902 resultados para Zero interest rate policy
Tutkielman tavoitteena on määrittää, miten pankkien vakavaraisuussääntelyn muuttuminen on vaikuttanut startup-yritysten lainan hintaan ja ehtoihin, sekä tarkastella startup-yritysten muiden rahoitusmahdollisuuksien kehittymistä. Startup-yritysten eri rahoituslähteiden kasvu kootaan lähteiden vuositilastoista. Pankkien vakavaraisuussääntelyä tarkastellaan vertailemalla lainsäädännön tilaa eri vuosina. Sääntelyn vaikutuksia arvioidaan suorittamalla laskuesimerkkejä tietynlaisten pankkien ja startup-yritysten tilanteessa. Lähtöarvot kootaan lainsäädännöstä, tilastoista, tieteellisistä julkaisuista tai asiantuntijahaastattelujen pohjalta. Startup-yritysten luottoluokitukset määritetään käyttämällä Suomen Asiakastieto Oy:n luokitusmallia. Tuloksena tutkielma luo kattavan kuvan pankkien vakavaraisuussääntelyn kehittymisestä ja startup-yritysten rahoituslähteistä. Pankkisektorin ulkopuolinen rahoitus startupeille on kasvanut 2,5 %:n vuosivauhtia vuodesta 2008, josta vertaislainat ovat olleet suuressa roolissa. Lähes 72 % pankkien vähittäislainojen markkinoista on siirtynyt sisäisten luokitusten menetelmään vastuiden riskipainojen laskennassa. Siirtymä uuteen menetelmään aiheuttaa korkopaineita viidesosalle startupeista. 58 %:lle startupeista muutos ei ole ongelma. 42 % startupeista ei voi pienentää potentiaalisen lainan korkoaan edes lainan kokoisella vakuudella. Pääomavaatimusten kasvu ja pankkien siirtyminen uusiin laskentamenetelmiin voi nostaa startup-yrityksen lainan korkoa jopa 15 %.
The objective of this paper is to analyze the relationship between exchange rate regime, capital account convertibility and economic growth in 1990-2007 period within the emerging countries that constitute what has been called BRIC - Brazil, Russia, India and China. Our hypothesis is that economic performance of these countries is the result, at least partially, of the quality of the macroeconomic policy management adopted in each country, in which exchange rate policy, capital account convertibility and the degree of external vulnerability plays a key role.
This paper aims at exploring some hypothesis to explain why real interest rate and bank spread are so high. We argue that the interest rate problem and bank spread problem are connected. More precisely, one important cause of bank spread is the high level of BCB interest rate. So, the solution of interest rate problem, so that it can converge to the levels observed in other countries, will help to reduce bank spread, and doing so contributing to the reduction of the capital cost of the Brazilian economy.
Financial conventions and basic interest rate in Brazil. This article discusses the thesis that the Brazilian interest rate is a convention, focusing on the basic interest rate under the inflation targeting regime. On the one hand, there are some complications involved in this debate. In order to show this, we consider the theoretical works that have been references for the Brazilian economists who see an interest rate convention in the country. On the other hand, despite the difficulties, it is possible to find signs of conventionality in the determination of the Brazilian basic rate, by analyzing two properties of conventions: conformity of some with the conformity of others; and arbitrariness.
Kandidaatintutkielman tarkoituksena on tutkia Suomen asuntomarkkinoiden kehitystä kuluttajamarkkinanäkökulmasta 2000-luvulta alkaen. Tutkimuksen päätavoitteena on selvittää ennalta valittujen tekijöiden avulla, kuinka nämä ovat vaikuttaneet asuntomarkkinoihin. Tekijöiden avulla pystytään selvittämään kysynnän ja tarjonnan vaikutukset asuntomyyntiin. Tutkielman teoreettisen viitekehyksen muodostavat hintakehitys ja 4C-malli. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa on selvitetty talouden heilahteluiden vaikutuksia asuntomarkkinoihin sekä rakennuslupa-asioita ja asuntotuotantoa. Aineistot koostuvat kolmesta eri haastattelusta, joita tukevat aiheeseen liittyvät tilastot ja muu kirjallisuus. Haastatteluiden analyysissä etsitään tärkeimpiä vaikuttajia asuntomarkkinoilla. Tutkimuksessa selviää kaupungistumisen aiheuttaneen suuren muuttoliikenteen kaupunkien lähettyville, minne on alkanut muodostua pienempiä kaupunkikeskuksia. Kuluttajat haluavat asunnon sijaitsevan julkisten liikenneyhteyksien ja palveluiden läheisyydessä. Asuntokoot ovat vuoden 2000 jälkeen pienentyneet, jolloin asuntotuotantoa on jouduttu sopeuttamaan. Asuntolainan koron laskun myötä asuntomyynnin kasvu ei ole ollut toivotulla tasolla. Taloudellisten heilahtelujen myötä kuluttajiin on iskenyt epävarmuus, joka vähentää ihmisten halukkuutta ostaa asuntoja.
