927 resultados para histological subtypes
[EN]The present study provides a description of the morphological, histological and histochemical development, and the ecological implications of red porgy larvae reared in mesocosm, from hatching to 30 days after hatching (DAH).
Für diese Arbeit wurden sechs neue Benzodiazepinderivate, TC07, TC08, TC09, TC10, TC11 und TC12, hergestellt. Diese wurden mittels Radioligandenbindungsassay sowohl auf ihre Bindungseigenschaften für Membranen des Cerebellum, des Hippo-campus und des Cortex der Ratte hin untersucht, als auch für Membranen von HEK293 Zellen, die transient rekombinante GABAA Rezeptoren exprimierten. Zusätz-lich wurden kompetitive in situ Rezeptorautoradiographien an Rattenhirnschnitten mit den Liganden [3H]Ro15-4513 und [3H]R015-1788 durchgeführt. Zusammen ergaben sich aus diesen Experimenten deutliche Hinweise auf eine Selektivität der Verbindun-gen TC07, TC11 und TC12 für a5-Untereinheiten enthaltende GABAA Rezeptoren mit a5-Affinitäten im niedrigen nanomolaren Bereich. In vivo Bindungsexperimente in Ratten, mit [3H]Ro15-1788 als Tracer und TC07 als Kompetitor, ergaben, dass TC07 mehr [3H]Ro15-1788 im Vorderhirn als im Cerebellum verdrängt. Bezog man die regionale Verteilung der a5-Untereinheit des GABAA Rezep-tors im Rattenhirn mit ein – sehr wenige a5-Untereinheiten im Cerebellum, etwa 20 % der GABAA Rezeptor-Untereinheiten im Hippocampus – untermauerten diese Ergeb-nisse die Vermutung, TC07 könne a5-selektiv sein. Diese Daten bestätigten darü-berhinaus, dass TC07 die Blut-Hirn-Schranke passieren kann. Für elektrophysiologische Messungen mit TC07 und TC12 wurden die oben erwähnten transient transfizierten HEK293 Zellen verwendet, welche die GABAA Rezeptor Unte-reinheitenkombination a5b3g2 exprimierten. Das Dosis-Antwort Verhalten ergab keinen signifikanten Effekt für TC12. Die Daten von TC07 dagegen lassen auf einen schwach negativ modulatorischen Effekt schließen, was, zumindest theoretisch, die Möglichkeit eröffnet, TC07 auch als sogenannten cognitive enhancer einzusetzen. Der errechnete Ki-Wert lag in derselben Größenordnung wie der Ki-Wert, der anhand der Bindungsas-saydaten errechnet wurde. Insgesamt rechtfertigen die bisherigen Ergebnisse die radiochemische Markierung mit 18F von drei der sechs getesteten Verbindungen in der Reihenfolge TC07, TC12 und TC11. Des Weiteren wurde [18F]MHMZ, ein potentiell 5-HT2A selektiver Ligand und PET-Tracer einschließlich Vorläufer und Referenzverbindungen, mit hohen Ausbeuten syn-thetisiert (Herth, Debus et al. 2008). Autoradiographieexperimente mit Rattenhirn-schnitten zeigten hervorragende in situ Bindungseigenschaften der neuen Verbindung. Die Daten wiesen eine hohe Selektivität für 5-HT2A Rezeptoren in Verbindung mit einer niedrigen unspezifischen Bindung auf. [18F]MHMZ erfährt in vivo eine schnelle Metabo-lisierung, wobei ein polarer aktiver Metabolit entsteht, welcher vermutlich nicht die Blut-Hirn-Schranke passieren kann. Transversale, sagittale und coronale Kleintier-PET-Bilder des Rattenhirns zeigten eine hohe Anreicherung im frontalen Cortex und im Striatum, während im Cerebellum so gut wie keine Anreicherung festzustellen war. Diese Verteilung deckt sich mit der bekann-ten Verteilung der 5-HT2A Rezeptoren. Die in vivo Anreicherung scheint sich ebenfalls gut mit der Verteilung der in den Autoradiographieexperimenten gemessenen Bindung zu decken. Nach Berechnungen mit dem 4-Parameter Referenzgewebe Modell beträgt das Bindungspotential (BP) für den frontalen Cortex 1,45. Das Cortex zu Cerebellum Verhältnis wurde auf 2,7 nach 30 Minuten Messzeit bestimmt, was bemerkenswert nah an den von Lundkvist et al. für [11C]MDL 100907 publizierten Daten liegt. Abgesehen von der etwas niedrigeren Affinität waren die gemessenen in vitro, in situ und in vivo Daten denen von [3H]MDL 100907 und [11C]MDL 100907 sehr ähnlich, so dass wir ein [18F]Analogon in der Hand haben, das die bessere Selektivität von MDL 100907 verglichen mit Altanserin mit der längeren Halbwertszeit und den besse-ren Eigenschaften für die klinische Routine von 18F verglichen mit 11C verbindet. Die Ergebnisse von [18F]MHMZ rechtfertigenden weitere Experimente, um diesen Liganden für die klinische Routine am Menschen nutzbar zu machen.
Platelet rich plasma (PRP) has been proposed to be a useful adjunct to bone grafting.
The aim of the present study is to evaluate the clinical and histologic healing of deep intrabony defects treated with guided tissue regeneration (GTR) with a collagen membrane from bovine pericardium and implantation of granular bovine bone biomaterial.
