920 resultados para future self-identity


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This article focuses on cultural identity-building in the cross-border merger context. To provide an alternative to the dominant essentialist analyses of cultures and cultural differences, cultural identitybuilding is conceptualized as a metaphoric process. The focus is on two processes inherent in the cross-border merger context: construction of images of Us and Them and construction of images of a Common Future. Based on an analysis of a special metaphor exercise carried out in a recent Finnish–Swedish merger, the article illustrates how the metaphoric perspective reveals specific cognitive, emotional and political aspects of cultural identity-building that easily remain ‘hidden’ in the case of more traditional approaches.


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This dissertation empirically explores the relations among three theoretical perspectives: university students approaches to learning, self-regulated learning, as well as cognitive and attributional strategies. The relations were quantitatively studied from both variable- and person-centered perspectives. In addition, the meaning that students gave to their disciplinary choices was examined. The general research questions of the study were: 1) What kinds of relationships exist among approaches to learning, regulation of learning, and cognitive and attributional strategies? What kinds of cognitive-motivational profiles can be identified among university students, and how are such profiles related to study success and well-being? 3) How do university students explain their disciplinary choices? Four empirical studies addressed these questions. Studies I, II, and III were quantitative, applying self-report questionnaires, and Study IV was qualitative in nature. Study I explored relations among cognitive strategies, approaches to learning, regulation of learning, and study success by using correlations and a K-means cluster analysis. The participants were 366 students from various faculties at different phases of their studies. The results showed that all the measured constructs were logically related to each other in both variable- and person-centered approaches. Study II further examined what kinds of cognitive-motivational profiles could be identified among first-year university students (n=436) in arts, law, and agriculture and forestry. Differences in terms of study success, exhaustion, and stress among students with differing profiles were also looked at. By using a latent class cluster analysis (LCCA), three groups of students were identified: non-academic (34%), self-directed (35%), and helpless students (31%). Helpless students reported the highest levels of stress and exhaustion. Self-directed students received the highest grades. In Study III, cognitive-motivational profiles were identified among novice teacher students (n=213) using LCCA. Well-being, epistemological beliefs, and study success were looked at in relation to the profiles. Three groups of students were found: non-regulating (50%), self-directed (35%), and non-reflective (22%). Self-directed students again received the best grades. Non-regulating students reported the highest levels of stress and exhaustion, the lowest level of interest, and showed the strongest preference for certain and practical knowledge. Study IV, which was qualitative in nature, explored how first-year students (n = 536 ) in three fields of studies, arts, law, and veterinary medicine explained their disciplinary choices. Content analyses showed that interest appeared to be a common concept in students description of their choices across the three faculties. However, the objects of interest of the freshmen appeared rather unspecified. Veterinary medicine and law students most often referred to future work or a profession, whereas only one-fifth of the arts students did so. The dissertation showed that combining different theoretical perspectives and methodologies enabled us to build a rich picture of university students cognitive and motivational predispositions towards studying and learning. Further, cognitive-emotional aspects played a significant role in studying, not only in relation to study success, but also in terms of well-being. Keywords: approaches to learning, self-regulation, cognitive and attributional strategies, university students


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An identity expressing formally the diagonal and off-diagonal elements of an inverse of a matrix is deduced employing operator techniques. Several well-known perturbation expressions for the self-energy are deduced as special cases. A new approximation and other applications following from the above formalism are briefly indicated through illustrations from a perturbed harmonic oscillator, chemisorption approximations and Kelly's result in the problem of electron correlation.


