857 resultados para cash-in-advance


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In database applications, access control security layers are mostly developed from tools provided by vendors of database management systems and deployed in the same servers containing the data to be protected. This solution conveys several drawbacks. Among them we emphasize: 1) if policies are complex, their enforcement can lead to performance decay of database servers; 2) when modifications in the established policies implies modifications in the business logic (usually deployed at the client-side), there is no other possibility than modify the business logic in advance and, finally, 3) malicious users can issue CRUD expressions systematically against the DBMS expecting to identify any security gap. In order to overcome these drawbacks, in this paper we propose an access control stack characterized by: most of the mechanisms are deployed at the client-side; whenever security policies evolve, the security mechanisms are automatically updated at runtime and, finally, client-side applications do not handle CRUD expressions directly. We also present an implementation of the proposed stack to prove its feasibility. This paper presents a new approach to enforce access control in database applications, this way expecting to contribute positively to the state of the art in the field.


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In database applications, access control security layers are mostly developed from tools provided by vendors of database management systems and deployed in the same servers containing the data to be protected. This solution conveys several drawbacks. Among them we emphasize: (1) if policies are complex, their enforcement can lead to performance decay of database servers; (2) when modifications in the established policies implies modifications in the business logic (usually deployed at the client-side), there is no other possibility than modify the business logic in advance and, finally, 3) malicious users can issue CRUD expressions systematically against the DBMS expecting to identify any security gap. In order to overcome these drawbacks, in this paper we propose an access control stack characterized by: most of the mechanisms are deployed at the client-side; whenever security policies evolve, the security mechanisms are automatically updated at runtime and, finally, client-side applications do not handle CRUD expressions directly. We also present an implementation of the proposed stack to prove its feasibility. This paper presents a new approach to enforce access control in database applications, this way expecting to contribute positively to the state of the art in the field.


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C. Wright Mills called for a truly sociological analysis of actors’ “motive talk,” which decouples the commonsense link between the reasons actors give for their actions and their mental state prior to those actions. Subsequent theoretical and empirical work has focused almost entirely on actors’ retrospective accounting for untoward conduct that has already taken place. The other aspect of Mills’s program, the reasons actors give for potentially untoward future conduct and in particular the empirical investigation of the link between the availability of an acceptable vocabulary of motives for anticipated conduct and the eventual enactment of that conduct, has been largely ignored. This article seeks to rehabilitate these lost dimensions using data from a longitudinal study of mothers’ infant feeding choices and practices. It examines how mothers account, in advance, for the possibility that they may eventually feed their babies in ways they consider suboptimal. Thirty of the thirty-six women interviewed indicated that they intended to breastfeed, emphasizing the benefits of this practice to their babies. However, seventeen of these women also anticipated that they might abandon breastfeeding and presented elaborate accounts of the motives that could lead them to do so. The findings support Mills’s claim that the availability of an acceptable vocabulary of motives for untoward conduct increases the probability that one will engage in such conduct. Mothers who had offered elaborate anticipatory accounts for abandoning breastfeeding were much more likely to do so than those who did not offer such accounts.


