977 resultados para lançamento de linha lateral
A single-step lateral flow immunoassay (LFIA) was developed and validated for the rapid screening of paralytic shellfish toxins (PSTs) from a variety of shellfish species, at concentrations relevant to regulatory limits of 800 μg STX-diHCl equivalents/kg shellfish meat. A simple aqueous extraction protocol was performed within several minutes from sample homogenate. The qualitative result was generated after a 5 min run time using a portable reader which removed subjectivity from data interpretation. The test was designed to generate noncompliant results with samples containing approximately 800 μg of STX-diHCl/kg. The cross-reactivities in relation to STX, expressed as mean ± SD, were as follows: NEO: 128.9% ± 29%; GTX1&4: 5.7% ± 1.5%; GTX2&3: 23.4% ± 10.4%; dcSTX: 55.6% ± 10.9%; dcNEO: 28.0% ± 8.9%; dcGTX2&3: 8.3% ± 2.7%; C1&C2: 3.1% ± 1.2%; GTX5: 23.3% ± 14.4% (n = 5 LFIA lots). There were no indications of matrix effects from the different samples evaluated (mussels, scallops, oysters, clams, cockles) nor interference from other shellfish toxins (domoic acid, okadaic acid group). Naturally contaminated sample evaluations showed no false negative results were generated from a variety of different samples and profiles (n = 23), in comparison to reference methods (MBA method 959.08, LC-FD method 2005.06). External laboratory evaluations of naturally contaminated samples (n = 39) indicated good correlation with reference methods (MBA, LC-FD). This is the first LFIA which has been shown, through rigorous validation, to have the ability to detect most major PSTs in a reliable manner and will be a huge benefit to both industry and regulators, who need to perform rapid and reliable testing to ensure shellfish are safe to eat.
This paper questions the ongoing dominant coverage given to counterurbanisation in the rural population literature. It is argued that this provides only a partial account of the true diversity of contemporary migration processes operating in rural areas and has the potential to fuse together different in-migration processes. Specifically, lateral rural migration has been under-researched to date. Using empirical data from a survey of 260 migrant households to 3 UK case study areas (in Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland), the significance of lateral rural migration is revealed and compared with counterurban migration and migrants. The last change of address shows that 59% relocated from an urban area (participating in a counterurban flow) whilst 41% moved from another rural location (lateral rural flow). The boundary between migration processes can, however, be blurred: Some moves are an example of both counterurbanisation and lateral rural flows. Incorporating lifetime migration histories data demonstrates the contemporary complexity and messiness of rural in-migration processes. For example, 26% of these migrant households only ever undertook a lateral rural move during their lifetime. For others, the direction of migration has changed numerous times and intertwined with each move are aspects of life course, return, and inter-regional migration. Comparing the survey characteristics and motivations of counterurban and lateral rural migrants, alongside interview material, highlights important similarities and differences. The paper concludes by calling on rural population geographers to more fully engage with the complexity, totality, and indeed messiness of contemporary rural in-migration processes.
Screening for osteoporotic vertebral fractures traditionally involves X-ray of the thoracic and lumbar spine. We evaluated use of dual energy X-ray technology in patients with osteoporosis. We found this technology useful in the clinic setting and it has advantages in that less radiation is delivered to the patient.
Background: A novel lateral flow, immunochromatographic assay (LFD) specific for Mycobacterium bovis, the cause of bovine tuberculosis and zoonotic TB, was recently developed at Queen’s University Belfast. The LFD detects whole M. bovis cells, in contrast to other commercially available LFD tests (BD MGITTM TBc ID, SD Bioline TB Ag MPT 64, Capilia TB-Neo kit) which detect MPT64 antigen secreted during growth. The new LFD test has been evaluated in the veterinary context, and its specificity for M. bovis in the broadest sense (i.e. subsp. bovis, subsp. caprae and BCG) and sensitivity to detect M. bovis in positive MGIT™ liquid cultures was demonstrated comprehensively.
Methods: Preliminary work was carried out by researchers at Queen’s University Belfast to optimise sputum sample preparation, estimate the limit of detection (LOD) of the LFD with M. bovis-spiked sputum samples, and check LFD specificity by testing a broad range of non-tuberculous Mycobacterium spp. (NTM) and other bacterial genera commonly encountered in sputum samples (Haemophilus, Klebsiella, Pseudomonas, Staphylococcus). In the Cameroon laboratory direct detection of M. bovis in human sputa was attempted, and 50 positive sputum MGIT™ cultures and 33 cultures of various Mycobacterium spp. originally isolated from human sputa were tested.
