603 resultados para mecenat artystyczny Jana bez Trwogi
To nie przypadek, że wyrażenie „wieczna kobiecość" ukute przez Goethego zbiega się w czasie z pierwszymi zachodnimi próbami emancypacji kobiet. W chwili, kiedy model kobiety istniejącej tylko w zależności od mężczyzny zaczyna być kwestionowany, kategoria wiecznej kobiecości pozwala ponownie potwierdzić ten model, wypełniając go pozytywnymi wartościami. Naturą kobiety jest być uległą i oddaną, a te cechy sprawiają, że kobieta jest depozytariuszem wszelkiej potencjalnej zbawczej łaski. Tak w Fauście Goethego, przypada Małgorzacie, dziewczynie naiwniej, niewinnej, niewykształconej i bez własnej woli, wykupić Fausta siłą swojej miłości. Wszystko dzieje się tak, jakby pozytywna kodyfikacja właściwości kobiet dzięki kategorii wiecznej kobiecości służyła tylko lepszemu ukryciu rzeczywistości ich ucisku; feministki jednak nie dają się zwieść: ideały popierane przez kategorię wiecznej kobiecości są a priori niezgodne z emancypacją kobiet. Karolina Světlá, jedna z najważniejszych postaci w walce o zrównanie praw między mężczyznami i kobietami w Czechach w XIX wieku, wykorzystywała przecież intensywnie w swojej literackiej twórczości ten model kobiety, która poświęca się dla kochanego mężczyzny i tym samym udaje się jej go "podciągnąć do góry" ("hinan zu ziehen", Goethe) oraz dać mu dostęp do "nieskończoności", "nieśmiertelności" i "wieczności". Czy jej teoretyczne pisma i jej działalność na rzecz emancypacji kobiet zaprzeczałyby jej tekstom literackim, na pierwszy rzut oka tak konwencjonalnym? W tym wykładzie podejmuję próbę odpowiedzi na to pytanie uważną lekturą jednego z jej najbardziej faustowskich opowiadań, mianowice "Czarna dziewanna".
przelozyl z oryginalu Julijan Adolf Swiecicki. Wydat Mathias Bersohn, w dwóchsenta rocznice odsieczy wiednia przez króla polskiego Jana 3.
Background Single procedure success rates of pulmonary vein isolation (PVI) in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (PAF) are still unsatisfactory. In patients with persistent atrial fibrillation (AF), ablation of complex fractionated atrial electrograms (CFAEs) after PVI results in improved outcomes. Objective We aimed to investigate if PAF-patients with intraprocedurally sustained AF after PVI might benefit from additional CFAE ablation. Methods A total of 1134 consecutive patients underwent a first catheter ablation procedure of PAF between June 2008 and December 2012. In most patients, AF was either not inducible or terminated during PVI. In 68 patients (6%), AF sustained after successful PVI. These patients were randomized to either cardioversion (PVI-alone group; n = 33) or additional CFAE ablation (PVI+CFAE group; n = 35) and followed up every 1–3 months and serial Holter recordings were also obtained. The primary end point was the recurrence of AF/atrial tachycardia (AT) after a blanking period of 3 months. Results Procedure duration (127 ± 6 minutes vs 174 ± 10 minutes), radiofrequency application time (44 ± 3 minutes vs 74 ± 5 minutes), and fluoroscopy time (26 ± 2 minutes vs 41 ± 3 minutes) were longer in the PVI+CFAE group (all P < .001). In 30 of 35 patients (86%) in the PVI+CFAE group, ablation terminated AF. There was no significant group difference with respect to freedom from AF/AT (22 of 33 [67%] vs 22 of 35 [63%]; P = .66). Subsequently, 10 of 11 patients in the PVI-alone group (91%) and 11 of 13 patients in PVI+CFAE group (85%) underwent repeat ablation (P = 1.00). Overall, 29 of 33 [88%] vs 30 of 35 [86%] patients (P = 1.00) were free from AF/AT after 1.4 ± 0.1 vs 1.4 ± 0.2 (P = .87) procedures. Conclusion Patients with sustained AF after PVI in a PAF cohort are rare. Regarding AF/AT recurrence, these patients did not benefit from further CFAE ablation compared to PVI alone, but are exposed to longer procedure duration, fluoroscopy time, and radiofrequency application time.
