864 resultados para fat-free mass index
Objective: The objective of this study was to investigate changes in body weight, BMI, body composition, and fat distribution among freshman women during their 1st year of college. Research Methods and Procedures: Freshman women during the 2004 to 2005 academic year were recruited to participate. The initial baseline visit occurred within the first 6 weeks of the fall 2004 semester, with the follow-up visit occurring during the last 6 weeks of the spring 2005 semester. At each visit, height, weight, BMI, waist and hip circumferences, and body composition (by DXA) were obtained. Results: One hundred thirty-seven participants completed both the fall and spring visits. Significant (p < 0.0001) increases between the fall and spring visits were observed for body weight (58.6 vs. 59.6 kg), BMI (21.9 vs. 22.3), percentage body fat (28.9 vs. 29.7), total fat mass (16.9 vs. 17.7 kg), fat-free mass (38.1 vs. 38.4 kg), waist circumference (69.4 vs. 70.3 cm), and hip circumference (97.4 vs. 98.6 cm), with no significant difference observed in the waist-to-hip ratio (0.71 vs. 0.71; p = 0.78). Discussion: Although statistically significant, changes in body weight, body composition, and fat mass were modest for women during their freshman year of college. These results do not support the purported freshman 15 weight gain publicized in the popular media.
The purpose of this investigation was to develop new techniques to generate segmental assessments of body composition based on Segmental Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (SBIA). An equally important consideration was the design, simulation, development, and the software and hardware integration of the SBIA system. This integration was carried out with a Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) microcontroller that analyzed the measurements obtained from segments of the body, and provided full body and segmental Fat Free Mass (FFM) and Fat Mass (FM) percentages. Also, the issues related to the estimate of the body's composition in persons with spinal cord injury (SCI) were addressed and investigated. This investigation demonstrated that the SBIA methodology provided accurate segmental body composition measurements. Disabled individuals are expected to benefit from these SBIA evaluations, as they are non-invasive methods, suitable for paralyzed individuals. The SBIA VLSI system may replace bulky, non flexible electronic modules attached to human bodies. ^
The primary purpose of this study was to investigate agreement among five equations by which clinicians estimate water requirements (EWR) and to determine how well these equations predict total water intake (TWI). The Institute of Medicine has used TWI as a measure of water requirements. A secondary goal of this study was to develop practical equations to predict TWI. These equations could then be considered accurate predictors of an individual’s water requirement. ^ Regressions were performed to determine agreement between the five equations and between the five equations and TWI using NHANES 1999–2004. The criteria for agreement was (1) strong correlation coefficients between all comparisons and (2) regression line that was not significantly different when compared to the line of equality (x=y) i.e., the 95% CI of the slope and intercept must include one and zero, respectively. Correlations were performed to determine association between fat-free mass (FFM) and TWI. Clinically significant variables were selected to build equations for predicting TWI. All analyses were performed with SAS software and were weighted to account for the complex survey design and for oversampling. ^ Results showed that the five EWR equations were strongly correlated but did not agree with each other. Further, the EWR equations were all weakly associated to TWI and lacked agreement with TWI. The strongest agreement between the NRC equation and TWI explained only 8.1% of the variability of TWI. Fat-free mass was positively correlated to TWI. Two models were created to predict TWI. Both models included the variables, race/ethnicity, kcals, age, and height, but one model also included FFM and gender. The other model included BMI and osmolality. Neither model accounted for more than 28% of the variability of TWI. These results provide evidence that estimates of water requirements would vary depending upon which EWR equation was selected by the clinician. None of the existing EWR equations predicted TWI, nor could a prediction equation be created which explained a satisfactory amount of variance in TWI. A good estimate of water requirements may not be predicted by TWI. Future research should focus on using more valid measures to predict water requirements.^
Flavonoids are a class of over 6,500 plant metabolites that have been associated with reduced mortality from cardiovascular disease. A cross-sectional analysis of dietary flavonoids and serum cholesterol in 507 Blacks with and without type 2 diabetes (258 Haitian-Americans and 249 African-Americans) showed differences by ethnicity and diabetes status. Haitian-Americans consumed more of most flavonoids as compared to African-Americans. Individuals with type 2 diabetes consumed less of most flavonoids as compared to those without diabetes. Flavonoids were differentially associated with low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL) by diabetes status. Flavanones were associated with lower LDL for participants without diabetes and higher LDL for those with diabetes, independent of ethnicity and adjusted for age, gender, cholesterol medications, daily energy, dietary fat, body mass index (BMI), and smoking. Flavan-3-ols were positively related to LDL while polyflavonoids (theaflavin and polymers, proanthocyanidins) were inversely related to LDL for the group without diabetes only. Higher anthocyanidins and flavan-3-ols and lower polyflavonoids were associated with higher HDL (same adjustments) for those without diabetes, whereas no flavonoids were associated with HDL for individuals with type 2 diabetes.