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The designing of effective intervention tools to improve immigrants’ labor market integration remains an important topic in contemporary Western societies. This study examines whether and how a new intervention tool, Working Life Certificate (WLC), helps unemployed immigrants to find employment and strengthen their belief of their vocational skills. The study is based on quantitative longitudinal survey data from 174 unemployed immigrants of various origins who participated in the pilot phase of WLC examinations in 2009. Surveys were administered in three waves: before the test, right after it, and three months later. Although it is often argued that the unemployment among immigrants is due either to their lack of skills and cultural differences or to discrimination in recruitment, scholars within social psychology of behavior change argue that the best way of helping people to achieve their goals (e.g. finding employment) is to build up their sense of self-efficacy, alter their outcome expectances in a more positive direction or to help them to construct more detailed action and coping plans. This study aims to shed light on the role of these concepts in immigrants’ labor market integration. The results support the theories of behavior change moderately. Having positive expectances regarding the outcomes of various job search behaviors was found to predict employment in the future. Together with action and coping planning it also predicted increase in job search behavior. The intervention, WLC, was able to affect participants’ self-efficacy, but contrary to expectations, self-efficacy was found not to be related to either job search behavior or future labor market status. Also, perceived discrimination did not explain problems in finding employment, but hints of subtle or structural discrimination were found. Adoption of Finnish work culture together with strong family culture was found to predict future employment. Hence, in this thesis I argue that awarding people diplomas should be preferred in immigrant integration training as it strengthens people’s sense of self-efficacy. Instead of teaching new information, more attention should be directed at changing people’s outcome expectances in a more positive direction and helping them to construct detailed plans on how to achieve their goals.


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Efficient sensing of trace amount nitroaromatic (NAC) explosives has become a major research focus in recent time due to concerns over national security as well as their role as environment pollutants. NO2-containing electron-deficient aromatic compounds, such as picric acid (PA), trinitrotoluene (TNT), and dinitrotoluene (DNT), are the common constituents of many commercially available chemical explosives. In this article, we have summarized our recent developments on the rational design of electron-rich self-assembled discrete molecular sensors and their efficacy in sensing nitroaromatics both in solution as well as in vapor phase. Several p-electron-rich fluorescent metallacycles (squares, rectangles, and tweezers/pincers) and metallacages (trigonal and tetragonal prisms) have been synthesized by means of metal-ligand coordination-bonding interactions, with enough internal space to accommodate electron-deficient nitroaromatics at the molecular level by multiple supramolecular interactions. Such interactions subsequently result in the detectable fluorescence quenching of sensors even in the presence of trace quantities of nitroaromatics. The fascinating sensing characteristics of molecular architectures discussed in this article may enable future development of improved sensors for nitroaromatic explosives.


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Algorithmic DNA tiles systems are fascinating. From a theoretical perspective, they can result in simple systems that assemble themselves into beautiful, complex structures through fundamental interactions and logical rules. As an experimental technique, they provide a promising method for programmably assembling complex, precise crystals that can grow to considerable size while retaining nanoscale resolution. In the journey from theoretical abstractions to experimental demonstrations, however, lie numerous challenges and complications.

In this thesis, to examine these challenges, we consider the physical principles behind DNA tile self-assembly. We survey recent progress in experimental algorithmic self-assembly, and explain the simple physical models behind this progress. Using direct observation of individual tile attachments and detachments with an atomic force microscope, we test some of the fundamental assumptions of the widely-used kinetic Tile Assembly Model, obtaining results that fit the model to within error. We then depart from the simplest form of that model, examining the effects of DNA sticky end sequence energetics on tile system behavior. We develop theoretical models, sequence assignment algorithms, and a software package, StickyDesign, for sticky end sequence design.

As a demonstration of a specific tile system, we design a binary counting ribbon that can accurately count from a programmable starting value and stop growing after overflowing, resulting in a single system that can construct ribbons of precise and programmable length. In the process of designing the system, we explain numerous considerations that provide insight into more general tile system design, particularly with regards to tile concentrations, facet nucleation, the construction of finite assemblies, and design beyond the abstract Tile Assembly Model.

Finally, we present our crystals that count: experimental results with our binary counting system that represent a significant improvement in the accuracy of experimental algorithmic self-assembly, including crystals that count perfectly with 5 bits from 0 to 31. We show some preliminary experimental results on the construction of our capping system to stop growth after counters overflow, and offer some speculation on potential future directions of the field.


