936 resultados para delayed match-to-sample
Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) is a ubiquitous organism responsible for most pulmonary and disseminated disease caused by non-tuberculosis (NTM) mycobacteria. Though MAC lung disease without predisposing factors is uncommon, in recent years it has been increasingly described in middle-aged and elderly women. Recognition and correct diagnosis, is often delayed due to the indolent nature of the disease. It is unclear if these women have significant clinical disease as or if their airways are simply colonized by the bacterium. This study describes the clinical presentation, identifies risk factors, and describes the clinical significance of MAC lung disease in HIV-negative women aged 50 or greater. ^ A hybrid study design utilizing both cross-sectional and case-control methodologies was used. A comparison population was selected from previously identified tuberculosis suspects found throughout Harris County. The study population had at least one acid fast bacillus pulmonary culture performed between 1/1/1998 and 12/31/2000 from a pulmonary source. Clinical presentation and symptoms were analyzed using a cross-sectional design. Past medical history and other risk factors were evaluated using a traditional case-control study design. Differences in categorical variables were estimated with the Chi Square or Fisher's Exact test as appropriate. Odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals were utilized to evaluate associations. Multivariate logistic regression was used to identify predictive factors for MAC. All statistical tests were two-sided and P-values <0.05 were considered statistically significant. ^ Culture confirmed MAC pulmonary cases were more likely to be white, have bronchiectasis, scoliosis, evidence of cavitation and pleural changes on chest radiography and granulomas on histopathologic examination than women whose pulmonary cultures were AFB negative. After controlling for selected risk factors, white race continued to be significantly associated with MAC lung disease (OR = 4.6, 95% CI = 2.3, 9.2). In addition, asthma history, smoking history and alcohol use were less likely to be evident among MAC cases in a multivariate analysis. Right upper and right middle lobe disease was further noted among clinically significant cases. Based on population data, MAC lung disease appears to represent a significant clinical syndrome in HIV-negative women thus supporting the theory of the Lady Windermere Syndrome. ^
The objective of this program is to reduce malaria incidence in Kenya. Malaria poses a large public health challenge in Kenya, and although public health efforts have traditionally been focused on treatment of infected patients, due to increased drug resistance and lack of drug-adherence, prevention strategies are needed. This program targets Kenyan women, the likely caretakers in the home, and promotes malaria prevention behaviors through health education. ^ A planning group will be assembled and a needs assessment will be performed, verifying risk factors and conditions associated with malaria, as well as personal and external determinants. Behavioral and environmental outcomes will be determined, and performance objectives for each outcome will be established. Matrices of change objectives will be created, and detailed methods and strategies will be linked to each change objective. Program elements include media, education, and incentives. All materials used in this program will be subjected to pre-test to ensure cultural relevance and fidelity. Matrices of change objectives will be created for program adopters and implementers, as well as correlating methods and strategies associated with each change objective. Performance objectives will also be compiled for program maintainers. A program evaluation plan will follow "Pre-Post Comparison Group" design. Outcome evaluation and process evaluation will be conducted. The sample population will be screened based on age and gender so as to maintain comparability to the target population. Measurements will be taken before the program to establish baseline, directly following the program to determine short-term effects, and three months after the program is completed to determine long-term effects. ^ One limitation of this program is selection bias, due to the nature of quasi-experimental studies. Thorough screening prior to sample selection will minimize selection bias and ensure group homogeneity. Another limitation is attrition, and this will be minimized where possible through the use of incentives. In cases where loss to follow-up is not avoidable, such as death or natural disasters, the attrition effect will be estimated using structural equation modeling after reviewing the sample size, differential attrition and total attrition. ^ This intervention is based heavily on health promotion theories, but it is important to remember that in the field, the program plan will likely include only the necessary practical strategies. The target population, Kenyan women of childbearing age, will be significant in decreasing the malaria disease burden in Kenya.^
