646 resultados para community-based learning


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The aim of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of problem-based learning (PBL) on students’ mathematical performance. This includes mathematics achievement and students’ attitudes towards mathematics for third and eighth grade students in Saudi Arabia. Mathematics achievement includes, knowing, applying, and reasoning domains, while students’ attitudes towards mathematics covers, ‘Like learning mathematics’, ‘value mathematics’, and ‘a confidence to learn mathematics’. This study goes deeper to examine the interaction of a PBL teaching strategy, with trained face-to-face and self-directed learning teachers, on students’ performance (mathematics achievement and attitudes towards mathematics). It also examines the interaction between different ability levels of students (high and low levels) with a PBL teaching strategy (with trained face-to-face or self-directed learning teachers) on students’ performance. It draws upon findings and techniques of the TIMSS international benchmarking studies. Mixed methods are used to analyse the quasi-experimental study data. One -way ANOVA, Mixed ANOVA, and paired t-tests models are used to analyse quantitative data, while a semi-structured interview with teachers, and author’s observations are used to enrich understanding of PBL and mathematical performance. The findings show that the PBL teaching strategy significantly improves students’ knowledge application, and is better than the traditional teaching methods among third grade students. This improvement, however, occurred only with the trained face-to-face teacher’s group. Furthermore, there is robust evidence that using a PBL teaching strategy could raise significantly students’ liking of learning mathematics, and confidence to learn mathematics, more than traditional teaching methods among third grade students. Howe ver, there was no evidence that PBL could improve students’ performance (mathematics achievement and attitudes towards mathematics), more than traditional teaching methods, among eighth grade students. In 8th grade, the findings for low achieving students show significant improvement compared to high achieving students, whether PBL is applied or not. However, for 3th grade students, no significant difference in mathematical achievement between high and low achieving students was found. The results were not expected for high achieving students and this is also discussed. The implications of these findings for mathematics education in Saudi Arabia are considered.


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Aim This systematic review aimed at examining the best available evidence on the effectiveness of community-based nutrition education in improving the nutrition status of under five children in developing countries. Methods A systematic search of the literature was conducted utilising the following data bases: Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), EMBASE, Medline, and Web of Knowledge. 9 studies were identified for the critical appraisal process. The Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) critical appraisal check-list for experimental studies was utilised and two reviewers conducted the appraisal process independently. 7 studies were included for this review and data was extracted using the JBI data extraction form for experimental studies. The extracted data was heterogeneous as such narrative synthesis was conducted. Results The nutritional status of children in all studies improved and this was evidenced by increases in weight, height, mid upper arm circumference and reduced morbidity. Key messages about education were age at introduction of complementary foods, nutrition value on different types of feeds found locally and frequency of feeding the children. However, there were varied Results regarding the effects of the intervention on the nutrition status of children. This was attributed by differences in implementers’ characteristics, different intervention strategy and intensity, difference in age of the children at enrolment, pre-existing children’s growth and nutritional status and follow-up periods. In addition to home visiting, conducting group meetings of care givers and community leaders, providing education twice a week and use of cooking demonstrations have shown that they produce highly significant findings. Conclusion The evidence from the identified studies suggests that community- based nutrition education improves the nutrition status of under-five children in developing countries.


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Bogotá (Colombia) : Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias de La Educación. Licenciatura en Lengua Castellana, Inglés y Francés


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The success of childhood weight management programmes relies on family engagement. While attendance offers many benefits including the support to make positive lifestyle changes, the majority of families referred to treatment decline. Moreover, for those who do attend, benefits are often compromised by high programme attrition. This systematic review investigated factors influencing attendance at community-based lifestyle programmes among families of over-weight or obese children. A narrative synthesis approach was used to allow for the inclusion of quantitative, qualitative and mixed-method study designs. Thirteen studies met the inclusion criteria. Results suggest that parents provided the impetus for programme initiation, and this was driven largely by a concern for their child's psychological health and wellbeing. More often than not, children went along without any real reason or interest in attending. Over the course of the programme, however, children's positive social experiences such as having fun and making friends fostered the desire to continue. The stigma surrounding excess weight and the denial of the issue amongst some parents presented barriers to enrolment and warrant further study. This study provides practical recommendations to guide future policy makers, programme delivery teams and researchers in developing strategies to boost recruitment and minimise attrition.


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Evidence-based management of Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) in school-age children requires putting into practice the best and most current research findings, including evidence that early identification, self-management, prevention of secondary disability, and enhanced participation are the most appropriate foci of school-based occupational therapy. Partnering for Change (P4C) is a new school-based intervention based upon these principles that has been developed and evaluated in Ontario, Canada over an 8-year period. Our experience to date indicates that its implementation in schools is highly complex with involvement of multiple stakeholders across health and education sectors. In this paper, we describe and reflect upon our team’s experience in using community-based participatory action research, knowledge translation, and implementation science to transform evidence-informed practice with children who have DCD.


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The inclusion of online elements in learning environments is becoming commonplace in Post Compulsory Education. A variety of research into the value of such elements is available, and this study aims to add further evidence by looking specifically at the use of collaborative technologies such as online discussion forums and wikis to encourage higher order thinking and self-sufficient learning. In particular, the research examines existing pedagogical models including Salmon’s five-stage model, along with other relevant literature. A case study of adult learners in community-based learning centres forms the basis of the research, and as a result of the findings, an arrow model is suggested as a framework for online collaboration that emphasises the learner, mentions pre-course preparation and then includes three main phases of activity: post, interact and critique. This builds on Salmon’s five-stage model and has the benefit of being flexible and responsive, as well as allowing for further development beyond the model, particularly in a blended learning environment.


