753 resultados para futures thinking


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This work discusses the theories of TRIZ and Design Thinking, as well as the association of the two theories by a tool for the application of TRIZ in a Design Thinking environment. This work proposes the association of the theories by an easy and systematic method constituted by a step by step process. The objective of this work is to create a method that facilitates the application of the two innovation theories helping the inventors to develop new products without the necessity of being creative people. By the end of the work is shown the research case accomplished as an empirical analysis of this tool that can be a fast and efficient method to solve inventive problems focused in the expectations and necessities of the clients


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In this action research study of my 5th grade classroom, I investigated the benefits of a modified block schedule and departmentalization. The research consisted of dividing the 5th grade curriculum into three blocks. Each block consisted of two primary subject areas: Mathematics was paired with Social Studies, Reading was paired with Health, and Writing was paired with Science. These groupings were designed to accommodate district time-allotment requirements and the strengths of each teacher within the 5th grade team. Thus, one teacher taught all of the Mathematics and Social Studies, another all of the Reading and Health, and another all of the Writing and Science. Students had classes with each teacher, each school day. I discovered that this departmentalization had many benefits to both students and teachers. As a result of this research, we plan to continue with our new schedule and further develop it to more fully exploit the educational and professional advantages we found to be a part of the project.


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In this action research study of my classroom of 8th grade mathematics, I investigated the use of daily warm-ups written in problem-solving format. Data was collected to determine if use of such warm-ups would have an effect on students’ abilities to problem solve, their overall attitudes regarding problem solving and whether such an activity could also enhance their readiness each day to learn new mathematics concepts. It was also my hope that this practice would have some positive impact on maximizing the amount of time I have with my students for math instruction. I discovered that daily exposure to problem-solving practices did impact the students’ overall abilities and achievement (though sometimes not positively) and similarly the students’ attitudes showed slight changes as well. It certainly seemed to improve their readiness for the day’s lesson as class started in a more timely manner and students were more actively involved in learning mathematics (or perhaps working on mathematics) than other classes not involved in the research. As a result of this study, I plan to continue using daily warm-ups and problem-solving (perhaps on a less formal or regimented level) and continue gathering data to further determine if this methodology can be useful in improving students’ overall mathematical skills, abilities and achievement.


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Crop producers make a number of decisions that are market related. They may be categorized as financial decisions, production decisions, or marketing decisions. All three decisions depend on what prices are likely to be at some specific time in the future. The marketing decisions is complex. This research publication discusses the number of alternatives that are available even for the producer who does not directly buy or sell futures or options contracts.


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This work discusses the theories of TRIZ and Design Thinking, as well as the association of the two theories by a tool for the application of TRIZ in a Design Thinking environment. This work proposes the association of the theories by an easy and systematic method constituted by a step by step process. The objective of this work is to create a method that facilitates the application of the two innovation theories helping the inventors to develop new products without the necessity of being creative people. By the end of the work is shown the research case accomplished as an empirical analysis of this tool that can be a fast and efficient method to solve inventive problems focused in the expectations and necessities of the clients


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System thinking allows companies to use subjective constructs indicators like recursiveness, cause-effect relationships and autonomy to performance evaluation. Thus, the question that motivates this paper is: Are Brazilian companies searching new performance measurement and evaluation models based on system thinking? The study investigates models looking for system thinking roots in their framework. It was both exploratory and descriptive based on a multiple four case studies strategy in chemical sector. The findings showed organizational models have some characteristics that can be related to system thinking as system control and communication. Complexity and autonomy are deficiently formalized by the companies. All data suggest, inside its context, that system thinking seems to be adequate to organizational performance evaluation but remains distant from the management proceedings.


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Although the theory of evolution is more than 150 years old, a substantial proportion of the world population does not mention it when explaining the origin of human beings. The usual alternative conception is offered by creationism, one of the main obstacles to full acceptance of evolution in many countries. National polls have demonstrated that schooling and religiosity are negatively correlated, with scientists being one of the least religious professionals. Herein we analyzed both (1) the profile of 1st semester undergraduate students and (2), thesis and dissertations, concerning religious and evolutionary thoughts from Biology and Veterinary Schools at the largest university of South America. We have shown that students of Biology are biased towards evolution before they enter university and also that the presence of an evolutionary-thinking academic atmosphere influences the deism/religiosity beliefs of postgraduate students.


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The growing demands for industrial products are imposing an increasingly intense level of competitiveness on the industrial operations. In the meantime, the convergence of information technology (IT) and automation technology (AT) is showing itself to be a tool of great potential for the modernization and improvement of industrial plants. However, for this technology fully to achieve its potential, several obstacles need to be overcome, including the demonstration of the reasoning behind estimations of benefits, investments and risks used to plan the implementation of corporative technology solutions. This article focuses on the evolutionary development of planning and adopting processes of IT & AT convergence. It proposes the incorporation of IT & AT convergence practices into Lean Thinking/Six Sigma, via the method used for planning the convergence of technological activities, known as the Smarter Operation Transformation (SOT) methodology. This article illustrates the SOT methodology through its application in a Brazilian company in the sector of consumer goods. In this application, it is shown that with IT & AT convergence is possible with low investment, in order to reduce the risk of not achieving the goals of key indicators.


