996 resultados para dynamic mesh


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A mechanics based linear analysis of the problem of dynamic instabilities in slender space launch vehicles is undertaken. The flexible body dynamics of the moving vehicle is studied in an inertial frame of reference, including velocity induced curvature effects, which have not been considered so far in the published literature. Coupling among the rigid-body modes, the longitudinal vibrational modes and the transverse vibrational modes due to asymmetric lifting-body cross-section are considered. The model also incorporates the effects of aerodynamic forces and the propulsive thrust of the vehicle. The effects of the coupling between the combustion process (mass variation, developed thrust etc.) and the variables involved in the flexible body dynamics (displacements and velocities) are clearly brought out. The model is one-dimensional, and it can be employed to idealised slender vehicles with complex shapes. Computer simulations are carried out using a standard eigenvalue problem within h-p finite element modelling framework. Stability regimes for a vehicle subjected to propulsive thrust are validated by comparing the results from published literature. Numerical simulations are carried out for a representative vehicle to determine the instability regimes with vehicle speed and propulsive thrust as the parameters. The phenomena of static instability (divergence) and dynamic instability (flutter) are observed. The results at low Mach number match closely with the results obtained from previous models published in the literature.


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A non-linear model, construed as a generalized version of the models put forth earlier for the study of bi-state social interaction processes, is proposed in this study. The feasibility of deriving the dynamics of such processes is demonstrated by establishing equivalence between the non-linear model and a higher order linear model.


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We propose a new type of high-order elements that incorporates the mesh-free Galerkin formulations into the framework of finite element method. Traditional polynomial interpolation is replaced by mesh-free interpolations in the present high-order elements, and the strain smoothing technique is used for integration of the governing equations based on smoothing cells. The properties of high-order elements, which are influenced by the basis function of mesh-free interpolations and boundary nodes, are discussed through numerical examples. It can be found that the basis function has significant influence on the computational accuracy and upper-lower bounds of energy norm, when the strain smoothing technique retains the softening phenomenon. This new type of high-order elements shows good performance when quadratic basis functions are used in the mesh-free interpolations and present elements prove advantageous in adaptive mesh and nodes refinement schemes. Furthermore, it shows less sensitive to the quality of element because it uses the mesh-free interpolations and obeys the Weakened Weak (W2) formulation as introduced in [3, 5].


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Accounting information systems (AIS) capture and process accounting data and provide valuable information for decision-makers. However, in a rapidly changing environment, continual management of the AIS is necessary for organizations to optimise performance outcomes. We suggest that building a dynamic AIS capability enables accounting process and organizational performance. Using the dynamic capabilities framework (Teece 2007) we propose that a dynamic AIS capability can be developed through the synergy of three competencies: a flexible AIS, having a complementary business intelligence system and accounting professionals with IT technical competency. Using survey data, we find evidence of a positive association between a dynamic AIS capability, accounting process performance, and overall firm performance. The results suggest that developing a dynamic AIS resource can add value to an organization. This study provides guidance for organizations looking to leverage the performance outcomes of their AIS environment.


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This paper reviews the recent research progress on multi-layer composite structures composed of variety of materials. The utilization of multi-layer composite system is found to be common in metal structures and pavement systems. The layer of composite structure designed to encounter heavy dynamic energy should have sufficient ductility to counteract the intensity of energy. Therefore, the selection of materials and enhancement of interface bonding become crucial and both are discussed in this paper. The failure modes have also been explored in conjunction with stresses at failures and inferred solutions are also revealed. The paper attempts to reveal all technical facts on multi-layer composite structure in a broad field.