Introduction - Knowledge on the metabolic changes and nutritional needs during the postsurgical anabolic phase in infants is scarce. This analysis explores the associations of resting energy expenditure (REE) and macronutrient utilization with body composition of full-term infants, during catch-up growth after corrective surgery of major congenital anomalies. Methods - A cohort of full-term appropriate for-gestational-age neonates subjected to corrective surgery of major congenital anomalies were recruited after gaining weight for at least one week. REE and macronutrient utilization, measured by respiratory quotient (RQ), were assessed by indirect calorimetry using the Deltatrac II Metabolic Monitor ®. Body composition, expressed as fat-free mass (FFM), fat mass (FM) and adiposity defined as percentage of FM (% FM), was measured by air displacement plethysmography using the Pea Pod ®. Results - Four infants were included at 3 to 5 postnatal weeks. Recommended energy and macronutrient intakes for healthy term infants were provided. Through the study, the median (min-max) REE (Kcal/Kg FFM/d) was 70.8 (60.6-96.1) and RQ was 0.99 (0.72-1.20). Steady increases in both body weight and FFM were associated with initial decrease in FM and adiposity followed by their increase. Low RQ preceded decrease in adiposity. Conclusion - The marked adiposity depletion, not expected during steady weight gain in the postsurgical period, prompts us to report this finding. The subsequent adiposity catch-up was associated with relatively high REE and RQ, suggesting preferential oxidation of carbohydrates and preservation of lipids for fat storage.
A gravidez é uma fase especial da vida, com diversas alterações nos sistemas hormonais, anatómicos, e na composição corporal da mulher. No entanto, não é claro que alterações biomecânicas tridimensionais ocorrerem. Através do acompanhamento da mulher na gravidez e pós-parto, os objetivos da presente tese foram: 1) determinar os parâmetros temporais e espaciais do ciclo da marcha; 2) descrever a cinemática angular do membro inferior; 3) calcular os momentos e potências articulares do tornozelo, joelho e coxofemoral, utilizando o cálculo por dinâmica inversa; 4) descrever as magnitudes dos picos dos momentos e potências articulares dos membros inferiores; 5) identificar possíveis diferenças entre as fases de recolha relativamente aos parâmetros biomecânicos; 6) descrever longitudinalmente a composição corporal as alterações morfológicas; 7) analisar a influência das alterações antropométricas na cinética articular. Os resultados mostram que as mulheres mantêm os parâmetros temporais e espaciais da marcha. A cinemática angular do membro inferior tem o mesmo padrão, no entanto, a magnitude de alguns picos, especialmente na bacia e coxofemoral durante a fase terminal do apoio, pré-balanço e de balanço, apresentam alterações significativas. A coxofemoral é a articulação com mais alterações na cinética articular, com um aumento da carga interna associada aos momentos articulares da coxofemoral no plano transversal. No entanto, diversos momentos e potências articulares revelam uma diminuição significativa para o final da gravidez e/ou um aumento entre alguns trimestres da gravidez e o pós-parto. Como esperado, a maioria das variáveis associadas à composição corporal e às dimensões corporais tem um aumento significativo durante a gravidez e uma diminuição no pós-parto. Os modelos desenvolvidos para prever a carga interna aplicada ao membro inferior da grávida através de variáveis antropométricas, incluem quatro modelos com variáveis associadas à quantidade de gordura, quatro modelos com variáveis associadas à massa corporal global, três modelos que incluem a massa livre de gordura, e um modelo que inclui a forma do tronco. Os altos valores do R2 ajustado, mostram que as alterações na composição corporal e morfologia, determinam em grande parte a cinética articular da mulher nesta fase particular da vida.