The present thesis examines the determinants of the bankruptcy protection duration for Canadian firms. Using a sample of Canadian firms that filed for bankruptcy protection between the calendar years 1992 and 2009, we fmd that the firm age, the industry adjusted operating margin, the default spread, the industrial production growth rate or the interest rate are influential factors on determining the length of the protection period. Older firms tend to stay longer under protection from creditors. As older firms have more complicated structures and issues to settle, the risk of exiting soon the protection (the hazard rate) is small. We also find that firms that perform better than their benchmark as measured by the industry they belong to, tend to leave quickly the bankruptcy protection state. We conclude that the fate of relatively successful companies is determined faster. Moreover, we report that it takes less time to achieve a final solution to firms under bankrupt~y when the default spread is low or when the appetite for risk is high. Conversely, during periods of high default spreads and flight for quality, it takes longer time to resolve the bankruptcy issue. This last finding may suggest that troubled firms should place themselves under protection when spreads are low. However, this ignores the endogeneity issue: high default spread may cause and incidentally reflect higher bankruptcy rates in the economy. Indeed, we find that bankruptcy protection is longer during economic downturns. We explain this relation by the natural increase in default rate among firms (and individuals) during economically troubled times. Default spreads are usually larger during these harsh periods as investors become more risk averse since their wealth shrinks. Using a Log-logistic hazard model, we also fmd that firms that file under the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA) protection spend longer time restructuring than firms that filed under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (BIA). As BIA is more statutory and less flexible, solutions can be reached faster by court orders.
In this paper, we characterize the asymmetries of the smile through multiple leverage effects in a stochastic dynamic asset pricing framework. The dependence between price movements and future volatility is introduced through a set of latent state variables. These latent variables can capture not only the volatility risk and the interest rate risk which potentially affect option prices, but also any kind of correlation risk and jump risk. The standard financial leverage effect is produced by a cross-correlation effect between the state variables which enter into the stochastic volatility process of the stock price and the stock price process itself. However, we provide a more general framework where asymmetric implied volatility curves result from any source of instantaneous correlation between the state variables and either the return on the stock or the stochastic discount factor. In order to draw the shapes of the implied volatility curves generated by a model with latent variables, we specify an equilibrium-based stochastic discount factor with time non-separable preferences. When we calibrate this model to empirically reasonable values of the parameters, we are able to reproduce the various types of implied volatility curves inferred from option market data.
This paper develops a general stochastic framework and an equilibrium asset pricing model that make clear how attitudes towards intertemporal substitution and risk matter for option pricing. In particular, we show under which statistical conditions option pricing formulas are not preference-free, in other words, when preferences are not hidden in the stock and bond prices as they are in the standard Black and Scholes (BS) or Hull and White (HW) pricing formulas. The dependence of option prices on preference parameters comes from several instantaneous causality effects such as the so-called leverage effect. We also emphasize that the most standard asset pricing models (CAPM for the stock and BS or HW preference-free option pricing) are valid under the same stochastic setting (typically the absence of leverage effect), regardless of preference parameter values. Even though we propose a general non-preference-free option pricing formula, we always keep in mind that the BS formula is dominant both as a theoretical reference model and as a tool for practitioners. Another contribution of the paper is to characterize why the BS formula is such a benchmark. We show that, as soon as we are ready to accept a basic property of option prices, namely their homogeneity of degree one with respect to the pair formed by the underlying stock price and the strike price, the necessary statistical hypotheses for homogeneity provide BS-shaped option prices in equilibrium. This BS-shaped option-pricing formula allows us to derive interesting characterizations of the volatility smile, that is, the pattern of BS implicit volatilities as a function of the option moneyness. First, the asymmetry of the smile is shown to be equivalent to a particular form of asymmetry of the equivalent martingale measure. Second, this asymmetry appears precisely when there is either a premium on an instantaneous interest rate risk or on a generalized leverage effect or both, in other words, whenever the option pricing formula is not preference-free. Therefore, the main conclusion of our analysis for practitioners should be that an asymmetric smile is indicative of the relevance of preference parameters to price options.
