924 resultados para Web-based learning


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 A new sliding mode-based learning control scheme for a class of SISO dynamic systems is developed in this paper. It is seen that, based on the most recent information on the closed-loop stability, a recursive learning chattering-free sliding mode controller can be designed to drive the closed-loop dynamics to reach the sliding mode surface in a finite time, on which the desired closed-loop dynamics with the zero-error convergence can be achieved.


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This case study describes an “out of field” teacher’s use of the Internet to teach a range of mathematical topics in a modified Year 8 mathematics class. It highlights the importance of three factors for implementing a discernible web-based teaching strategy: appropriate choice of web objects,effective “virtual” pedagogy, and technical support and expertise. Based on these findings, a framework is suggested for constructing an effective teaching strategy to support the use of virtual resources in the actual mathematics classroom.


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The learning experiences of first-year engineering students to a newly implemented engineering problem-based learning (PBL) curriculum is reported here, with an emphasis on student approaches to learning. Ethnographic approaches were used for data collection and analysis. This study found that student learning in a PBL team in this setting was mainly influenced by the attitudes, behaviour and learning approaches of the student members in that team. Three different learning cultures that emerged from the analysis of eight PBL teams are reported here. They are the finishing culture, the performing culture and the collaborative learning culture. It was found that the team that used a collaborative approach to learning benefited the most in this PBL setting. Students in this team approached learning at a deep level. The findings of this study imply that students in a problem-based, or project-based, learning setting may not automatically adopt a collaborative learning culture. Hence, it is important for institutions and teachers to identify and consider the factors that influence student learning in their particular setting, provide students with necessary tools and ongoing coaching to nurture deep learning approaches in PBL teams.


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The web is a rich resource for information discovery, as a result web mining is a hot topic. However, a reliable mining result depends on the reliability of the data set. For every single second, the web generate huge amount of data, such as web page requests, file transportation. The data reflect human behavior in the cyber space and therefore valuable for our analysis in various disciplines, e.g. social science, network security. How to deposit the data is a challenge. An usual strategy is to save the abstract of the data, such as using aggregation functions to preserve the features of the original data with much smaller space. A key problem, however is that such information can be distorted by the presence of illegitimate traffic, e.g. botnet recruitment scanning, DDoS attack traffic, etc. An important consideration in web related knowledge discovery then is the robustness of the aggregation method , which in turn may be affected by the reliability of network traffic data. In this chapter, we first present the methods of aggregation functions, and then we employe information distances to filter out anomaly data as a preparation for web data mining.


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Project-based learning (PBL) is a well-known student-centred methodology for engineering design education. The methodology claims to offer a number of educational benefits. This paper evaluates the student perceptions of the initial and second offering of a first-year design unit at Griffith University in Australia. It builds on an earlier evaluation conducted after the initial offering of the unit. It considers the implementation of the recommended changes. Evaluations of the two offerings reveal that students (in both the initial and second offering) generally enjoyed the experience, but that the second offering was found to be a significantly more enjoyable learning experience. Students in the second offering also reported a significantly better understanding of what they needed to do for the design projects and where to find the requisite information. The oral presentation aspect of the initial and second offerings received the lowest satisfaction rating. The inclusion (and delivery) of the computer-aided drawing component of the unit is seen as a positive aspect by some students, but many others comment on it negatively. The best aspects of the PBL unit and those aspects needing further improvement were similar to the findings of other investigations documented in the literature.


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 Problem based learning has been implemented as a pedagogical tool world-wide across a range of health professions since its inception at McMaster University, Canada, in 1969 (Neville & Norman, 2007). In addition to enhancing knowledge and understanding it is also claimed that PBL develops communication skills, encourages teamwork, sharing of information and respect for others, furthers problem solving skills, and allows students to assume responsibility for their own learning (Wood, 2003). However, the cognitive outcomes of PBL and traditional pedagogy (based on didactic teaching) are similar and hence widespread adoption of PBL has been questioned (see Colliver, 2000). Criticisms of PBL include its resource hungry nature, requiring, as it does, experienced tutors to facilitate .learning across several clusters of students dealing with the same problem. Given the actual and anticipated increase in numbers of medical students in Australia other strategies that retain the advantages of PBL, while minimising the demands on faculty, should now be explored. This paper reports our experience with a modification of the traditional PBL approach, termed PBLplus. This innovation was trialled in a regional clinical school, attached to a hospital, with a group of 19 graduate entry students, who had completed an integrated Year 1 / 2 of the MBBS. PBLplus involved allocating students from the whole class to three task directed groups. Groups had specified assignments to complete to facilitate learning across the whole class. A tutor listened to student presentations and provided an interactive presentation. Hence use of tutors was made more efficient, and faculty input was more specialised.