Many factors have been studied as potential correlates in delayed HIV diagnosis and delayed linkage to HIV healthcare. Few studies have analyzed the association of trust as a correlate in HIV diagnosis and HIV medical treatment delays. This study sought to assess the effect of patient trust in physicians and trust in the healthcare system, and whether diminished levels of trust affect delays in HIV diagnosis and/or linking to HIV healthcare, among a cohort of newly diagnosed HIV-infected persons, in Harris County, Texas.^ This study is a secondary data analysis from the Attitude and Beliefs and the Steps of HIV Care Study, also known as the Steps Study, a prospective observational cohort study. From January 2006 to October 2007 patients newly diagnosed with HIV infection and not yet in HIV primary care were recruited from publically funded HIV testing sites in Houston, Texas.^ Two outcomes were assessed in this study. The first outcome sought to determine the influence of trust and whether decreased levels of trust predicted delays in HIV diagnosis. Trust in physicians and trust in the healthcare system were measured via 2 validated trust scales. Trust scores of those with late diagnosis (CD4 counts <200 cells/mm3) were compared statistically with those with early diagnosis (CD4 counts ≥ 200 cells/mm3) in a cross sectional study design. Trust was not found to be predictive of delays in HIV diagnosis. ^ The second outcome utilized the same trust scales and a prospective cohort study design to assess whether there were differences in trust scores between those who successfully linked to HIV healthcare, compared to those who failed to link to HIV healthcare, within 6 months of diagnosis. Patients with higher trust in physicians and trust in the healthcare system were significantly more likely to be linked to HIV healthcare than those with lower trust.^ Overall, this study showed that among low-income persons with undiagnosed HIV infection, low trust is not a barrier to timely diagnosis of HIV infection. Trust may be a factor in promoting a prompt linkage to HIV healthcare among those who are newly diagnosed.^
Health departments, research institutions, policy-makers, and healthcare providers are often interested in knowing the health status of their clients/constituents. Without the resources, financially or administratively, to go out into the community and conduct health assessments directly, these entities frequently rely on data from population-based surveys to supply the information they need. Unfortunately, these surveys are ill-equipped for the job due to sample size and privacy concerns. Small area estimation (SAE) techniques have excellent potential in such circumstances, but have been underutilized in public health due to lack of awareness and confidence in applying its methods. The goal of this research is to make model-based SAE accessible to a broad readership using clear, example-based learning. Specifically, we applied the principles of multilevel, unit-level SAE to describe the geographic distribution of HPV vaccine coverage among females aged 11-26 in Texas.^ Multilevel (3 level: individual, county, public health region) random-intercept logit models of HPV vaccination (receipt of ≥ 1 dose Gardasil® ) were fit to data from the 2008 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (outcome and level 1 covariates) and a number of secondary sources (group-level covariates). Sampling weights were scaled (level 1) or constructed (levels 2 & 3), and incorporated at every level. Using the regression coefficients (and standard errors) from the final models, I simulated 10,000 datasets for each regression coefficient from the normal distribution and applied them to the logit model to estimate HPV vaccine coverage in each county and respective demographic subgroup. For simplicity, I only provide coverage estimates (and 95% confidence intervals) for counties.^ County-level coverage among females aged 11-17 varied from 6.8-29.0%. For females aged 18-26, coverage varied from 1.9%-23.8%. Aggregated to the state level, these values translate to indirect state estimates of 15.5% and 11.4%, respectively; both of which fall within the confidence intervals for the direct estimates of HPV vaccine coverage in Texas (Females 11-17: 17.7%, 95% CI: 13.6, 21.9; Females 18-26: 12.0%, 95% CI: 6.2, 17.7).^ Small area estimation has great potential for informing policy, program development and evaluation, and the provision of health services. Harnessing the flexibility of multilevel, unit-level SAE to estimate HPV vaccine coverage among females aged 11-26 in Texas counties, I have provided (1) practical guidance on how to conceptualize and conduct modelbased SAE, (2) a robust framework that can be applied to other health outcomes or geographic levels of aggregation, and (3) HPV vaccine coverage data that may inform the development of health education programs, the provision of health services, the planning of additional research studies, and the creation of local health policies.^
A high-resolution stratigraphic framework is presented for sapropel S5, which represents the low-mid latitude climate optimum of the previous interglacial period (Eemian). The framework is based on three sites along a transect from west to east through the eastern Mediterranean, and is further validated using a fourth site. This method allows expression of S5-based proxy records of Eemian climate variability along a standardised depth scale that offers unprecedented possibilities for assessment of spatial gradients and signal leads and lags in an interval where highresolution (radiocarbon-style) dating cannot be performed. Our lateral comparison of S5 sapropels suggests that the onset of S5 in ODP site 967C (Eratosthenes seamount) was 1-6 centuries delayed relative to the onsets in more westerly sites.