Introdução O zinco é um importante elemento traço que auxilia na capacidade antioxidante, além de participar da maturação biológica. Em atletas, a suplementação de zinco tem efeito positivo nos parâmetros hematológicos e pode melhorar o rendimento esportivo. Sua deficiência é comumente observada nesses grupo e pode estar associada à diminuição da força física assim como da massa corporal, além de ter efeito significativo no crescimento. Assim os objetivos do presente estudo foram: comparar os métodos de avaliação da maturidade biológica e suas relações com variáveis antropométricas e de rendimento físico de acordo com o estado de zinco em jovens jogadores de futebol; comparar diferentes métodos de avaliação da composição corporal em jovens jogadores de futebol esratificados de acordo com os níveis plasmáticos de zinco e investigar o efeito do zinco suplementar na maturação biológica, no crescimento, na composição corporal e na força muscular de jogadores de futebol púberes do sexo masculino. Materiais e métodos Foram avaliados em dois momentos 48 jovens do sexo masculino (13±1 anos, massa corporal de 48±10kg, estatura de 160±10cm e zinco plasmático de 12,1±2,2 μmol/L). Todos eram jogadores de futebol de um tradicional clube do Rio de Janeiro e foram divididos aleatoriamente em dois grupos. Durante 12 semanas o grupo placebo (n=28) recebeu cápsulas de amido de milho e o grupo suplementado (n=20) recebeu cápsulas de gluconato de Zn (22mg/dia). O valor de 11,0 μmol/L foi considerado como ponto de corte para classificação dos jovens em normozincêmicos ou hipozincêmicos. No início da manhã, após jejum noturno, foram coletados sangue e urina para determinação da concentração de zinco. A massa corporal, alturas (do vértex, acromial, dactiloidal, iliocristal, trocantérica e sentado), composição corporal, força e maturidade esquelética (TW3) também foram determinadas por metodologias validadas. Resultados As comparações entre as categorias maturacionais definidas por cada método de avaliação mostraram que a idade óssea foi o único método que permitiu a identificação de diferenças entre as três categorias, em ao menos duas variáeis relacionadas ao rendimento (massa livre de gordura (MLG) e força na mão dominante (FMD) – p<0,0001). O método da pilosidade axilar foi capaz de discriminar apenas para a FMD (p<0,0001). Embora tenha fornecido quatro categorias maturacionais, o método por dosagem da testosterona não possibilitou a identificação de diferenças entre as categorias relativas a MLG, a FMD e as dobras cutâneas(DC). Quando observamos os métodos de avaliação da composição corporal não foram identificadas diferenças sigificativas entre os grupos hipozincêmico e normozincêmico no percentagem de gordura(PG) nem na MLG obtidas através dos métodos da absortometria de dupla energia (DXA) (p=0,06076 e p=0,5638 respectivamente), das DC (p=0,6840 and 0,5087) e através da bioimpedância elétrica (BIA) (p=0,3475 and p=0,3475). Entre os diferentes métodos também não foi encontrada diferenças significativas (PG: p=0,1272 e p=0,3231 - MLG: p=0,9229 and p=0,8933 para os grupos hipozincêmico e normozincêmico, respectivamente). As correlações entre os métodos foram significativas (PG: r= 0,3414 a 0,9765 e p<0,0001 a 0,0133 - MLG: r=0,9533 a 0,9998 e p<0,0001). Fortes coeficientes de determinação foram obtidos nas regressões múltiplas dos valores do DXA com a equação de Slaughter na estimativa da PG (r=0,86; r2=0,928 e SEE=2,37%) e ainda maiores para MLG (r=0,98; r2=0,990 e SEE=1,18kg). Valores menores foram encontrados para as outras equações com DC e para BIA. Ao analisar os efeitos da suplementação de zinco sobre o crescimento, a maturação, a composição corporal e a força, observou-se que somente as alterações ocorridas nos indicadores de crescimento foram significativas (p=0,0312), sendo que todas as demais não foram significativas - idade óssea (p=0,1391), massa livre de gordura (p=0,0593), percentual de massa gorda (p=0,2212) e força na mão dominante (p=0,6569). Conclusões Observando diferentes métodos de avaliação da maturidade biológica e as categorias por eles definidas, o método da idade óssea (IO) mostrou ser melhor, visto que ele permitiu identificar diferenças entre as três