855 resultados para Whole Body
Performance standards for Positron emission tomography (PET) were developed to be able to compare systems from different generations and manufacturers. This resulted in the NEMA methodology in North America and the IEC in Europe. In practices, the NEMA NU 2- 2001 is the method of choice today. These standardized methods allow assessment of the physical performance of new commercial dedicated PET/CT tomographs. The point spread in image formation is one of the factors that blur the image. The phenomenon is often called the partial volume effect. Several methods for correcting for partial volume are under research but no real agreement exists on how to solve it. The influence of the effect varies in different clinical settings and it is likely that new methods are needed to solve this problem. Most of the clinical PET work is done in the field of oncology. The whole body PET combined with a CT is the standard investigation today in oncology. Despite the progress in PET imaging technique visualization, especially quantification of small lesions is a challenge. In addition to partial volume, the movement of the object is a significant source of error. The main causes of movement are respiratory and cardiac motions. Most of the new commercial scanners are in addition to cardiac gating, also capable of respiratory gating and this technique has been used in patients with cancer of the thoracic region and patients being studied for the planning of radiation therapy. For routine cardiac applications such as assessment of viability and perfusion only cardiac gating has been used. However, the new targets such as plaque or molecular imaging of new therapies require better control of the cardiac motion also caused by respiratory motion. To overcome these problems in cardiac work, a dual gating approach has been proposed. In this study we investigated the physical performance of a new whole body PET/CT scanner with NEMA standard, compared methods for partial volume correction in PET studies of the brain and developed and tested a new robust method for dual cardiac-respiratory gated PET with phantom, animal and human data. Results from performance measurements showed the feasibility of the new scanner design in 2D and 3D whole body studies. Partial volume was corrected, but there is no best method among those tested as the correction also depends on the radiotracer and its distribution. New methods need to be developed for proper correction. The dual gating algorithm generated is shown to handle dual-gated data, preserving quantification and clearly eliminating the majority of contraction and respiration movement
Obesity has become the leading cause of many chronic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. The prevalence of obesity is high in developed countries and it is also a major cause of the use of health services. Ectopic fat accumulation in organs may lead to metabolic disturbances, such as insulin resistance.Weight loss with very-low-energy diet is known to be safe and efficient. Weight loss improves whole body insulin sensitivity, but its effects on tissue and organ level in vivo are not well known. The aims of the studies were to investigate possible changes of weight loss in glucose and fatty acid uptake and perfusion and fat distribution at tissue and organ level using positron emission tomography and magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy in 34 healthy obese subjects. The results showed that whole-body insulin sensitivity increased after weight loss with very-low-energy diet and this is associated with improved skeletal muscle insulin-stimulated glucose uptake, but not with adipose tissue, liver or heart glucose uptake. Liver insulin resistance decreased after weight loss. Liver and heart free fatty acid uptakes decreased concomitantly with liver and heart triglyceride content. Adipose tissue and myocardial perfusion decreased. In conclusion, enhanced skeletal muscle glucose uptake leads to increase in whole-body insulin sensitivity when glucose uptake is preserved in other organs studied. These findings suggest that lipid accumulation found in the liver and the heart in obese subjects without co-morbidies is in part reversible by reduced free fatty acid uptake after weight loss. Reduced lipid accumulation in organs may improve metabolic disturbances, e.g. decrease liver insulin resistance. Keywords: Obesity, weight loss, very-low-energy diet, adipose tissue metabolism, liver metabolism, heart metabolism, positron emission tomography
We present a 53-year-old man with a vocal cord paralysis observed as a primary manifestation of lung carcinoma. Tc-99m MDP whole body bone scan was performed and resulted in a normal scintiscan. The bone scan did not reveal any suspicious foci of uptake. The possibility of bone metastasis was taken into consideration. A whole body F18-FDG-PET scan showed intense uptake in the left upper lung corresponding to the primary tumor. A bronchial biopsy confirmed infiltration by small cell lung carcinoma (SCLC). SCLC is composed of poorly differentiated, rapidly growing cells with diseases usually occurring centrally rather than peripherally. It metastasizes early. The whole-body F18-FDG-PET scan clearly demonstrated a focus of increased uptake in the second lumbar vertebral body suspicious for osteolytic metastasis. A lytic bone metastasis was confirmed by MRI. The patient then received therapy and underwent follow up abdominal CT. The scan showed blastic changes in the L2 vertebra suggesting response to treatment.