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Background: Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer in males and the second in females throughout the developed world. Population screening using fecal occult blood tests (FOBTs) facilitates early detection and greater chance of survival, but participation rates are low. We developed a Web-based decision tool to provide information tailored to an individual’s decision stage for CRC screening and attitude toward screening utilizing the Preventive Health Model (PHM) and Precaution Adoption Process Model (PAPM) as theoretical frameworks for screening behavior. We describe the practical steps employed in the tool’s design and the subsequent conduct of an exploratory study.
Objective: To design a decision tool for CRC screening and conduct an exploratory study among average-risk men and women to (1) test the impact of message type (tailored vs non-tailored) and message delivery modality (Web-based vs paper-based) on attitudes toward screening and screening uptake, and (2) investigate the acceptability of the decision tool and relevance of materials.
Methods: Participants (n = 100), recruited from a population sample of men and women aged 50-76 residing in urban Adelaide, Australia, were randomly assigned to a control group or one of 4 interventions: (1) Web-based and tailored information, (2) paper-based and tailored information, (3) Web-based and non-tailored (generic) information, or (4) paper-based and non-tailored information. Participation was augmented by snowball recruitment (n = 19). Questionnaires based on PHM variables were administered pre- and post-intervention. Participants were given the opportunity to request an FOBT. Following the intervention, participants discussed the acceptability of the tool.
Results: Full data were available for 87.4% (104/119) of participants. Post-intervention, perceived susceptibility scores for individuals receiving tailored information increased from mean 10.6 (SD 2.1) to mean 11.8 (SD 2.2). Scores on self-efficacy increased in the tailored group from mean 11.7 (SD 2.0) to mean 12.6 (SD 1.8). There were significant time x modality x message effects for social influence and salience and coherence, reflecting an increase in these scores for tailored Web-based participants only; social influence scores increased from mean 11.7 (SD 2.6) to mean 14.9 (SD 2.3), and salience and coherence scores increased from mean 16.0 (SD 2.2) to mean 17.7 (SD 2.1). There was no greater influence of modality or message type on movement toward a decision to screen or screening uptake, indicating that neither tailored messages nor a Web modality had superior effect. Overall, participants regarded tailored messages positively, but thought that the Web tool lacked “media richness.”
Conclusions: This exploratory study confirms that tailoring on PHM predictors of CRC screening has the potential to positively address attitudes toward screening. However, tailoring on these variables did not result in significantly increased screening uptake. Future research should consider other possible psychosocial influences. Mode of delivery did not affect outcomes, but as a delivery medium, the Web has economic and logistical advantages over paper.


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When learning, teaching and assessments of statistical content are based on an inquiry cycle with contextual linkages, then this results in improved learner performances. If assessment questions in statistics are linked conceptually within an appropriate context, as opposed to being fragmented, then improved learner performances in statistical reasoning results.


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Surveys are mostly challenged by response rates. Among the various types of survey research, web-based (internet-based/electronic/online) surveys are commonly used for data collection for a geographically diverse population. In surveys with high/low response rates, non-response bias can be a major concern. While it is not always possible to measure the actual bias due to non-response there are different approaches and techniques that help to identify reasons of non-response bias. The aims of this paper are twofold. (1) To provide an appropriate, interesting and important non-response bias case study for future web-based surveys that will provide guidance to other Information Systems researchers. The case-study concerns an online-survey to evaluate a technology acceptance model for Unit Guide Information systems (UGIS). (2) To discuss how nonresponse bias in a web-based technology acceptance study of an information system (UGIS in this case) can be contained and managed.


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The authors examined whether accounting students’ propensity to whistle-blow differed between those instructed through a web-based teaching module and those exposed to a traditional in-class textbook-focused approach. A total of 156 students from a second-year financial accounting course participated in the study. Ninety students utilized the web-based module whereas 66 students were instructed through a traditional teaching approach based on ethical problems presented in the textbook. Subsequently, when presented with a whistle-blowing situation, it was found that students exposed to a web-based ethics instruction module were more likely to whistle-blow than those students exposed to a traditional in-class textbook ethics instruction approach.


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 We review pseudo-relevance feedback as a mechanism for expanding short texts. Where short texts exhibit evolving concepts, topics and other characteristics, Web-based feedback systems were touted as the most ideal way of enriching the feature space of short texts. However, we note from a recent implementation of a Web-based pseudo-relevance feedback that it would only perform well under clinical situations. Further improvements to address fundamental noise in Web documents did not show significant improvements leading us to conclude that relevance feedback using Web documents directly are unsuitable for real-world conditions. In this paper, we present Eddi, which is a recent system that provides an exemplar of a typical pseudo-relevance feedback system. We first show the conditions in which Eddi will work and then discuss the situations where it would fail. We then present the variations to Eddi from our attempt to improve the robustness of Eddi's algorithm when dealing with complex Web documents. We then present the results from all variations to show the lack of robustness for pseudo-relevance feedback with Web documents.


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Aims: To describe a funded proposal for the development of an on-line evidence based educational program for the management of deteriorating patients.
Background: There are international concerns regarding the management of deteriorating patients with issues around the ‘failure to rescue’. The primary response to these issues has been the development of medical emergency teams with little focus on the education of primary first responders.
Design/Methods: A mixed methods triangulated convergent design. In this four phase proposal we plan to 1. examine nursing student team ability to manage deteriorating patients and based upon these findings 2. develop web based educational material, including interactive scenarios. This educational material will be tested and refined in the third Phase 3, prior to evaluation and dissemination in the final phase.
Conclusion: This project aims to enhance knowledge development for the management of deteriorating patients through rigorous assessment of team performance and to produce a contemporary evidence-based online training program.


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This paper reports on a small-scale action research project conducted by two university-based researchers using a visual arts method. The seven-week drawing programme was the second cycle of an action research project. The participants were nine boys of primary school age variously identified by their teachers as reluctant readers and/or as struggling with print literacy. The thematic concerns addressed in the paper fall into two broad categories: motivating learners by drawing on their popular cultural capital and interests, as well as tracing the construction of visual texts as data in action research. Findings are presented in response to the following research questions: What happens to those students who do not or cannot meet the required standards in literacy? What kind of research approach can be utilised or adapted to respond to the literacy practices and behaviours of young people?