the control horizon is normally restricted. However, in the MPSP technique the control horizon is extended to the prediction horizon with a minor increase in the computational time. Furthermore, the MPSP technique generally takes only a couple of iterations to converge, even when input constraints are applied. Therefore, MPSP can be regarded as a potential candidate for online applications of the nonlinear MPC philosophy to real-world industrial process plants. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In subject-independent acoustic-to-articulatory inversion, the articulatory kinematics of a test subject are estimated assuming that the training corpus does not include data from the test subject. The training corpus in subject-independent inversion (SII) is formed with acoustic and articulatory kinematics data and the acoustic mismatch between training and test subjects is then estimated by an acoustic normalization using acoustic data drawn from a large pool of speakers called generic acoustic space (GAS). In this work, we focus on improving the SII performance through better acoustic normalization and adaptation. We propose unsupervised and several supervised ways of clustering GAS for acoustic normalization. We perform an adaptation of acoustic models of GAS using the acoustic data of the training and test subjects in SII. It is found that SII performance significantly improves (similar to 25% relative on average) over the subject-dependent inversion when the acoustic clusters in GAS correspond to phonetic units (or states of 3-state phonetic HMMs) and when the acoustic model built on GAS is adapted to training and test subjects while optimizing the inversion criterion. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Using all-atom molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, we have studied the mechanical properties of ZnS/CdS core/shell nanowires. Our results show that the coating of a few-atomic-layer CdS shell on the ZnS nanowire leads to a significant change in the stiffness of the core/shell nanowires compared to the stiffness of pure ZnS nanowires. The binding energy between the core and shell region decreases due to the lattice mismatch at the core-shell interface. This reduction in binding energy plays an important role in determining the stiffness of a core/shell nanowire. We have also investigated the effects of the shell on the thermal conductivity and melting behavior of the nanowires.


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It is well established that Re and Ru additions to Ni-base superalloys result in improved creep performance and phase stability. However, the role of Re and Ru and their synergetic effects are not well understood, and the first step in understanding these effects is to design alloys with controlled microstructural parameters. A computational approach was undertaken in the present work for designing model alloys with varying levels of Re and Ru. Thermodynamic and first principles calculations were employed complimentarily to design a set of alloys with varying Re and Ru levels, but which were constrained by constant microstructural parameters, i.e., phase fractions and lattice misfit across the alloys. Three ternary/quaternary alloys of type Ni-Al-xRe-yRu were thus designed. These compositions were subsequently cast, homogenized and aged. Experimental results suggest that while the measured volume fraction matches the predicted value in the Ru containing alloy, volume fraction is significantly higher than the designed value in the Re containing alloys. This is possibly due to errors in the thermodynamic database used to predict phase fraction and composition. These errors are also reflected in the mismatch between predicted and measured values of misfit.


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Climate change is most likely to introduce an additional stress to already stressed water systems in developing countries. Climate change is inherently linked with the hydrological cycle and is expected to cause significant alterations in regional water resources systems necessitating measures for adaptation and mitigation. Increasing temperatures, for example, are likely to change precipitation patterns resulting in alterations of regional water availability, evapotranspirative water demand of crops and vegetation, extremes of floods and droughts, and water quality. A comprehensive assessment of regional hydrological impacts of climate change is thus necessary. Global climate model simulations provide future projections of the climate system taking into consideration changes in external forcings, such as atmospheric carbon-dioxide and aerosols, especially those resulting from anthropogenic emissions. However, such simulations are typically run at a coarse scale, and are not equipped to reproduce regional hydrological processes. This paper summarizes recent research on the assessment of climate change impacts on regional hydrology, addressing the scale and physical processes mismatch issues. Particular attention is given to changes in water availability, irrigation demands and water quality. This paper also includes description of the methodologies developed to address uncertainties in the projections resulting from incomplete knowledge about future evolution of the human-induced emissions and from using multiple climate models. Approaches for investigating possible causes of historically observed changes in regional hydrological variables are also discussed. Illustrations of all the above-mentioned methods are provided for Indian regions with a view to specifically aiding water management in India.


