914 resultados para high energy diet
Apart from its role during labor and lactation, oxytocin is involved in several other functions. Interestingly, oxytocin- and oxytocin receptor-deficient mice develop late-onset obesity with normal food intake, suggesting that the hormone might exert a series of beneficial metabolic effects. This was recently confirmed by data showing that central oxytocin infusion causes weight loss in diet-induced obese mice. The aim of the present study was to unravel the mechanisms underlying such beneficial effects of oxytocin. Chronic central oxytocin infusion was carried out in high fat diet-induced obese rats. Its impact on body weight, lipid metabolism and insulin sensitivity was determined. We observed a dose-dependent decrease in body weight gain, increased adipose tissue lipolysis and fatty acid β-oxidation, as well as reduced glucose intolerance and insulin resistance. The additional observation that plasma oxytocin levels increased upon central infusion suggested that the hormone might affect adipose tissue metabolism by direct action. This was demonstrated using in vitro, ex vivo, as well as in vivo experiments. With regard to its mechanism of action in adipose tissue, oxytocin increased the expression of stearoyl-coenzyme A desaturase 1, as well as the tissue content of the phospholipid precursor, N-oleoyl-phosphatidylethanolamine, the biosynthetic precursor of the oleic acid-derived PPAR-alpha activator, oleoylethanolamide. Because PPAR-alpha regulates fatty acid β-oxidation, we hypothesized that this transcription factor might mediate the oxytocin effects. This was substantiated by the observation that, in contrast to its effects in wild-type mice, oxytocin infusion failed to induce weight loss and fat oxidation in PPAR-alpha-deficient animals. Altogether, these results suggest that oxytocin administration could represent a promising therapeutic approach for the treatment of human obesity and type 2 diabetes.
The sensitizing action of amorphous silicon nanoclusters on erbium ions in thin silica films has been studied under low-energy (long wavelength) optical excitation. Profound differences in fast visible and infrared emission dynamics have been found with respect to the high-energy (shortwavelength) case. These findings point out to a strong dependence of the energy transfer process on the optical excitation energy. Total inhibition of energy transfer to erbium states higher than thefirst excited state (4I13/2) has been demonstrated for excitation energy below 1.82 eV (excitation wavelength longer than 680 nm). Direct excitation of erbium ions to the first excited state (4I13/2)has been confirmed to be the dominant energy transfer mechanism over the whole spectral range of optical excitation used (540 nm¿680 nm).
BACKGROUND: High sugar and fat intakes are known to increase intrahepatocellular lipids (IHCLs) and to cause insulin resistance. High protein intake may facilitate weight loss and improve glucose homeostasis in insulin-resistant patients, but its effects on IHCLs remain unknown. OBJECTIVE: The aim was to assess the effect of high protein intake on high-fat diet-induced IHCL accumulation and insulin sensitivity in healthy young men. DESIGN: Ten volunteers were studied in a crossover design after 4 d of either a hypercaloric high-fat (HF) diet; a hypercaloric high-fat, high-protein (HFHP) diet; or a control, isocaloric (control) diet. IHCLs were measured by (1)H-magnetic resonance spectroscopy, fasting metabolism was measured by indirect calorimetry, insulin sensitivity was measured by hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp, and plasma concentrations were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry; expression of key lipogenic genes was assessed in subcutaneous adipose tissue biopsy specimens. RESULTS: The HF diet increased IHCLs by 90 +/- 26% and plasma tissue-type plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (tPAI-1) by 54 +/- 11% (P < 0.02 for both) and inhibited plasma free fatty acids by 26 +/- 11% and beta-hydroxybutyrate by 61 +/- 27% (P < 0.05 for both). The HFHP diet blunted the increase in IHCLs and normalized plasma beta-hydroxybutyrate and tPAI-1 concentrations. Insulin sensitivity was not altered, whereas the expression of sterol regulatory element-binding protein-1c and key lipogenic genes increased with the HF and HFHP diets (P < 0.02). Bile acid concentrations remained unchanged after the HF diet but increased by 50 +/- 24% after the HFHP diet (P = 0.14). CONCLUSIONS: Protein intake significantly blunts the effects of an HF diet on IHCLs and tPAI-1 through effects presumably exerted at the level of the liver. Protein-induced increases in bile acid concentrations may be involved. This trial was registered at www.clinicaltrials.gov as NCT00523562.