OBJECTIVES Sexuality is an essential aspect of human function, well-being and quality of life. Many people have sex without complications. However, there are some people who need to seek emergency medical help for related health problems. The aim of this study was to present a first overview of patients who received a radiological examination related to sexual intercourse based emergency department admission. METHODS Our centralized electronic patient record database was reviewed for patients who had been admitted to our emergency department with an emergency after sexual intercourse between 2000 and 2011. The database was scanned for the standardized key words 'sexual intercourse' or 'coitus' retrospectively. For all patients identified in the electronic patient record database the radiological examinations were searched for manually in our Radiology Information System, and reviewed by three independent radiologists. RESULTS One hundred and twenty nine out of 445 (29,0%) patients received a radiological examination after immediate emergency department admission related to sexual intercourse. Fifty two out of 129 (40.3%) patients had positive radiological findings while 77 (59.7%) did not. Eighty point seven percent (n = 42) of the radiological findings were a sexual intercourse-associated pathology and 19.2% (n = 10) were considered to be incidental findings. Age and male sex positively correlated with radiological imaging workup (p<0.001, respectively p<0.037). The most common sexual intercourse-associated pathology was headache attributed to cerebrovascular insult (n = 21, 40.3%) followed by epididymitis (n = 7, 16.6%) and obstructive uropathy (n = 5, 11.6%). Of the patients with headache attributed to non-traumatic intracranial hemorrhage, subarachnoid hemorrhage (n = 14, 66.6%) was the most common, followed by intracerebral bleeding (n = 4, 19.0%) and one subdural hemorrhage. CONCLUSIONS Pathological findings are manifold. Cerebral imaging is the most common type of radiological imaging performed. Further prospective and standardized studies should be performed to better evaluate the significance of radiological imaging in this patient collective with the aim to gain better knowledge on what patients profit from what type of radiological imaging when presenting with a sexual intercourse related emergency. ADVANCES IN KNOWLEDGE The present study provides a first overview on radiological findings of sexual intercourse related emergency department admissions.
Purpose Gender fair language use in job advertisements has been shown to impact the outcome of personnel selections. It is thus important to assess, to what extent gender fair language is used in job advertisements and with which factors it is associated, e.g., language, culture, status, and gender typicality of profession. Design/Methodology In the present research we investigated gender fair language use in job advertisements published online in four European countries with different socio-economic rankings of gender equality (World Economic Forum, 2011), namely Austria (rank 34), Czech Republic (75), Poland (42), and Switzerland (10). From four lines of business with different percentages of female employees – steels/metals, science, restaurants/food services, and health care –we randomly selected 100 job advertisements, summing up to 1600 job advertisements in total. Results A first analysis of the Swiss data indicates that the phrasing of job advertisements is closely related to a profession’s gender typicality (e.g., merely masculine forms are used in steels and metals, gender-fair forms in healthcare). Feminine forms however are almost never used. Cross-cultural comparisons will be presented. Limitations We analyzed job advertisements of four specific lines of business in four European countries. To what extend results can be generalized remains an open question. Research/Practical Implications The present data provide a sound basis for future studies on gender fair language use in job advertisements. Furthermore it sheds a light on how companies comply with national guidelines of gender equality. Originality/Value This is the first time that gender fair language use in job advertisements is investigated (a) across different countries and languages and (b) considering status and gender typicality of professions.