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Il lavoro tratta la progettazione di un intervento tecnologico e organizzativo in grado di guidare la creazione di un ecosistema di imprese per un distretto commerciale: Centergross (Funo d’Argelato, Bologna). Tale lavoro è stato preparato durante un periodo di Stage della durata di cinque mesi effettuato presso Epoca S.r.l (Bologna) a seguito della necessità, riscontrata dalla direzione del distretto, di ripensare il proprio modello di business. L’obiettivo del progetto di intervento di Epoca è quello di supportare il distretto in questa fase di cambiamento, da “condominio” di imprese autonome a ecosistema, grazie all’identificazione e alla realizzazione di strumenti organizzativi e tecnologici che possano costruire opportunità di sinergie, aumentare la completezza dell’offerta e sfruttare economie di scopo. Per questo è stato realizzato un nuovo sistema informatico (social network e applicazione mobile) in grado di supportare la strategia ed evolvere con essa. La tesi si struttura in tre parti. Nella prima parte, attraverso un’indagine della letteratura di riferimento, si sono indagati i principali modelli di cambiamento organizzativo e il ruolo dei sistemi informativi all’interno delle organizzazione. Un approfondimento circa gli approcci, i processi e la gestione del cambiamento in relazione all’introduzione di un nuovo sistema informativo all’interno delle organizzazioni con riferimento alle tematiche del Business Process Reengineering. La seconda parte è dedicata all’evoluzione del Web con la rivoluzione culturale causata dagli strumenti del web partecipativo, semantico e potenziato: social network e applicazione mobile nello specifico; e all’approccio di progettazione: il Design Thinking. Una tecnica che si prefigge di: trovare il miglior fit fra obiettivi, risorse e tecnologie disponibili; favorire lo sviluppo di nuove idee innovative entrando in empatia con il contesto del problema proponendo soluzioni centrate sui bisogni degli utenti. L’ultima parte del lavoro consiste nella descrizione del caso. Vengono presentate la fase di analisi della situazione attuale e i successivi step di progettazione del sistema informatico: la definizione dei prototipi, la popolazione del database, il modello di dominio, le interfacce utente e le esperienze di navigazione all’interno della piattaforma software proposta. L’approccio prevede che il progetto proceda per iterazioni successive e un adattamento continuo alle esigenze del cliente.


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In computer systems, specifically in multithread, parallel and distributed systems, a deadlock is both a very subtle problem - because difficult to pre- vent during the system coding - and a very dangerous one: a deadlocked system is easily completely stuck, with consequences ranging from simple annoyances to life-threatening circumstances, being also in between the not negligible scenario of economical losses. Then, how to avoid this problem? A lot of possible solutions has been studied, proposed and implemented. In this thesis we focus on detection of deadlocks with a static program analysis technique, i.e. an analysis per- formed without actually executing the program. To begin, we briefly present the static Deadlock Analysis Model devel- oped for coreABS−− in chapter 1, then we proceed by detailing the Class- based coreABS−− language in chapter 2. Then, in Chapter 3 we lay the foundation for further discussions by ana- lyzing the differences between coreABS−− and ASP, an untyped Object-based calculi, so as to show how it can be possible to extend the Deadlock Analysis to Object-based languages in general. In this regard, we explicit some hypotheses in chapter 4 first by present- ing a possible, unproven type system for ASP, modeled after the Deadlock Analysis Model developed for coreABS−−. Then, we conclude our discussion by presenting a simpler hypothesis, which may allow to circumvent the difficulties that arises from the definition of the ”ad-hoc” type system discussed in the aforegoing chapter.


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Dopamine has long held a prominent role in the interpretation of schizophrenia and other psychoses. Clinical studies on confabulation and disorientation, disorders marked by a confusion of reality in thinking, indicated that the ability to keep thinking in phase with reality depends on a process suppressing the interference of upcoming memories that do not refer to ongoing reality. A host of animal studies and a recent clinical study suggested that this suppression might correspond to the phasic inhibition of dopaminergic neurons in response to the absence of expected outcomes. In this study, we tested healthy subjects with a difficult version of a memory paradigm on which confabulating patients had failed. Subjects participated in three test sessions, in which they received in double-blind, randomized fashion L-dopa, risperidone, or placebo. We found that l-dopa, in comparison with risperidone, impaired performance in a highly specific way, which corresponded to the pattern of patients with reality confusion. Specifically, they had an increase of false positive responses, while overall memory performance and reaction times were unaffected. We conclude that dopaminergic transmission influences the ability to rapidly adapt thinking to ongoing reality.


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References to a “New North” have snowballed across popular media in the past 10 years. By invoking the phrase, scientists, policy analysts, journalists and others draw attention to the collision of global warming and global investment in the Arctic today and project a variety of futures for the region and the planet. While changes are apparent, the trope of a “New North” is not new. Discourses that appraised unfamiliar situations at the top of the world have recurred throughout the twentieth century. They have also accompanied attempts to cajole, conquer, civilize, consume, conserve and capitalize upon the far north. This article examines these politics of the “New North” by critically reading “New North” texts from the North American Arctic between 1910 and 2010. In each case, appeals to novelty drew from evaluations of the historical record and assessments of the Arctic’s shifting position in global affairs. “New North” authors pinpointed the ways science, state power, capital and technology transformed northern landscapes at different moments in time. They also licensed political and corporate influence in the region by delimiting the colonial legacies already apparent there. Given these tendencies, scholars need to approach the most recent iteration of the “New North” carefully without concealing or repeating the most troubling aspects of the Arctic’s past.