902 resultados para itegrated management systems


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The leaders` organizations of several different sectors have as characteristic to measure their own performance in a systematic way. However, this concept is still unusual in agricultural enterprises, including the mechanization sector. Mechanization has an important role on the production costs and to know its performance is a key factor for the agricultural enterprise success. This work was generated by the importance that measurement of performance has for the management and the mechanization impact on the production costs. Its aim is to propose an integrated performance measurement system to give support to agricultural management. The methodology was divided in two steps: adjustment of a conceptual model based on Balanced Score Card - BSC; application of the model in a study case at sugar cane mill. The adjustment and the application of the conceptual model allowed to obtain the performance index in a systematic way, that are associated to: costs and deadline ( traditionally used); control and improvement on the quality of operations and support process; environmental preservation; safety; health; employees satisfaction; development of information systems. The adjusted model helped the development of the performance measurement system for the mechanized management systems and the index allows an integrated view of the enterprise, related to its strategic objectives.


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introduction of conservation practices in degraded agricultural land will generally recuperate soil quality, especially by increasing soil organic matter. This aspect of soil organic C (SOC) dynamics under distinct cropping and management systems can be conveniently analyzed with ecosystem models such as the Century Model. In this study, Century was used to simulate SOC stocks in farm fields of the Ibiruba region of north central Rio Grande do Sul state in Southern Brazil. The region, where soils are predominantly Oxisols, was originally covered with subtropical woodlands and grasslands. SOC dynamics was simulated with a general scenario developed with historical data on soil management and cropping systems beginning with the onset of agriculture in 1900. From 1993 to 2050, two contrasting scenarios based on no-tillage soil management were established: the status quo scenario, with crops and agricultural inputs as currently practiced in the region and the high biomass scenario with increased frequency of corn in the cropping system, resulting in about 80% higher biomass addition to soils. Century simulations were in close agreement with SOC stocks measured in 2005 in the Oxisols with finer texture surface horizon originally under woodlands. However, simulations in the Oxisols with loamy surface horizon under woodlands and in the grassland soils were not as accurate. SOC stock decreased from 44% to 50% in fields originally under woodland and from 20% to 27% in fields under grasslands with the introduction of intensive annual grain crops with intensive tillage and harrowing operations. The adoption of conservation practices in the 1980s led to a stabilization of SOC stocks followed by a partial recovery of native stocks. Simulations to 2050 indicate that maintaining status quo would allow SOC stocks to recover from 81% to 86% of the native stocks under woodland and from 80% to 91 % of the native stocks under grasslands. Adoption of a high biomass scenario would result in stocks from 75% to 95% of the original stocks under woodlands and from 89% to 102% in the grasslands by 2050. These simulations outcomes underline the importance of cropping system yielding higher biomass to further increase SOC content in these Oxisols. This application of the Century Model could reproduce general trends of SOC loss and recovery in the Oxisols of the Ibiruba region. Additional calibration and validation should be conducted before extensive usage of Century as a support tool for soil carbon sequestration projects in this and other regions can be recommended. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Highly weathered soils represent about 3 billion ha of the tropical region. Oxisols represent about 60% of the Brazilian territory (more than 5 million km 2), in areas of great agricultural importance. Soil organic carbon (SOC) can be responsible for more than 80% of the cation exchange capacity (CEC) of highly weathered soils, such as Oxisols and Ultisols. The objective of this study was to estimate the contribution of the SOC to the CEC of Brazilian soils from different orders. Surface samples (0.0 to 0.2 m) of 30 uncultivated soils (13 Oxisols, 6 Ultisols, 5 Alfisols, 3 Entisols, I Histosol, 1 Inceptisol. and I Molisol), under native forests and from reforestation sites from Sao Paulo State, Brazil, were collected in order to obtain a large variation of (electro)chemical, physical, and mineralogical soil attributes. Total content of SOC was quantified by titulometric and colorimetric methods. Effective cation exchange capacity (ECEC) was obtained by two methods: the indirect method-summation-estimated the ECECi from the sum of basic cations (Ca+ Mg+ K+ Na) and exchangeable Al; and the direct ECECd obtained by the compulsive exchange method, using unbuffered BaCl2 solution. The contribution of SOC to the soil CEC was estimated by the Bennema statistical method. The amount of SOC var ied from 6.6 g kg(-1) to 213.4 g kg(-1). while clay contents varied from 40 g kg(-1) to 716 g kg(-1). Soil organic carbon contents were strongly associated to the clay contents, suggesting that clay content was the primary variable in controling the variability of SOC contents in the samples. Cation exchange capacity varied from 7.0 mmol(c) kg(-1) to 137.8 mmol(c) kg(-1) and had a positive Correlation with SOC. The mean contribution (per grain) of the SOC (1.64 mmol(c)) for the soil CEC was more than 44 times higher than the contribution of the clay fraction (0.04 mmol(c),). A regression model that considered the SOC content as the only significant variable explained 60% of the variation in the soil total CEC. The importance of SOC was related to soil pedogenetic process, since its contribution to the soil CEC was more evident in Oxisols with predominance of Fe and Al (oxihydr)oxides in the mineral fraction or in Ultisols, that presented illuviated clay. The influence of SOC in the sign and in the magnitude of the net charge of soils reinforce the importance of agricultural management systems that preserve high levels of SOC, in order to improve their sustainability.