Research has shown that gender references in job advertisements play an important role for gender (in)equality in personnel selection. The use of pair forms (masculine and feminine form) in German-language job advertisements, for example, was found to reduce the lack of fit between women and leadership roles (Horvath & Sczesny, 2013). Therefore the present study addresses the question which forms of gender reference are used in job advertisements, how these forms are distributed in different countries and how language use is related to gender typicality and status of the job. We collected job advertisements published online in four countries with different rankings of gender equality (i.e., Switzerland, Austria, Poland, and Czech Republic; World Economic Forum, 2011). We randomly selected 100 advertisements per country from four branches that are characterized by different proportions of female and male employees: steels/metals, science, restaurants/food services, and health care. The advertisements were analyzed with regard to gender references as well as different indicators of job status. The results show that, in general, men and women are addressed more equally in Swiss and Austrian job advertisements compared to Polish and Czech job advertisements. The results also show that women and men are addressed more equally in branches where the proportion of women is high than where the proportion of women is low. We thus can conclude that the use of gender references is associated with the degree of gender equality achieved in a country and with the gender typicality of a profession.
People differ in how open-ended or limited they perceive their future. We argue that individual differences in future time perspective affect the activation of implicit motives. Perceiving the time remaining for the satisfaction of one’s motives as limited should be associated with a higher activation of these motives than perceiving one’s future as more open-ended. Given that future time perspective decreases across adulthood, older adults should score higher on implicit motives than younger adults. This hypothesis was supported in a study with young (n = 53, age M = 25.60 years) and older adults (n = 55, age M = 68.05 years). Additionally, an experimental manipulation of future time perspective showed that age-related differences in implicit motives are influenced by future time perspective. These findings demonstrate that future time perspective is an important factor to explain the strength of motives.
CONTEXT Human NR5A1/SF-1 mutations cause 46,XY disorder of sex development (DSD) with broad phenotypic variability, and rarely cause adrenal insufficiency although SF-1 is an important transcription factor for many genes involved in steroidogenesis. In addition, the Sf-1 knockout mouse develops obesity with age. Obesity might be mediated through Sf-1 regulating activity of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), an important regulator of energy balance in the ventromedial hypothalamus. OBJECTIVE To characterize novel SF-1 gene variants in 4 families, clinical, genetic and functional studies were performed with respect to steroidogenesis and energy balance. PATIENTS 5 patients with 46,XY DSD were found to harbor NR5A1/SF-1 mutations including 2 novel variations. One patient harboring a novel mutation also suffered from adrenal insufficiency. METHODS SF-1 mutations were studied in cell systems (HEK293, JEG3) for impact on transcription of genes involved in steroidogenesis (CYP11A1, CYP17A1, HSD3B2) and in energy balance (BDNF). BDNF regulation by SF-1 was studied by promoter assays (JEG3). RESULTS Two novel NR5A1/SF-1 mutations (Glu7Stop, His408Profs*159) were confirmed. Glu7Stop is the 4th reported SF-1 mutation causing DSD and adrenal insufficiency. In vitro studies revealed that transcription of the BDNF gene is regulated by SF-1, and that mutant SF-1 decreased BDNF promoter activation (similar to steroid enzyme promoters). However, clinical data from 16 subjects carrying SF-1 mutations showed normal birth weight and BMI. CONCLUSIONS Glu7Stop and His408Profs*159 are novel SF-1 mutations identified in patients with 46,XY DSD and adrenal insufficiency (Glu7Stop). In vitro, SF-1 mutations affect not only steroidogenesis but also transcription of BDNF which is involved in energy balance. However, in contrast to mice, consequences on weight were not found in humans with SF-1 mutations.