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In this paper a nonlinear control has been designed using the dynamic inversion approach for automatic landing of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), along with associated path planning. This is a difficult problem because of light weight of UAVs and strong coupling between longitudinal and lateral modes. The landing maneuver of the UAV is divided into approach, glideslope and flare. In the approach UAV aligns with the centerline of the runway by heading angle correction. In glideslope and flare the UAV follows straight line and exponential curves respectively in the pitch plane with no lateral deviations. The glideslope and flare path are scheduled as a function of approach distance from runway. The trajectory parameters are calculated such that the sink rate at touchdown remains within specified bounds. It is also ensured that the transition from the glideslope to flare path is smooth by ensuring C-1 continuity at the transition. In the outer loop, the roll rate command is generated by assuring a coordinated turn in the alignment segment and by assuring zero bank angle in the glideslope and flare segments. The pitch rate command is generated from the error in altitude to control the deviations from the landing trajectory. The yaw rate command is generated from the required heading correction. In the inner loop, the aileron, elevator and rudder deflections are computed together to track the required body rate commands. Moreover, it is also ensured that the forward velocity of the UAV at the touch down remains close to a desired value by manipulating the thrust of the vehicle. A nonlinear six-DOF model, which has been developed from extensive wind-tunnel testing, is used both for control design as well as to validate it.


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The viscosities of ternary mixtures of R-12, R-22, and R-114 vapors were determined at ambient temperature and pressure within +-1% by using an oscillating disk viscometer. The empirical viscosity obtained by Wllke's equation compares very well with the experimental results obtained with this vlscometer. In the case of this ternary vapor mixture, as long as the molar fraction ratio of R-12 to R-114 Is maintained at approximately 2"' (=Inverse ratio of thelr molecular weights) the viscosity of the ternary mixture at ambient temperature and pressure remalns constant irrespective of the percentage of R-22 present in the mixture.


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Obtaining drinking water from seawater is usually done through the process of desalination. The conventional desalination processes at present are centralized, require huge capital cost, and enormous amount of concentrated energy from fossil fuel. Issues like optimal chamber pressure, pressure control and energy savings for desalination are not adequately addressed. This paper proposes a novel pressure control method by means of dynamic pressure modulation within the evaporation chamber. A performance index is proposed that results in a dynamic optimal external pressure and maximum energy saving for a specific flow rate. Experimental results from the laboratory setup that validate the proposed concepts are presented in the paper. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Purpose: A computationally efficient algorithm (linear iterative type) based on singular value decomposition (SVD) of the Jacobian has been developed that can be used in rapid dynamic near-infrared (NIR) diffuse optical tomography. Methods: Numerical and experimental studies have been conducted to prove the computational efficacy of this SVD-based algorithm over conventional optical image reconstruction algorithms. Results: These studies indicate that the performance of linear iterative algorithms in terms of contrast recovery (quantitation of optical images) is better compared to nonlinear iterative (conventional) algorithms, provided the initial guess is close to the actual solution. The nonlinear algorithms can provide better quality images compared to the linear iterative type algorithms. Moreover, the analytical and numerical equivalence of the SVD-based algorithm to linear iterative algorithms was also established as a part of this work. It is also demonstrated that the SVD-based image reconstruction typically requires O(NN2) operations per iteration, as contrasted with linear and nonlinear iterative methods that, respectively, requir O(NN3) and O(NN6) operations, with ``NN'' being the number of unknown parameters in the optical image reconstruction procedure. Conclusions: This SVD-based computationally efficient algorithm can make the integration of image reconstruction procedure with the data acquisition feasible, in turn making the rapid dynamic NIR tomography viable in the clinic to continuously monitor hemodynamic changes in the tissue pathophysiology.