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This paper discusses an object-oriented neural network model that was developed for predicting short-term traffic conditions on a section of the Pacific Highway between Brisbane and the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia. The feasibility of this approach is demonstrated through a time-lag recurrent network (TLRN) which was developed for predicting speed data up to 15 minutes into the future. The results obtained indicate that the TLRN is capable of predicting speed up to 5 minutes into the future with a high degree of accuracy (90-94%). Similar models, which were developed for predicting freeway travel times on the same facility, were successful in predicting travel times up to 15 minutes into the future with a similar degree of accuracy (93-95%). These results represent substantial improvements on conventional model performance and clearly demonstrate the feasibility of using the object-oriented approach for short-term traffic prediction. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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This chapter provides an overview of ecotourism in China, including relevant policy, issues, and trends. Most concepts and definitions of ecotourism can be reduced to the following: ecotourism is tourism and recreation that is both nature based and sustainable. The focus of this chapter is on visitation at nature reserves in China. Issues relevant to sustainability and ecotourism objectives are noted in the chapter, and the need for ongoing development of policy and management systems is stressed in order to enhance future achievement of these objectives.


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The prevalence and risk factors for anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibodies were investigated in goats of the Serido Oriental microregion, Rio Grande do Norte state, Northeast region of Brazil. Three hundred and sixty-six blood samples from goats collected by jugular venopuncture were used. For the serologic diagnosis of Toxoplasma gondii infection, the indirect fluorescent-anti body test (IFAT) with cut-off value 1:64 was carried out. The prevalence of anti-T. gondii antibodies was 30.6% [95% CI = 25.9-35.6%] with titers ranging from 1:64 to 1: 16,384. The multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that the risk factors associated to anti-T. gondii antibodies were presence of cats in the herd, extensive/semi-intensive management systems and lack of mineral supplementation. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Soil carbon is a major component of the terrestrial carbon cycle. The soils of the world contain more carbon than the combined total amounts occurring in vegetation and the atmosphere. Consequently, soils are a major reservoir of carbon and an important sink. Because of the relatively long period of time that carbon spends within the soil and is thereby withheld from the atmosphere, it is often referred to as being sequestered. Increasing the capacity of soils to sequester C provides a partial, medium-term countermeasure to help ameliorate the increasing CO2 levels in the atmosphere arising from fossil fuel burning and land clearing. Such action will also help to alleviate the environmental impacts arising from increasing levels of atmospheric CO2. The C sequestration potential of any soil depends on its capacity to store resistant plant components in the medium term and to protect and accumulate the humic substances (HS) formed from the transformations or organic materials in the soil environment. The sequestration potential of a soil depends on the vegetation it supports, its mineralogical composition, the depth of the solum, soil drainage, the availability of water and air, and the temperature of the soil environment. The sequestration potential also depends on the chemical characteristics of the soil organic matter and its ability to resist microbial decomposition. When accurate information for these features is incorporated in model systems, the potentials of different soils to sequester C can be reliably predicted. It is encouraging to know that improved soil and crop management systems now allow field yields to be maintained and soil C reserves to be increased, even for soils with depleted levels of soil C. Estimates of the soil C sequestration potential are discussed. Inevitably HS are the major components of the additionally sequestered C. It will be important to know more about the compositions and associations of these substances in the soil if we are able to predict reasonably accurately the ability of any soil type to sequester C in different cropping and soil management systems.


