748 resultados para lithium-ion


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The present work describes a fast gas chromatography/negative-ion chemical ionization tandem mass spectrometric assay (Fast GC/NICI-MS/MS) for analysis of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), 11-hydroxy-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC-OH) and 11-nor-9-carboxy-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC-COOH) in whole blood. The cannabinoids were extracted from 500 microL of whole blood by a simple liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) and then derivatized by using trifluoroacetic anhydride (TFAA) and hexafluoro-2-propanol (HFIP) as fluorinated agents. Mass spectrometric detection of the analytes was performed in the selected reaction-monitoring mode on a triple quadrupole instrument after negative-ion chemical ionization. The assay was found to be linear in the concentration range of 0.5-20 ng/mL for THC and THC-OH, and of 2.5-100 ng/mL for THC-COOH. Repeatability and intermediate precision were found less than 12% for all concentrations tested. Under standard chromatographic conditions, the run cycle time would have been 15 min. By using fast conditions of separation, the assay analysis time has been reduced to 5 min, without compromising the chromatographic resolution. Finally, a simple approach for estimating the uncertainty measurement is presented.


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Ortogonaalisen M-kaistaisen moniresoluutioanalyysin matemaattiset perusteet esitetään yksityiskohtaisesti. Coifman-aallokkeiden määritelmä yleistetään dilaatiokertoimelle M ja nollasta poikkeavalle häviävien momenttien keskukselle.Funktion approksimointia näytepisteistä aallokkeiden avulla pohditaan ja erityisesti esitetään approksimaation asymptoottinen virhearvio Coifman-aallokkeille. Skaalaussuotimelle osoitetaan välttämättömät ja riittävät ehdot, jotka johtavat yleistettyihin Coifman-aallokkeisiin. Moniresoluutioanalyysin tiheys todistetaansuoraan Lebesguen integraalin määritelmään perustuen yksikön partitio-ominaisuutta käyttäen. Todistus on riittävä sellaisenaan avaruudessa L2(Wd) käyttämättä Fourier-tason ominaisuuksia tai ehtoja. Mallatin algoritmi johdetaan M-kaistaisille aallokkeille ja moniuloitteisille signaaleille. Algoritmille esitetään myös rekursiivinen muoto. Differentiaalievoluutioalgoritmin avulla ratkaistaan Coifman-aallokkeisiin liittyvien skaalaussuotimien kertoimien arvoja useille skaalausfunktiolle. Approksimaatio- ja kuvanpakkausesimerkkejä esitetään menetelmien havainnollistamiseksi. Differentiaalievoluutioalgoritmin avulla etsitään myös referenssikuville optimoitu skaalaussuodin. Löydetty suodin on regulaarinen ja erittäinsymmetrinen.