After birth, the body shifts from glucose as primary energy substrate to milk-derived fats, with sugars from lactose taking a secondary place. At weaning, glucose recovers its primogeniture and dietary fat role decreases. In spite of human temporary adaptation to a high-fat (and sugars and protein) diet during lactation, the ability to thrive on this type of diet is lost irreversibly after weaning. We could not revert too the lactating period metabolic setting because of different proportions of brain/muscle metabolism in the total energy budget, lower thermogenesis needs and capabilities, and absence of significant growth in adults. A key reason for change was the limited availability of foods with high energy content at weaning and during the whole adult life of our ancestors, which physiological adaptations remain practically unchanged in our present-day bodies. Humans have evolved to survive with relatively poor diets interspersed by bouts of scarcity and abundance. Today diets in many societies are largely made up from choice foods, responding to our deeply ingrained desire for fats, protein, sugars, salt etc. Consequently our diets are not well adjusted to our physiological needs/adaptations but mainly to our tastes (another adaptation to periodic scarcity), and thus are rich in energy roughly comparable to milk. However, most adult humans cannot process the food ingested in excess because our cortical-derived craving overrides the mechanisms controlling appetite. This is produced not because we lack the biochemical mechanisms to use this energy, but because we are unprepared for excess, and wholly adapted to survive scarcity. The thrifty mechanisms compound the effects of excess nutrients and damage the control of energy metabolism, developing a pathologic state. As a consequence, an overflow of energy is generated and the disease of plenty develops.
This review is focused on the fate of dietary glucose under conditions of chronically high energy (largely fat) intake, evolving into the metabolic syndrome. We are adapted to carbohydrate-rich diets similar to those of our ancestors. Glucose is the main energy staple, but fats are our main energy reserves. Starvation drastically reduces glucose availability, forcing the body to shift to fatty acids as main energy substrate, sparing glucose and amino acids. We are not prepared for excess dietary energy, our main defenses being decreased food intake and increased energy expenditure, largely enhanced metabolic activity and thermogenesis. High lipid availability is a powerful factor decreasing glucose and amino acid oxidation. Present-day diets are often hyperenergetic, high on lipids, with abundant protein and limited amounts of starchy carbohydrates. Dietary lipids favor their metabolic processing, saving glucose, which additionally spares amino acids. The glucose excess elicits hyperinsulinemia, which may derive, in the end, into insulin resistance. The available systems of energy disposal could not cope with the excess of substrates, since they are geared for saving not for spendthrift, which results in an unbearable overload of the storage mechanisms. Adipose tissue is the last energy sink, it has to store the energy that cannot be used otherwise. However, adipose tissue growth also has limits, and the excess of energy induces inflammation, helped by the ineffective intervention of the immune system. However, even under this acute situation, the excess of glucose remains, favoring its final conversion to fat. The sum of inflammatory signals and deranged substrate handling induce most of the metabolic syndrome traits: insulin resistance, obesity, diabetes, liver steatosis, hyperlipidemia and their compounded combined effects. Thus, a maintained excess of energy in the diet may result in difficulties in the disposal of glucose, eliciting inflammation and the development of the metabolic syndrome
SUMMARY :Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is characterized by an elevated intra- hepatocellular lipid (IHCL) concentration (> 5%). The incidence of NAFLD is frequently increased in obese patients, and is considered to be the hepatic component of the metabolic syndrome. The metabolic syndrome, also characterized by visceral obesity, altered glucose homeostasis, insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, and high blood pressure, represents actually a major public health burden. Both dietary factors and low physical activity are involved in the development of the metabolic syndrome. ln animals and healthy humans, high-fat or high-fructose diets lead to the development of several features of the metabolic syndrome including increased intrahepatic lipids and insulin resistance. ln contrast the effects of dietary