We characterize the solution to a model of consumption smoothing using financing under non-commitment and savings. We show that, under certain conditions, these two different instruments complement each other perfectly. If the rate of time preference is equal to the interest rate on savings, perfect smoothing can be achieved in finite time. We also show that, when random revenues are generated by periodic investments in capital through a concave production function, the level of smoothing achieved through financial contracts can influence the productive investment efficiency. As long as financial contracts cannot achieve perfect smoothing, productive investment will be used as a complementary smoothing device.
The aim of this paper is to discuss the crisis of the international financial system and the necessity of reforming it by new anchor or benchmark for the international currency, a money-commodity. The need for understanding the definition of a numéraire is a first necessity. Although most economists reject any connection between money and a particular commodity (gold) – because of the existence of legal tender money in every country – it will be shown that it is equivalent to reduce the real space to an abstract number (usually assumed 1) in order to postulate that money is neutral. This is sheer nonsense. It will also be shown that the concept of fiat money or state money does not preclude the existence of commodity money. This paper is divided in four sections. The first section analyses the definition and meaning of a numéraire for the international currency and the justification for a variable standard of value. In the second section, the market value of the US dollar is analysed by looking at new forms of value -the derivative products- the dollar as a safe haven, and the role of SDRs in reforming the international monetary system. In the third and fourth sections, empirical evidence concerning the most recent period of the financial crisis is presented and an econometric model is specified to fit those data. After estimating many different specifications of the model –linear stepwise regression, simultaneous regression with GMM estimator, error correction model- the main econometric result is that there is a one to one correspondence between the price of gold and the value of the US dollar. Indeed, the variance of the price of gold is mainly explained by the Euro exchange rate defined with respect to the US dollar, the inflation rate and negatively influenced by the Dow Jones index and the interest rate.
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Medical fields requires fast, simple and noninvasive methods of diagnostic techniques. Several methods are available and possible because of the growth of technology that provides the necessary means of collecting and processing signals. The present thesis details the work done in the field of voice signals. New methods of analysis have been developed to understand the complexity of voice signals, such as nonlinear dynamics aiming at the exploration of voice signals dynamic nature. The purpose of this thesis is to characterize complexities of pathological voice from healthy signals and to differentiate stuttering signals from healthy signals. Efficiency of various acoustic as well as non linear time series methods are analysed. Three groups of samples are used, one from healthy individuals, subjects with vocal pathologies and stuttering subjects. Individual vowels/ and a continuous speech data for the utterance of the sentence "iruvarum changatimaranu" the meaning in English is "Both are good friends" from Malayalam language are recorded using a microphone . The recorded audio are converted to digital signals and are subjected to analysis.Acoustic perturbation methods like fundamental frequency (FO), jitter, shimmer, Zero Crossing Rate(ZCR) were carried out and non linear measures like maximum lyapunov exponent(Lamda max), correlation dimension (D2), Kolmogorov exponent(K2), and a new measure of entropy viz., Permutation entropy (PE) are evaluated for all three groups of the subjects. Permutation Entropy is a nonlinear complexity measure which can efficiently distinguish regular and complex nature of any signal and extract information about the change in dynamics of the process by indicating sudden change in its value. The results shows that nonlinear dynamical methods seem to be a suitable technique for voice signal analysis, due to the chaotic component of the human voice. Permutation entropy is well suited due to its sensitivity to uncertainties, since the pathologies are characterized by an increase in the signal complexity and unpredictability. Pathological groups have higher entropy values compared to the normal group. The stuttering signals have lower entropy values compared to the normal signals.PE is effective in charaterising the level of improvement after two weeks of speech therapy in the case of stuttering subjects. PE is also effective in characterizing the dynamical difference between healthy and pathological subjects. This suggests that PE can improve and complement the recent voice analysis methods available for clinicians. The work establishes the application of the simple, inexpensive and fast algorithm of PE for diagnosis in vocal disorders and stuttering subjects.