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Dynamic behavior of bothisothermal and non-isothermal single-column chromatographic reactors with an ion-exchange resin as the stationary phase was investigated. The reactor performance was interpreted by using results obtained when studying the effect of the resin properties on the equilibrium and kinetic phenomena occurring simultaneously in the reactor. Mathematical models were derived for each phenomenon and combined to simulate the chromatographic reactor. The phenomena studied includes phase equilibria in multicomponent liquid mixture¿ion-exchange resin systems, chemicalequilibrium in the presence of a resin catalyst, diffusion of liquids in gel-type and macroporous resins, and chemical reaction kinetics. Above all, attention was paid to the swelling behavior of the resins and how it affects the kinetic phenomena. Several poly(styrene-co-divinylbenzene) resins with different cross-link densities and internal porosities were used. Esterification of acetic acid with ethanol to produce ethyl acetate and water was used as a model reaction system. Choosing an ion-exchange resin with a low cross-link density is beneficial inthe case of the present reaction system: the amount of ethyl acetate as well the ethyl acetate to water mole ratio in the effluent stream increase with decreasing cross-link density. The enhanced performance of the reactor is mainly attributed to increasing reaction rate, which in turn originates from the phase equilibrium behavior of the system. Also mass transfer considerations favor the use ofresins with low cross-link density. The diffusion coefficients of liquids in the gel-type ion-exchange resins were found to fall rapidly when the extent of swelling became low. Glass transition of the polymer was not found to significantlyretard the diffusion in sulfonated PS¿DVB ion-exchange resins. It was also shown that non-isothermal operation of a chromatographic reactor could be used to significantly enhance the reactor performance. In the case of the exothermic modelreaction system and a near-adiabatic column, a positive thermal wave (higher temperature than in the initial state) was found to travel together with the reactive front. This further increased the conversion of the reactants. Diffusion-induced volume changes of the ion-exchange resins were studied in a flow-through cell. It was shown that describing the swelling and shrinking kinetics of the particles calls for a mass transfer model that explicitly includes the limited expansibility of the polymer network. A good description of the process was obtained by combining the generalized Maxwell-Stefan approach and an activity model that was derived from the thermodynamics of polymer solutions and gels. The swelling pressure in the resin phase was evaluated by using a non-Gaussian expression forthe polymer chain length distribution. Dimensional changes of the resin particles necessitate the use of non-standard mathematical tools for dynamic simulations. A transformed coordinate system, where the mass of the polymer was used as a spatial variable, was applied when simulating the chromatographic reactor columns as well as the swelling and shrinking kinetics of the resin particles. Shrinking of the particles in a column leads to formation of dead volume on top of the resin bed. In ordinary Eulerian coordinates, this results in a moving discontinuity that in turn causes numerical difficulties in the solution of the PDE system. The motion of the discontinuity was eliminated by spanning two calculation grids in the column that overlapped at the top of the resin bed. The reactive and non-reactive phase equilibrium data were correlated with a model derived from thethermodynamics of polymer solution and gels. The thermodynamic approach used inthis work is best suited at high degrees of swelling because the polymer matrixmay be in the glassy state when the extent of swelling is low.


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In this paper, we present a computer simulation study of the ion binding process at an ionizable surface using a semi-grand canonical Monte Carlo method that models the surface as a discrete distribution of charged and neutral functional groups in equilibrium with explicit ions modelled in the context of the primitive model. The parameters of the simulation model were tuned and checked by comparison with experimental titrations of carboxylated latex particles in the presence of different ionic strengths of monovalent ions. The titration of these particles was analysed by calculating the degree of dissociation of the latex functional groups vs. pH curves at different background salt concentrations. As the charge of the titrated surface changes during the simulation, a procedure to keep the electroneutrality of the system is required. Here, two approaches are used with the choice depending on the ion selected to maintain electroneutrality: counterion or coion procedures. We compare and discuss the difference between the procedures. The simulations also provided a microscopic description of the electrostatic double layer (EDL) structure as a function of pH and ionic strength. The results allow us to quantify the effect of the size of the background salt ions and of the surface functional groups on the degree of dissociation. The non-homogeneous structure of the EDL was revealed by plotting the counterion density profiles around charged and neutral surface functional groups. © 2011 American Institute of Physics.


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Focused ion beam milling is a processing technology which allows flexible direct writing of nanometer scale features efficiently substituting electron beam lithography. No mask need results in ability for patterns writing even on fragile micromechanical devices. In this work we studied the abilities of the tool for fabrication of diffraction grating couplers in silicon nitride waveguides. The gratings were fabricated on a chip with extra fragile cantilevers of sub micron thickness. Optical characterization of the couplers was done using excitation of the waveguides in visible range by focused Gaussian beams of different waist sizes. Influence of Ga+ implantation on the device performance was studied.