protein are less well known, but an increase in protein intake has been suggested to exert beneficial effects by promoting weight loss and improving glucose homeostasis in insulin-resistant patients. Increased postprandial thermogenesis and enhanced satiety after protein ingestion may be both involved. The effects of dietary protein on hepatic lipids have been poorly investigated in humans, but preliminary studies in rodents have shown a reduction of hepatic lipids in carbohydrate fed rats and in obese rats. ln this context this work aimed at investigating the metabolic effects of dietary protein intake on hepatic lipid metabolism and glucose homeostasis in humans. The modulation by dietary proteins of exogenous lipid oxidation, net lipid oxidation, hepatic beta-oxidation, triglycerides concentrations, whole-body energy expenditure and glucose tolerance was assessed in the fasting state and in postprandial states. Measurements of IHCL were performed to quantify the amount of triglycerides in the liver. ln an attempt to cover all these metabolic aspects under different point of views, these questions were addressed by three protocols involving various feeding conditions. Study I addressed the effects of a 4-day hypercaloric high-fat high-protein diet on the accumulation of fat in the liver (IHCL) and on insulin sensitivity. Our findings indicated that a high protein intake significantly prevents intrahepatic fat deposition induced by a short- term hypercaloric high-fat diet, adverse effects of which are presumably modulated at the liver level.These encouraging results led us to conduct the second study (Study ll), as we were also interested in a more clinical approach to protein administration and especially if increased protein intakes might be of benefit for obese patients. Therefore the effects of one-month whey protein supplementation on IHCL, insulin sensitivity, lipid metabolism, glucose tolerance and renal function were assessed in obese women. Results showed that whey protein supplementation reduces hepatic steatosis and improves the plasma lipid profile in obese patients, without adverse effects on glucose tolerance or creatinine clearance. However since patients were fed ud-libitum, it remains possible that spontaneous carbohydrate and fat intakes were reduced due to the satiating effects of protein. The third study (Study lll) was designed in an attempt to deepen our comprehension about the mechanisms involved in the modulation of IHCL. We hypothesized that protein improved lipid metabolism and, therefore, we evaluated the effects of a high protein meal on postprandial lipid metabolism and glucose homeostasis after 4-day on a control or a protein diet. Our results did not sustain the hypothesis of an increased postprandial net lipid oxidation, hepatic beta oxidation and exogenous lipid oxidation. Four days on a high-protein diet rather decreased exogenous fat oxidation and enhanced postprandial triglyceride concentrations, by impairing probably chylomicron-TG clearance. Altogether the results of these three studies suggest a beneficial effect of protein intake on the reduction in lHCL, and clearly show that supplementation of proteins do not reduce IHCL by stimulating lipid metabolism, e.g. whole body fat oxidation, hepatic beta oxidation, or exogenous fat oxidation. The question of the effects of high-protein intakes on hepatic lipid metabolism is still open and will need further investigation to be elucidated. The effects of protein on increased postprandial lipemia and lipoproteins kinetics have been little investigated so far and might therefore be an interesting research question, considering the tight relationship between an elevation of plasmatic TG concentrations and the increased incidence of cardiovascular diseases.Résumé :La stéatose hépatique non alcoolique se caractérise par un taux de lipides intra-hépatiques élevé, supérieur à 5%. L'incidence de la stéatose hépatique est fortement augmentée chez les personnes obèses, ce qui mène à la définir comme étant la composante hépatique du syndrome métabolique. Ce syndrome se définit aussi par d'autres critères tels qu'obésité viscérale, altération de l'homéostasie du glucose, résistance à l'insuline, dyslipidémie et pression artérielle élevée. Le syndrome métabolique est actuellement un problème de santé publique majeur.Tant une alimentation trop riche et déséquilibrée, qu'une faible activité physique, semblent être des causes pouvant expliquer le développement de ce syndrome. Chez l'animal et le volontaire sain, des alimentations enrichies en graisses ou en sucres (fructose) favorisent le développement de facteurs associés au syndrome métabolique, notamment en augmentant le taux de lipides intra-hépatiques et en induisant