932 resultados para distributed computing projects


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Possui como objetivo compreender a relação entre os conteúdos de ensino com a especificidade da Educação Física. Se caracteriza pela abordagem plurimetodológica qualitativa/quantitativa e foi delineada em três capítulos que dialogam entre si, considerando a natureza das fontes estudadas e os pressupostos teórico-metodológicos assumidos. Do tipo “estado do conhecimento”, o primeiro capítulo investiga as produções acadêmicas que versam sobre os conteúdos de ensino da Educação Física escolar, no período de 1981 a 2010. Os 146 artigos mapeados encontram-se distribuídos em 14 periódicos, analisados por meio de indicadores bibliométricos (MUGNAINI; CARVALHO; CAMPANATTI-OSTIZ, 2006). A pesquisa indica os autores que se constituem como referência numérica na área e sua relação com os Programas de Pós-Graduação, suas linhas de estudo e os grupos de pesquisa que oferecem suporte teórico-metodológico. O segundo capítulo, de natureza quali-quantitativa, discute a opinião de 266 professores de Educação Física do Estado do Espírito Santo sobre os processos de seleção e sistematização dos conteúdos de ensino, expressos em um questionário elaborado com perguntas fechadas e semiabertas. Dá visibilidade às aproximações dos conteúdos com a cultura local e às implicações das lógicas de escolarização na escolha do que e quando ensinar. O terceiro capítulo se caracteriza por ser uma pesquisa narrativa (CERTEAU, 2002; RIBEIRO; SOUZA, 2010) e evidencia o modo como os professores de Educação Física trabalham com os conteúdos de ensino. Possui como colaboradores 14 docentes de Educação Física atuantes na Educação Básica da Microrregião Metropolitana do Estado do Espírito Santo e, para a produção das fontes, utiliza uma entrevista semiestruturada, um grupo focal e três a cinco narrativas individuais orais. Os professores explicitam os saberes privilegiados por essa disciplina como aqueles incorporados pela imbricação do Eu na situação e pela distanciação-regulação (CHARLOT, 2000). Ao dar visibilidade aos projetos de ensino desenvolvidos pelos professores, a pesquisa apresenta possibilidades de se constituir uma integração curricular, por meio de temas que perpassam diferentes disciplinas


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The influence of the dispersion of vapor grown carbon nanofibers (VGCNF) on the electrical properties of VGCNF/epoxy composites has been studied. A homogeneous dispersion of the VGCNF does not imply better electrical properties. The presence of well distributed clusters appears to be a key factor for increasing composite conductivity. It is also shown that the main conduction mechanism has an ionic nature for concentrations below the percolation threshold, while above the percolation threshold it is dominated by hopping between the fillers. Finally, using the granular system theory it is possible to explain the origin of conduction at low temperatures.


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Four dispersion methods were used for the preparation of vapour grown carbon nanofibre (VGCNF)/epoxy composites. It is shown that each method induces certain levels of VGCNF dispersion and distribution within the matrix, and that these have a strong influence on the composite electrical properties. A homogenous VGCNF dispersion does not necessarily imply higher electrical conductivity. In fact, it is concluded that the presence of well distributed clusters, rather than a fine dispersion, is more important for achieving larger conductivities for a given VGCNF concentration. It is also found that the conductivity can be described by a weak disorder regime.


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The influence of the dispersion of vapor-grown carbon nanofibers (VGCNF) on the electrical properties of VGCNF/ Epoxy composites has been studied. A homogenous dispersion of the VGCNF does not imply better electrical properties. In fact, it is demonstrated that the most simple of the tested dispersion methods results in higher conductivity, since the presence of well-distributed nanofiber clusters appears to be a key factor for increasing composite conductivity.


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What sort of component coordination strategies emerge in a software integration process? How can such strategies be discovered and further analysed? How close are they to the coordination component of the envisaged architectural model which was supposed to guide the integration process? This paper introduces a framework in which such questions can be discussed and illustrates its use by describing part of a real case-study. The approach is based on a methodology which enables semi-automatic discovery of coordination patterns from source code, combining generalized slicing techniques and graph manipulation


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In this work, we consider the numerical solution of a large eigenvalue problem resulting from a finite rank discretization of an integral operator. We are interested in computing a few eigenpairs, with an iterative method, so a matrix representation that allows for fast matrix-vector products is required. Hierarchical matrices are appropriate for this setting, and also provide cheap LU decompositions required in the spectral transformation technique. We illustrate the use of freely available software tools to address the problem, in particular SLEPc for the eigensolvers and HLib for the construction of H-matrices. The numerical tests are performed using an astrophysics application. Results show the benefits of the data-sparse representation compared to standard storage schemes, in terms of computational cost as well as memory requirements.


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Graphical user interfaces (GUIs) are critical components of today's open source software. Given their increased relevance, the correctness and usability of GUIs are becoming essential. This paper describes the latest results in the development of our tool to reverse engineer the GUI layer of interactive computing open source systems. We use static analysis techniques to generate models of the user interface behavior from source code. Models help in graphical user interface inspection by allowing designers to concentrate on its more important aspects. One particular type of model that the tool is able to generate is state machines. The paper shows how graph theory can be useful when applied to these models. A number of metrics and algorithms are used in the analysis of aspects of the user interface's quality. The ultimate goal of the tool is to enable analysis of interactive system through GUIs source code inspection.