Tutkielman tavoitteena on oikeudellisten lähteiden systematisoinnilla tuottaa johdonmukainen kuvaus poliisin, rajavartiomiehen sekä ammattisotilaan virkavelvollisuuksista, oikeudellisesta vastuusta ja virkarikosten rangaistavuudesta. Päähuomio kohdistuu virkamiehen määräaikaiseen virantoimituksesta erottamiseen. Oikeudellisella argumentaatiolla pyritään esittämään lainmukainen ja hyväksyttävä tulkintakannanotto siihen, miten kyseistä säädöstä tulisi tulkita. Tutkimusmetodi työssä on oikeusdogmatiikka. Ensisijaisena aineistona tutkielmassa on voimassa oleva lainsäädäntö valmisteluaineistoineen. Toissijaisina lähteinä käytetään kirjallisuutta, viranomaisten kurinpitopäätöksiä ja haastatteluja. Määräaikainen erottaminen voidaan määrätä virkamiehelle, joka toimii vastoin virkavelvollisuuksiaan tai laiminlyö niitä. Säädös on tulkittavissa laajentavasti siten, että myös muut kuin selkeästi viranomaisen valvontavastuulle kuuluvat teot voidaan katsoa virkatehtävien vastaiseksi. Erityisen käyttäytymisvelvoitteen johdosta menettely on rangaistavaa myös vapaa-ajalla. Määräaikainen erottaminen sijoittuu rangaistusasteikossa varoituksen ja irtisanomisen väliin. Rangaistus ei edellytä erityisen painavia perusteita, joita vaaditaan virkamiehen irtisanomiseen. Uuden säädöksen myötä irtisanomisten määrä on vähentynyt Rajavartiolaitoksessa. Säädöksestä on muotoutunut kurinpidollinen lisärangaistus, joka on määrätty virkamiehelle hallinnollisella päätöksellä yleensä rikostuomion jälkeen. Säädös on kuitenkin tarkoitettu ja se mahdollistaa myös puuttumisen varsinaisten virkatehtävien laiminlyönteihin. Lainsäädännön selkeyttämiseksi määräaikaisen erottamisen säädös tulisi poistaa eri viranomaisten erityislainsäädännöstä ja liittää suoraan virkamieslakiin. Säädöksen soveltaminen tulisi ulottaa koskemaan myös muita virkamiehiä, jotka palvelevat kyseisissä viranomaisissa. Tutkimuksen kohteena oleva virkamiesryhmä alistuu virkamiesoikeudessa blankkorangaistusuhan alle. Virkamiehen on vaikea hahmottaa kaikkea rangaistavaa toimintaa, ja virantoimittamisvelvollisuus on usein täsmentymätön ja tulkinnanvarainen. Kokonaisharkinnassa korostuvat myös muut kuin oikeudelliset lähteet (esimerkiksi moraalikäsitykset, etiikka, ohjeet, virkamiehen elämäntilanne). Sotilaiden ja poliisin oikeudenhoito poikkeaa monilta osin muiden virkamiesten oikeudenhoitomenettelystä. Rajavartiolaitoksessa sotilasoikeudenhoidon määräykset ja ohjeet ovat selkeästi puutteelliset. Rajavartiolaitoksen tehtäväkentän ja toimivaltuudet huomioiden tulisi kurinpito- ja virkarikosten tutkinnoissa lähentyä poliisin mallia sekä hyödyntää rikostorjuntahenkilöstön ammattitaitoa oman henkilökunnan esitutkinnoissa. Erityisen turvallisuusviranomaisten virkarikoksiin erikoistuneen tutkintaorganisaation perustaminen voisi tehostaa ja parantaa esitutkintojen tasoa sekä lisätä oikeusvarmuutta.