le développement d'une résistance à l'insuline. Par ailleurs, les effets des protéines alimentaires sont nettement moins bien connus, mais il semblerait qu'une augmentation de l'apport en protéines soit bénéfique, favorisant la perte de poids et l'homéostasie du glucose chez des patients insulino-résistants. Une augmentation de la thermogenese postprandiale ainsi que du sentiment de satiété pourraient en être à l'origine.Les effets des protéines sur les lipides intra-hépatiques chez l'homme demeurent inconnus à ce jour, cependant des études préliminaires chez les rongeurs tendent à démontrer une diminution des lipides intra hépatiques chez des rats nourris avec une alimentation riche en sucres ou chez des rats obèses.Dans un tel contexte de recherche, ce travail s'est intéressé à l'étude des effets métaboliques des protéines alimentaires sur le métabolisme lipidique du foie et sur l'homéostasie du glucose. Ce travail propose d'évaluer l'effet des protéines alimentaires sur différentes voies métaboliques impliquant graisses et sucres, en ciblant d'une part les voies de l'oxydation des graisses exogènes, de la beta-oxydation hépatique et de l'oxydation nette des lipides, et d'autre part la dépense énergétique globale et l'évolution des concentrations sanguines des triglycérides, à jeun et en régime postprandial. Des mesures des lipides intra-hépatiques ont aussi été effectuées pour permettre la quantification des graisses déposées dans le foie.Dans le but de couvrir l'ensemble de ces aspects métaboliques sous différents angles de recherche, trois protocoles, impliquant des conditions alimentaires différentes, ont été entrepris pour tenter de répondre à ces questions. La première étude (Etude I) s'est intéressée aux effets d'u.ne suralimentation de 4 jours enrichie en graisses et protéines sur la sensibilité à l'insuline et sur l'accumulation de graisses intra-hépatiques. Les résultats ont démontré que l'apport en protéines prévient l'accumulation de graisses intra-hépatiques induite par une suralimentation riche en graisses de courte durée ainsi que ses effets délétères probablement par le biais de mécanismes agissant au niveau du foie. Ces résultats encourageants nous ont conduits à entreprendre une seconde étude (Etude ll) qui s'intéressait à l'implication clinique et aux bénéfices que pouvait avoir une supplémentation en protéines sur les graisses hépatiques de patients obèses. Ainsi nous avons évalué pendant un mois de supplémentation l'effet de protéines de lactosérum sur le taux de graisses intrahépatiques, la sensibilité à l'insuline, la tolérance au glucose, le métabolisme des graisses et la fonction rénale chez des femmes obèses. Les résultats ont été encourageants; la supplémentation en lactosérum améliore la stéatose hépatique, le profil lipidique des patientes obèses sans pour autant altérer la tolérance au glucose ou la clairance de la créatinine. L'effet satiétogene des protéines pourrait aussi avoir contribué à renforcer ces effets. La troisième étude s'est intéressée aux mécanismes qui sous-tendent les effets bénéfiques des protéines observés dans les 2 études précédentes. Nous avons supposé que les protéines devaient favoriser le métabolisme des graisses. Par conséquent, nous avons cherché a évaluer les effets d'un repas riche en protéines sur la lipémie postprandiale et l'homéostasie glucidique après 4 jours d'alimentation contrôlée soit isocalorique et équilibrée, soit hypercalorique enrichie en protéines. Les résultats obtenus n'ont pas vérifié l'hypothèse initiale ; ni une augmentation de l'oxydation nette des lipides, ni celle d'une augmentation de la béta-oxydation hépatique ou de l'oxydation d'un apport exogène de graisses n'a pu étre observée. A contrario, il semblerait même plutôt que 4 jours d'a]irnentation hyperprotéinée inhibent le métabolisme des graisses et augmente les concentrations sanguines de triglycérides, probablement par le biais d'une clairance de chylornicrons altérée. Globalement, les résultats de ces trois études nous permettent d'attester que les protéines exercent un effet bénéfique en prévenant le dépot de graisses intra-hépatiques et montrent que cet effet ne peut être attribué à une stimulation du métabolisme des lipides via l'augmentation des oxydations des graisses soit totales, hépatiques, ou exogènes. La question demeure en suspens à ce jour et nécessite de diriger la recherche vers d'autres voies d'exploration. Les effets des protéines sur la lipémie postprandiale et sur le cinétique des lipoprotéines n'a que peu été traitée à ce jour. Cette question me paraît néanmoins importante, sachant que des concentrations sanguines élevées de triglycérides sont étroitement corrélées à une incidence augmentée de facteurs de risque cardiovasculaire.