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Predicting temporal responses of ecosystems to disturbances associated with industrial activities is critical for their management and conservation. However, prediction of ecosystem responses is challenging due to the complexity and potential non-linearities stemming from interactions between system components and multiple environmental drivers. Prediction is particularly difficult for marine ecosystems due to their often highly variable and complex natures and large uncertainties surrounding their dynamic responses. Consequently, current management of such systems often rely on expert judgement and/or complex quantitative models that consider only a subset of the relevant ecological processes. Hence there exists an urgent need for the development of whole-of-systems predictive models to support decision and policy makers in managing complex marine systems in the context of industry based disturbances. This paper presents Dynamic Bayesian Networks (DBNs) for predicting the temporal response of a marine ecosystem to anthropogenic disturbances. The DBN provides a visual representation of the problem domain in terms of factors (parts of the ecosystem) and their relationships. These relationships are quantified via Conditional Probability Tables (CPTs), which estimate the variability and uncertainty in the distribution of each factor. The combination of qualitative visual and quantitative elements in a DBN facilitates the integration of a wide array of data, published and expert knowledge and other models. Such multiple sources are often essential as one single source of information is rarely sufficient to cover the diverse range of factors relevant to a management task. Here, a DBN model is developed for tropical, annual Halophila and temperate, persistent Amphibolis seagrass meadows to inform dredging management and help meet environmental guidelines. Specifically, the impacts of capital (e.g. new port development) and maintenance (e.g. maintaining channel depths in established ports) dredging is evaluated with respect to the risk of permanent loss, defined as no recovery within 5 years (Environmental Protection Agency guidelines). The model is developed using expert knowledge, existing literature, statistical models of environmental light, and experimental data. The model is then demonstrated in a case study through the analysis of a variety of dredging, environmental and seagrass ecosystem recovery scenarios. In spatial zones significantly affected by dredging, such as the zone of moderate impact, shoot density has a very high probability of being driven to zero by capital dredging due to the duration of such dredging. Here, fast growing Halophila species can recover, however, the probability of recovery depends on the presence of seed banks. On the other hand, slow growing Amphibolis meadows have a high probability of suffering permanent loss. However, in the maintenance dredging scenario, due to the shorter duration of dredging, Amphibolis is better able to resist the impacts of dredging. For both types of seagrass meadows, the probability of loss was strongly dependent on the biological and ecological status of the meadow, as well as environmental conditions post-dredging. The ability to predict the ecosystem response under cumulative, non-linear interactions across a complex ecosystem highlights the utility of DBNs for decision support and environmental management.


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An instrument for simultaneous measurement of dynamic strain and temperature in a thermally unstable ambience has been proposed, based on fiber Bragg grating technology. The instrument can function as a compact and stand-alone broadband thermometer and a dynamic strain gauge. It employs a source wavelength tracking procedure for linear dependence of the output on the measurand, offering high dynamic range. Two schemes have been demonstrated with their relative merits. As a thermometer, the present instrumental configuration can offer a linear response in excess of 500 degrees C that can be easily extended by adding a suitable grating and source without any alteration in the procedure. Temperature sensitivity is about 0.06 degrees C for a bandwidth of 1 Hz. For the current grating, the upper limit of strain measurement is about 150 mu epsilon with a sensitivity of about 80 n epsilon Hz(-1/2). The major source of uncertainty associated with dynamic strain measurement is the laser source intensity noise, which is of broad spectral band. A low noise source device or the use of optical power regulators can offer improved performance. The total harmonic distortion is less than 0.5% up to about 50 mu epsilon, 1.2% at 100 mu epsilon and about 2.3% at 150 mu epsilon. Calibrated results of temperature and strain measurement with the instrument have been presented. Traces of ultrasound signals recorded by the system at 200 kHz, in an ambience of 100-200 degrees C temperature fluctuation, have been included. Also, the vibration spectrum and engine temperature of a running internal combustion engine has been recorded as a realistic application of the system.


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The main objective of on-line dynamic security assessment is to take preventive action if required or decide remedial action if a contingency actually occurs. Stability limits are obtained for different contingencies. The mode of instability is one of the outputs of dynamic security analysis. When a power system becomes unstable, it splits initially into two groups of generators, and there is a unique cutset in the transmission network known as critical cutset across which the angles become unbounded. The knowledge of critical cutset is additional information obtained from dynamic security assessment, which can be used for initiating preventive control actions, deciding emergency control actions, and adaptive out-of-step relaying. In this article, an analytical technique for the fast prediction of the critical cutset by system simulation for a short duration is presented. Case studies on the New England ten-generator system are presented. The article also suggests the applications of the identification of critical cutsets.