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A sociedade atual é marcada por uma crescente competição entre as organizações, as quais para garantirem a sua sobrevivência têm que evoluir e utilizar a tecnologia de informação mais adequada. Num período em que as PMES portuguesas necessitam de reduzir custos e concentrarem-se mais no seu processo de negócio surge um novo paradigma tecnológico, a Computação na Nuvem, esta ainda é um paradigma bastante recente, onde os recursos de TI que apresentam características de elasticidade e dinâmicas são oferecidos ao cliente como um serviço, no qual este paga apenas o que consome (pagamento por utilização). A Cloud Computing com o seu novo paradigma permite às organizações, principalmente às PMES reduzirem custos, concentrarem-se no seu processo de negócio sem se preocuparem com a parte informática (cópias de segurança, assistência e perda de dados) e obter um retorno mais rápido do seu investimento. Este trabalho consiste no Estudo da Adoção Individual da Cloud Computing no contexto das PMEs Portuguesas, o qual apresenta como principais objetivos obter uma melhor compreensão do conceito Cloud Computing, entender a sua importância para os indivíduos das PMES, identificar os seus fatores de sucesso e insucesso e identificar as limitações sentidas de uma forma generalizada e de uma forma específica para as PMES Portuguesas. Para cumprir os objetivos mencionados anteriormente, efetuou-se uma extensa revisão de literatura, propôs-se um modelo conceptual de investigação com adaptações à Teoria Unificada de Aceitação e Uso de Tecnologia (UTAUT) e utilizou-se como instrumento de recolha de dados um questionário que foi enviado às PMES Portuguesas.


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LUDA is a research project of Key Action 4 "City of Tomorrow & Cultural Heritage" of the programme "Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development" within the Fifth Framework Programme of the European Commission


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In this article we argue that digital simulations promote and explore complex relations between the player and the machines cybernetic system with which it relates through gameplay, that is, the real application of tactics and strategies used by participants as they play the game. We plan to show that the realism of simulation, together with the merger of artificial objects with the real world, can generate interactive empathy between players and their avatars. In this text, we intend to explore augmented reality as a means to visualise interactive communication projects. With ARToolkit, Virtools and 3ds Max applications, we aim to show how to create a portable interactive platform that resorts to the environment and markers for constructing the games scenario. Many of the conventional functions of the human eye are being replaced by techniques where images do not position themselves in the traditional manner that we observe them (Crary, 1998), or in the way we perceive the real world. The digitalization of the real world to a new informational layer over objects, people or environments, needs to be processed and mediated by tools that amplify the natural human senses.


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In this text, we intend to explore augmented reality as a means to visualise interactive communication projects. With ARToolkit, Virtools and 3ds Max applications, we aim to show how to create a portable interactive platform that resorts to the environment and markers for constructing the game’s scenario. We plan to show that the realism of simulation, together with the merger of artificial objects with the real world, can generate interactive empathy between players and their avatars.


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O projecto “Principais tendências no cinema português contemporâneo” nasceu no Departamento de Cinema da ESTC, com o objectivo de desenvolver investigação especializada a partir de um núcleo formado por alunos da Licenciatura em Cinema e do Mestrado em Desenvolvimento de Projecto Cinematográfico, a que se juntaram professores-investigadores membros do CIAC e convidados. O que agora se divulga corresponde a dois anos e meio de trabalho desenvolvido pela equipa de investigação, entre Abril de 2009 e Novembro de 2011. Dada a forma que ele foi adquirindo, preferimos renomeá-lo, para efeitos de divulgação, “Novas & velhas tendências no cinema português contemporâneo”.


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One of the most efficient approaches to generate the side information (SI) in distributed video codecs is through motion compensated frame interpolation where the current frame is estimated based on past and future reference frames. However, this approach leads to significant spatial and temporal variations in the correlation noise between the source at the encoder and the SI at the decoder. In such scenario, it would be useful to design an architecture where the SI can be more robustly generated at the block level, avoiding the creation of SI frame regions with lower correlation, largely responsible for some coding efficiency losses. In this paper, a flexible framework to generate SI at the block level in two modes is presented: while the first mode corresponds to a motion compensated interpolation (MCI) technique, the second mode corresponds to a motion compensated quality enhancement (MCQE) technique where a low quality Intra block sent by the encoder is used to generate the SI by doing motion estimation with the help of the reference frames. The novel MCQE mode can be overall advantageous from the rate-distortion point of view, even if some rate has to be invested in the low quality Intra coding blocks, for blocks where the MCI produces SI with lower correlation. The overall solution is evaluated in terms of RD performance with improvements up to 2 dB, especially for high motion video sequences and long Group of Pictures (GOP) sizes.


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Motion compensated frame interpolation (MCFI) is one of the most efficient solutions to generate side information (SI) in the context of distributed video coding. However, it creates SI with rather significant motion compensated errors for some frame regions while rather small for some other regions depending on the video content. In this paper, a low complexity Infra mode selection algorithm is proposed to select the most 'critical' blocks in the WZ frame and help the decoder with some reliable data for those blocks. For each block, the novel coding mode selection algorithm estimates the encoding rate for the Intra based and WZ coding modes and determines the best coding mode while maintaining a low encoder complexity. The proposed solution is evaluated in terms of rate-distortion performance with improvements up to 1.2 dB regarding a WZ coding mode only solution.