PURPOSE: Atherosclerosis results in a considerable medical and socioeconomic impact on society. We sought to evaluate novel magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) angiography and vessel wall sequences to visualize and quantify different morphologic stages of atherosclerosis in a Watanabe hereditary hyperlipidemic (WHHL) rabbit model. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Aortic 3D steady-state free precession angiography and subrenal aortic 3D black-blood fast spin-echo vessel wall imaging pre- and post-Gadolinium (Gd) was performed in 14 WHHL rabbits (3 normal, 6 high-cholesterol diet, and 5 high-cholesterol diet plus endothelial denudation) on a commercial 1.5 T MR system. Angiographic lumen diameter, vessel wall thickness, signal-/contrast-to-noise analysis, total vessel area, lumen area, and vessel wall area were analyzed semiautomatically. RESULTS: Pre-Gd, both lumen and wall dimensions (total vessel area, lumen area, vessel wall area) of group 2 + 3 were significantly increased when compared with those of group 1 (all P < 0.01). Group 3 animals had significantly thicker vessel walls than groups 1 and 2 (P < 0.01), whereas angiographic lumen diameter was comparable among all groups. Post-Gd, only diseased animals of groups 2 + 3 showed a significant (>100%) signal-to-noise ratio and contrast-to-noise increase. CONCLUSIONS: A combination of novel 3D magnetic resonance angiography and high-resolution 3D vessel wall MRI enabled quantitative characterization of various atherosclerotic stages including positive arterial remodeling and Gd uptake in a WHHL rabbit model using a commercially available 1.5 T MRI system.
BACKGROUND: Epidemiologic and experimental data have suggested that chlorogenic acid, which is a polyphenol contained in green coffee beans, prevents diet-induced hepatic steatosis and insulin resistance. OBJECTIVE: We assessed whether the consumption of chlorogenic acid-rich coffee attenuates the effects of short-term fructose overfeeding, dietary conditions known to increase intrahepatocellular lipids (IHCLs), and blood triglyceride concentrations and to decrease hepatic insulin sensitivity in healthy humans. DESIGN: Effects of 3 different coffees were assessed in 10 healthy volunteers in a randomized, controlled, crossover trial. IHCLs, hepatic glucose production (HGP) (by 6,6-d2 glucose dilution), and fasting lipid oxidation were measured after 14 d of consumption of caffeinated coffee high in chlorogenic acid (C-HCA), decaffeinated coffee high in chlorogenic acid, or decaffeinated coffee with regular amounts of chlorogenic acid (D-RCA); during the last 6 d of the study, the weight-maintenance diet of subjects was supplemented with 4 g fructose · kg(-1) · d(-1) (total energy intake ± SD: 143 ± 1% of weight-maintenance requirements). All participants were also studied without coffee supplementation, either with 4 g fructose · kg(-1) · d(-1) (high fructose only) or without high fructose (control). RESULTS: Compared with the control diet, the high-fructose diet significantly increased IHCLs by 102 ± 36% and HGP by 16 ± 3% and decreased fasting lipid oxidation by 100 ± 29% (all P < 0.05). All 3 coffees significantly decreased HGP. Fasting lipid oxidation increased with C-HCA and D-RCA (P < 0.05). None of the 3 coffees significantly altered IHCLs. CONCLUSIONS: Coffee consumption attenuates hepatic insulin resistance but not the increase of IHCLs induced by fructose overfeeding. This effect does not appear to be mediated by differences in the caffeine or chlorogenic acid content. This trial was registered at clinicaltrials.gov as NCT00827450.