En febrero de 1998 se observó en cultivos de pimiento y ají de Mendoza (Argentina) muerte anticipada de plantas con severos daños en la producción. La magnitud del problema motivó una prospección en los principales oasis de la provincia, a fin de describir la sintomatología, conocer su dispersión, estimar los daños causados y recolectar material para realizar estudios en laboratorio tendientes a confirmar su etiología. Se constató que la afección se encontraba distribuida en todos los oasis del centro y norte. La sintomatología en hojas se caracterizó por la presencia en la cara adaxial de manchas amarillentas, de forma circular de 15 a 20 mm de diámetro, con puntuaciones necróticas, con tendencia a presentarse en anillos concéntricos. En la cara abaxial, generalmente las lesiones eran acompañadas de un micelio blanco tenue. Posteriormente siguió una severa defoliación. La producción disminuyó notablemente y además en pimiento los frutos fueron afectados por escaldaduras de sol y perdieron su valor comercial. A partir de aislamientos de pimiento y ají, mantenidos en plantas de brincos (Impatiens balsamina L.), se inocularon plantas sanas y se logró reproducir la enfermedad en condiciones de invernáculo.
In situ secondary ionization mass spectrometry (SIMS) analyses of oxygen isotopes in authigenic calcite veins were obtained from an active thrust fault system drilled at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 892 (44°40.4'N, 125°07.1'W) along the Cascadia subduction margin. The average d18OPDB value of all samples is -9.9 per mil and the values are the lowest of any measured in active accretionary prisms. Ranges in individual veins can be as much as 19.6 per mil. There is an isotopic stratigraphy related to the structural stratigraphy. Mean isotope values in the hanging wall, thrust, and footwall are -14.4 per mil, -9.5 per mil, and -5.2 per mil, respectively. Several veins and crosscutting vein sequences show a general trend from lower to higher d18O values over time. Isotopic and textural data indicate several veins formed by a crack-seal mechanism and growth into open fractures. The best explanation for the strong 18O depletions is periodic rapid flow from 2-3 km deeper in the prism. Relatively narrow isotopic ranges for most veins suggest that fluids were derived from a similar source depth for each episode of fluid pulse and calcite crystallization. Structural and mass balance considerations are consistent with a record preserved in the veins of ten to hundreds of thousands of years. The fluid pulses may relate to periodic large earthquake events such as those recognized in the paleoseismicity records from the Cascadia margin.
This data set contains three time series of measurements of soil carbon (particular and dissolved) from the main experiment plots of a large grassland biodiversity experiment (the Jena Experiment; see further details below). In the main experiment, 82 grassland plots of 20 x 20 m were established from a pool of 60 species belonging to four functional groups (grasses, legumes, tall and small herbs). In May 2002, varying numbers of plant species from this species pool were sown into the plots to create a gradient of plant species richness (1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 60 species) and functional richness (1, 2, 3, 4 functional groups). Plots were maintained by bi-annual weeding and mowing. 1. Particulate soil carbon: Stratified soil sampling was performed every two years since before sowing in April 2002 and was repeated in April 2004, 2006 and 2008 to a depth of 30 cm segmented to a depth resolution of 5 cm giving six depth subsamples per core. Total carbon concentration was analyzed on ball-milled subsamples by an elemental analyzer at 1150°C. Inorganic carbon concentration was measured by elemental analysis at 1150°C after removal of organic carbon for 16 h at 450°C in a muffle furnace. Organic carbon concentration was calculated as the difference between both measurements of total and inorganic carbon. 2. Particulate soil carbon (high intensity sampling): In one block of the Jena Experiment soil samples were taken to a depth of 1 m (segmented to a depth resolution of 5 cm giving 20 depth subsamples per core) with three replicates per block ever 5 years starting before sowing in April 2002. Samples were processed as for the more frequent sampling. 3. Dissolved organic carbon: Suction plates installed on the field site in 10, 20, 30 and 60 cm depth were used to sample soil pore water. Cumulative soil solution was sampled biweekly and analyzed for dissolved organic carbon concentration by a high TOC elemental analyzer. Annual mean values of DOC are provided.