Primary adrenal insufficiency (PAI) is a rare condition in childhood which is either inherited (mostly) or acquired. It is characterized by glucocorticoid and maybe mineralocorticoid deficiency. The most common form in children is 21-hydroxylase deficiency, which belongs to the steroid biosynthetic defects causing PAI. Newer forms of complex defects of steroid biosynthesis are P450 oxidoreductase deficiency and (apparent) cortisone reductase deficiency. Other forms of PAI include metabolic disorders, autoimmune disorders and adrenal dysgenesis, e.g. the IMAGe syndrome, for which the underlying genetic defect has been recently identified. Newer work has also expanded the genetic causes underlying isolated, familial glucocorticoid deficiency (FGD). Mild mutations of CYP11A1 or StAR have been identified in patients with FGD. MCM4 mutations were found in a variant of FGD in an Irish travelling community manifesting with PAI, short stature, microcephaly and recurrent infections. Finally, mutations in genes involved in the detoxification of reactive oxygen species were identified in patients with unsolved FGD. Most mutations were found in the enzyme nicotinamide nucleotide transhydrogenase, which uses the mitochondrial proton pump gradient to produce NADPH. NADPH is essential in maintaining high levels of reduced forms of antioxidant enzymes for the reduction of hydrogen peroxide. Similarly, mutations in the gene for TXNRD2 involved in this system were found in FGD patients, suggesting that the adrenal cortex is particularly susceptible to oxidative stress.
Background Catheter ablation (CA) of ventricular tachycardia (VT) is an important treatment option in patients with structural heart disease (SHD) and implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD). A subset of patients requires epicardial CA for VT. Objective The purpose of the study was to assess the significance of epicardial CA in these patients after a systematic sequential endocardial approach. Methods Between January 2009 and October 2012 CA for VT was analyzed. A sequential CA approach guided by earliest ventricular activation, pacemap, entrainment and stimulus to QRS-interval analysis was used. Acute CA success was assessed by programmed ventricular stimulation. ICD interrogation and 24 h-Holter ECG were used to evaluate long-term success. Results One hundred sixty VT ablation procedures in 126 consecutive patients (114 men; age 65 ± 12 years) were performed. Endocardial CA succeeded in 250 (94%) out of 265 treated VT. For 15 (6%) VT an additional epicardial CA was performed and succeeded in 9 of these 15 VT. Long-term FU (25 ± 18.2 month) showed freedom of VT in 104 pts (82%) after 1.2 ± 0.5 procedures, 11 (9%) suffered from repeated ICD shocks and 11 (9%) died due to worsening of heart failure. Conclusions Despite a heterogenic substrate for VT in SHD, endocardial CA alone results in high acute success rates. In this study additional epicardial CA following a sequential endocardial mapping and CA approach was performed in 6% of VT. Thus, due to possible complications epicardial CA should only be considered if endocardial CA fails.
Testosterone hydroxylation was investigated in human, canine and equine liver microsomes and in human and canine single CYPs. The contribution of the CYP families 1, 2 and 3 was studied using chemical inhibitors. Testosterone metabolites were analyzed by HPLC. The metabolites androstenedione, 6β- and 11β-hydroxytestosterone were found in microsomes of all species, but the pattern of metabolites varied within species. Androstenedione was more prominent in the animal species, and an increase over time was seen in equines. Testosterone hydroxylation was predominantly catalyzed by the CYP3A subfamily in all three species. While CYP2C9 did not metabolise testosterone, the canine ortholog CYP2C21 produced androstenedione. Quercetin significantly inhibited 6β- and 11β-hydroxytestosterone in all species investigated, suggesting that CYP2C8 is involved in testosterone metabolism, whereas sulfaphenazole significantly inhibited the formation of 6β- and 11β-hydroxytestosterone in human microsomes, at 60min in equine microsomes, but not in canine microsomes. A contribution of CYP2B6 in testosterone metabolism was only found in human and equine microsomes. Inhibition of 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 2 indicated its involvement in androstenedione formation in humans, increased androstenedione formation was found in equines and no involvement in canines. These findings provide improved understanding of differences in testosterone biotransformation in animal species.