Early Detection of Alzheimer's Disease Beta-amyloid Pathology -Applicability of Positron Emission Tomography with the Amyloid Radioligand 11C-PIB Accumulation of beta amyloid (Abeta) in the brain is characteristic for Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Carbon-11 labeled 2-(4’-methylaminophenyl)-6-hydroxybenzothiazole (11C-PIB) is a novel positron emission tomography (PET) amyloid imaging agent that appears to be applicable for in vivo Abeta plaque detection and quantitation. The biodistribution and radiation dosimetry of 11C-PIB were investigated in 16 healthy subjects. The reproducibility of a simplified 11C-PIB quantitation method was evaluated with a test-retest study on 6 AD patients and 4 healthy control subjects. Brain 11C-PIB uptake and its possible association with brain atrophy rates were studied over a two-year follow-up in 14 AD patients and 13 healthy controls. Nine monozygotic and 8 dizygotic twin pairs discordant for cognitive impairment and 9 unrelated controls were examined to determine whether brain Abeta accumulation could be detected with 11C-PIB PET in cognitively intact persons who are at increased genetic risk for AD. The highest absorbed radiation dose was received by the gallbladder wall (41.5 mjuGy/MBq). About 20 % of the injected radioactivity was excreted into urine, and the effective whole-body radiation dose was 4.7 mjuSv/MBq. Such a dose allows repeated scans of individual subjects. The reproducibility of the simplified 11C-PIB quantitation was good or excellent both at the regional level (VAR 0.9-5.5 %) and at the voxel level (VAR 4.2-6.4 %). 11C-PIB uptake did not increase during 24 months’ follow-up of subjects with mild or moderate AD, even though brain atrophy and cognitive decline progressed. Baseline neocortical 11C-PIB uptake predicted subsequent volumetric brain changes in healthy control subjects (r = 0.725, p = 0.005). Cognitively intact monozygotic co-twins – but not dizygotic co-twins – of memory-impaired subjects exhibited increased 11C-PIB uptake (117-121 % of control mean) in their temporal and parietal cortices and the posterior cingulate (p<0.05), when compared with unrelated controls. This increased uptake may be representative of an early AD process, and genetic factors seem to play an important role in the development of AD-like Abeta plaque pathology. 11C-PIB PET may be a useful method for patient selection and follow-up for early-phase intervention trials of novel therapeutic agents. AD might be detectable in high-risk individuals in its presymptomatic stage with 11C-PIB PET, which would have important consequences both for future diagnostics and for research on disease-modifying treatments.
Lipotoxicity is a condition in which fatty acids (FAs) are not efficiently stored in adipose tissue and overflow to non-adipose tissue, causing organ damages. A defect of adipose tissue FA storage capability can be the primary culprit in the insulin resistance condition that characterizes many of the severe metabolic diseases that affect people nowadays. Obesity, in this regard, constitutes the gateway and risk factor of the major killers of modern society, such as cardiovascular disease and cancer. A deep understanding of the pathogenetic mechanisms that underlie obesity and the insulin resistance syndrome is a challenge for modern medicine. In the last twenty years of scientific research, FA metabolism and dysregulations have been the object of numerous studies. Development of more targeted and quantitative methodologies is required on one hand, to investigate and dissect organ metabolism, on the other hand to test the efficacy and mechanisms of action of novel drugs. The combination of functional and anatomical imaging is an answer to this need, since it provides more understanding and more information than we have ever had. The first purpose of this study was to investigate abnormalities of substrate organ metabolism, with special reference to the FA metabolism in obese drug-naïve subjects at an early stage of disease. Secondly, trimetazidine (TMZ), a metabolic drug supposed to inhibit FA oxidation (FAO), has been for the first time evaluated in obese subjects to test a whole body and organ metabolism improvement based on the hypothesis that FAO is increased at an early stage of the disease. A third objective was to investigate the relationship between ectopic fat accumulation surrounding heart and coronaries, and impaired myocardial perfusion in patients with risk of coronary artery disease (CAD). In the current study a new methodology has been developed with PET imaging with 11C-palmitate and compartmental modelling for the non-invasive in vivo study of liver FA metabolism, and a similar approach has been used to study FA metabolism in the skeletal muscle, the adipose tissue and the heart. The results of the different substudies point in the same direction. Obesity, at the an early stage, is associated with an impairment in the esterification of FAs in adipose tissue and skeletal muscle, which is accompanied by the upregulation in skeletal muscle, liver and heart FAO. The inability to store fat may initiate a cascade of events leading to FA oversupply to lean tissue, overload of the oxidative pathway, and accumulation of toxic lipid species and triglycerides, and it was paralleled by a proportional growth in insulin resistance. In subjects with CAD, the accumulation of ectopic fat inside the pericardium is associated with impaired myocardial perfusion, presumably via a paracrine/vasocrine effect. At the beginning of the disease, TMZ is not detrimental to health; on the contrary at the single organ level (heart, skeletal muscle and liver) it seems beneficial, while no relevant effects were found on adipose tissue function. Taken altogether these findings suggest that adipose tissue storage capability should be preserved, if it is not possible to prevent excessive fat intake in the first place.