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The problem of identification of stiffness, mass and damping properties of linear structural systems, based on multiple sets of measurement data originating from static and dynamic tests is considered. A strategy, within the framework of Kalman filter based dynamic state estimation, is proposed to tackle this problem. The static tests consists of measurement of response of the structure to slowly moving loads, and to static loads whose magnitude are varied incrementally; the dynamic tests involve measurement of a few elements of the frequency response function (FRF) matrix. These measurements are taken to be contaminated by additive Gaussian noise. An artificial independent variable τ, that simultaneously parameterizes the point of application of the moving load, the magnitude of the incrementally varied static load and the driving frequency in the FRFs, is introduced. The state vector is taken to consist of system parameters to be identified. The fact that these parameters are independent of the variable τ is taken to constitute the set of ‘process’ equations. The measurement equations are derived based on the mechanics of the problem and, quantities, such as displacements and/or strains, are taken to be measured. A recursive algorithm that employs a linearization strategy based on Neumann’s expansion of structural static and dynamic stiffness matrices, and, which provides posterior estimates of the mean and covariance of the unknown system parameters, is developed. The satisfactory performance of the proposed approach is illustrated by considering the problem of the identification of the dynamic properties of an inhomogeneous beam and the axial rigidities of members of a truss structure.


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Combining the advanced techniques of optimal dynamic inversion and model-following neuro-adaptive control design, an innovative technique is presented to design an automatic drug administration strategy for effective treatment of chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML). A recently developed nonlinear mathematical model for cell dynamics is used to design the controller (medication dosage). First, a nominal controller is designed based on the principle of optimal dynamic inversion. This controller can treat the nominal model patients (patients who can be described by the mathematical model used here with the nominal parameter values) effectively. However, since the system parameters for a realistic model patient can be different from that of the nominal model patients, simulation studies for such patients indicate that the nominal controller is either inefficient or, worse, ineffective; i.e. the trajectory of the number of cancer cells either shows non-satisfactory transient behavior or it grows in an unstable manner. Hence, to make the drug dosage history more realistic and patient-specific, a model-following neuro-adaptive controller is augmented to the nominal controller. In this adaptive approach, a neural network trained online facilitates a new adaptive controller. The training process of the neural network is based on Lyapunov stability theory, which guarantees both stability of the cancer cell dynamics as well as boundedness of the network weights. From simulation studies, this adaptive control design approach is found to be very effective to treat the CML disease for realistic patients. Sufficient generality is retained in the mathematical developments so that the technique can be applied to other similar nonlinear control design problems as well.


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The ability to test large arrays of cell and biomaterial combinations in 3D environments is still rather limited in the context of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. This limitation can be generally addressed by employing highly automated and reproducible methodologies. This study reports on the development of a highly versatile and upscalable method based on additive manufacturing for the fabrication of arrays of scaffolds, which are enclosed into individualized perfusion chambers. Devices containing eight scaffolds and their corresponding bioreactor chambers are simultaneously fabricated utilizing a dual extrusion additive manufacturing system. To demonstrate the versatility of the concept, the scaffolds, while enclosed into the device, are subsequently surface-coated with a biomimetic calcium phosphate layer by perfusion with simulated body fluid solution. 96 scaffolds are simultaneously seeded and cultured with human osteoblasts under highly controlled bidirectional perfusion dynamic conditions over 4 weeks. Both coated and noncoated resulting scaffolds show homogeneous cell distribution and high cell viability throughout the 4 weeks culture period and CaP-coated scaffolds result in a significantly increased cell number. The methodology developed in this work exemplifies the applicability of additive manufacturing as a tool for further automation of studies in the field of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.