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A preocupa????o principal deste artigo ?? descrever a implementa????o do Abono Perman??ncia em uma Institui????o Federal de Ensino Superior e as implica????es que o mesmo acarretou a seus servidores e ?? pr??pria institui????o. O objetivo pretendido aqui n??o est?? em exaurir o assunto ent??o tratado, mas mostrar o quanto este pode ser importante, partindo do pressuposto de seu significado intr??nseco na motiva????o para o trabalho. O principal interessado no assunto ?? o servidor p??blico e este pode usufruir desse benef??cio dado sua idade para aposentar. Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva, cuja coleta foi atrav??s de entrevistas semi-estruturadas e individuais com funcion??rios que trabalham diretamente com os processos de Abono Perman??ncia, e tamb??m atrav??s de an??lise de documentos e observa????o direta dos sistemas gerenciais de processos administrativos da institui????o. Este estudo contribui nas discuss??es sobre benef??cios sociais na Gest??o de Pessoas e a utiliza????o desses recursos na Administra????o P??blica. Pode-se concluir que o Abono Perman??ncia traz diversas contribui????es como, por exemplo, a motiva????o pessoal em continuar trabalhando, por??m, apresenta algumas limita????es no pr??prio incentivo ao benef??cio, que pode n??o ser interessante em determinados tetos salariais.


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O manejo do solo deve ser realizado de tal forma que garanta a produção sustentável ao longo dos anos. Dentre as técnicas empregas, o manejo agroecológico e o plantio direto favorecem a manutenção da cobertura do solo e o aporte de matéria orgânica. Partindo da hipótese de que o maior aporte de resíduos culturais aumenta o conteúdo e estoque de matéria orgânica no solo, bem como reduz a emissão de C-CO2, o objetivo geral da pesquisa foi avaliar o impacto do manejo na matéria orgânica do solo e na emissão de C-CO2, nos períodos secos e chuvosos em diferentes cultivos agrícolas. O capítulo 1 foi desenvolvido na comunidade de Feliz Lembrança, Alegre–ES, onde foram avaliados sistemas de manejo em pastagem (PAST), café a pleno sol (PS) e café em sistema agroflorestal (SAF) e uma mata nativa (MN). O capítulo 2 foi desenvolvido no Incaper de Domingos Martins, onde se avaliou tratamentos de plantio direto de hortaliças sob palhada de gramínea (PD-G), leguminosa (PD-L), consórcio gramínea/leguminosa (PD-GL) e convencional utilizando enxada rotativa no pré-plantio (PC)em um delineamento de blocos casualizados. Amostras de solos em diferentes camadas foram coletadas para caracterização química e da matéria orgânica. Foram realizadas medições de emissão de C-CO2, temperatura do solo, umidade do solo e C biomassa microbiana do solo in situ. Foi utilizada análise de variância multivariada, vinculada a teste de aleatorização e aplicação de contrastes ortogonais no capítulo 1 e análise de variância aplicando teste F e teste de médias no capítulo 2. O SAF apresentou maior conteúdo de C orgânico total (19,8 g/kg) na camada de 0 a 5 cm e a PAST em subsuperfície. O menor estoque de C e N e os maiores valores de quociente metabólico foram encontrados no PS. O SAF reduziu a emissão de C-CO2 em 1,93 Mg ha-1 ano-1 em relação ao PS. O C orgânico total variou de 34,94 a 50,48 g/kg no PD-GL enquanto no sistema PC essa variação foi de 27,11 a 43,74 g/kg no perfil amostrado. A emissão média anual foi de 15,89 Mg C-CO2 ha-1 ano-1para a PD-G enquanto o PD-GL foi de 13,77; PD-L de 13,09 e PC de 11,20 Mg C-CO2 ha-1 ano-1. No PC, o balanço de C foi negativo (-2,15Mg ha-1), além de apresentar as menores médias anuais de umidade do solo e C biomassa microbiana e maior Qmet anual. Sistemas com contínuo e diversificado aporte de matéria orgânica promovem redução na emissão de C-CO2, bem como atuam no sequestro de C atmosférico.


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Morphological characterization and aggregate stability is an important factor in evaluating management systems. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the stability and morphology of the aggregates of a dystrophic Oxisol managed with no-tillage and conventional tillage with and without the residual action of gypsum. The experimental design was randomized blocks arranged in split-split plot, where the treatments were two soil management systems (plots) with 0 and 2000 kg ha-1 of gypsum (subplots) and five depths (0-0.05, 0.05-0.10, 0.10-0.15, 0.15-0.20 and 0.20-0.30 m) as the subsubplots, with four replications. The aggregate morphology was determined through images and later evaluated by the Quantporo software. Stability was determined by the wet method. The results showed that the no-tillage system, with or without gypsum residual effect, provided the aggregates with the largest geometric diameters. The combination of no-tillage system and the gypsum residual effect provided rougher aggregates.