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A ipseidade na ética argumentativa de Paul Ricoeur é a referência básica da hermenêutica do si ao qual sempre retorna. Ela estabelece a constante mediação reflexiva em oposição à pretensa posição imediata do sujeito. A mesmidade do si tem como contrapartida o outro. Na comparação, a mesmidade é sinônimo de identidade-idem em oposição à ipseidade-ipse que inclui a alteridade. Esta inclusão questiona a capacidade do si construtivo da ética e, portanto, responsável jurídica e moralmente nas várias injunções do outro. O projeto ético de Ricoeur é compreensível a partir e dentro de sua peculiar metodologia que ele denomina de dialética entre a ética teleológica e a moral deontológica. Esta dialética se fundamenta na tríade do desejo, do dever e da sabedoria prática em recíproca atividade, privilegiando a dimensão teleológica do desejo da vida boa com o outro e para o outro em instituições justas. A ética argumentativa tem a função de dar conteúdo as duas dialéticas pela inclusão do outro no si mesmo sem o qual a reflexão sobre a ipseidade perderia o sentido. A sabedoria prática da ética e do julgamento moral em situação inclui a discussão porque o conflito é insuperável e determina o argumento para o consenso eventual. Nossa tese é a afirmação da capacidade do si mesmo atuar ações construtivas. Além da critica à ideologia e à utopia, Ricoeur fundamenta a dialética entre o princípio-esperança e o princípio de responsabilidade mediante a via utópica do futuro e a via realista da preocupação com o presente diante dos casos inéditos em que a vida e o ecossistema se associam. A imputação pessoal e coletiva desde o passado, no presente para o futuro é devida à responsabilidade. A ipseidade constrói o futuro no presente através de decisões éticas.


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One of the most controversial inquiries in academic writing is whether it is admissible to use first person pronouns in a scientific paper or not. Many professors discourage their students from using them, rather favoring a more passive tone, and thus causing novices to avoid inserting themselves into their texts in an expert-like manner. Abundant research, however, has recently attested that negotiation of identity is plausible in academic prose, and there is no need for a paper to be void of an authorial identity. Because in the course of the English Studies Degree we have received opposing prompts in the use of I, the aim of this dissertation is to throw some light upon this vexed issue. To this end, I compiled a corpus of 16 Research Articles (RAs) that comprises two sub-corpora, one featuring Linguistics RAs and the other one Literature RAs, and each, in turn, consists of articles written by American and British authors. I then searched for real occurrences of I, me, my, mine, we, us, our and ours, and studied their frequency, rhetorical functions and distribution along each paper. The results obtained certainly show that academic writing is no longer the faceless prose that it used to be, for I is highly used in both disciplines and varieties of English. Concerning functions, the most typically used roles were the use of I to take credit for the writer’s research process, and also those involving plural forms. With respect to the spatial disposition, all sections welcomed first person pronouns, but the Method and the Results/Discussion sections seem to stimulate their appearance. On the basis of these findings, I suggest that an L2 writing pedagogy that is mindful not only of the language proficiency, but also of the students’ own identity may have a beneficial effect on the composition of their texts.


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This paper takes a new look at an old question: what is the human self? It offers a proposal for theorizing the self from an enactive perspective as an autonomous system that is constituted through interpersonal relations. It addresses a prevalent issue in the philosophy of cognitive science: the body-social problem. Embodied and social approaches to cognitive identity are in mutual tension. On the one hand, embodied cognitive science risks a new form of methodological individualism, implying a dichotomy not between the outside world of objects and the brain-bound individual but rather between body-bound individuals and the outside social world. On the other hand, approaches that emphasize the constitutive relevance of social interaction processes for cognitive identity run the risk of losing the individual in the interaction dynamics and of downplaying the role of embodiment. This paper adopts a middle way and outlines an enactive approach to individuation that is neither individualistic nor disembodied but integrates both approaches. Elaborating on Jonas' notion of needful freedom it outlines an enactive proposal to understanding the self as co-generated in interactions and relations with others. I argue that the human self is a social existence that is organized in terms of a back and forth between social distinction and participation processes. On this view, the body, rather than being identical with the social self, becomes its mediator


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In the recent history of psychology and cognitive neuroscience, the notion of habit has been reduced to a stimulus-triggered response probability correlation. In this paper we use a computational model to present an alternative theoretical view (with some philosophical implications), where habits are seen as self-maintaining patterns of behavior that share properties in common with self-maintaining biological processes, and that inhabit a complex ecological context, including the presence and influence of other habits. Far from mechanical automatisms, this organismic and self-organizing concept of habit can overcome the dominating atomistic and statistical conceptions, and the high temporal resolution effects of situatedness, embodiment and sensorimotor loops emerge as playing a more central, subtle and complex role in the organization of behavior. The model is based on a novel "iterant deformable sensorimotor medium (IDSM)," designed such that trajectories taken through sensorimotor-space increase the likelihood that in the future, similar trajectories will be taken. We couple the IDSM to sensors and motors of a simulated robot, and show that under certain conditions, the IDSM conditions, the IDSM forms self-maintaining patterns of activity that operate across the IDSM, the robot's body, and the environment. We present various environments and the resulting habits that form in them. The model acts as an abstraction of habits at a much needed sensorimotor "meso-scale" between microscopic neuron-based models and macroscopic descriptions of behavior. Finally, we discuss how this model and extensions of it can help us understand aspects of behavioral self-organization, historicity and autonomy that remain out of the scope of contemporary representationalist frameworks.


