807 resultados para individual: 3C 273
Exposure to solar ultraviolet (UV) light is the main causative factor for skin cancer. UV exposure depends on environmental and individual factors. Individual exposure data remain scarce and development of alternative assessment methods is greatly needed. We developed a model simulating human exposure to solar UV. The model predicts the dose and distribution of UV exposure received on the basis of ground irradiation and morphological data. Standard 3D computer graphics techniques were adapted to develop a rendering engine that estimates the solar exposure of a virtual manikin depicted as a triangle mesh surface. The amount of solar energy received by each triangle was calculated, taking into account reflected, direct and diffuse radiation, and shading from other body parts. Dosimetric measurements (n = 54) were conducted in field conditions using a foam manikin as surrogate for an exposed individual. Dosimetric results were compared to the model predictions. The model predicted exposure to solar UV adequately. The symmetric mean absolute percentage error was 13%. Half of the predictions were within 17% range of the measurements. This model provides a tool to assess outdoor occupational and recreational UV exposures, without necessitating time-consuming individual dosimetry, with numerous potential uses in skin cancer prevention and research.
SCG10 is a neuron-specific, membrane-associated protein that is highly concentrated in growth cones of developing neurons. Previous studies have suggested that it is a regulator of microtubule dynamics and that it may influence microtubule polymerization in growth cones. Here, we demonstrate that in vivo, SCG10 exists in both phosphorylated and unphosphorylated forms. By two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, two phosphoisoforms were detected in neonatal rat brain. Using in vitro phosphorylated recombinant protein, four phosphorylation sites were identified in the SCG10 sequence. Ser-50 and Ser-97 were the target sites for protein kinase A, Ser-62 and Ser-73 for mitogen-activated protein kinase and Ser-73 for cyclin-dependent kinase. We also show that overexpression of SCG10 induces a disruption of the microtubule network in COS-7 cells. By expressing different phosphorylation site mutants, we have dissected the roles of the individual phosphorylation sites in regulating its microtubule-destabilizing activity. We show that nonphosphorylatable mutants have increased activity, whereas mutants in which phosphorylation is mimicked by serine-to-aspartate substitutions have decreased activity. These data suggest that the microtubule-destabilizing activity of SCG10 is regulated by phosphorylation, and that SCG10 may link signal transduction of growth or guidance cues involving serine/threonine protein kinases to alterations of microtubule dynamics in the growth cone.
Background: Recent research based on comparisons between bilinguals and monolinguals postulates that bilingualism enhances cognitive control functions, because the parallel activation of languages necessitates control of interference. In a novel approach we investigated two groups of bilinguals, distinguished by their susceptibility to cross-language interference, asking whether bilinguals with strong language control abilities ('non-switchers") have an advantage in executive functions (inhibition of irrelevant information, problem solving, planning efficiency, generative fluency and self-monitoring) compared to those bilinguals showing weaker language control abilities ('switchers"). Methods: 29 late bilinguals (21 women) were evaluated using various cognitive control neuropsychological tests [e.g., Tower of Hanoi, Ruff Figural Fluency Task, Divided Attention, Go/noGo] tapping executive functions as well as four subtests of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale. The analysis involved t-tests (two independent samples). Non-switchers (n = 16) were distinguished from switchers (n = 13) by their performance observed in a bilingual picture-naming task. Results: The non-switcher group demonstrated a better performance on the Tower of Hanoi and Ruff Figural Fluency task, faster reaction time in a Go/noGo and Divided Attention task, and produced significantly fewer errors in the Tower of Hanoi, Go/noGo, and Divided Attention tasks when compared to the switchers. Non-switchers performed significantly better on two verbal subtests of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (Information and Similarity), but not on the Performance subtests (Picture Completion, Block Design). Conclusions: The present results suggest that bilinguals with stronger language control have indeed a cognitive advantage in the administered tests involving executive functions, in particular inhibition, self-monitoring, problem solving, and generative fluency, and in two of the intelligence tests. What remains unclear is the direction of the relationship between executive functions and language control abilities.
A simple chaotic flow is presented, which when driven by an identical copy of itself, for certain initial conditions, is able to display generalized synchronization instead of identical synchronization. Being that the drive and the response are observed in exactly the same coordinate system, generalized synchronization is demonstrated by means of the auxiliary system approach and by the conditional Lyapunov spectrum. This is interpreted in terms of changes in the structure of the system stationary points, caused by the coupling, which modify its global behavior.
Postprint (published version)
Selostus: Ravikilpailumenestysmittojen periytymisasteet ja toistumiskertoimet kilpailukohtaisten tulosten perusteella
INDISIM-YEAST, an individual-based simulator, models the evolution of a yeast population by settingup rules of behaviour for each individual cell according to their own biological rules and characteristics. Ittakes into account the uptake, metabolism, budding reproduction and viability of the yeast cells, over aperiod of time in the bulk of a liquid medium, occupying a three dimensional closed spatial grid with twokinds of particles (glucose and ethanol). Each microorganism is characterized by its biomass, genealogicalage, states in the budding cellular reproduction cycle and position in the space among others. Simulationsare carried out for population properties (global properties), as well as for those properties that pertain toindividual yeast cells (microscopic properties). The results of the simulations are in good qualitativeagreement with established experimental trends.