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The aim of this paper was to estimate the return on investment in QMS (quality management systems) certification undertaken in Portuguese firms, according to the ISO 9000 series. A total of 426 certified Portuguese firms were surveyed. The response rate was 61.03 percent. The different payback periods were validated through statistical analysis and the relationship between expected and perceived payback periods was discussed. This study suggests that a firm’s sector of activity, size and degree of internationalization are related to the length of the investment in QMS certification recovery period. Furthermore, our findings suggest, that the time taken to obtain the certification is not directly related to the economic component of the certification. The majority of Portuguese firms (58.9%) took up to three years to recoup their investment and 35.5% of companies said they had not yet recovered the initial investment made. The recoup of investment was measured by the increase in the number of customers and consequent volume of deliveries, improved profitability and productivity of the company, improvement of competitive position and performance (cost savings), reduction in the number of external complaints and internal defects/scrap, achievement of some important clientele, among others. We compared our work to similar studies undertaken in other countries. This paper provides a contribution to the research related to the return on investment for costs related to the certification QMS according to ISO 9000. This paper provides a valuable contribution to the field and is one of the first studies to undertake this type of analysis in Portugal.


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According to Wright [1] certification of products and processes began during the 1960’s in the manufacturing industry, as a tool to control and assure the quality/conformity of products and services provided by suppliers to customers/consumers. Thus, the series of ISO 9000 was published first time, in 1987 and it was been created with a flexible character, to be reviewed periodically. Later, were published others normative references, which highlight the ISO 14001 in 1996 and OHSAS 18001 in 1999. This was also, the natural sequence of the certification processes in the organizations, i.e., began with the certification of quality management systems (QMS) followed by the environmental management systems (EMS) and after for the Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS). Hence, a high percentage of organizations with an EMS, in accordance with the ISO 14001, had also implemented, a certified QMS, in accordance with ISO 9001. At first the implementation of a QMS was particularly relevant in high demanding activity sectors, like the automotive and aeronautical industries, but it has rapidly extended to every activity sector, becoming a common requisite of any company worldwide and a factor of competitiveness and survival. Due to the increasingly demanding environmental legislation in developed countries, companies nowadays are required to seriously take into consideration not only environmental aspects associated to the production chain itself, but also to the life cycle of their products.


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In this paper we aim to identify and analyze a set of variables that can potentially influence the adoption of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) in Portuguese public and private organizations. These variables are related to the environment (perception of environmental uncertainty), with human resources (support of top management) and, information and management systems (strategic map design and establishment of cause-effect relationships between indicators and perspectives of the BSC). Hypotheses were tested using data obtained from a questionnaire sent to 591 publicly-owned organizations and 549 privately-owned organizations in Portugal, with an overall response rate of 31.3%. The results allow us to conclude that the top management commitment, the development of strategy maps and the establishment of cause-effect relationships are factors that are associated with the implementation of the BSC.


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The aim of the research is to analyze the different aspects associated with the motivation and benefits of certified ISO 9001 companies in Portugal. A total of 426 certified Portuguese companies were surveyed. The response rate was equal to 61.03 percent. Our results suggest that the main motivation for certification were “improvement of quality”, “improvement of company image”, “marketing advantage”, “give empowerment to workers / capturing workers knowledge” and “cost reduction”. The main benefits that Portuguese companies have gained from the referred certification have been, among others, the improvement of “procedures”, beneficial effect on the “company’s image”, the improvement of quality products/services, increase of the “customer satisfaction”, improvement of “on-time delivery”; improvement the “morale” of workers’ increase in productivity and decrease of “production costs”, among others. The surveyed firms belong only to the Minho region of the north of Portugal. This paper aims to provide a contribution to the research related to the motivation and benefits associated to the quality management systems. The selection of the motives and benefits were validated through statistical analysis and the relationship between expected and perceived benefits was discussed.


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The purpose of this study is to characterise the environmental management systems (EMS) certification process (International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 14001) in Portuguese small and medium enterprises (SMEs) following quality management system (QMS) certification (ISO 9001). The study is based on a sample from Portuguese SMEs which characterise the local reality in terms of companies certified in accordance with ISO 14001 after ISO 9001 certification. Some Portuguese SMEs have the EMS implemented but not certified, mainly given the lack of investment support and because it is considered merely a form of marketing. As such, they do not feel motivated to certificate an EMS in the company since they consider that it is a form of advertising and not a way to protect the environment. Nonetheless, it is already evident form other Portuguese SMEs that gained EMS certification that gains supersede marketing benefits and allow for evermore enduring benefits such as prevention of environmental risks, environment protection, improved company image, compliance with legislation and efficient use of natural resources. This paper also presented the main difficulties in achieving an EMS certification, including high certification costs, human resources, motivation issues and difficulties in changing the company’s culture.