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The article studies a way of enhancing student cognition by using interdisciplinary project-based learning (IPBL) in a higher education institution. IPBL is a creative pedagogic approach allowing students of one area of specialisation to develop projects for students with different academic profiles. The application of this approach in the Ural State University of Economics resulted in a computer-assisted learning system (CALS) designed by IT students. The CALS was used in an analytical chemistry course with students majoring in Commodities Management and Expertise (‘expert’ students). To test how effective the technology was, the control and experimental groups were formed. In the control group, learning was done with traditional methods. In the experimental group, it was reinforced by IPBL. A statistical analysis of the results, with an application of Pearson χ 2 test, showed that the cognitive levels in both IT and ‘expert’ experimental groups improved as compared with the control groups. The findings demonstrated that IPBL can significantly enhance learning. It can be implemented in any institution of higher or secondary education that promotes learning, including the CALS development and its use for solving problems in different subject areas.


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L’istruzione superiore in Europa è stata oggetto di un significativo processo di riforma: è aumentato l’interesse per un modello di apprendimento intorno ai progetti, centrato sullo studente, che favorisse lo sviluppo di competenze trasversali – il project-based learning (PBL). Inserire il PBL nelle Università richiede un processo di innovazione didattica: il curriculum di un corso PBL e le competenze richieste all’insegnante si differenziano dall’apprendimento tradizionale. Senza un'adeguata attenzione ai metodi di supporto per insegnanti e studenti, questi approcci innovativi non saranno ampiamente adottati. L’obiettivo di questo studio è determinare in che modo sia possibile implementare un corso PBL non presenziato da figure esperte di PBL. Le domande della ricerca sono: è possibile implementare efficacemente un approccio PBL senza il coinvolgimento di esperti dei metodi di progettazione? come si declinano i ruoli della facilitazione secondo questa configurazione: come si definisce il ruolo di tutor d’aula? come rafforzare il supporto per l’implementazione del corso? Per rispondere alle domande di ricerca è stata utilizzata la metodologia AIM-R. Viene presentata la prima iterazione dell’implementazione di un corso di questo tipo, durante la quale sono state svolte attività di ricerca e raccolta dati. L’attività di facilitazione è affidata a tre figure diverse: docente, tutor d’aula e coach professionisti. Su questa base, sono stati definiti gli elementi costituenti un kit di materiale a supporto per l’implementazione di corsi PBL. Oltre a un set di documenti e strumenti condivisi, sono stati elaborati i vademecum per guidare studenti, tutor e docenti all’implementazione di questo tipo di corsi. Ricerche future dovranno essere volte a identificare fattori aggiuntivi che rendano applicabile il kit di supporto per corsi basati su un modello diverso dal Tech to Market o che utilizzino strumenti di progettazione diversi da quelli proposti durante la prima iterazione.


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La necesidad de involucrar el concepto de comunidad y sus estrategias con el sector salud, generan el problema de investigación de determinar ¿Cuál es la utilidad de la relación estratégica comunitaria y el marketing en empresas del sector salud? El sector salud ha apartado las actividades relacionales con sus clientes, el cual es caracterizado por la atracción, desarrollo y mantenimiento de relaciones con los clientes. El objetivo de la investigación es determinar cuál es la utilidad de la relación estratégica comunitaria y el marketing en empresas del sector salud y los objetivos específicos son: describir el uso de comunidad e Identificar la utilidad de aplicar las estrategias comunitarias en el sector. La metodología es la investigación y análisis de caso, estudiando una organización relevante dentro del sector salud, anexando fuentes de información secundarias como que aporten a los resultados. El análisis arroja una brecha entre la teoría y la utilización de comunidad, donde la organización la define como sus clientes y empleados. Posteriormente cabe determinar si son aplicadas las estrategias comunitarias por la compañía, donde se encontró que algunas lo son. Al encontrar el uso de estrategias cabe estudiar si generan utilidad a los resultados demostrando que conservar y mejorar relaciones con los clientes es de beneficio para la compañía, sin dejar de atraer nuevos clientes para ampliar las posibilidades de ser una compañía rentable y perdurable. Finalmente se establece un eje estratégico que genere un impacto positivo a la empresa - comunidad para crear relaciones más efectivas y rentables.


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Within the pedagogical community, Serious Games have arisen as a viable alternative to traditional course-based learning materials. Until now, they have been based strictly on software solutions. Meanwhile, research into Remote Laboratories has shown that they are a viable, low-cost solution for experimentation in an engineering context, providing uninterrupted access, low-maintenance requirements, and a heightened sense of reality when compared to simulations. This paper will propose a solution where both approaches are combined to deliver a Remote Laboratory-based Serious Game for use in engineering and school education. The platform for this system is the WebLab-Deusto Framework, already well-tested within the remote laboratory context, and based on open standards. The laboratory allows users to control a mobile robot in a labyrinth environment and take part in an interactive game where they must locate and correctly answer several questions, the subject of which can be adapted to educators' needs. It also integrates the Google Blockly graphical programming language, allowing students to learn basic programming and logic principles without needing to understand complex syntax.