The site for CRP-2, 14 km east of Cape Roberts (77.006°S; 163.719°E), was selected to overlap the early Miocene strata cored in nearby CRP-1, and to sample deeper into the east-dipping strata near the western margin ofe he Victoria Land Basin to investigate Palaeogene climatic and tectonic history. CRP-2 was cored from 5 to 57 mbsf (metres below the sea floor) (core recovery 91 %), with a deviation resulting in CRP-2A being cored at the same site. CRP-2A reached down to 624mbsf (recovery 95%), and to strata with an age of c. 33-35 Ma. Drilling took place from 16 October to 25 November 1998, on 2.0-2.2 m of sea ice and through 178 m of water. Core fractures and other physical properties, such as sonic velocity, density and magnetic susceptibility, were measured throughout the core. Down-hole logs for these and other properties were run from 63 to 167 mbsf and subsequently from 200 to 623 mbsf, although density and velocity data could be obtained only to 440 mbsf because of hole collapse. Sonic velocity averages c. 2.0 km S-1 for the upper part of the hole, but there is an sharp increase to c. 3.0 km s-1 and also a slight angular unconformity, at 306 mbsf, corresponding most likely to the early/late Oligocene boundary (c. 28-30 Ma). Velocity then increases irregularly to around 3.6 km s-1 at the bottom of the hole, which is estimated to lie 120 m above the V4/V5 boundary. The higher velocities below 306 mbsf probably reflect more extensive carbonate and common pyrite cementation, in patches, nodules, bedding-parallel masses and as vein infills. Dip of the strata also increases down-hole from 3° in the upper 300 in to over 10° at the bottom. Temperature gradient is 21° k-1. Over 2 000 fractures were logged through the hole. Borehole televiewer imagery was obtained for the interval from 200 to 440 mbsf to orient the fractures for stress field analysis. Lithostratigraphical descriptions on a scale of 1:20 are presented for the full length of the core, along with core box images, as a 200 page supplement to this issue. The hole initially passed through a layer of muddy gravel to 5.5 mbsf (Lithological Sub-Unit or LSU 1.1), and then into a Quaternary diatom-bearing clast-rich diamicton to 21 mbsf (LSU 2. l), with an interval of alternating compact diamicton and loose sand, and containing a rich Pliocene foraminiferal fauna, to 27 mbsf (LSU 2.2). The unit beneath this (LSU 3.1) has similar physical properties (sonic velocity, porosity, magnetic susceptibility) and includes diamictites of similar character to those of LSU 2.1 and 2.2, but an early Miocene (c. 19 Ma) diatom assemblage at 28 mbsf (top of LSU 3.1) shows that this sub-unit is part of the older section. The strata beneath 27 mbsf, primary target for the project, extend from early Miocene to perhaps latest Eocene age, and are largely cyclic glacimarine nearshore to offshore sediments. They are described as 41 lithological sub-units and interpreted in terms of 12 recurrent lithofacies. These are 1) mudstone, 2) inter-stratified mudstone and sandstone, 3) muddy very fine to coarse sandstone, 4) well-sorted stratified fine sandstone, 5) moderately to well-sorted, medium-grained sandstone, 6) stratified diamictite, 7) massive diamictite, 8) rhythmically inter-stratified sandstone and mudstone, 9) clast-supported conglomerate, 10) matrix-supported conglomerate, 11) mudstone breccia and 12) volcaniclastic sediment. Sequence stratigraphical analysis has identified 22 unconformity-bounded depositional sequences in pre- Pliocene strata. They typically comprise a four-part architecture involving, in ascending order, 1) a sharp-based coarse-grained unit (Facies 6,7,9 or 10), 2) a fining-upward