The white adipose tissue mainly serves the purpose of energy storage, while brown adipose tissue (BAT) has the capacity to generate heat under cold conditions in mammals and in human infants. BAT is controlled by the central nervous system, and BAT function is accompanied by increased energy expenditure. However, it was not previously certain whether adult humans also have functional BAT. The aim of this doctoral work was to identify functional BAT in adult humans and to characterise its glucose uptake and blood flow under cold and insulin stimulation conditions in lean and in obese humans, by using positron emission tomography. Further, the impact of weight loss on BAT glucose uptake was assessed. Cerebral glucose uptake was also studied in relation to BAT function and cold exposure. The results showed that healthy adult humans have functional BAT, as assessed by the intense cold-induced glucose uptake and by biopsies. BAT was also found to be a highly insulinsensitive tissue in lean humans, but the effects of insulin and cold exposure were attenuated in obese humans, although the glucose uptake capacity of cold-activated BAT might be increased by weight loss. Blood flow in the BAT of lean humans was associated with whole-body energy expenditure. The presence of cold-activated BAT was related to lower body mass index and higher insulin sensitivity. Finally, BAT activation was linked to the activity of the cerebellum, the thalamus and certain neocortical regions. The cold-induced cerebral glucose uptake was also lower in obese than in lean adult humans.
In awake rats a single recurrent larger tidal volume (deep breaths) occurs at regular intervals, followed by oscillations in arterial pressure and heart rate. In the present study we recorded the changes in blood pressure, heart rate and ventilation during the wakefulness-sleep cycle identified by electrocorticographic records in order to determine whether the deep breaths and cardiovascular oscillations were associated with changes in the electrocorticogram. During several episodes of slow-wave sleep (SWS) in 7 rats the deep breaths and oscillations in arterial pressure and heart rate were preceded by SWS desynchronization. The interval between deep breaths during SWS was 71 ± 4 s, the period between initial desynchronization and the generation of deep breaths was 3.98 ± 0.45 s and the duration of SWS desynchronization was 11 ± 0.65 s. Hypotension (-16 ± 1 mmHg) and tachycardia (+15 ± 5 bpm) were observed during deep breaths in the SWS state. These data indicate that the oscillations in arterial pressure and heart rate during SWS are associated with deep breaths, which in turn are preceded by desynchronization of the electrocorticogram in this state of sleep
Standard techniques for radioautography used in biological and medical research can be classified into three categories, i.e., macroscopic radioautography, light microscopic radioautography and electron microscopic radioautography. The routine techniques used in these three procedures are described. With regard to macroscopic radioautography, whole body radioautography is a standard technique which employs freezing and cryosectioning and can demonstrate organ distributions of both soluble and insoluble compounds. In contrast, in light and electron microscopic radioautography, soluble and insoluble techniques are separated. In order to demonstrate insoluble labeled compounds, conventional chemical fixations such as formalin for light microscopy or buffered glutaraldehyde and osmium tetroxide for both light and electron microscopy followed by dehydration, embedding and wet-mounting applications of radioautographic emulsions can be used. For the demonstration of soluble labeled compounds, however, cryotechniques such as cryofixation, cryosectioning, freeze-drying, freeze-substitution followed by dry-sectioning and dry-mounting radioautography should be employed both for light and electron microscopy. The outlines of these techniques, which should be utilized in various fields of biological and medical research, are described in detail