How glucose sensing by the nervous system impacts the regulation of β cell mass and function during postnatal development and throughout adulthood is incompletely understood. Here, we studied mice with inactivation of glucose transporter 2 (Glut2) in the nervous system (NG2KO mice). These mice displayed normal energy homeostasis but developed late-onset glucose intolerance due to reduced insulin secretion, which was precipitated by high-fat diet feeding. The β cell mass of adult NG2KO mice was reduced compared with that of WT mice due to lower β cell proliferation rates in NG2KO mice during the early postnatal period. The difference in proliferation between NG2KO and control islets was abolished by ganglionic blockade or by weaning the mice on a carbohydrate-free diet. In adult NG2KO mice, first-phase insulin secretion was lost, and these glucose-intolerant mice developed impaired glucagon secretion when fed a high-fat diet. Electrophysiological recordings showed reduced parasympathetic nerve activity in the basal state and no stimulation by glucose. Furthermore, sympathetic activity was also insensitive to glucose. Collectively, our data show that GLUT2-dependent control of parasympathetic activity defines a nervous system/endocrine pancreas axis that is critical for β cell mass establishment in the postnatal period and for long-term maintenance of β cell function.
BACKGROUND: PCSK9 (Proprotein Convertase Subtilisin Kexin type 9) is a circulating protein that promotes hypercholesterolemia by decreasing hepatic LDL receptor protein. Under non interventional conditions, its expression is driven by sterol response element binding protein 2 (SREBP2) and follows a diurnal rhythm synchronous with cholesterol synthesis. Plasma PCSK9 is associated to LDL-C and to a lesser extent plasma triglycerides and insulin resistance. We aimed to verify the effect on plasma PCSK9 concentrations of dietary interventions that affect these parameters. METHODS: We performed nutritional interventions in young healthy male volunteers and offspring of type 2 diabetic (OffT2D) patients that are more prone to develop insulin resistance, including: i) acute post-prandial hyperlipidemic challenge (n=10), ii) 4 days of high-fat (HF) or high-fat/high-protein (HFHP) (n=10), iii) 7 (HFruc1, n=16) or 6 (HFruc2, n=9) days of hypercaloric high-fructose diets. An acute oral fat load was also performed in two patients bearing the R104C-V114A loss-of-function (LOF) PCSK9 mutation. Plasma PCSK9 concentrations were measured by ELISA. For the HFruc1 study, intrahepatocellular (IHCL) and intramyocellular lipids were measured by 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Hepatic and whole-body insulin sensitivity was assessed with a two-step hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp (0.3 and 1.0 mU.kg-1.min-1). FINDINGS: HF and HFHP short-term diets, as well as an acute hyperlipidemic oral load, did not significantly change PCSK9 concentrations. In addition, post-prandial plasma triglyceride excursion was not altered in two carriers of PCSK9 LOF mutation compared with non carriers. In contrast, hypercaloric 7-day HFruc1 diet increased plasma PCSK9 concentrations by 28% (p=0.05) in healthy volunteers and by 34% (p=0.001) in OffT2D patients. In another independent study, 6-day HFruc2 diet increased plasma PCSK9 levels by 93% (p<0.0001) in young healthy male volunteers. Spearman's correlations revealed that plasma PCSK9 concentrations upon 7-day HFruc1 diet were positively associated with plasma triglycerides (r=0.54, p=0.01) and IHCL (r=0.56, p=0.001), and inversely correlated with hepatic (r=0.54, p=0.014) and whole-body (r=-0.59, p=0.0065) insulin sensitivity. CONCLUSIONS: Plasma PCSK9 concentrations vary minimally in response to a short term high-fat diet and they are not accompanied with changes in cholesterolemia upon high-fructose diet. Short-term high-fructose intake increased plasma PCSK9 levels, independent on cholesterol synthesis, suggesting a regulation independent of SREBP-2. Upon this diet, PCSK9 is associated with insulin resistance, hepatic steatosis and plasma triglycerides.