succession of sandstones (Facies 3 and 4), 3) a mudstone interval (Facies l), in some cases coarsening upward to muddy sandstones (Facies 3), and 4) a sharp-based sandstone dominated succession (mainly Facies 4). The cyclicity recorded by the strata is interpreted in terms of a glacier ice margin retreating and advancing from land to the west, and of rises and falls in sea level. Analysis of sequence periodicity awaits afirmer chronology. However, apreliminary spectral analysis of magnetic susceptibility for a deepwater mudstone within one of the sequences (from 339 to 347 mbsf) reveals ratios between hierarchical levels that are similar to those of the three Milankovitch orbital forcing periodicities. The strata contain a wide range of fossils, the most abundant being marine diatoms. These commonly form up to 5% of the sediment, though in places the core is barren (notably between 300 and 412 mbsf). Fifty samples out of 250 reviewed were studied in detail. The assemblages define ten biostratigraphical zones, some of them based on local or as yet undescribed forms. The assemblages are neritic, and largely planktonic, suggesting that the sea floor was mostly below the photic zone throughout deposition of the corcd sequence. Calcareous nannofossils, representing incursions of ocean surface waters, are much less common (72 out of 183 samples examined) and restricted to mudstone intervals a few tens of metres thick, but are important for dating. Foraminifera are also sparse (73 out of 135 samples) and represented only by calcareous benthic species. Changing assemblages indicate a shift from inshore environments in the early Oligocenc to outer shelf in the late Oligocenc, returning to inshore in the early Miocene. Marine palynomorplis yielded large numbers of well-preserved forms from most of the 116 samples examined. The new in situ assemblagc found last year in CRP-1 is extended down into the late Oligocene and a further new assemblage is found in the early Oligoccnc. Many taxa are new, and cannot us yet contribute to an improved understanding of chronology or ecology. Marine invertebrate macrofossils, mostly molluscs and serpulid tubes, are scattered throughout the core. Preservation is good in mudstones but poor in other lithologies. Climate on land is reflected in the content of terrestrial palynomorphs, which are extremely scarce down to c. 300 mbsf. Some forms are reworked, and others represent a low growing sparse tundra with at least one species of Nothofagus. Beneath this level, a significantly greater diversity and abundance suggests a milder climate and a low diversity woody vegetation in the early Oligocene, but still far short of the richness found in known Eocene strata of the region. Sedimentary facies in the oldest strata also suggest a milder climate in the oldest strata cored, with indications of substantial glacial melt-water discharges, but are typical of a coldcr climate in late Oligocene and early Miocene times. Clast analyses from diamictites reveal weak to random fabrics, suggesting either lack of ice-contact deposition or post-depositional modification, but periods when ice grounded at the drill site are inferred from thin zones of in-situ brecciated rock and soft-sediment folding. These are more common above c. 300 mbsf, perhaps reflecting more extensive glacial advances during deposition of those strata. Erosion of the adjacent Transantarctic Mountains through Jurassic basalt and dolerite-intruded Beacon strata into basement rocks beneath is recorded by petrographical studies of clast and sand grain assemblages. Core below 310 mbsf contains a dominance of fine-grained Jurassic dolerite and basalt