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During the last two decades, analysis of 1/f noise in cognitive science has led to a considerable progress in the way we understand the organization of our mental life. However, there is still a lack of specific models providing explanations of how 1/f noise is generated in coupled brain-body-environment systems, since existing models and experiments typically target either externally observable behaviour or isolated neuronal systems but do not address the interplay between neuronal mechanisms and sensorimotor dynamics. We present a conceptual model of a minimal neurorobotic agent solving a behavioural task that makes it possible to relate mechanistic (neurodynamic) and behavioural levels of description. The model consists of a simulated robot controlled by a network of Kuramoto oscillators with homeostatic plasticity and the ability to develop behavioural preferences mediated by sensorimotor patterns. With only three oscillators, this simple model displays self-organized criticality in the form of robust 1/f noise and a wide multifractal spectrum. We show that the emergence of self-organized criticality and 1/f noise in our model is the result of three simultaneous conditions: a) non-linear interaction dynamics capable of generating stable collective patterns, b) internal plastic mechanisms modulating the sensorimotor flows, and c) strong sensorimotor coupling with the environment that induces transient metastable neurodynamic regimes. We carry out a number of experiments to show that both synaptic plasticity and strong sensorimotor coupling play a necessary role, as constituents of self-organized criticality, in the generation of 1/f noise. The experiments also shown to be useful to test the robustness of 1/f scaling comparing the results of different techniques. We finally discuss the role of conceptual models as mediators between nomothetic and mechanistic models and how they can inform future experimental research where self-organized critically includes sensorimotor coupling among the essential interaction-dominant process giving rise to 1/f noise.