categorias possíveis, nas variáveis MLG e FMD, ao contrário dos outros métodos. Para a avaliação da composição corporal, os métodos baseados nas DC foram melhores que BIA, quando DXA não estiver disponível. A comparação entre os métodos baseados nas DC mostrou que a melhor associação foi obtida com a equação de Slaughter, seguida pela equação de Lohman com a utilização da IO ao invés da idade cronológica. Os níveis de zinco plasmático parecem não serem influenciados pela composição corporal, o que certamente justifica mais estudos. Os resultados da análise dos efeitos da suplementação de zinco no crescimento, na maturação, na composição corporal e na força, nos levam a concluir que o crescimento teve alteração positiva significativa e que os valores das demais variáveis estudadas (maturação, composição corporal e força muscular) não sofreram alterações significativas relacionadas à suplementação de zinco nos jovens jogadores de futebol do sexo masculino, na faixa etária dos 12 aos 14 anos.
Background: The different body components may contribute to the development of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes mellitus. The aim of the present study was to examine the association of fat mass and fat free mass indices with markers of insulin resistance, independently of each other and giving, at the same time, gender-specific information in a wide cohort of European adolescents. Methods: A cross-sectional study in a school setting was conducted in 925 (430 males) adolescents (14.9 ± 1.2 years). Weight, height, anthropometric, bioimpedance and blood parameters were measured. Indices for fat mass and fat free mass, and homeostatic model assessment (HOMA) were calculated. Multiple regression analyses were performed adjusting for several confounders including fat free mass and fat mass when possible. Results: Indices of fat mass were positively associated with HOMA (all p < 0.01) after adjusting for all the confounders including fat free mass indices, in both sexes. Fat free mass indices were associated with HOMA, in both males and females, after adjusting for center, pubertal status, socioeconomic status and cardiorespiratory fitness, but the associations disappear when including fat mass indices in the adjustment's model. Conclusion: Fat mass indices derived from different methods are positively associated with insulin resistance independently of several confounders including fat free mass indices. In addition, the relationship of fat free mass with insulin resistance is influenced by the amount of fat mass in European adolescents. Nevertheless, future studies should focus not only on the role of fat mass, but also on other body components such as fat free mass because its role could vary depending of the level and distribution of fat mass.
Objective: To compare the effects of biliopancreatic diversion (BPD) and laparoscopic gastric banding (LAGB) on insulin sensitivity and secretion with the effects of laparoscopic gastric plication (P). Methods: A total of 52 obese women (age 30-66 years) suffering from type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) were prospectively recruited into three study groups: 16 BPD; 16 LAGB, and 20 P. Euglycemic clamps and mixed meal tolerance tests were performed before, at 1 month and at 6 months after bariatric surgery. Beta cell function derived from the meal test parameters was evaluated using mathematical modeling. Results: Glucose disposal per kilogram of fat free mass (a marker of peripheral insulin sensitivity) increased significantly in all groups, especially after 1 month. Basal insulin secretion decreased significantly after all three types of operations, with the most marked decrease after BPD compared with P and LAGB. Total insulin secretion decreased significantly only following the BPD. Beta cell glucose sensitivity did not change significantly post-surgery in any of the study groups. Conclusion: We documented similar improvement in insulin sensitivity in obese T2DM women after all three study operations during the 6-month postoperative follow-up. Notably, only BPD led to decreased demand on beta cells (decreased integrated insulin secretion), but without increasing the beta cell glucose sensitivity.