The impact of curative radiotherapy depends mainly on the total dose delivered homogenously in the targeted volume. Nevertheless, the dose delivery is limited by the tolerated dose of the surrounding healthy tissues. Two different side effects (acute and late) can occur during and after radiotherapy. Of particular interest are the radiation-induced sequelae due to their irreversibility and the potential impact on daily quality of life. In a population treated in one center with the same technique, it appears that individual radiosensitivity clearly exists. In the hypothesis that genetic is involved in this area of research, lymphocytes seem to be the tissue of choice due to easy accessibility. Recently, low percentage of CD4 and CD8 lymphocyte apoptosis were shown to be correlated with high grade of sequelae. In addition, recent data suggest that patients with severe radiation-induced late side effects possess four or more SNP in candidate genes (ATM, SOD2, TGFB1, XRCC1 et XRCC3) and low radiation-induced CD8 lymphocyte apoptosis in vitro.
CONTEXT: Subclinical hypothyroidism has been associated with increased risk of coronary heart disease (CHD), particularly with thyrotropin levels of 10.0 mIU/L or greater. The measurement of thyroid antibodies helps predict the progression to overt hypothyroidism, but it is unclear whether thyroid autoimmunity independently affects CHD risk. OBJECTIVE: The objective of the study was to compare the CHD risk of subclinical hypothyroidism with and without thyroid peroxidase antibodies (TPOAbs). DATA SOURCES AND STUDY SELECTION: A MEDLINE and EMBASE search from 1950 to 2011 was conducted for prospective cohorts, reporting baseline thyroid function, antibodies, and CHD outcomes. DATA EXTRACTION: Individual data of 38 274 participants from six cohorts for CHD mortality followed up for 460 333 person-years and 33 394 participants from four cohorts for CHD events. DATA SYNTHESIS: Among 38 274 adults (median age 55 y, 63% women), 1691 (4.4%) had subclinical hypothyroidism, of whom 775 (45.8%) had positive TPOAbs. During follow-up, 1436 participants died of CHD and 3285 had CHD events. Compared with euthyroid individuals, age- and gender-adjusted risks of CHD mortality in subclinical hypothyroidism were similar among individuals with and without TPOAbs [hazard ratio (HR) 1.15, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.87-1.53 vs HR 1.26, CI 1.01-1.58, P for interaction = .62], as were risks of CHD events (HR 1.16, CI 0.87-1.56 vs HR 1.26, CI 1.02-1.56, P for interaction = .65). Risks of CHD mortality and events increased with higher thyrotropin, but within each stratum, risks did not differ by TPOAb status. CONCLUSIONS: CHD risk associated with subclinical hypothyroidism did not differ by TPOAb status, suggesting that biomarkers of thyroid autoimmunity do not add independent prognostic information for CHD outcomes.
Estudou-se o efeito da embalagem de policloreto de vinila (PVC) sobre a vida de prateleira de mangas cv. Tommy Atkins armazenadas sob refrigeração. Mangas no estádio de maturidade fisiológica, com casca verde ou levemente avermelhada, foram embaladas individualmente, com filme de 10mm de espessura, e armazenadas por 28 dias a 12ºC (80-90% UR). Frutos sem embalagem serviram de controle. Durante o período de armazenagem, foram feitas avaliações sensoriais utilizando o método de escala hedônica não estruturada para aceitação da aparência e do sabor, utilizando-se de 30 provadores não treinados por sessão. Determinou-se também a perda de massa, a acidez titulável e os teores de sólidos solúveis e vitamina C ao longo da armazenagem. As mangas embaladas apresentaram uma vida de prateleira de 21 dias contra 6 dias das não embaladas, e uma taxa de perda de massa 3,5 vezes menor que as não embaladas. Em relação à taxa de degradação de vitamina C, não houve diferença entre os tratamentos. A combinação da embalagem com a armazenagem a 12ºC aumentou a vida de prateleira do produto pela redução da atividade metabólica e do desenvolvimento de podridão.
The antihypertensive effects of the beta-blocking agent betaxolol and the calcium entry blocker verapamil were compared in a crossover single-blind trial. Seventeen patients with uncomplicated essential hypertension took either betaxolol or a slow-release formulation of verapamil for two consecutive 6-week periods. The sequence of treatment phases was randomly allocated and a 2-week washout period preceded each treatment. The antihypertensive effect of the test drugs was assessed both at the physician's office and during everyday activities using a portable blood pressure recorder. The crossover design of the trial made it possible to evaluate the antihypertensive efficacy of betaxolol and verapamil both in the group as a whole and in the individual patient. The individual patient response to one of these agents was not a reliable indicator of the same patient's response to the alternative agent. Betaxolol brought both office and ambulatory recorded blood pressures under control in a larger fraction of patients than verapamil, although the magnitude of the blood pressure fall in the responders was equal for each drug. These observations stress the need for an individualized approach to the evaluation of antihypertensive therapy. The present results also demonstrate that optimal antihypertensive therapy is still a matter of trial and error. The precise methodology that ought to characterize crossover trials may make it possible to improve the therapeutic approach to hypertensive patients.