Bone mineral density (BMD) in the lumbar spine (LSBMD), femoral neck (FNBMD) and whole body (WBBMD) and whole body tissue composition were evaluated in 288 Brazilian men 50 years and older, 80% white and 20% Mulattoes. Age was inversely correlated with WBBMD (r = -0.20) and FNBMD (r = -0.21) but not with LSBMD (r = 0.03). Body mass index and weight showed a strong positive correlation with WBBMD (r = 0.48 and 0.54), LSBMD (r = 0.37 and 0.45) and FNBMD (r = 0.42 and 0.48). Correlation with height was positive but weaker. No significant bone loss at the lumbar spine level was observed as the population aged. FNBMD and WBBMD decreased significantly only in the last decade (age 70-79) studied. BMD was higher for Brazilian men as compared to Brazilian women at all sites. No significant differences were observed between Brazilian and the US/European male population for BMD in the femoral neck. BMD measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry in South American men is reported here for the first time. A decrease in FNBMD was detected only later in life, with a pattern similar to that described for the US/European male population.
Whole body oxygen consumption and some hemolymph parameters such as pH, partial pressure of gases, level of ions and lactate were measured in the estuarine crab Chasmagnathus granulata after both acute (96 h) and chronic (2 weeks) exposure to cadmium at concentrations ranging from 0.4 to 6.3 mg/l. In all instances, the crabs developed hemolymph acidosis, but no respiratory (increased PCO2) or lactate increases were evident. Hemolymph levels of sodium and calcium were always increased by cadmium exposure. The chronic toxicity of cadmium was enhanced at 12 salinity, even causing a significantly higher mortality in comparison with the higher salinity (30) used. A general metabolic arrest took place at 12 salinity in the crabs chronically exposed to cadmium, as indicated by decreases of oxygen consumption and PCO2, an increase of PO2, along with no changes in lactate levels. These imbalances were associated with severe necrosis and telangiectasia in the respiratory gills, probably leading to respiratory impairment and finally histotoxic hypoxia and death of the animals.
GLUT4 protein expression in white adipose tissue (WAT) and skeletal muscle (SM) was investigated in 2-month-old, 12-month-old spontaneously obese or 12-month-old calorie-restricted lean Wistar rats, by considering different parameters of analysis, such as tissue and body weight, and total protein yield of the tissue. In WAT, a ~70% decrease was observed in plasma membrane and microsomal GLUT4 protein, expressed as µg protein or g tissue, in both 12-month-old obese and 12-month-old lean rats compared to 2-month-old rats. However, when plasma membrane and microsomal GLUT4 tissue contents were expressed as g body weight, they were the same. In SM, GLUT4 protein content, expressed as µg protein, was similar in 2-month-old and 12-month-old obese rats, whereas it was reduced in 12-month-old obese rats, when expressed as g tissue or g body weight, which may play an important role in insulin resistance. Weight loss did not change the SM GLUT4 content. These results show that altered insulin sensitivity is accompanied by modulation of GLUT4 protein expression. However, the true role of WAT and SM GLUT4 contents in whole-body or tissue insulin sensitivity should be determined considering not only GLUT4 protein expression, but also the strong morphostructural changes in these tissues, which require different types of data analysis.