Background: Coronary artery disease (CAD) is among the main causes of death in developed countries, and diet and lifestyle can influence CAD incidence. Objective: To evaluate the association of coronary artery disease risk score with dietary, anthropometric and biochemical components in adults clinically selected for a lifestyle modification program. Methods: 362 adults (96 men, 266 women, 53.9 +/- 9.4 years) fulfilled the inclusion criteria by presenting all the required data. The Framingham score was calculated and the IV Brazilian Guideline on Dyslipidemia and Prevention of Atherosclerosis was adopted for classification of the CAD risks. Anthropometric assessments included waist circumference (WC), body fat and calculated BMI (kg/m(2)) and muscle-mass index (MMI kg/m(2)). Dietary intake was estimated through 24 h dietary recall. Fasting blood was used for biochemical analysis. Metabolic Syndrome (MS) was diagnosed using NCEP-ATPIII (2001) criteria. Logistic regression was used to determine the odds of CAD risks according to the altered components of MS, dietary, anthropometric, and biochemical components. Results: For a sample with a BMI 28.5 +/- 5.0 kg/m(2) the association with lower risk (<10% CAD) were lower age (<60 years old), and plasma values of uric acid. The presence of MS within low, intermediary, and high CAD risk categories was 30.8%, 55.5%, and 69.8%, respectively. The independent risk factors associated with CAD risk score was MS and uric acid, and the protective factors were recommended intake of saturated fat and fiber and muscle mass index. Conclusion: Recommended intake of saturated fat and dietary fiber, together with proper muscle mass, are inversely associated with CAD risk score. On the other hand, the presence of MS and high plasma uric acid are associated with CAD risk score.
The aim of this study was to analyze vitamin D levels and their association with bone mineral density and body composition in primary antiphospholipid syndrome. For this cross-sectional study 23 premenopausal women with primary antiphospholipid syndrome (Sapporo criteria) and 23 age- and race-matched healthy controls were enrolled. Demographic, anthropometric, clinical and laboratorial data were collected using clinical interview and chart review. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels, parathormone, calcium and 24-hour urinary calcium were evaluated in all subjects. Bone mineral density and body composition were studied by dual X-ray absorptiometry. The mean age of patients and controls was 33 years. Weight (75.61 [20.73] vs. 63.14 [7.34] kg, p=0.009), body mass index (29.57 [7.17] vs. 25.35 [3.37] kg, p=0.014) and caloric ingestion (2493 [1005.6] vs. 1990 [384.1] kcal/day, p=0.03) were higher in PAPS than controls. All PAPS were under oral anticoagulant with INR within therapeutic range. Interestingly, biochemical bone parameters revealed lower levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D [21.64 (11.26) vs. 28.59 (10.67) mg/dl, p=0.039], serum calcium [9.04 (0.46) vs. 9.3 (0.46) mg/dl, p=0.013] and 24-hour urinary calcium [106.55 (83.71) vs. 172.92 (119.05) mg/d, p=0.027] in patients than in controls. Supporting these findings, parathormone levels were higher in primary antiphospholipid syndrome than in controls [64.82 (37.83) vs. 44.53 (19.62) pg/ml, p=0.028]. The analysis of osteoporosis risk factors revealed that the two groups were comparable (p>0.05). Lumbar spine, femoral neck, total femur and whole body bone mineral density were similar in both groups (p>0.05). Higher fat mass [28.51 (12.93) vs. 20.01 (4.68) kg, p=0.005] and higher percentage of fat [36.08 (7.37) vs. 31.23 (4.64)%, p=0.010] were observed in PAPS in comparison with controls; although no difference was seen regarding lean mass. In summary, low vitamin D in primary antiphospholipid syndrome could be secondary to higher weight and fat mass herein observed most likely due to adipocyte sequestration. This weight gain may also justify the maintenance of bone mineral density even with altered biochemical bone parameters. Lupus (2010) 19, 1302-1306.