In vivo lipogenesis and thermogenesis were studied for 24 h after ingestion of 500 g of carbohydrate (CHO) in subjects who had consumed either a high-fat, a mixed, or a high-CHO diet during the 3-6 days preceding the test. CHO oxidation and conversion to fat was significantly less in the high-fat diet group (222 +/- 5 g) than in the mixed (300 +/- 13 g) or high-CHO diet (331 +/- 7 g) groups, resulting in a greater glycogen storage in the high-fat (278 +/- 6 g) than in the other two groups (197 +/- 11 and 170 +/- 2 g). Net lipogenesis occurred sooner and lasted longer in the high-CHO group, amounting to 0.8 +/- 0.5, 3.4 +/- 0.6, and 9 +/- 1 g of lipid synthesized in the high-fat, mixed, and high-CHO groups, respectively. The thermic effect of the CHO load was 5.2 +/- 0.5% on the high-fat, 6.5 +/- 0.4% on the mixed diet, and 8.6 +/- 0.4% on the high-CHO diet. Significant relationships were demonstrated between the postabsorptive nonprotein respiratory quotient and net lipogenesis after the CHO load (r = 0.82) and between net lipogenesis and the increase in energy expenditure (r = 0.71). It is concluded that the antecedent diet influences the amount of net lipogenesis and the magnitude of thermogenesis after a large CHO test meal. However, lipogenesis remains too limited even after such large CHO intakes to cause an increase in the body's fat content.
An adverse endogenous environment during early life predisposes the organism to develop metabolic disorders. We evaluated the impact of intake of an iso-caloric fructose rich diet (FRD) by lactating mothers (LM) on several metabolic functions of their male offspring. On postnatal d 1, ad libitum eating, lactating Sprague-Dawley rats received either 10% F (wt/vol; FRD-LM) or tap water (controls, CTR-LM) to drink throughout lactation. Weaned male offspring were fed ad libitum a normal diet, and body weight (BW) and food intake were registered until experimentation (60 d of age). Basal circulating levels of metabolic markers were evaluated. Both iv glucose tolerance and hypothalamic leptin sensitivity tests were performed. The hypothalamus was dissected for isolation of total RNA and Western blot analysis. Retroperitoneal (RP) adipose tissue was dissected and either kept frozen for gene analysis or digested to isolate adipocytes or for histological studies. FRD rats showed increased BW and decreased hypothalamic sensitivity to exogenous leptin, enhanced food intake (between 49-60 d), and decreased hypothalamic expression of several anorexigenic signals. FRD rats developed increased insulin and leptin peripheral levels and decreased adiponectinemia; although FRD rats normally tolerated glucose excess, it was associated with enhanced insulin secretion. FRD RP adipocytes were enlarged and spontaneously released high leptin, although they were less sensitive to insulin-induced leptin release. Accordingly, RP fat leptin gene expression was high in FRD rats. Excessive fructose consumption by lactating mothers resulted in deep neuroendocrine-metabolic disorders of their male offspring, probably enhancing the susceptibility to develop overweight/obesity during adult life.