fragments along with Beacon-derived coal debris and rounded quartz grains, whereas the strata above this level have a much higher proportion of basement derived granitoids, implying that the large areas of the adjacent mountains had been eroded to basement by the end of the early Oligocene. There is little indication of rift-related volcanism below 310 mbsf. Above this, however, basaltic and trachytic tephras are common, especially from 280 to 200 mbsf, from 150 to 46 mbsf, and in Pliocene LSU 2.2 from 21 to 27 mbsf. The largest volcanic eruptions generated layers of coarse (up to 1 cm) trachytic pumice lapilli between 97 and 114 mbsf. The thickest of these (1.2 m at 112 mbsf) may have produced an eruptive column extending tens of km into the stratosphere. A source within a few tens of km of the drill site is considered most likely. Present age estimates for the pre-Pliocene sequence are based mainly on biostratigraphy (using mainly marine diatoms and to a lesser extent calcareous nannofossils), with the age of the tephra from 112 to 114 mbsf (21.44k0.05 Ma from 84 crystals by Ar-Ar) as a key reference point. Although there are varied and well-preserved microfossil assemblages through most of the sequence (notably of diatoms and marine palynomorphs), they comprise largely taxa either known only locally or as yet undescribed. In addition, sequence stratigraphical analysis and features in the core itself indicate numerous disconformities. The present estimate from diatom assemblages is that the interval from 27 to 130 mbsf is early Miocene in age (c. 19 to 23.5 Ma), consistent with the Ar-Ar age from 112 to 114 mbsf. Diatom assemblages also indicate that the late Oligocene epoch extends from c. 130 to 307 mbsf, which is supported by late Oligocene nannofossils from 130 to 185 mbsf. Strata from 307 to 412 mbsf have no age-diagnostic assemblages, but below this early Oligocene diatoms and nannofossils have been recovered. A nannoflora at the bottom of the hole is consistent with an earliest Oligocene or latest Eocene age. Magnetostratigraphical studies based on about 1000 samples, 700 of which have so far undergone demagnetisation treatment, have provided a polarity stratigraphy of 12 pre-Pliocene magnetozones. Samples above 270 mbsf are of consistently high quality. Below this, magnetic behaviour is more variable. A preliminary age-depth plot using the Magnetic Polarity Time Scale (MPTS) and constrained by biostratigraphical data suggests that episodes of relatively rapid sedimentation took place at CRP-2 during Oligocene times (c. 100 m/My), but that more than half of the record was lost in a few major and many minor disconformities. Age estimates from Sr isotopes in shell debris and further tephra dating are expected to lead to a better comparison with the MPTS. CRP-2/2A has recorded a history of subsidence of the Victoria Land Basin margin that is similar to that found in CIROS-170 km to the south, reflecting stability in both basin and the adjacent mountains in late Cenozoic times, but with slow net accumulation in the middle Cenozoic. The climatic indicators from both drill holes show a similar correspondence, indicating polar conditions for the Quaternary but with sub-polar conditions in the early Miocene-late Oligocene and indications of warmer conditions still in the early Oligocene. Correlation between the CRP-2A core and seismic records shows that seismic units V3 and V4, both widespread in the Victoria Land Basin, represent a period of fluctuating ice margins and glacimarine sedimentation. The next drill hole, CRP-3, is expected to core deep into V5 and extend this record of climate and tectonics still further back in time.