Results: Sputum sample preparation consisted of digestion with 1% NALC for 30 min, centrifugation at 3000g for 20 min, PBS wash, centrifugation again, and pellet resuspended in KPL blocking buffer before 100 µl was applied to the LFD. The LOD of the LFD applied to M. bovis-spiked sputum was estimated to be 104 CFU/ml. A small number of confirmed Ziehl-Neelsen ‘3+’ M. bovis positive sputum samples were tested directly but no positive LFD results were obtained. All of the sputum MGIT™ cultures and mycobacterial cultures (including M. tuberculosis, M. africanum, M. bovis, M. intracellulare, M. scrofulaceum, M. fortuitum, M. peregrinum, M. interjectum) tested LFD negative when read after 15 min except for the M. bovis cultures, thereby confirming specificity of LFD for M. bovis in the clinical microbiology context.
Conclusions: Results indicate that the ‘Rapid-bTB’ LFD is a very specific test, able to differentiate M. bovis from M. tuberculosis, M. africanum, and a range of NTM isolated from human sputa in MGITTM liquid cultures. However, the LFD lacks sufficient sensitivity to be applied earlier in the diagnostic process to directly test human sputa.
A single-step lateral flow immunoassay was developed and validated to detect okadaic acid (OA) and dinophysis toxins (DTXs), which cause diarrhetic shellfish poisoning. The performance characteristics of the test were investigated, in comparison to reference methods (liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry and/or bioassay), using both spiked and naturally contaminated shellfish. A portable reader was used to generate a qualitative result, indicating the absence or presence of OA-group toxins, at concentrations relevant to the maximum permitted level (MPL). Sample homogenates could be screened in 20 min (including extraction and assay time) for the presence of free toxins (OA, DTX1, DTX2). DTX3 detection could be included with the addition of a hydrolysis procedure. No matrix effects were observed from the species evaluated (mussels, scallops, oysters, and clams). Results from naturally contaminated samples (n = 72) indicated no false compliant results and no false noncompliant results at <50% MPL. Thus, the development of a new low-cost but highly effective tool for monitoring a range of important phycotoxins has been demonstrated.
The KongTM ball test has been used extensively to assess lateral bias in the domestic dog. Implicit in this challenge is the assumption that dogs use their dominant paw to stabilise the ball. This study examined whether or not this is the case. A comparative approach was adopted, exploring limb use in dogs and humans. In Experiment 1, the paw preference of 48 dogs was assessed on the KongTM ball test. Analysis revealed an equal distribution of paw use, although significantly more dogs were paw-preferent than ambilateral. Significantly more male dogs were classified as right-pawed, while more females were ambilateral. There was no significant effect of canine sex or castration status on the dogs’ paw preferences. In Experiment 2, 94 adult humans were assessed on their ability to remove a piece of paper from a KongTM ball with their mouth, using their left, right or both hands to stabilise the ball. 76% of the right-handed people used their left hand, and 82% of the left-handed participants used their right hand, to hold the KongTM steady. It is concluded that dogs, like humans, are most likely using their non-dominant limb to stabilise the KongTM ball and their dominant side for postural support. This has potential applied implications from an animal welfare perspective.
Research points to a relationship between lateralization and emotional functioning in humans and many species of animal. The present study explored the association between paw preferences and emotional functioning, specifically temperament, in a species thus far overlooked in this area, the domestic cat. Thirty left-pawed, 30 right-pawed, and 30 ambilateral pet cats were recruited following an assessment of their paw preferences using a food-reaching challenge. The animals’ temperament was subsequently assessed using the Feline Temperament Profile (FTP). Cats’ owners also completed a purpose-designed cat temperament (CAT) scale. Analysis revealed a significant relationship between lateral bias and FTP and CAT scale scores. Ambilateral cats had lower positive (FTP+) scores, and were perceived as less affectionate, obedient, friendly, and more aggressive, than left or right-pawed animals. Left and right pawed cats differed significantly on 1 trait on the CAT scale, namely playfulness. The strength of the cats’ paw preferences was related to the animals’ FTP and CAT scores. Cats with a greater strength of paw preference had higher FTP + scores than those with a weaker strength of paw preference. Animals with stronger paw preferences were perceived as more confident, affectionate, active, and friendly than those with weaker paw preferences. Results suggest that motor laterality in the cat is strongly related to temperament and that the presence or absence of lateralization has greater implications for the expression of emotion in this species than the direction of the lateralized bias.
A presente investigação aborda a relação entre a participação em linha do utilizador e a produção de conteúdo na webrádio, tendo como objetivo geral investigar se e como a produção das webrádios é influenciada pela participação em linha dos utilizadores no contexto transmedia. A pesquisa é dividida em duas partes. A primeira é teórica, na qual aborda-se os conceitos fundamentais da investigação e a metodologia adotada para a recolha e análise dos dados. A segunda é prática e se refere às recolhas de dados feitas em duas emissoras (uma brasileira, a Campina FM, e outra portuguesa, a Rádio Comercial) e à apresentação e interpretação desses dados. Em relação ao conteúdo teórico são adotados como conceitos fundamentais: webrádio, radiomorfose, narrativa transmedia, participação em linha do utilizador e produção em webrádio. A metodologia empregue se apresenta no método etnográfico e baseia-se em quatro técnicas de recolhas distintas: observação não-participante, observação participante, inquérito por questionário e inquérito por entrevistas. Tendo por base a análise dos dados recolhidos, as principais conclusões desta tese são: há a potencialização do utilizador nas narrativas transmedia apresentadas, com a rede Facebook sendo o recurso interativo mais importante, mas que, por limites da emissora (sejam conceituais ou técnicos), a participação do utilizador não tem influência direta na produção da webrádio.