Centrally stimulated sweat rate produced by graded exercise until exhaustion was compared to the local sweat rate induced by pilocarpine, often used as a sweating index for healthy individuals. Nine young male volunteers (22 ± 4 years) were studied in temperate environment in two situations: at rest and during progressive exercise with 25 W increases every 2 min until exhaustion, on a cycle ergometer. In both situations, sweating was induced on the right forearm with 5 ml 0.5% pilocarpine hydrochloride applied by iontophoresis (1.5 mA, 5 min), with left forearm used as control. Local sweat rate was measured for 15 min at rest. During exercise, whole-body sweat rate was calculated from the body weight variation. Local sweat rate was measured from the time when heart rate reached 150 bpm until exhaustion and was collected using absorbent filter paper. Pharmacologically induced local sweat rate at rest (0.4 ± 0.2 mg cm-2 min-1) and mean exercise-induced whole-body sweat rate (0.4 ± 0.1 mg cm-2 min-1) were the same (P > 0.05) but were about five times smaller than local exercise-induced sweat rate (control = 2.1 ± 1.4; pilocarpine = 2.7 ± 1.2 mg cm-2 min-1), indicating different sudorific mechanisms. Both exercise-induced whole-body sweat rate (P < 0.05) and local sweat rate (P < 0.05) on control forearm correlated positively with pilocarpine-induced local sweat rate at rest. Assuming that exercise-induced sweating was a result of integrated physiological mechanisms, we suggest that local and whole-body sweat rate measured during graded exercise could be a better sweating index than pilocarpine.
The effects of H2O2 were evaluated in the estuarine worm Laeonereis acuta (Polychaeta, Nereididae) collected at the Patos Lagoon estuary (Southern Brazil) and maintained in the laboratory under controlled salinity (10 psu diluted seawater) and temperature (20°C). The worms were exposed to H2O2 (10 and 50 µM) for 4, 7, and 10 days and the following variables were determined: oxygen consumption, catalase (CAT) and glutathione peroxidase activity in both the supernatant and pellet fractions of whole body homogenates. The concentrations of non-protein sulfhydryl and lipid peroxides (LPO) were also measured. The oxygen consumption response was biphasic, decreasing after 4 days and increasing after 7 and 10 days of exposure to 50 µM H2O2 (P < 0.05). At the same H2O2 concentration, CAT activity was lower (P < 0.05) in the pellet fraction of worms exposed for 10 days compared to control. Non-protein sulfhydryl concentration and glutathione peroxidase activity were not affected by H2O2 exposure. After 10 days, LPO levels were higher (P < 0.05) in worms exposed to 50 µM H2O2 compared to control. The reduction in the antioxidant defense was paralleled by oxidative stress as indicated by higher LPO values (441% compared to control). The reduction of CAT activity in the pellet fraction may be related to protein oxidation. These results, taken together with previous findings, suggest that the worms were not able to cope with this H2O2 concentration.
During thyroid tumor progression, cellular de-differentiation may occur and it is commonly accompanied by metastatic spread and loss of iodine uptake. Retinoic acid (RA) administration might increase iodine uptake in about 40% of patients, suggesting that RA could be a promising therapeutic option for radioiodine non-responsive thyroid carcinoma, although a prospective study with a long-term follow-up has not been reported. This was a clinical prospective study assessing the value of 13-cis-RA in patients with advanced thyroid carcinoma and its impact on major outcomes such as tumor regression and cancer-related death with a long-term follow-up of patients submitted to radioiodine (131I) therapy after RA administration. Sixteen patients with inoperable disease and no significant radioiodine uptake on post-therapy scan were selected. Patients were treated orally with 13-cis-RA at a dose of 1.0 to 1.5 mg·kg-1·day-1 for 5 weeks and then submitted to radioiodine therapy (150 mCi) after thyroxine withdrawal. A whole body scan was obtained 5 to 7 days after the radioactive iodine therapy. RECIST criteria were used to evaluate the response. An objective partial response rate was observed in 18.8%, a stable disease rate in 25% and a progression disease rate in 56.2%. Five patients died (62.5%) in the group classified as progression of disease. Progression-free survival rate (PFS) ranged from 72 to 12 months, with a median PFS of 26.5 months. RA may be an option for advanced de-differentiated thyroid cancer, due to the low rate of side effects.