Cement industry ranks 2nd in energy consumption among the industries in India. It is one of the major emitter of CO2, due to combustion of fossil fuel and calcination process. As the huge amount of CO2 emissions cause severe environment problems, the efficient and effective utilization of energy is a major concern in Indian cement industry. The main objective of the research work is to assess the energy cosumption and energy conservation of the Indian cement industry and to predict future trends in cement production and reduction of CO2 emissions. In order to achieve this objective, a detailed energy and exergy analysis of a typical cement plant in Kerala was carried out. The data on fuel usage, electricity consumption, amount of clinker and cement production were also collected from a few selected cement industries in India for the period 2001 - 2010 and the CO2 emissions were estimated. A complete decomposition method was used for the analysis of change in CO2 emissions during the period 2001 - 2010 by categorising the cement industries according to the specific thermal energy consumption. A basic forecasting model for the cement production trend was developed by using the system dynamic approach and the model was validated with the data collected from the selected cement industries. The cement production and CO2 emissions from the industries were also predicted with the base year as 2010. The sensitivity analysis of the forecasting model was conducted and found satisfactory. The model was then modified for the total cement production in India to predict the cement production and CO2 emissions for the next 21 years under three different scenarios. The parmeters that influence CO2 emissions like population and GDP growth rate, demand of cement and its production, clinker consumption and energy utilization are incorporated in these scenarios. The existing growth rate of the population and cement production in the year 2010 were used in the baseline scenario. In the scenario-1 (S1) the growth rate of population was assumed to be gradually decreasing and finally reach zero by the year 2030, while in scenario-2 (S2) a faster decline in the growth rate was assumed such that zero growth rate is achieved in the year 2020. The mitigation strategiesfor the reduction of CO2 emissions from the cement production were identified and analyzed in the energy management scenarioThe energy and exergy analysis of the raw mill of the cement plant revealed that the exergy utilization was worse than energy utilization. The energy analysis of the kiln system showed that around 38% of heat energy is wasted through exhaust gases of the preheater and cooler of the kiln sysetm. This could be recovered by the waste heat recovery system. A secondary insulation shell was also recommended for the kiln in the plant in order to prevent heat loss and enhance the efficiency of the plant. The decomposition analysis of the change in CO2 emissions during 2001- 2010 showed that the activity effect was the main factor for CO2 emissions for the cement industries since it is directly dependent on economic growth of the country. The forecasting model showed that 15.22% and 29.44% of CO2 emissions reduction can be achieved by the year 2030 in scenario- (S1) and scenario-2 (S2) respectively. In analysing the energy management scenario, it was assumed that 25% of electrical energy supply to the cement plants is replaced by renewable energy. The analysis revealed that the recovery of waste heat and the use of renewable energy could lead to decline in CO2 emissions 7.1% for baseline scenario, 10.9 % in scenario-1 (S1) and 11.16% in scenario-2 (S2) in 2030. The combined scenario considering population stabilization by the year 2020, 25% of contribution from renewable energy sources of the cement industry and 38% thermal energy from the waste heat streams shows that CO2 emissions from Indian cement industry could be reduced by nearly 37% in the year 2030. This would reduce a substantial level of greenhouse gas load to the environment. The cement industry will remain one of the critical sectors for India to meet its CO2 emissions reduction target. India’s cement production will continue to grow in the near future due to its GDP growth. The control of population, improvement in plant efficiency and use of renewable energy are the important options for the mitigation of CO2 emissions from Indian cement industries
En este trabajo se construye un modelo de Equilibrio General Dinámico Estocástico (DSGE) con sector informal y rigideces en precios, usando como marco de análisis la teoría de búsqueda y emparejamiento del mercado de trabajo. El objetivo principal es analizar el efecto de los diferentes tipos de choques económicos sobre las principales variables del mercado laboral, en una economía con presencia importante del sector informal. Igualmente se estudia el efecto de la política monetaria, ya que la presencia de este sector afecta la dinámica del ciclo económico, y por ende los mecanismos de transmisión de la política monetaria. En particular, se analiza la dinámica del modelo bajo diferentes reglas de política monetaria y se compara el bienestar agente representativo generado por cada una de estas reglas.