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The optical and electrical recovery processes of the metastable state of the EL2 defect artificially created in n‐type GaAs by boron or oxygen implantation are analyzed at 80 K using optical isothermal transient spectroscopy. In both cases, we have found an inhibition of the electrical recovery and the existence of an optical recovery in the range 1.1-1.4 eV, competing with the photoquenching effect. The similar results obtained with both elements and the different behavior observed in comparison with the native EL2 defect has been related to the network damage produced by the implantation process. From the different behavior with the technological process, it can be deduced that the electrical and optical anomalies have a different origin. The electrical inhibition is due to the existence of an interaction between the EL2 defect and other implantation‐created defects. However, the optical recovery seems to be related to a change in the microscopic metastable state configuration involving the presence of vacancies


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Diplomityö on osa YTI-tutkimuskeskuksessa vuosina 2002 - 2004 toteutettavaa Jätekompostit rakeiksi tuhkaseostuksella -käyttöarvon parantaminen -projektia. Työssä tutkittiin Etelä-Savon Energia Oy:n Pursialan voimalaitoksen lentotuhkan fraktioimista voimalaitoksen nykyisellä 3-kenttäisellä sähkösuodattimella ja pilot-mittakaavaisella Ion Blast -koelaitteistolla. Sähkösuodattimen koeajojen aikana muuteltiin sen ajotapaa mm. CBO -suhteen ja maksimijänniteasetuksen avulla. Ion Blast -koelaitteistolla tutkittiin mahdollisuuksia voimalaitoksen lentotuhkan puhdistamiseksi raskasmetalleista. Lentotuhkan hyötykäyttöä vaikeuttaa sen raskasmetallipitoisuuksien suuri vaihtelu. Ongelmallisin raskasmetalli puuperäisessä lentotuhkassa on kadmium, jonka lannoitelainsäädännön raja-arvo on tällä hetkellä 3 mg/kg. Sähkösuodattimella tehtyjen fraktiointikokeiden perusteella voidaan todeta raskasmetallipitoisuuksien olevan pienimmillään sähkösuodattimen 1-kentässä ja suurimmillaan 3-kentässä. Tämä johtuu siitä, että 1-kenttään kerääntyy hiukkaskooltaan suurimmat lentotuhkahiukkaset ja 3-kentässä on mukana enemmän pienhiukkasia sisältävää tuhkaa. Lannoitteeksi menevän tuhkan Cd-pitoisuutta voidaan vähentää parhaimmillaan jopa 70 % sähkösuodattimella fraktioimalla. Muiden raskasmetallien pitoisuudet eivät vähene aivan yhtä paljon. Sähkösuodattimella voidaan tulosten perusteella fraktioida lentotuhkaa. Sähkösuodattimella ei kuitenkaan voida varmasti saavuttaa alle 3 mg/kg Cd-pitoisuuksia polttoaineen laadunvaihtelun vuoksi. Ion Blast -koelaitteiston tulokset tukevat sähkösuodattimella tehtyjä kokeita. Erottimen jännitteen kasvaessa raskasmetalleja sisältävien hiukkasten erotusaste kasvaa. Ion Blast -laitteistolla tehdyissä kokeissa myös Cd-pitoisuus oli korkeimmillaan pienimmän raeluokan hiukkasissa ja laski sitten raeluokan suurentuessa. Ion Blast -laitteisto ei kuitenkaan sellaisenaan ole hyvä fraktiointiin. Se on liian tehokas, jolloin se puhdistaa tehokkaasti myös raskasmetalleja sisältävät pienhiukkaset. Jos laitetta aiotaan käyttää fraktiointiin, tulisi sen rakennetta muuttaa.


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We numerically simulate planar shock wave collisions in anti-de Sitter space as a model for heavy ion collisions of large nuclei. We uncover a crossover between two different dynamical regimes as a function of the collision energy. At low energies the shocks first stop and then explode in a manner approximately described by hydrodynamics, in close similarity with the Landau model. At high energies the receding fragments move outwards at the speed of light, with a region of negative energy density and negative longitudinal pressure trailing behind them. The rapidity distribution of the energy density at late times around midrapidity is not approximately boost invariant but Gaussian, albeit with a width that increases with the collision energy.