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Poliisin rakenneuudistus Pora III ja Puolustusvoimauudistus 2011–2015 ovat olleet viime vuosien esimerkkejä julkisen sektorin työn tehostamisen vaatimuksista. Sekä Puolustusvoimilla että poliisilla, kahdella turvallisuusalan viranomaistaholla, on lakisääteiset tehtävänsä, jotka tulee työn tehostamisen vaatimuksista huolimatta suorittaa. Turvallisuusala yksityistyy vauhdilla, ja keskustelua käydään siitä, mitä tehtäviä viranomainen hoitaa itse, mitä annetaan kaupallisen toimijan tai järjestöjen hoidettavaksi ja mistä kansalainen vastaa itse jatkossa. Resurssi- ja tehostamisvaatimuksia mietittäessä nousee esille upseereiden kohdalla koko maan puolustus ja turvaaminen. Kyetäänkö tämän tehtävän täyttämiseen mahdollisessa sotatilanteessa enää nykyisellä tai mahdollisesti vähenevällä resursoinnilla? Poliisitoimen osalta vasteajat eri puolilla Suomea puhuttavat, samoin se, miten tehtäviä priorisoidaan hoidettavaksi. Saavatko kansalaiset enää perusoikeuksiinsa kuuluvaa arjen turvallisuutta, jonka vielä tänä päivänä katsotaan kuuluvan valtion perustehtäviin? Viranomaisten pitäisi tutkimukseen valittujen aineistojen sekä lakien perusteella hoitaa tehtävänsä laadukkaasti ja tasa-arvoisesti kaikkialla Suomessa. Nykyiset sisäistä ja ulkoista turvallisuutta käsittelevät asiakirjat, esimerkiksi strategiat, puhuvat laajasta turvallisuuskäsityksestä, sisäisen ja ulkoisen turvallisuuden rajojen hämärtymisestä globalisoitumisen seurauksena ja lisääntyvästä poikkihallinnollisesta yhteistyöstä toimintaa ohjaavana ajattelumallina. Viranomaisyhteisyötä tulisi lisätä osana normaalia toimintaa, samoin yhteistyötä järjestöjen, elinkeinoelämän ja jokaisen kansalaisen kanssa. Valtioneuvoston tulevaisuusselonteossa (2013) peräänkuulutetaan uusia, innovatiivisia tapoja hoitaa sekä valtion että kuntien tehtäviä. Yhteisen toiminnan kohteen eli laajan turvallisuuskäsityksen viitekehyksessä on mahdollisuus pohtia uudenlaista turvallisuusalan viranomaisyhteistyötä, eli etsiä perusteluja upseeri- ja poliisiprofession syvemmälle yhteistyölle – yhteiskehittelylle. Tutkimukseni tavoitteena on herätellä keskustelua siitä, onko yhteisen toiminnan kohteen löytymiselle edellytyksiä. Nähtävissä on, että valtiolle kuuluvia toimintoja tehostetaan jatkossakin. Yksi järkevä tapa tehostamisessa on löytää töiden rajapintoja ja yhdistää resurssit näiden osalta. Jotta toiminta olisi tehokasta, sen pitää olla osa jokapäiväistä toimintaa eikä perustua vain muutamiin yhteistoimintaharjoituksiin tai jo tapahtuneiden poikkeustilanteiden hoitoon. Suurin osa kriisiajan toiminnasta perustuu normaaliolojen toimintaan, jolloin sen lähtökohdat voisivat olla yhteisessä työssä ja alkaa jo koulutuksesta, mikä nostetaan tässä työssä yhtenä mahdollisuutena esille. Koulutuksellinen yhteistyö ja liikkuvuus ovat eurooppalaisen tutkintojen viitekehyksen perusteella mahdollista myös kahden eri hallinnonalan koulutuksessa. Tällaista koulutuksen tehostamista haetaan tällä hetkellä muualla yhteiskunnassa. Mutta halutaanko omasta toiminnasta ja tehtävistä luopua edes osittain ja tehdä yhteistyötä mahdollisesti oman työn hallinnan, vallan tai resurssien menettämisen pelossa? Vai onko kyse vain siitä, että yhteistyön syventämiselle ei ole nähty kovinkaan suurta tarvetta tai hyötyä eikä yhteistyö näytä tuovan mitään uutta ammattikuntien osaamiseen? Tutkimuksen aineisto koostuu valtionhallinnon aineistoista, kuten strategioista, mietinnöistä ja raporteista niin sisäisen kuin ulkoisen turvallisuuden