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Electromagnetic interference (EMI) noise is one of the major issues during design of grid-tied power converters. A novel LCL filter topology for a single-phase pulsewidth modulation (PWM) rectifier that makes use of bipolar PWM method is proposed for a single-phase to three-phase motor drive power converter. The proposed topology eliminates high dv/dt from the dc-bus common-mode (CM) voltage by making it sinusoidal. Hence, the high-frequency CM current injection to the ground and the motor-side CM current are minimized. The proposed filter configuration makes the system insensitive to circuit non-idealities such as mismatch in inductors values, unequal turn-on and turn-off delays, and dead-time mismatch between the inverter legs. Different variants of the filter topology are compared to establish the effectiveness of the proposed circuit. Experimental results based on the EMI measurement on the grid side and the CM current measurement on the motor side are presented for a 5-kW motor drive. It is shown that the proposed filter topology reduces the EMI noise level by about 35 dB.


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Aside of size and shape, the strain induced by the mismatch of lattice parameters between core and shell in the nanocrystalline regime is an additional degree of freedom to engineer the electron energy levels. Herein, CdS/ZnS core/shell nanocrystals (NCs) with shell thickness up to four monolayers are studied. As a manifestation of strain, the low temperature radiative lifetime measurements indicate a reduction in Stokes shift from 36 meV for CdS to 5 meV for CdS/ZnS with four monolayers of overcoating. Concomitant crossover of S- and P-symmetric hole levels is observed which can be understood in the framework of theoretical calculations predicting flipping the hierarchy of ground hole state by the strain in CdS NCs. Furthermore, a nonmonotonic variation of higher energy levels in strained CdS NCs is discussed.


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Climate change is expected to influence extreme precipitation which in turn might affect risks of pluvial flooding. Recent studies on extreme rainfall over India vary in their definition of extremes, scales of analyses and conclusions about nature of changes in such extremes. Fingerprint-based detection and attribution (D&A) offer a formal way of investigating the presence of anthropogenic signals in hydroclimatic observations. There have been recent efforts to quantify human effects in the components of the hydrologic cycle at large scales, including precipitation extremes. This study conducts a D&A analysis on precipitation extremes over India, considering both univariate and multivariate fingerprints, using a standardized probability-based index (SPI) from annual maximum one-day (RX1D) and five-day accumulated (RX5D) rainfall. The pattern-correlation based fingerprint method is used for the D&A analysis. Transformation of annual extreme values to SPI and subsequent interpolation to coarser grids are carried out to facilitate comparison between observations and model simulations. Our results show that in spite of employing these methods to address scale and physical processes mismatch between observed and model simulated extremes, attributing changes in regional extreme precipitation to anthropogenic climate change is difficult. At very high (95%) confidence, no signals are detected for RX1D, while for the RX5D and multivariate cases only the anthropogenic (ANT) signal is detected, though the fingerprints are in general found to be noisy. The findings indicate that model simulations may underestimate regional climate system responses to increasing human forcings for extremes, and though anthropogenic factors may have a role to play in causing changes in extreme precipitation, their detection is difficult at regional scales and not statistically significant. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In the last few years, there has been remarkable progress in the development of group III-nitride based materials because of their potential application in fabricating various optoelectronic devices such as light emitting diodes, laser diodes, tandem solar cells and field effect transistors. In order to realize these devices, growth of device quality heterostructures are required. One of the most interesting properties of a semiconductor heterostructure interface is its Schottky barrier height, which is a measure of the mismatch of the energy levels for the majority carriers across the heterojunction interface. Recently, the growth of non-polar III-nitrides has been an important subject due to its potential improvement on the efficiency of III-nitride-based opto-electronic devices. It is well known that the c-axis oriented optoelectronic devices are strongly affected by the intrinsic spontaneous and piezoelectric polarization fields, which results in the low electron-hole recombination efficiency. One of the useful approaches for eliminating the piezoelectric polarization effects is to fabricate nitride-based devices along non-polar and semi-polar directions. Heterostructures grown on these orientations are receiving a lot of focus due to enhanced behaviour. In the present review article discussion has been carried out on the growth of III-nitride binary alloys and properties of GaN/Si, InN/Si, polar InN/GaN, and nonpolar InN/GaN heterostructures followed by studies on band offsets of III-nitride semiconductor heterostructures using the x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy technique. Current transport mechanisms of these heterostructures are also discussed.