BACKGROUND: Both nutritional and genetic factors are involved in the pathogenesis of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and insulin resistance. OBJECTIVE: The aim was to assess the effects of fructose, a potent stimulator of hepatic de novo lipogenesis, on intrahepatocellular lipids (IHCLs) and insulin sensitivity in healthy offspring of patients with type 2 diabetes (OffT2D)--a subgroup of individuals prone to metabolic disorders. DESIGN: Sixteen male OffT2D and 8 control subjects were studied in a crossover design after either a 7-d isocaloric diet or a hypercaloric high-fructose diet (3.5 g x kg FFM(-1) x d(-1), +35% energy intake). Hepatic and whole-body insulin sensitivity were assessed with a 2-step hyperinsulinemic euglycemic clamp (0.3 and 1.0 mU x kg(-1) x min(-1)), together with 6,6-[2H2]glucose. IHCLs and intramyocellular lipids (IMCLs) were measured by 1H-magnetic resonance spectroscopy. RESULTS: The OffT2D group had significantly (P < 0.05) higher IHCLs (+94%), total triacylglycerols (+35%), and lower whole-body insulin sensitivity (-27%) than did the control group. The high-fructose diet significantly increased IHCLs (control: +76%; OffT2D: +79%), IMCLs (control: +47%; OffT2D: +24%), VLDL-triacylglycerols (control: +51%; OffT2D: +110%), and fasting hepatic glucose output (control: +4%; OffT2D: +5%). Furthermore, the effects of fructose on VLDL-triacylglycerols were higher in the OffT2D group (group x diet interaction: P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: A 7-d high-fructose diet increased ectopic lipid deposition in liver and muscle and fasting VLDL-triacylglycerols and decreased hepatic insulin sensitivity. Fructose-induced alterations in VLDL-triacylglycerols appeared to be of greater magnitude in the OffT2D group, which suggests that these individuals may be more prone to developing dyslipidemia when challenged by high fructose intakes. This trial was registered at clinicaltrials.gov as NCT00523562.
T cells move randomly ("random-walk"), a characteristic thought to be integral to their function. Using migration assays and time-lapse microscopy, we found that CD8+ T cells lacking the lymph node homing receptors CCR7 and CD62L migrate more efficiently in transwell assays, and that these same cells are characterized by a high frequency of cells exhibiting random crawling activity under culture conditions mimicking the interstitial/extravascular milieu, but not when examined on endothelial cells. To assess the energy efficiency of cells crawling at a high frequency, we measured mRNA expression of genes key to mitochondrial energy metabolism (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator 1beta [PGC-1beta], estrogen-related receptor alpha [ERRalpha], cytochrome C, ATP synthase, and the uncoupling proteins [UCPs] UCP-2 and -3), quantified ATP contents, and performed calorimetric analyses. Together these assays indicated a high energy efficiency of the high crawling frequency CD8+ T-cell population, and identified differentially regulated heat production among nonlymphoid versus lymphoid homing CD8+ T cells.
The microquasar LS 5039 has recently been detected as a source of very high energy (VHE) $\gamma$-rays. This detection, that confirms the previously proposed association of LS 5039 with the EGRET source 3EG~J1824$-$1514, makes of LS 5039 a special system with observational data covering nearly all the electromagnetic spectrum. In order to reproduce the observed spectrum of LS 5039, from radio to VHE $\gamma$-rays, we have applied a cold matter dominated jet model that takes into account accretion variability, the jet magnetic field, particle acceleration, adiabatic and radiative losses, microscopic energy conservation in the jet, and pair creation and absorption due to the external photon fields, as well as the emission from the first generation of secondaries. The radiative processes taken into account are synchrotron, relativistic Bremsstrahlung and inverse Compton (IC). The model is based on a scenario that has been characterized with recent observational results, concerning the orbital parameters, the orbital variability at X-rays and the nature of the compact object. The computed spectral energy distribution (SED) shows a good agreement with the available observational data.