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The objective of this work was to combine the advantages of the dried blood spot (DBS) sampling process with the highly sensitive and selective negative-ion chemical ionization tandem mass spectrometry (NICI-MS-MS) to analyze for recent antidepressants including fluoxetine, norfluoxetine, reboxetine, and paroxetine from micro whole blood samples (i.e., 10 microL). Before analysis, DBS samples were punched out, and antidepressants were simultaneously extracted and derivatized in a single step by use of pentafluoropropionic acid anhydride and 0.02% triethylamine in butyl chloride for 30 min at 60 degrees C under ultrasonication. Derivatives were then separated on a gas chromatograph coupled with a triple-quadrupole mass spectrometer operating in negative selected reaction monitoring mode for a total run time of 5 min. To establish the validity of the method, trueness, precision, and selectivity were determined on the basis of the guidelines of the "Société Française des Sciences et des Techniques Pharmaceutiques" (SFSTP). The assay was found to be linear in the concentration ranges 1 to 500 ng mL(-1) for fluoxetine and norfluoxetine and 20 to 500 ng mL(-1) for reboxetine and paroxetine. Despite the small sampling volume, the limit of detection was estimated at 20 pg mL(-1) for all the analytes. The stability of DBS was also evaluated at -20 degrees C, 4 degrees C, 25 degrees C, and 40 degrees C for up to 30 days. Furthermore, the method was successfully applied to a pharmacokinetic investigation performed on a healthy volunteer after oral administration of a single 40-mg dose of fluoxetine. Thus, this validated DBS method combines an extractive-derivative single step with a fast and sensitive GC-NICI-MS-MS technique. Using microliter blood samples, this procedure offers a patient-friendly tool in many biomedical fields such as checking treatment adherence, therapeutic drug monitoring, toxicological analyses, or pharmacokinetic studies.


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BACKGROUND: Lithium augmentation of antidepressants for treatment of unipolar major depression was one of the first adjunctive strategies based on a neuropharmacologic rationale. Randomized controlled trials supported its efficacy but most trials added lithium to tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs). Despite its efficacy, use of lithium augmentation remains infrequent. The current systematic review and meta-analysis examines the efficacy of lithium augmentation as an adjunct to second generation antidepressants as well as to TCAs and considers reasons for its infrequent use. METHOD: A systematic search of Medline and the Cochrane Clinical Trials database was performed. Randomized, placebo-controlled trials of lithium augmentation were selected. A fixed-effects meta-analysis was performed. Odds ratios for response were calculated for each treatment-control contrast, for the trials grouped by type of initial antidepressant (TCA or second generation antidepressant), and as a meta-analytic summary for all treatments combined. RESULTS: Nine trials that included 237 patients were selected. The odds ratio for response to lithium vs. placebo in all contrasts combined was 2.89 (95% CI 1.65, 5.05, z=3.72, p=0.0002). Heterogeneity was very low, I(2)=0%. Adjunctive lithium was effective with TCAs (7 contrasts) and with second generation agents (3 contrasts). Discontinuation due to adverse events was infrequent and did not differ between lithium and placebo. LIMITATIONS: The meta-analysis is limited by the small size and number of trials and limited data for treatment resistant patients. CONCLUSIONS: Adjunctive lithium appears to be as effective for second generation antidepressants as it was for the tricyclics.


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The chicken acid-sensing ion channel ASIC1 has been crystallized as a homotrimer. We address here the oligomeric state of the functional ASIC1 in situ at the cell surface. The oligomeric states of functional ASIC1a and mutants with additional cysteines introduced in the extracellular pore vestibule were resolved on SDS-PAGE. The functional ASIC1 complexes were stabilized at the cell surface of Xenopus laevis oocytes or CHO cells either using the sulfhydryl crosslinker BMOE, or sodium tetrathionate (NaTT). Under these different crosslinking conditions ASIC1a migrates as four distinct oligomeric states that correspond by mass to multiples of a single ASIC1a subunit. The relative importance of each of the four ASIC1a oligomers was critically dependent on the availability of cysteines in the transmembrane domain for crosslinking, consistent with the presence of ASIC1a homo-oligomers. The expression of ASIC1a monomers, trimeric or tetrameric concatemeric cDNA constructs resulted in functional channels. The resulting ASIC1a complexes are resolved as a predominant tetramer over the other oligomeric forms, after stabilization with BMOE or NaTT and SDS-PAGE/western blot analysis. Our data identify a major ASIC1a homotetramer at the surface membrane of the cell expressing functional ASIC1a channel.