The activity of cytochrome P450 enzymes depends on the enzyme NADPH P450 oxidoreductase (POR). The aim of this study was to investigate the activity of the equine CYP3A94 using a system that allows to regulate the POR protein levels in mammalian cells. CYP3A94 and the equine POR were heterologously expressed in V79 cells. In the system used, the POR protein regulation is based on a destabilizing domain (DD) that transfers its instability to a fused protein. The resulting fusion protein is therefore degraded by the ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS). Addition of "Shield-1" prevents the DD fusion protein from degradation. The change of POR levels at different Shield-1 concentrations was demonstrated by cytochrome c reduction, Western immunoblot analysis, and immunocytochemistry. The alteration of CYP3A94 activity was investigated using a substrate (BFC) known to detect CYP3A4 activity. Equine CYP3A94 was demonstrated to be metabolically active and its activity could be significantly elevated by co-expression of POR. Cytochrome c reduction was significantly increased in V79-CYP3A94/DD-POR cells compared to V79-CYP3A94 cells. Surprisingly, incubation with different Shield-1 concentrations resulted in a decrease in POR protein shown by Western immunoblot analysis. Cytochrome c reduction did not change significantly, but the CYP3A94 activity decreased more than 4-fold after incubation with 500 nM and 1 µM Shield-1 for 24 hours. No differences were obtained when V79-CYP3A94 POR cells with and without Shield-1 were compared. The basal activity levels of V79-CYP3A94/DD-POR cells were unexpectedly high, indicating that DD/POR is not degraded without Shield-1. Shield-1 decreased POR protein levels and CYP3A94 activity suggesting that Shield-1 might impair POR activity by an unknown mechanism. Although regulation of POR with the pPTuner system could not be obtained, the cell line V79-CYP3A94/DD-POR system can be used for further experiments to characterize the equine CYP3A94 since the CYP activity was significantly enhanced with co-expressed POR.
IgG autoantibodies against the alpha-chain of the high affinity IgE receptor are claimed to play a pathogenetic role in autoimmune urticaria. The best methods for detection of functional autoantibodies are currently the autologous serum skin test and the basophil histamine release assay. A simplified and feasible screening test would facilitate the diagnosis of autoimmune urticaria. Here we offer an explanation for the difficulties in establishing a screening test for autoantibodies directed against the alpha-chain of the high affinity IgE receptor in autoimmune urticaria. Identical autoantibodies in chronic urticaria patients and healthy donors belonging to the natural autoantibody repertoire were found by sequence analysis of anti-alpha-chain autoantibodies isolated by repertoire cloning from antibody libraries. These natural autoantibodies bound to the receptor and triggered histamine release but only if IgE was previously removed from the receptor. Diagnostic assays used for detection of antibodies directed against the IgE receptor may require signal comparison with and without the artificial removal of IgE, immune complexes, and complement in order to avoid false positive or negative results. After IgE removal diagnostic tests will detect natural autoantibodies against the high affinity IgE receptor regardless of whether they are pathogenic or not.
Background and aims Differences in chemical composition of root compounds and root systems among tree species may affect organic matter (OM) distribution, source and composition in forest soils. The objective of this study was to elucidate the contribution of species specific cutin and suberin biomarkers as proxies for shoot- and root-derived organic carbon (OC) to soil OM at different depths with increasing distance to the stems of four different tree species. Methods The contribution of cutin- and suberin-derived lipids to OM in a Cutanic Alisol was analyzed with increasing soil depth and distance to the stems of Fagus sylvatica L., Picea abies (L.) Karst., Quercus robur L. and Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco. Cutin and suberin monomers of plants and soils were analyzed by alkaline hydrolysis and subsequent gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. Results The amount and distribution of suberin-derived lipids in soil clearly reflected the specific root system of the different tree species. The amount of cutin-derived lipids decreased strongly with soil depth, indicating that the input of leaf/needle material is restricted to the topsoil. In contrast to the suberin-derived lipids, the spatial pattern of cutin monomer contribution to soil OM did not depend on tree species. Conclusions Our results document the importance of tree species as a main factor controlling the composition and distribution of OM in forest soils. They reveal the impact of tree species on root-derived OM distribution and the necessity to distinguish among different zones when studying soil OM storage in forests.