alalta. Aineistona käytetään myös upseeri- (n=71) ja poliisipäällystöopiskelijoille (n=65) suunnattua kyselyä ja kirjoitelmaa tulevaisuuden turvallisuusasiantuntijuudesta vuonna 2030. Lisäksi opiskelijavastauksista tehtyä analyysia syvennetään molempien korkeakoulujen (Maanpuolustuskorkeakoulu ja Poliisiammattikorkeakoulu) rehtoreiden sekä molempien hallinnonalojen (puolustusministeriö sekä sisäministeriö) kansliapäälliköiden haastatteluilla. Aineistojen avulla pyritään herättelemään ajatuksia siitä, voisiko yhteisiä töitä löytyä yhteistyön pohjaksi. Tarkoituksena on perustella, miksi yhteistyötä kannattaa tehdä ja ikään kuin vastata etukäteen vastaväitteisiin, miksi sitä ei voitaisi tehdä. Strategioiden yhteistyön tahtotilaa verrataan muihin strategioiden toimenpide ehdotuksiin ja sitä kautta vielä kyselyaineistoon. Opiskelijakyselyllä haetaan näkemyksiä tulevaisuuden turvallisuusasiantuntijuudesta ja mahdollisesta yhteistyöstä sekä sen painopisteistä. Muilla asiantuntijahaastatteluilla haetaan korkeakoulujen sekä ministeriön tason näkemyksiä opiskelijoiden mielipiteisiin. Opiskelijakyselyn avulla on haluttu selvittää sitä, mitä jo työelämässä olleet mutta vaihteeksi opiskelevat sotatieteiden maisteriopiskelijat Maanpuolustuskorkeakoulussa ja poliisin päällystötutkinnon opiskelijat Poliisiammattikorkeakoulussa ajattelevat turvallisuusalan ja -asiantuntijuuden muutoksesta. Minkälaisena he näkevät oman tulevan työnsä ja yhteistyökentän muiden viranomaisten kanssa? Selvää opiskelijavastausten mukaan on se, että turvallisuus halutaan pitää jatkossakin viranomaisen vastuulla ja välttää viimeiseen asti yksityisen sektorin liiallista vastuuta enempää kuin on pakko. Yhteistyötä halutaan edelleen lisätä, ja erityisesti tämä koskee viranomaisten välistä yhteistyötä. Tutkimus on tietoisesti rajattu koskemaan kahta turvallisuusalan viranomaistoimijaa, ammattikorkeakoulutuksen käyneitä poliiseja ja Puolustusvoimien Maanpuolustuskorkeakoulussa opiskelevia upseereita, joiden tehtävistä ja koulutuksesta on löydettävissä yhteisiä rajapintoja ja yhteistyön alueita. Kiinnostus syventyä valittuun kahteen ammattialaan johtuu myös siitä, että usein esimerkiksi sisäasianhallinnon strategioissa Puolustusvoimat jätetään ulkopuolelle varsinkin normaaliolojen yhteistyötä tarkasteltaessa tai vain yksittäisen maininnan asteelle. Sama huomio on havaittavissa puolustushallinnon strategioista. Tämä nousee esille erityisesti alueellista yhteistyötä tai viranomaisyhteistyötä pohdittaessa. Silti sekä sisäministeriön että puolustusministeriön hallinnonalan strategiat ym. perustuvat laajaan turvallisuuskäsitykseen, ja usein eri ammattikuntia analysoitaessa puhutaan tehtävistä, joita tekevät useat ammattikunnat ja professiot. Puhutaan niin sanotuista harmaista alueista. Ministeriöiden tahtotilassa ja toiminnassa on tutkimukseni mukaan nähtävissä ristiriita. Koulutuksen osalta yhteistyön lisääminen on mahdollista etenkin nyt, kun Poliisiammattikorkeakoulussa peruskoulutus on muuttunut ammattikorkeakoulutasoiseksi ja näin tämän ammattikunnan professioasema koulutuksen näkökulmasta on vahvistunut entisestään. Käsittelenkin tutkimuksessani kahta professiota professiotutkimuksen perinteisiä kriteereitä käyttäen, eli rinnastaessani näitä kahta ammattia. Rinnastettavuus koulujen kesken on tullut mahdolliseksi sekä tutkintojen että osaamisen tarkastelun näkökulmasta. Tämän myötä myös molempia korkeakouluja hyödyttävää yhteistyötä olisi mahdollista miettiä osana muutakin hallinnon tehostamista ja rauhan ajan viranomaistoimintaa.


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Uma das áreas de aplicação da optimização é a Engenharia Biomédica, pois a optimização intervém no estudo de próteses e implantes, na reconstrução tomográfica, na mecânica experimental, entre outras aplicações. Este projecto tem como principal objectivo a criação de um novo programa de marcação de exames médicos a fim de minimizar o tempo de espera na realização dos mesmos. É efectuada uma breve referência à teoria da optimização bem como à optimização linear e não-linear, aos algoritmos genéticos, que foram usados para a realização deste trabalho. É também apresentado um caso de estudo, formulado como um problema de optimização não linear com restrições. Com este estudo verificou-se que o escalonamento de exames médicos nunca poderá ser optimizado a 100por cento devido à quantidade de variáveis existentes, sendo que algumas delas não são passíveis de prever com antecedência.


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Since the emergence of the first demands for actions that were intended to give greater attention to culture in Brazil, came the first discussions which concerned the way the Brazilian government could have a positive influence in encouraging the culture, as is its interaction with the actors interested and involved with the cause. During the military dictatorship, there were programs which relied on the direct participation of the State to ensure that right, from the viewpoint of its support and implementation of public resources in developing the "cultural product" to be brought to society in its various forms of expression - all this, funded by the government. It is an example of "EMBRAFILMES" and "Projeto Seis e Meia", continued until the present day in some regions of the country, though maintained by entities not directly connected with the administration or the government. However, it was from the period of democratization and the end of the dictatorship that the Brazilian government began to look at the different culture, under its guarantee to the society. Came the first incentive laws, led by "Lei Sarney" Nº 7.505/86, which was culture as a segment which could receive foreign assistance in order to assist the government in fulfilling its public duty. After Collor era and the end of the embargo through the encouragement of culture incentive laws, consolidated the incentive model proposed in advance of Culture "Lei Sarney" and the federal laws, state and local regimentares as close to this action. This applies to the Rouanet Law (Lei Rouanet), Câmara Cascudo Law (Lei Câmara Cascudo) and Djalma Maranhão Cultural Incentive Law (Lei de Incentivo à Cultura Djalma Maranhão), existing in Natal and Rio Grande do Norte. Since then, business entities could help groups and cultural organizations to keep their work from the political sponsorship under control and regiment through the Brazilian state in the form of their Cultural Incentive Law. This framework has contributed to the strengthening of NGOs and with the consolidation of these institutions as the linchpin of Republican guaranteeing the right to access to culture, but corporate social responsibility was the one who took off in the segment treated here, through the actions of Responsibility Cultural enterprises arising from the Cultural Organizations. Therefore, in the face of this discourse, this study ascertains the process of encouraging the Culture in Rio Grande do Norte from the Deviant Case Analysis at the Casa da Ribeira, the main Cultural Organization that operates, focused action in Natal in order to assess the relationships established between the same entity and the institutions which are entitled to maintain the process of encouraging treated in this study - Enterprise, from the viewpoint of corporate sponsorship and Cultural Responsibility and State in the form of the Laws Incentive Funds and Public Culture Incentive


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Object recognition has long been a core problem in computer vision. To improve object spatial support and speed up object localization for object recognition, generating high-quality category-independent object proposals as the input for object recognition system has drawn attention recently. Given an image, we generate a limited number of high-quality and category-independent object proposals in advance and used as inputs for many computer vision tasks. We present an efficient dictionary-based model for image classification task. We further extend the work to a discriminative dictionary learning method for tensor sparse coding. In the first part, a multi-scale greedy-based object proposal generation approach is presented. Based on the multi-scale nature of objects in images, our approach is built on top of a hierarchical segmentation. We first identify the representative and diverse exemplar clusters within each scale. Object proposals are obtained by selecting a subset from the multi-scale segment pool via maximizing a submodular objective function, which consists of a weighted coverage term, a single-scale diversity term and a multi-scale reward term. The weighted coverage term forces the selected set of object proposals to be representative and compact; the single-scale diversity term encourages choosing segments from different exemplar clusters so that they will cover as many object patterns as possible; the multi-scale reward term encourages the selected proposals to be discriminative and selected from multiple layers generated by the hierarchical image segmentation. The experimental results on the Berkeley Segmentation Dataset and PASCAL VOC2012 segmentation dataset demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of our object proposal model. Additionally, we validate our object proposals in simultaneous segmentation and detection and outperform the state-of-art performance. To classify the object in the image, we design a discriminative, structural low-rank framework for image classification. We use a supervised learning method to construct a discriminative and reconstructive dictionary. By introducing an ideal regularization term, we perform low-rank matrix recovery for contaminated training data from all categories simultaneously without losing structural information. A discriminative low-rank representation for images with respect to the constructed dictionary is obtained. With semantic structure information and strong identification capability, this representation is good for classification tasks even using a simple linear multi-classifier.


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The high population density and tightly packed nature of some city centres make emergency planning for these urban spaces especially important, given the potential for human loss in case of disaster. Historic and recent events have made emergency service planners particularly conscious of the need for preparing evacuation plans in advance. This paper discusses a methodological approach for assisting decision-makers in designing urban evacuation plans. The approach aims at quickly and safely moving the population away from the danger zone into shelters. The plans include determining the number and location of rescue facilities, as well as the paths that people should take from their building to their assigned shelter in case of an occurrence requiring evacuation. The approach is thus of the location–allocation–routing type, through the existing streets network, and takes into account the trade-offs among different aspects of evacuation actions that inevitably come up during the planning stage. All the steps of the procedure are discussed and systematised, along with computational and practical implementation issues, in the context of a case study – the design of evacuation plans for the historical centre of an old European city.


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PROBLEMÁTICA: Com o aumento da população e comummente com o aumento de doenças crónicas, leva a um crescimento de doentes que necessitam de cuidados paliativos. A intervenção em cuidados paliativos visa o alívio do sofrimento e melhorar a qualidade de vida do doente e sua família, respeitando as suas preferências e desejos. Os profissionais de saúde necessitam de formação em Cuidados Paliativos, respeitando as expetativas dos doentes e permitir que a pessoa seja cuidada no seu local preferido de cuidados e não recorrer consecutivamente a urgências e internamentos de agudos. OBJETIVOS: Demonstrar a importância da identificação da preferência do local de cuidados dos doentes em fim-de-vida, compreender a importância do planeamento de cuidados e Diretivas antecipadas de vontade (DAV), relacionar a escolha do local de cuidados com o local de morte, identificar os fatores que influenciam e condicionam a escolha do local de cuidados dos doentes em fim-de-vida e por fim, perceber a organização e qualidade dos serviços. DESENHO: Revisão sistemática da literatura que inclui estudos de natureza qualitativa. METODOLOGIA: Foram incluídos oito estudos, publicados entre 1 de Janeiro de 2016 e 31 de Agosto 2016, pesquisados em bases de dados de referência e com acesso ao texto integral. RESULTADOS: Este estudo demonstra a importância das preferências dos doentes e serem registadas, a importância das Diretivas Antecipadas de Vontade, bem como o planeamento do cuidado de forma antecipada. É fundamental ter em conta os fatores que influenciam e condicionam a escolha do local de cuidados. CONCLUSÃO: Deve dar-se importância às preferências do local de cuidado dos doentes em fim-de-vida. Os doentes em fim-de-vida na sua globalidade preferem ser cuidados e morrerem em casa. As equipas multidisciplinares desenvolvem um papel preponderante no cuidado aos doentes em fim-de-vida. Quando os cuidados prestados são de alta qualidade, permite ao doente ser cuidado e morrer no seu local preferido.


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La tesi studia ed approfondisce la disciplina dei mercati di crescita per le PMI, indagando il regime normativo delle società ivi quotate. Considerata la struttura composita dell’architettura regolamentare (direttive e regolamenti europei, fonti primarie nazionali e regolamento del mercato) l’indagine adotta una prospettiva olistica sulla regolamentazione, al fine di individuare principii comuni e risolevere dubbi interpretativi. Inoltre, l’approfondimento in chiave storica e di economia politica, volto a ricostruire le ragioni per l’introduzione dei mercati di crescita e gli obiettivi perseguiti dal legislatore europeo, permette di identificare le rationes sottostanti alle disposizioni e di facilitarne l’interpretazione. Il primo capitolo approfondisce l’evoluzione storica e istituzionale dei mercati di crescita per le PMI e gli obiettivi che il legislatore europeo si prefigge di raggiungere. Il secondo capitolo affronta invece il processo di registrazione dei sistemi multilaterali di negoziazione come mercati di crescita. Il capitolo indaga quali siano i requisiti affinché un sistema multilaterale possa essere registrato come mercato di crescita, come si svolga il processo di registrazione e quale sia il ruolo dell’autorità di vigilanza. Il terzo capitolo approfondisce quali siano le disposizioni di diritto societario applicabili agli emittenti quotati sui mercati di crescita. Infatti, mentre la disciplina per gli emittenti quotati sui mercati regolamentati non è direttamente applicabile a queste società, non si può neppure escludere in via preliminare che determinate disposizioni non siano applicabili in via analogica, a causa delle specifiche caratteristiche conferite a questi emittenti ed ai titoli ammessi alla negoziazione dalla quotazione. Il quarto capitolo analizza diverse disposizioni relative all’informazione, intesa in senso ampio. Infine, il quinto capitolo affronta la disciplina dell’o.p.a. obbligatoria prevista dal regolamento del mercato di crescita AIM Italia.


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L’elaborato ha ad oggetto lo studio della tematica inerente alla prevenzione e alla risoluzione dei conflitti di giurisdizione tra autorità giudiziarie appartenenti a Paesi membri dell’Unione europea, in presenza di un reato caratterizzato da elementi di transnazionalità. In questi casi è necessario elaborare alcuni canoni idonei a individuare per tempo l’autorità giudiziaria competente a condurre l’attività di accertamento. Tale esigenza sorge a causa della lacunosità ed insufficienza dell’attuale normativa (Decisione quadro 2009/948/GAI) sotto molteplici profili: il riferimento è tanto alla carenza di tassatività e cogenza dei criteri necessari a radicare la giurisdizione in un determinato Stato, quanto all’irrilevanza, nelle dinamiche inerenti alla scelta del foro, dei diritti di difesa dell’indagato. In questa prospettiva, occorre dunque trovare un punto di equilibrio tra le istanze repressive e quelle di tutela dei diritti fondamentali: detto altrimenti, l’esigenza di evitare di prevenire “zone franche” nello Spazio di libertà, sicurezza e giustizia – anche alla luce della libertà di movimento dei soggetti e dunque dei criminali – non può comportare la lesione della sfera giuridica del cittadino europeo. Il presente lavoro di ricerca, sulla scorta dell'analisi tanto dei principi quanto delle regole attualmente vigenti, si pone l'obiettivo di individuare delle guidelines in linea con il portato garantistico della Carta dei diritti fondamentali dell'Unione europea ed efficaci per assolvere il mandato presente all’art. 82, § 1, lett. b) TFUE: ossia di prevenire e risolvere i conflitti di giurisdizione.