Background: Insulin resistance and obesity are recognized as left ventricular (LV) mass determinants independent of blood pressure (BP). Prevalence of LV hypertrophy (LVH) and the relationship between LV mass to body composition and metabolic variables were evaluated in normotensive individuals as participants of a population-based study. Methods: LV mass was measured using the second harmonic image by M-mode 2D guided echocardiography in 326 normotensive subjects (mean 47 +/- 9.4 years). Fasting serum lipids and glucose, BP, body composition and waist circumference (WC) were recorded during a clinic visit. Results: Applying a normalization criterion not related to body weight (g/height raised to the power 2.7) and the cut-off points of 47.7 (men) and 46.6 g/m(2.7) (women), LVH was found in 7.9% of the sample. Univariate analysis showed LV mass (g/m(2.7)) related to age, body mass index (BMI), WC, fat and lean body mass, systolic and diastolic BP, and metabolic variables (cholesterol, HDL-c, triglycerides and glucose). In multivariate analysis only BMI and age-adjusted systolic BP remained as independent predictors of LV mass, explaining 31% and 5% of its variability. Removing BMI from the model, WC, age-adjusted systolic BP and lean mass remained independent predictors, explaining 25.0%, 4.0% and 1.5% of LV mass variability, respectively. After sex stratification, LV mass predictors were WC (8%) and systolic BP (5%) in men and WC (36%) and systolic BP (3%) in women. Conclusion: BMI in general and particularly increased abdominal adiposity (WC as surrogate) seems to account for most of LV mass increase in normotensive individuals, mainly in women. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Several studies have reported high levels of inflammatory biomarkers in hypertension, but data coming from the general population are sparse, and sex differences have been little explored. The CoLaus Study is a cross-sectional examination survey in a random sample of 6067 Caucasians aged 35-75 years in Lausanne, Switzerland. Blood pressure (BP) was assessed using a validated oscillometric device. Anthropometric parameters were also measured, including body composition, using electrical bioimpedance. Crude serum levels of interleukin-6 (IL-6), tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α) and ultrasensitive C-reactive protein (hsCRP) were positively and IL-1β (IL-1β) negatively (P<0.001 for all values), associated with BP. For IL-6, IL-1β and TNF-α, the association disappeared in multivariable analysis, largely explained by differences in age and body mass index, in particular fat mass. On the contrary, hsCRP remained independently and positively associated with systolic (β (95% confidence interval): 1.15 (0.64; 1.65); P<0.001) and diastolic (0.75 (0.42; 1.08); P<0.001) BP. Relationships of hsCRP, IL-6 and TNF-α with BP tended to be stronger in women than in men, partly related to the difference in fat mass, yet the interaction between sex and IL-6 persisted after correction for all tested confounders. In the general population, the associations between inflammatory biomarkers and rising levels of BP are mainly driven by age and fat mass. The stronger associations in women suggest that sex differences might exist in the complex interplay between BP and inflammation.
To identify common variants influencing body mass index (BMI), we analyzed genome-wide association data from 16,876 individuals of European descent. After previously reported variants in FTO, the strongest association signal (rs17782313, P = 2.9 x 10(-6)) mapped 188 kb downstream of MC4R (melanocortin-4 receptor), mutations of which are the leading cause of monogenic severe childhood-onset obesity. We confirmed the BMI association in 60,352 adults (per-allele effect = 0.05 Z-score units; P = 2.8 x 10(-15)) and 5,988 children aged 7-11 (0.13 Z-score units; P = 1.5 x 10(-8)). In case-control analyses (n = 10,583), the odds for severe childhood obesity reached 1.30 (P = 8.0 x 10(-11)). Furthermore, we observed overtransmission of the risk allele to obese offspring in 660 families (P (pedigree disequilibrium test average; PDT-avg) = 2.4 x 10(-4)). The SNP location and patterns of phenotypic associations are consistent with effects mediated through altered MC4R function. Our findings establish that common variants near MC4R influence fat mass, weight and obesity risk at the population level and reinforce the need for large-scale data integration to identify variants influencing continuous biomedical traits.