The rat double-SAH model is one of the standard models to simulate delayed cerebral vasospasm (CVS) in humans. However, the proof of delayed ischemic brain damage is missing so far. Our objective was, therefore, to determine histological changes in correlation with the development of symptomatic and perfusion weighted imaging (PWI) proven CVS in this animal model. CVS was induced by injection of autologous blood in the cisterna magna of 22 Sprague-Dawley rats. Histological changes were analyzed on day 3 and day 5. Cerebral blood flow (CBF) was assessed by PWI at 3 tesla magnetic resonance (MR) tomography. Neuronal cell count did not differ between sham operated and SAH rats in the hippocampus and the cerebral cortex on day 3. In contrast, on day 5 after SAH the neuronal cell count was significantly reduced in the hippocampus (p<0.001) and the inner cortical layer (p=0.03). The present investigation provides quantitative data on brain tissue damage in association with delayed CVS for the first time in a rat SAH model. Accordingly, our data suggest that the rat double-SAH model may be suitable to mimic delayed ischemic brain damage due to CVS and to investigate the neuroprotective effects of drugs.
The primary objective of this study was to clinically and histologically evaluate periodontal wound healing/regeneration following surgical implantation of recombinant human growth/differentiation factor-5 (rhGDF-5) adsorbed onto a particulate ?-tricalcium phosphate (?-TCP) carrier rhGDF-5/?-TCP into periodontal defects in man.
Results of previous studies on the influence of tumour infiltrating lymphocytes on prognosis of women with breast cancer have been mixed. This study re-evaluates the role of tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes as a prognostic marker in women with breast cancer.
Atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS) is a thrombotic microangiopathy associated with defective regulation of the alternative complement pathway. The prognosis for patients with aHUS is poor, and plasma exchange represents the first-line therapy. Eculizumab is a humanized monoclonal anti-C5 antibody that prevents the activation of the terminal complement pathway. Here, we report the case of a 9-year-old girl with frequent relapsing aHUS due to heterozygous factor H mutation who was initially treated with plasma exchange three times per week with 150% plasma exchange volume. This treatment frequently caused allergic reactions and school absences. Because any reduction in the frequency of plasma exchange immediately induced relapses of the aHUS, treatment with eculizumab, 600 mg every 2 weeks, was started and plasma exchange completely stopped. On this drug regimen the patient showed no evidence of disease activity during a period of more than 24 months. Renal function improved, proteinuria disappeared, the number of antihypertensive medications could be decreased, and the quality of life increased substantially. The inhibition of the terminal complement pathway by eculizumab was also confirmed by renal biopsy, which showed the absence of thrombotic microangiopathy 2 months after the initiation of eculizumab therapy. This case illustrates the long-term favorable outcome of aHUS with eculizumab treatment.
Hepatoblastoma (HB) is a rare malignant liver tumour found in infants. Many heterogenous histological tumour subtypes exist. Although survival rates have improved dramatically in recent years with the use of platinum-based chemotherapy, there still exists a subset of HB that does not respond to treatment. There are currently no tumour biomarkers in use and in this study we aim to evaluate potential biomarkers to aid identification of relapse cases that would otherwise be overlooked by current prognostication. This may identify patients that would benefit from more aggressive therapy and could improve overall survival rates. We used immunohistochemistry to analyse the expression of β-catenin, E-cadherin, Cyclin D1, Ki-67 and alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) protein in tumours from 91 patients prospectively enroled into the SIOPEL 3 clinical trial. The relationship between these biomarkers and clinicopathologic features and patient survival were statistically analysed. We identified one biomarker, Cyclin D1, which has a correlation with mixed epithelial/mesenchymal HB approaching significance (P=0.07). Survival analysis using these markers has revealed two potential prognostic indicators; Cyclin D1 and Ki-67 (P=0.01, 0.01).
The majority of histopathological classifications of primary chronic viral hepatitis and recurrence of HCV infection in liver transplants is based on the histological activity index (HAI) introduced by Knodell et al in 1981; however, correlation between HAI and clinical/laboratory data is poor. Therefore, the aim of this study was to present a modification of HAI (mHAI) adapted to distinct features of graft infection, and to evaluate its usefulness in the description of disease activity.
Background: The relative contributions of different, potential factors to new bone formation in periosteal distraction osteogenesis are unknown. Purpose: The aim of the present study was to assess the influence of original bone and periosteum on bone formation during periosteal distraction osteogenesis in a rat calvarial model by means of histology and histomorphometry. Methods: A total of 48 rats were used for the experiment. The contribution of the periosteum was assessed by either intact or incised periosteum or an occlusive versus a perforated distraction plate. The cortical bone was either left intact or perforated. Animals were divided in eight experimental groups considering the three possible treatment modalities. All animals were subjected to a 7-day latency period, a 10-day distraction period and a 7-day consolidation period. The newly formed bone was analyzed histologically and histomorphometrically. Results: New, mainly woven bone was found in all groups. Differences in the maximum height of new bone were observed and depended on location. Under the distraction plate, statistically significant differences in maximum bone height were found between the group with perforations in both cortical bone and distraction plate and the group without such perforations. Conclusions: If the marrow cavities were not opened, the contribution to new bone formation was dominant from the periosteum. If the bone perforations opened the marrow cavities, a significant contribution to new bone formation originated from the native bone.
In autologous cell therapy, e.g. in melanocyte transplantation for vitiligo, a minimally invasive mode of transepidermal delivery of the isolated cells is of crucial importance to reduce potential side effects such as infections and scarring as well as to minimize the duration of sick leave.