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The irradiation of selective regions in a polymer gel dosimeter results in an increase in optical density and refractive index (RI) at those regions. An optical tomography-based dosimeter depends on rayline path through the dosimeter to estimate and reconstruct the dose distribution. The refraction of light passing through a dose region results in artefacts in the reconstructed images. These refraction errors are dependant on the scanning geometry and collection optics. We developed a fully 3D image reconstruction algorithm, algebraic reconstruction technique-refraction correction (ART-rc) that corrects for the refractive index mismatches present in a gel dosimeter scanner not only at the boundary, but also for any rayline refraction due to multiple dose regions inside the dosimeter. In this study, simulation and experimental studies have been carried out to reconstruct a 3D dose volume using 2D CCD measurements taken for various views. The study also focuses on the effectiveness of using different refractive-index matching media surrounding the gel dosimeter. Since the optical density is assumed to be low for a dosimeter, the filtered backprojection is routinely used for reconstruction. We carry out the reconstructions using conventional algebraic reconstruction (ART) and refractive index corrected ART (ART-rc) algorithms. The reconstructions based on FDK algorithm for cone-beam tomography has also been carried out for comparison. Line scanners and point detectors, are used to obtain reconstructions plane by plane. The rays passing through dose region with a RI mismatch does not reach the detector in the same plane depending on the angle of incidence and RI. In the fully 3D scanning setup using 2D array detectors, light rays that undergo refraction are still collected and hence can still be accounted for in the reconstruction algorithm. It is found that, for the central region of the dosimeter, the usable radius using ART-rc algorithm with water as RI matched medium is 71.8%, an increase of 6.4% compared to that achieved using conventional ART algorithm. Smaller diameter dosimeters are scanned with dry air scanning by using a wide-angle lens that collects refracted light. The images reconstructed using cone beam geometry is seen to deteriorate in some planes as those regions are not scanned. Refraction correction is important and needs to be taken in to consideration to achieve quantitatively accurate dose reconstructions. Refraction modeling is crucial in array based scanners as it is not possible to identify refracted rays in the sinogram space.


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Hard coatings on relatively soft substrate always face the danger of debonding along the interface. Interfacial stresses are considered to be the initial driving force for the interfacial debonding of the relatively strong bonded coatings. Interfacial stresses due to the mismatch of strain between the coating and substrate are simulated with FEM firstly. The distribution of the interfacial stresses is achieved, which confirms an excessive stresses concentration near the interface end. Subsequently, the redistribution of interfacial stresses is calculated for a coating with periodic segmentation cracks. Results indicate that the distribution of interfacial stresses is altered greatly with the periodic segmentation cracks. To reveal the effect of the spacing of the periodic segmentation cracks on the distribution of interfacial stresses, different crack density is modeled within the coating. It is found that that the peak values of the interfacial stresses decrease with the increase of crack density, i.e. with reduction of spacing of segmentation cracks.


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Dislocation models with considering the mismatch of elastic modulus between matrix and reinforcing particles are used to determine the effective strain gradient \ita for particle reinforced metal matrix composites (MMCp) in the present research. Based on Taylor relation and the kinetics of dislocation multiplication, glide and annihilation, a strain gradient dependent constitutive equation is developed. By using this strain gradient-dependent constitutive equation, size-dependent deformation strengthening behavior is characterized. The results demonstrate that the smaller the particle size, the more excellent in the reinforcing effect. Some comparisons with the available experimental results demonstrate that the present approach is satisfactory.


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要: We have recently proposed a generalized JKR model for non-slipping adhesive contact between two elastic spheres subjected to a pair of pulling forces and a mismatch strain (Chen, S., Gao, H., 2006c. Non-slipping adhesive contact between mismatched elastic spheres: a model of adhesion mediated deformation sensor. J. Mech. Phys. Solids 54, 1548-1567). Here we extend this model to adhesion between two mismatched elastic cylinders. The attention is focused on how the mismatch strain affects the contact area and the pull-off force. It is found that there exists a critical mismatch strain at which the contact spontaneously dissociates. The analysis suggests possible mechanisms by which mechanical deformation can affect binding between cells and molecules in biology.


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An analytical model for size-dependent interface phonon transmission and thermal conductivity of nanolaminates is derived based on the improved acoustic mismatch theory and the Lindemann melting theory by considering the size effect of phonon velocity and the interface lattice mismatch effect. The model suggests that the interface phonon transmission is dominant for the cross-plane thermal conductivity of nanolaminates and superlattices, and the intrinsic variety of size effect of thermal conductivity for different systems is proposed based on the competition mechanism of size effect of phonon transport between two materials constituting the interfaces. The model's prediction for thermal conductivity of nanolaminates agrees with the experimental results. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics.