952 resultados para campus behavior management


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Employees are the human capital which, to a great extent, contributes to the success and development of high-performance and sustainable organizations. In a work environment, there is a need to provide a tool for tracking and following-up on each employees' professional progress, while staying aligned with the organization’s strategic and operational goals and objectives. The research work within this Thesis aims to contribute to improve employees' selfawareness and auto-regulation; two predominant research areas are also studied and analyzed: Visual Analytics and Gamification. The Visual Analytics enables the specification of personalized dashboard interfaces with alerts and indicators to keep employees aware of their skills and to continuously monitor how to improve their expertise, promoting simultaneously behavioral change and adoption of good-practices. The study of Gamification techniques with Talent Management features enabled the design of new processes to engage, motivate, and retain highly productive employees, and to foster a competitive working environment, where employees are encouraged to be involved in new and rewarding activities, where knowledge and experience are recognized as a relevant asset. The Design Science Research was selected as the research methodology; the creation of new knowledge is therefore based on an iterative cycle addressing concepts such as design, analysis, reflection, and abstraction. By collaborating in an international project (Active@Work), funded by the Active and Assisted Living Programme, the results followed a design thinking approach regarding the specification of the structure and behavior of the Skills Development Module, namely the identification of requirements and the design of an innovative info-structure of metadata to support the user experience. A set of mockups were designed based on the user role and main concerns. Such approach enabled the conceptualization of a solution to proactively assist the management and assessment of skills in a personalized and dynamic way. The outcomes of this Thesis aims to demonstrate the existing articulation between emerging research areas such as Visual Analytics and Gamification, expecting to represent conceptual gains in these two research fields.


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This paper is concerned with the physical construction of the University of Aveiro Santiago Campus, based on the direct relation of the construction of its facilities to the master plan conceived in the Centre of Studies of the University of Oporto Faculty of Architecture by a team coordinated by Nuno Portas (CEFA: The Revision of the Masterplan of the University of Aveiro, 1987/89).


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Atmospheres influence behavior, create a positive image, and influence consumer purchasing patterns and retail perceptions. Nonetheless, the physical environment is a potential source of competitive advantage, though neglected more often than not. In particular, research on the effects of aroma as an independent variable in natural settings is very limited and requires further research. A sample of 407 moviegoers participated in a “natural experiment” in a cinema complex, using scented and unscented conditions. Findings show that scent produces significant positive differences in the evaluation of the theater, its environment, and on intention to return. No significant differences are found in the evaluations of concession products sold, despite the fact that spectators in scented rooms considered product prices to be significantly cheaper than did spectators in unscented rooms. A major implication of this study is that scent significantly affects emotional reactions to atmospheres. Retailers can thus improve environments to create enjoyable experiences and positively influence consumer responses.


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Background: Complex chronic diseases are a challenge for the current configuration of Health services. Case management is a service frequently provided for people with chronic conditions and despite its effectiveness in many outcomes, such as mortality or readmissions, uncertainty remains about the most effective form of team organization, structures, and the nature of the interventions. Many processes and outcomes of case management for people with complex chronic conditions cannot be addressed with the information provided by electronic clinical records. Registries are frequently used to deal with this weakness. The aim of this study was to generate a registry-based information system of patients receiving case management to identify their clinical characteristics, their context of care, events identified during their follow-up, interventions developed by case managers, and services used. Methods and design: The study was divided into three phases, covering the detection of information needs, the design and its implementation in the healthcare system, using literature review and expert consensus methods to select variables that would be included in the registry. Objective: To describe the essential characteristics of the provision of ca re lo people who receive case management (structure, process and outcomes), with special emphasis on those with complex chronic diseases. Study population: Patients from any District of Primary Care, who initiate the utilization of case management services, to avoid information bias that may occur when including subjects who have already been received the service, and whose outcomes and characteristics could not be properly collected. Results: A total of 102 variables representing structure, processes and outcomes of case management were selected for their inclusion in the registry after the consensus phase. Total sample was composed of 427 patients, of which 211 (49.4%) were women and 216 (50.6%) were men. The average functional level (Barthel lndex) was 36.18 (SD 29.02), cognitive function (Pfeiffer) showed an average of 4.37 {SD 6.57), Chat1son Comorbidity lndex, obtained a mean of 3.03 (SD 2.7) and Social Support (Duke lndex) was 34.2 % (SD 17.57). More than half of patients include in the Registry, correspond lo immobilized or transitional care for patients discharged from hospital (66.5 %). The patient's educational level was low or very low (50.4%). Caregivers overstrain (Caregiver stress index), obtained an average value of 6.09% (SD 3.53). Only 1.2 % of patients had declared their advanced directives, 58.6 had not defined the tutelage and the vast majority lived at home 98.8 %. Regarding the major events recorded at RANGE Registry, 25.8 % of the selected patients died in the first three months, 8.2 % suffered a hospital admission at least once time, 2.3%, two times, and 1.2% three times, 7.5% suffered a fall, 8.7% had pressure ulcer, 4.7% had problems with medication, and 3.3 % were institutionalized. Stroke is the more prevalent health problem recorded (25.1%), followed by hypertension (11.1%) and COPD (11.1%). Patients registered by NCMs had as main processes diabetes (16.8%) and dementia (11.3 %). The most frequent nursing diagnoses referred to the self-care deficit in various activities of daily living. Regarding to nursing interventions, described by the Nursing Intervention Classification (NIC), dementia management is the most used intervention, followed by mutual goal setting, caregiver and emotional support. Conclusions: The patient profile who receive case management services is a chronic complex patient with severe dependence, cognitive impairment, normal social support, low educational level, health problems such as stroke, hypertension or COPD, diabetes or dementia, and has an informal caregiver. At the first follow up, mortality was 19.2%, and a discrete rate of readmissions and falls.


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Two VPO materials with fibrillar morphology have been prepared by the aid of electrospinning technique. One is a VPO carbon-supported material (VCF200) with fibrous morphology and very high surface area that is stable under oxidizing conditions up to 350C. The other material is a bulk mixed VPO oxide (VPO500) with fibrous structure obtained after optimizing the calcination of the carbon support in VCF200. Despite it is a bulk oxide material, this material exhibits a high surface area (> 60 m2/g). The redox behavior of both samples was monitored by in situ Raman spectroscopy under oxidation/reduction cycles. For the dehydrated supported sample (VCF200), the pyrophosphate phase (VO)2P2O7 (Raman ~930 cm-1) is detected, which has been described as the active phase (see Figure (a) below). This phase is quite stable since it does not disappear upon subsequent oxidation/reduction cycles. Under reduction conditions at 125C, in consecutive cycles, additional Raman bands appear at ~1090 cm-1 that are characteristic of the αII-VOPO4 phase. On the other hand, the bulk phases show a reversible behavior under redox cycles (Figure (b)). Under reducing conditions, a Raman band appears at ~980 cm-1 (β-VPO phase), whereas under oxidation conditions some segregation to VOx oxides occurs. Nevertheless, this segregation is reversible and the β-VPO phase forms again under reducing conditions. Thus, these results demonstrate that the active VPO phases of these fibrous catalysts are quite stable, and that their structure is reversible under several redox cycles, which make them suitable as oxidation catalysts.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade UnB Planaltina, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Gestão Pública, Mestrado Profissional em Gestão Pública, 2016.


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The diversity in the way cloud providers o↵er their services, give their SLAs, present their QoS, or support di↵erent technologies, makes very difficult the portability and interoperability of cloud applications, and favours the well-known vendor lock-in problem. We propose a model to describe cloud applications and the required resources in an agnostic, and providers- and resources-independent way, in which individual application modules, and entire applications, may be re-deployed using different services without modification. To support this model, and after the proposal of a variety of cross-cloud application management tools by different authors, we propose going one step further in the unification of cloud services with a management approach in which IaaS and PaaS services are integrated into a unified interface. We provide support for deploying applications whose components are distributed on different cloud providers, indistinctly using IaaS and PaaS services.


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Early water resources modeling efforts were aimed mostly at representing hydrologic processes, but the need for interdisciplinary studies has led to increasing complexity and integration of environmental, social, and economic functions. The gradual shift from merely employing engineering-based simulation models to applying more holistic frameworks is an indicator of promising changes in the traditional paradigm for the application of water resources models, supporting more sustainable management decisions. This dissertation contributes to application of a quantitative-qualitative framework for sustainable water resources management using system dynamics simulation, as well as environmental systems analysis techniques to provide insights for water quality management in the Great Lakes basin. The traditional linear thinking paradigm lacks the mental and organizational framework for sustainable development trajectories, and may lead to quick-fix solutions that fail to address key drivers of water resources problems. To facilitate holistic analysis of water resources systems, systems thinking seeks to understand interactions among the subsystems. System dynamics provides a suitable framework for operationalizing systems thinking and its application to water resources problems by offering useful qualitative tools such as causal loop diagrams (CLD), stock-and-flow diagrams (SFD), and system archetypes. The approach provides a high-level quantitative-qualitative modeling framework for "big-picture" understanding of water resources systems, stakeholder participation, policy analysis, and strategic decision making. While quantitative modeling using extensive computer simulations and optimization is still very important and needed for policy screening, qualitative system dynamics models can improve understanding of general trends and the root causes of problems, and thus promote sustainable water resources decision making. Within the system dynamics framework, a growth and underinvestment (G&U) system archetype governing Lake Allegan's eutrophication problem was hypothesized to explain the system's problematic behavior and identify policy leverage points for mitigation. A system dynamics simulation model was developed to characterize the lake's recovery from its hypereutrophic state and assess a number of proposed total maximum daily load (TMDL) reduction policies, including phosphorus load reductions from point sources (PS) and non-point sources (NPS). It was shown that, for a TMDL plan to be effective, it should be considered a component of a continuous sustainability process, which considers the functionality of dynamic feedback relationships between socio-economic growth, land use change, and environmental conditions. Furthermore, a high-level simulation-optimization framework was developed to guide watershed scale BMP implementation in the Kalamazoo watershed. Agricultural BMPs should be given priority in the watershed in order to facilitate cost-efficient attainment of the Lake Allegan's TP concentration target. However, without adequate support policies, agricultural BMP implementation may adversely affect the agricultural producers. Results from a case study of the Maumee River basin show that coordinated BMP implementation across upstream and downstream watersheds can significantly improve cost efficiency of TP load abatement.


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Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Educação Social e Intervenção Comunitária


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Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do grau de mestre no âmbito do Mestrado em Educação Social e Intervenção Comunitária da Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Santarém.


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The popularization of software to mitigate Information Security threats can produce an exaggerated notion about its full effectiveness in the elimination of any threat. This situation can result reckless users behavior, increasing vulnerability. Based on behavioral theories, a theoretical model and hypotheses were developed to understand the extent to which human perception of threat, stress, control and disgruntlement can induce responsible behavior. A self-administered questionnaire was created and validated. The data were collected in Brazil, and complementary results regarding similar studies conducted in USA were found. The results show that there is influence of information security orientations provided by organizations in the perception about severity of the threat. The relationship between threat, effort, control and disgruntlement, and the responsible behavior towards information security was verified through linear regression. The contributions also involve relatively new concepts in the field and a new research instrument.


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Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Educação Social e Intervenção Comunitária


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Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do grau de mestre no âmbito do Mestrado em Educação Social e Intervenção Comunitária da Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Santarém.


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There is a growing recognition of the importance of the commensal intestinal microbiota in the development and later function of the central nervous system. Research using germ-free mice (mice raised without any exposure to microorganisms) has provided some of the most persuasive evidence for a role of these bacteria in gut-brain signalling. Key findings show that the microbiota is necessary for normal stress responsivity, anxiety-like behaviors, sociability, and cognition. Furthermore, the microbiota maintains central nervous system homeostasis by regulating immune function and blood brain barrier integrity. Studies have also found that the gut microbiota influences neurotransmitter, synaptic, and neurotrophic signalling systems and neurogenesis. The principle advantage of the germ-free mouse model is in proof-of-principle studies and that a complete microbiota or defined consortiums of bacteria can be introduced at various developmental time points. However, a germ-free upbringing can induce permanent neurodevelopmental deficits that may deem the model unsuitable for specific scientific queries that do not involve early-life microbial deficiency. As such, alternatives and complementary strategies to the germ-free model are warranted and include antibiotic treatment to create microbiota-deficient animals at distinct time points across the lifespan. Increasing our understanding of the impact of the gut microbiota on brain and behavior has the potential to inform novel management strategies for stress-related gastrointestinal and neuropsychiatric disorders.


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ABSTRACT: The study of labile carbon fractions (LCF) provides an understanding of the behavior of soil organic matter (SOM) under different soil management systems and cover crops. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of different soil management systems with respect to tillage, cover crop and phosphate fertilization on the amount of the LCF of SOM. Treatments consisted of conventional tillage (CT) and no-tillage (NT) with millet as the cover crop and a no-tillage system with velvet bean at two phosphorus dosages. Soil samples were collected and analyzed for organic carbon (OC), C oxidizable by KMnO4 (C-KMnO4), particulate OC (POC), microbial biomass carbon and light SOM in the 0.0-0.05, 0.05-0.10 and 0.10-0.20 m soil layers. The Carbon Management Index (CMI) was calculated to evaluate the impacts of soil management treatments on the quality of the SOM. The different LCFs are sensitive to different soil management systems, and there are significant correlations between them. C-KMnO4 is considered the best indicator of OC carbon lability. In the soil surface layers, the CT reduced the carbon content in all of the labile fractions of the SOM. The use of phosphorus led to the accumulation of OC and carbon in the different soil fractions regardless of the tillage system or cover crop. The application of phosphate fertilizer improved the ability of the NTsystem to promote soil quality, as assessed by the CMI.