El propósito de este trabajo es investigar los motivos, anhelos, sueños, deseos que llevan a un grupo de entre 20 y 25 ex presos políticos a reunirse semanalmente en el local del sindicato Luz y Fuerza, Córdoba. Optamos por entrevistar a quienes daban la sensación de ser más participativos o más explícitos, en la elección procuramos que hubiesen casi por igual miembros de las dos organizaciones mayoritarias en el pasado: Montoneros y Partido Revolucionario de los Trabajadores. El celo a la hora de elegir se entronca con las subculturas que emergieron de las organizaciones. Otro aspecto observado es la cuestión de género, mujeres y hombres, equitativamente incorporados, se constituyeron en narradores.2 En la ciudad mediterránea hubo alrededor de dos mil detenidos por causas políticas a partir de la dictadura que iniciara Jorge Rafael Videla. La curiosidad social es acicateada por el número exiguo de ex-represaliados que constituyen la comisión de presos políticos, que entre otras tareas peticiona ante las autoridades solicitando reivindicaciones a raíz de su condición de ex detenidos, organizan eventos sociales y políticos, gestionan los ex centros de detención convertidos en "museos de la memoria", impulsan los juicios contra los ex represores, editan publicaciones. Concurrimos a las reuniones semanales, a asados, "locreadas"; empleamos en las investigaciones la observación participante. La participación se dio en eventos, en compartir ruedas de mate en la casa de los entrevistados, íntimas ruedas de café, por un fenómeno de indexicalidad en relación con el discurso ideológico pudimos avanzar en la profundidad de la conversación. Además, de las entrevistas en profundidad, analizamos material periodístico y material escrito por los detenidos; cuando la emoción del entrevistado dificultaba la conversación, en algunos casos nos remitieron a elaboraciones suyas sobre la situación planteada.. Nos favoreció, en el trabajo, el hecho de haber participado en la vida política, y el tener familiares que lucharon junto a los ex-represaliados. A pesar de ello no fue fácil llegar a subjetividades que hacía largo tiempo se hallaban abroqueladas. Mead e Erving Goffman nos acompañaron en el camino de reconocimiento de los selfs en la dramaturgia montada en el local de Luz y Fuerza
During Ocean Drilling Program Leg 199 a high-resolution (~1-2 cm/k.y.) biogenic sediment record from the late Paleocene to the early Miocene was recovered, containing an uninterrupted set of geomagnetic chrons as well as a detailed record of calcareous and siliceous biostratigraphic datum events. Shipboard lithologic proxy measurements and shore-based determinations of CaCO3 revealed regular cycles that can be attributed to climatic forcing. Discovering drill sites with well defined magneto- and biostratigraphic records that also show clear lithologic cycles is rare and valuable and creates the opportunity to develop a detailed stratigraphic intersite correlation, providing the basis to study paleoceanographic processes and mass accumulation rates at high resolution. Here we present extensive postcruise work that extends the shipboard composite depth stratigraphy by providing a high-resolution revised meters composite depth (rmcd) scale to compensate for depth distortion within individual cores. The depth-aligned data were then used to generate stacked records of lithologic proxy measurements. Making use of the increased signal-to-noise ratio in the stacked records, we then proceeded to generate a detailed site-to-site correlation between Sites 1218 and 1219 in order to decrease the depth uncertainty for magneto- and biostratigraphic datums. Stacked lithologic proxy records in combination with discrete measurements of CaCO3 were then exploited to calculate high-resolution carbonate concentration curves by regression of the multisensor track data with discrete measurements. By matching correlative features between the cores and wireline logging data, we also rescaled our core rmcd back to in situ depths. Our study identifies lithology-dependent core expansion due to unloading as the mechanism of varying stratigraphic thicknesses between cores.
El propósito de este trabajo es investigar los motivos, anhelos, sueños, deseos que llevan a un grupo de entre 20 y 25 ex presos políticos a reunirse semanalmente en el local del sindicato Luz y Fuerza, Córdoba. Optamos por entrevistar a quienes daban la sensación de ser más participativos o más explícitos, en la elección procuramos que hubiesen casi por igual miembros de las dos organizaciones mayoritarias en el pasado: Montoneros y Partido Revolucionario de los Trabajadores. El celo a la hora de elegir se entronca con las subculturas que emergieron de las organizaciones. Otro aspecto observado es la cuestión de género, mujeres y hombres, equitativamente incorporados, se constituyeron en narradores.2 En la ciudad mediterránea hubo alrededor de dos mil detenidos por causas políticas a partir de la dictadura que iniciara Jorge Rafael Videla. La curiosidad social es acicateada por el número exiguo