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O presente trabalho objetiva compreender como a temática afrobrasileira era abordada nos cotidianos do Curso de Pedagogia, campus I, da Universidade Estadual da Paraíba. A questão norteadora da pesquisa foi descobrir como professoras e estudantes negras se sentem e enfocam essa temática nas suas redes de conhecimentos, práticas e relações. Para tanto, foi preciso adentrar na história do povo negro no Brasil a partir da luta dos movimentos sociais negros buscando entender as noções de raça, racismo, identidade e os limites da educação do/a negro/a ao longo da história brasileira. Neste percurso se dialoga com diversos estudiosos/as como: Santos (2002), Viana (2007), Oliveira (2003, 2006, 2007, 2008), Fernandes (2007), Domingues (2009), Munanga (2002, 2006, 2009), Veiga (2007, 2008)), Pereira (2008, 2009), Gomes (2003, 2006, 2008), Morin (2000), Hall (2003), Moreira e Câmara (2008), dentre outros. Exemplificando a luta e a resistência de mulheres negras são apresentadas as histórias de vida de quatro professoras e quatro estudantes negras, praticantes (CERTEAU, 2007), sujeitos da pesquisa, que expõem o processo de tessitura de suas identidades. Suas narrativas evidenciam indícios de racismo e discriminação que marcaram suas trajetórias, desde o seio familiar, fortalecendo-se na escola, na academia e, para algumas, chegando até o ambiente de trabalho. Uma das professoras é a pesquisadora que, à medida que narra a história de vida das praticantes, tece sua própria história, como mulheres costurando uma colcha de retalhos em que cada estampa retrata os momentos vividos. A metodologia de pesquisa nos/dos/com os cotidianos (ALVES, 2008) foi o caminho percorrido. Além da observação dos cotidianos, foram realizadas conversas (LARROSA, 2003) sobre as histórias de vida (BOSI, 2003; PORTELLI, 1997) e tecidas as narrativas a partir dessas vivências. Estas revelaram que tais mulheres, ao longo de suas histórias, viveram/vivem processos de afirmaçãonegação, visto que suas identidades não são fixas, mas negociações e renegociações (MUNANGA, 2010) que geram alegrias e conflitos. O entendimento do que é Ser Negra é experimentado por cada uma, sem um modelo padrão para suas existências. Elas foram se gerando nas relações com o/a outro/a, em cada contexto familiar, escolar, acadêmico e profissional. São senhoras de suas vidas e mesmo as mais jovens buscam fazer suas histórias com autonomia. São praticantes porque lutaram/lutam para conquistar um lugar na vida, utilizando astúcias e táticas para fabricar (CERTEAU, 2007) meios de enfrentamento das adversidades. As táticas do silêncio, do estudo e do trabalho revelaram que essas mulheres não ficaram invisíveis nem se colocaram como vítimas no espaço social. Assim, urge delinear a superação da visão da pessoa negra a partir dos traços físicos e reconhecer as raízes do povo brasileiro para compreender a história da negritude. A partir da ancestralidade, serão identificadas as origens do povo negro, que poderão trazer o passado de resistência e luta por liberdade, dignidade, cidadania que produzem o orgulho de ser negra. Orgulho que recupera a autoestima e a capacidade de organização e mobilização para combater o racismo e as desigualdades raciais. Os cursos de formação docente precisam abordar essa temática para capacitar os/as futuros/as professores/as nessa tarefa. Essa abordagem envolve o ensinaraprender, em que professores/as e estudantes assumem compromisso com uma educação crítica e inclusiva. A reflexão entre os/as docentes formadores/as nessa perspectiva plural e intercultural poderia ajudar na superação do eurocentrismo ainda presente nos conteúdos e nas mentalidades. Sob essa ótica, tecer um processo de formação docente no Curso de Pedagogia, comprometido com uma educação inclusiva, considera um contínuo fazerdesfazer, na tessitura de um diálogo permanente entre a práticateoriaprática, num movimento de pesquisaintervenção. Isso implica a reflexão da trajetória pessoal e coletiva e a articulação da ação pedagógica com um projeto político de transformação da sociedade excludente em sociedade plural e solidária. Os não ditos necessitam de aprofundamento em trabalhos posteriores, pois os silenciamentos se referem ao passado próximo e as relações interraciais na família, na academia e também nos ambientes de trabalho. Será que não existe mais racismo? Ou este foi naturalizado dificultando sua identificação nos cotidianos? Os limites do processo de introjeção do racismo, que provocam a invisibilidade de algumas praticantes, são novos desafios para estudos futuros. Assim, percebo que colcha de retalhos tecida ao longo desta trajetória não é justaposição como usualmente é entendida. Para além disto, significa a socialização das experiências vividas nos cotidianos das praticantes, a fim de inspirar atitudes de combate ao racismo que se ampliem para o contexto social.


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280 p.


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Surfaces coated with nanoscale filaments such as silicon nanowires and carbon nanotubes are potentially compelling for high-performance battery and capacitor electrodes, photovoltaics, electrical interconnects, substrates for engineered cell growth, dry adhesives, and other smart materials. However, many of these applications require a wet environment or involve wet processing during their synthesis. The capillary forces introduced by these wet environments can lead to undesirable aggregation of nanoscale filaments, but control of capillary forces can enable manipulation of the filaments into discrete aggregates and novel hierarchical structures. Recent studies suggest that the elastocapillary self-assembly of nanofilaments can be a versatile and scalable means to build complex and robust surface architectures. To enable a wider understanding and use of elastocapillary self-assembly as a fabrication technology, we give an overview of the underlying fundamentals and classify typical implementations and surface designs for nanowires, nanotubes, and nanopillars made from a wide variety of materials. Finally, we discuss exemplary applications and future opportunities to realize new engineered surfaces by the elastocapillary self-assembly of nanofilaments. Copyright © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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Self-assembled semiconductor quantum dot is a new type of artificially designed and grown function material which exhibits quantum size effect, quantum interference effect, surface effect, quantum tunneling-Coulumb-blockade effect and nonlinear optical effect. Due to its advantages of less crystal defects and relatively simpler fabrication technology, this material may be of important value in the research of future nanoelectronic device. In the order of vertical transport, lateral transport and charge storage, recent advances in the electronic properties of this material are brefly introduced, and the problems and perspectives are analyzed.