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The main goal of the Airborne project is to develop, at technology readiness level 8 (TRL8), a few selected robotic aerial technologies for quick localization of victims by avalanches by equipping drones with two forefront sensors used in SAR operations in case of avalanches, namely the ARVA and RECCO. This thesis focuses on the design, development, and guidance of the TRL8 quadrotor developed during the project. We present and describe the design method that allowed us to obtain an EMI shielded UAV capable of integrating both RECCO and ARVA sensors. Besides, is presented the avionics and power train design and building procedure in order to obtain a modular UAV frame that can be easily carried by rescuers and achieves all the performance benchmarks of the project. Additionally, in addition to the onboard algorithms, a multivariate regressive convolutional neural network whose goal is the localization of the ARVA signal is presented. On guidance, the automatic flight procedure is described, and the onboard waypoint generator algorithm is presented. The goal of this algorithm is the generation and execution of an automatic grid pattern without the need to know the map in advance and without the support of a control ground station (CGS). Moreover, we present an iterative trajectory planner that does not need pre-knowledge of the map and uses Bézier curves to address optimal, dynamically feasible, safe, and re-plannable trajectories. The goal is to develop a method that allows local and fast replannings in case of an obstacle pop up or if some waypoints change. This makes the novel planner suitable to be applied in SAR operations. The introduction of the final version of the quadrotor is supported by internal flight tests and field tests performed in real operative scenarios by the Club Alpino Italiano (CAI).


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Industrial robots are an inalienable part of modern automated production. Typical applications of robots include welding, painting, (dis)assembly, packaging, labeling, palletizing, pick and place and others. Many of that applications includes object manipulation. If the shape and position of the object are known in advance, it is possible to design the trajectory of the robot’s end-effector to take and place. Such a strategy is applicable for rigid objects and widely used in the manufacturing field. But flexible (deformable) objects can change their shape and position upon contact with the robot’s end-effector or environment. That is the reason why the general approach is unacceptable. It means that the robot can fail to grasp such an object and can’t place it in the desired position. This thesis has addressed the problem of cable manipulation by bilateral robotic setup for the industrial manufacturing of electrical switchgear. The considered solution is based on the idea of tensioned cable. If the cable was grasped by the ends and tensioned, it has a line shape. Since the position of the robot’s end-effectors known, the position of the cable is known as well. Such an approach is capable to place cable in cable ducts of switchgear. The considered solution has been tested experimentally on a real bilateral robotic setup.


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The newly inaugurated Navile District of the University of Bologna is a complex created along the Navile canal, that now houses various teaching and research activities for the disciplines of Chemistry, Industrial Chemistry, Pharmacy, Biotechnology and Astronomy. A Building Information Modeling system (BIM) gives staff of the Navile campus several ways to monitor buildings in the complex throughout their life cycle, one of which is the ability to access real-time environmental data such as room temperature, humidity, air composition, and more, thereby simplifying operations like finding faults and optimizing environmental resource usage. But smart features at Navile are not only available to the staff: AlmaMap Navile is a web application, whose development is documented in this thesis, that powers the public touch kiosks available throughout the campus, offering maps of the district and indications on how to reach buildings and spaces. Even if these two systems, BIM and AlmaMap, don't seem to have many similarities, they share the common intent of promoting awareness for informed decision making in the campus, and they do it while relying on web standards for communication. This opens up interesting possibilities, and is the idea behind AlmaMap Navile 2.0, an app that interfaces with the BIM system and combines real-time sensor data with a comfort calculation algorithm, giving users the ability not just to ask for directions to a space, but also to see its comfort level in advance and, should they want to, check environmental measurements coming from each sensor in a granular manner. The end result is a first step towards building a smart campus Digital Twin, that can support all the people who are part of the campus life in their daily activities, improving their efficiency and satisfaction, giving them the ability to make informed decisions, and promoting awareness and sustainability.


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The IoT is growing more and more each year and is becoming so ubiquitous that it includes heterogeneous devices with different hardware and software constraints leading to an highly fragmented ecosystem. Devices are using different protocols with different paradigms and they are not compatible with each other; some devices use request-response protocols like HTTP or CoAP while others use publish-subscribe protocols like MQTT. Integration in IoT is still an open research topic. When handling and testing IoT sensors there are some common task that people may be interested in: reading and visualizing the current value of the sensor; doing some aggregations on a set of values in order to compute statistical features; saving the history of the data to a time-series database; forecasting the future values to react in advance to a future condition; bridging the protocol of the sensor in order to integrate the device with other tools. In this work we will show the working implementation of a low-code and flow-based tool prototype which supports the common operations mentioned above, based on Node-RED and Python. Since this system is just a prototype, it has some issues and limitations that will be discussed in this work.