de ex-represaliados que constituyen la comisión de presos políticos, que entre otras tareas peticiona ante las autoridades solicitando reivindicaciones a raíz de su condición de ex detenidos, organizan eventos sociales y políticos, gestionan los ex centros de detención convertidos en "museos de la memoria", impulsan los juicios contra los ex represores, editan publicaciones. Concurrimos a las reuniones semanales, a asados, "locreadas"; empleamos en las investigaciones la observación participante. La participación se dio en eventos, en compartir ruedas de mate en la casa de los entrevistados, íntimas ruedas de café, por un fenómeno de indexicalidad en relación con el discurso ideológico pudimos avanzar en la profundidad de la conversación. Además, de las entrevistas en profundidad, analizamos material periodístico y material escrito por los detenidos; cuando la emoción del entrevistado dificultaba la conversación, en algunos casos nos remitieron a elaboraciones suyas sobre la situación planteada.. Nos favoreció, en el trabajo, el hecho de haber participado en la vida política, y el tener familiares que lucharon junto a los ex-represaliados. A pesar de ello no fue fácil llegar a subjetividades que hacía largo tiempo se hallaban abroqueladas. Mead e Erving Goffman nos acompañaron en el camino de reconocimiento de los selfs en la dramaturgia montada en el local de Luz y Fuerza
This data set contains two time series of measurements of dissolved phosphorus (organic, inorganic and total with a biweekly resolution) and dissolved inorganic phosphorus with a seasonal resolution. In addition, data on phosphorus from soil samples measured in 2007 and fractionated by different acid-extrations (Hedley fractions) are provided. All data measured at the main experiment plots of a large grassland biodiversity experiment (the Jena Experiment; see further details below). In the main experiment, 82 grassland plots of 20 x 20 m were established from a pool of 60 species belonging to four functional groups (grasses, legumes, tall and small herbs). In May 2002, varying numbers of plant species from this species pool were sown into the plots to create a gradient of plant species richness (1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 60 species) and functional richness (1, 2, 3, 4 functional groups). Plots were maintained by bi-annual weeding and mowing. 1. Dissolved phosphorus in soil solution: Suction plates installed on the field site in 10, 20, 30 and 60 cm depth were used to sample soil pore water. Cumulatively extracted soil solution was collected every two weeks from October 2002 to May 2006. The biweekly samples from 2002, 2003 and 2004 were analyzed for dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP), dissolved inorganic phosphorus (PO4P) and dissolved total phosphorus (TDP) by Continuous Flow Analyzer (CFA SAN ++, SKALAR [Breda, The Netherlands]). 2. Seasonal values of dissolved inorganic phosphorus in soil solution were calculated as volume-weighted mean values of the biweekly measurements (spring = March to May, summer = June to August, fall = September to November, winter = December to February). 3. Phosphorus fractions in soil: Five independent soil samples per plot were taken in a depth of 0-15 cm using a soil corer with an inner diameter of 1 cm. The five samples per plot were combined to one composite sample per plot. A four-step sequential P fractionation (Hedley fractions) was applied and concentrations of P fractions in soil were measured photometrically (molybdenum blue-reactive P) with a Continuous Flow Analyzer (Bran&Luebbe, Germany).
The principal aims of undertaking a shore-based bulk inorganic geochemical analysis of muds and mudstones from Site 808 were as follows: 1. Characterize the geochemical signature of the muds and mudstones at regular intervals downhole to sample and identify any changes in sediment type and provenance. 2. Integrate the inorganic geochemistry with the shipboard and more detailed land-based laboratory studies of the clay minerals. 3. Investigate any possible inorganic geochemical anomalies associated with the décollement.
Site 1237 is located on Nazca Ridge ~140 km off the coast of Peru and thus within the offshore region of the Peru-Chile Current. A total of 83 samples were used to provide an initial radiolarian biostratigraphic framework for Site 1237; radiolarians are present to Sample 202-1237B-19H-2, 58-60 cm (186.45 meters composite depth [mcd]) and are of good to fair abundance and preservation. Site 1237 is influenced by both subtropical and northward-transported southern latitude waters, has 55 ash layers within the uppermost 166 m, and has minimal to gross reworking. Shipboard paleomagnetic results showed that the upper 200 m spanned the last 12 m.y., and in the upper 100 mcd, the paleomagnetic inclination pattern could be directly correlated to the geomagnetic polarity timescale (GPTS). Tropical biostratigraphy was used to establish the zonal boundaries for Site 1237, and the paleomagnetic and radiolarian stratigraphy were well correlated.