The modulation of neural activity in visual cortex is thought to be a key mechanism of visual attention. The investigation of attentional modulation in high-level visual areas, however, is hampered by the lack of clear tuning or contrast response functions. In the present functional magnetic resonance imaging study we therefore systematically assessed how small voxel-wise biases in object preference across hundreds of voxels in the lateral occipital complex were affected when attention was directed to objects. We found that the strength of attentional modulation depended on a voxel's object preference in the absence of attention, a pattern indicative of an amplificatory mechanism. Our results show that such attentional modulation effectively increased the mutual information between voxel responses and object identity. Further, these local modulatory effects led to improved information-based object readout at the level of multi-voxel activation patterns and to an increased reproducibility of these patterns across repeated presentations. We conclude that attentional modulation enhances object coding in local and distributed object representations of the lateral occipital complex.
Tese dout., Engenharia Electrónica e Computação, Universidade do Algarve, 2005
Neuroimaging studies of aesthetic appreciation have shown that activity in the lateral occipital area (LO)—a key node in the object recognition pathway—is modulated by the extent to which visual artworks are liked or found beautiful. However, the available evidence is only correlational. Here we used transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to investigate the putative causal role of LO in the aesthetic appreciation of paintings. In our first experiment, we found that interfering with LO activity during aesthetic appreciation selectively reduced evaluation of representational paintings, leaving appreciation of abstract paintings unaffected. A second experiment demonstrated that, although the perceived clearness of the images overall positively correlated with liking, the detrimental effect of LO TMS on aesthetic appreciation does not owe to TMS reducing perceived clearness. Taken together, our findings suggest that object-recognition mechanisms mediated by LO play a causal role in aesthetic appreciation of representational art.
Nos últimos anos tem-se constatado um agravamento da mobilidade em Agualva- Cacém e nas áreas envolventes ao eixo definido pela EN249-3. No desenvolvimento da linha de metro ligeiro considerou-se como objectivo prioritário a definição dum espaço canal e das respectivas infra-estrururas associadas, de forma a assegurar uma boa interligação das Linhas de Sintra e de Cascais e a conexão aos pólos tecnológicos TagusPark, Lagoas Park e Quinta da Fonte, abrangendo uma zona de influência significativa. A construção de “park & ride” junto às estações de metro ligeiro vai fomentar a transferência do transporte individual para o transporte colectivo contribuindo para a melhoria de qualidade de vida em zonas muito congestionadas e com elevados índices de poluição. Na elaboração do projecto foram superadas as dificuldades de inserção nas zonas com alta densidade e com orografia caracterizada por vales profundos. A linha tem uma extensão de 16,8 km em sítio próprio, com 23 estações e será explorada com 22 composições de 310 lugares, realizando o tempo de percurso de 25 minutos entre Oeiras e o Tagus Park ou entre Cacém e o Tagus Park. Para a concretização deste projecto foi estimado um investimento de 402 milhões de euros, incluindo a aquisição de material circulante em três fases. O custo da manutenção e exploração será de 12 milhões de euros/ano. A linha de metro ligeiro servirá cerca de 201 mil pessoas na sua área envolvente (a uma distância de 450m do eixo) e transportará 32 milhões de passageiros no Ano 0 e 54 milhões no Ano 30. O custo por passageiro transportado será de 0,74€ no Ano 0 e de 0,50€ no Ano 30.
Há muito que o tradutor, qual artista na sua torre de marfim, deixou de trabalhar à frente de uma simples máquina de escrever, rodeado de páginas e páginas de dicionários, enciclopédias, revistas especializadas, etc., que se empilhavam e acumulavam por todo o lado. Com o aparecimento da Internet o mundo ficou ao alcance de um “clique” e todos podem ter acesso a informações das mais diversas áreas e a ferramentas de trabalho preciosas. Para os tradutores, a Internet implica, sobretudo, uma revolução radical nos métodos e ferramentas de trabalho. Traduzir já não é considerado uma arte mas um produto resultante de uma linha de montagem, onde o tradutor é um operário especializado num mercado onde a tradução é, acima de tudo, um negócio. Neste contexto, e mais do que nunca, a sobrevivência dos tradutores passa por uma actualização permanente e pelo conhecimento e utilização dos vários recursos disponíveis em rede, de aplicações informáticas e até do seu concorrente mais temido: a tradução automática. Neste artigo, pretendemos referir algumas das ferramentas electrónicas disponíveis e mostrar como estas podem facilitar e melhorar a qualidade do trabalho de um tradutor num mundo onde o mercado é global.