426 resultados para Voluntariado - Volunteering
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Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior (CAPES)
The aim of this study is to investigate the significance of educational practices aimed at children in non formal education, in this case, specifically, the hospital context. The chosen methodology is part of an investigation conducted in two phases. In the first phase was carried out a theoretical stage, scientifically based studies guided by an historical-cultural and Sociology of Childhood, enabling placement on the particularities of children, the playfulness and the positioning of Pedagogy in the hospital. After this theoretical study was performed the second phase, with the completion of an empirical study with a research and intervention in a hospital playroom, in a public hospital considered a regional center in the northwestern city of São Paulo. The methodological procedures adopted for this empirical study were participant observation, interviews, action research and a questionnaire. Participant observation and action research are conducted within the brinquetodeca in five meetings with about 15 children, interviews were conducted with three family members and the questionnaire was applied to a healthcare professional. Among the results we can mention the following findings: a confirmation of the necessity of work in the hospital directing playful adaptations for the preservation and development of children's learning, and recent publications are scarce about the Hospital Education and underscore the need for the professional practice of education in non-school, the educational activities carried out reveals the possibilities of offering the child the continuation of their educational activities involving the playful and educational, the international and national literature on educational practices in the hospital allow to check ...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)
The aim of the present study was to point out the importance of the experience of undergraduate dental students in extra-curricular activities and volunteer work, as a means through which to gain essential knowledge and abilities for their professional lives. A literature review of the Medline, Scielo, and Lilacs databases was carried out in an attempt to select articles related to the university extension and volunteer work of undergraduate dental students. It is still extremely difficult to include university extension and volunteer work as an important activity in Dentistry courses. However, the presentday work market demands professionals who have expertise not only in dental techniques, but also in the socio-cultural characteristics of communities, considering that people need to be comprehensive in their psychosocial aspects in order to be treated as a complete professional. Therefore, university dentistry courses should give equal consideration to both oral rehabilitation skills and the promotion of general healthcare, acquired mainly through extracurricular activities, in an attempt to redeem the integral education of the healthcare professional. Moreover, students should pay closer attention to the opportunities offered during their undergraduate courses, as the work market for dentists is becoming more and more competitive. Moreover, the dentist whose professional life is limited to the dental office will most certainly forgo the opportunity to act in other social areas as well as the recognition that comes with such acts.
Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC
Few Nebraskans are as devoted to the University of Nebraska as Mark Gustafson. Driven by his belief that a strong university is key to a strong Nebraska economy, Mark is an advocate for the university in the local, state, and national arenas. He is a Nebraska delegate to the Council for Agricultural, Research, Extension, and Teaching, a national advocacy organization for higher education. Since 1991, he's been a member of Agriculture Builders of Nebraska, Inc., which supports UNL's Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, as well as the entire University, and has served three terms as president. He has served on the advisory councils for the UNL chancellor and the NU president and served on UNL's Future Nebraska Taskforce. He holds baccalaureate and master's degrees from UNL and a Ph.D. from the University of California-Berkeley. When he's not volunteering his time, Mark operates the family farm near Mead. He and his wife, Dianne, are the parents of two children - Christopher, a UNL alumnus, and Anneke, a UNL junior.
Contiene: Reglamento de permisos y licencias y vacaciones del personal docente e investigador de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria ; Reglamento de cursos de armonización de conocimientos ; Propuesta de modificación de los baremos para la contratación de profesor colaborador y profesor contratado doctor tipo 1 ; Modificación del reglamento sobre el procedimiento para la asignación de ayudas con cargo al Plan de Formación del Personal Docente ; Modificación del reglamento de docencia y evaluación del aprendizaje ; Reglamento sobre el procedimiento para la concesión de ayudas en el Programa de Apoyo al voluntariado internacional y a proyectos de fin de carrera en el ámbito de la cooperación internacional para el desarrollo ; Reglamento sobre el procedimiento para la concesión de proyectos semilla de coooperación internacional para el desarrollo ; Propuesta de tÃtulos propios de postgrado ; Propuesta de la creación del Aula MartÃn Lutero ; Propuesta de creación del Aula de EtnografÃa y Folclore de Canarias.
<p>[ES]Tras una presentación sumaria sobre el estado en que se encuentran las más de 500 especies de tiburones conocidas, se habla de la isla de Coco ubicada 342 millas (550 kilómetros) frente a las costas de Costa Rica en el Océano Pacífico, alrededor de 36 horas en barco desde el continente, es una isla deshabitada que cuenta con tan solo 12 millas (20 km) de área de protección, donde supuestamente es ilegal pescar y está prohibido navegar sin permiso. La isla cuenta con un plan de manejo y protección por parte del PNIC ( Parque Nacional Isla del Coco) donde Guardaparques y voluntarios intentan proteger esa zona con los medios que cuentan cedidos por el gobierno, ayudas internacionales o de algunas Ong’s. Es conocida por la abundancia de tiburones que viven en sus aguas, incluyendo tiburones de aleta blanca, enormes tiburones ballena y tiburones martillo. Por falta de recursos la pesca ilegal dentro y en las cercanías del área marina protegida de la isla del Coco, ( 12 millas ) está comprometiendo seriamente la fauna y los ecosistemas marinos. La pesca ilegal se manifiesta de diversas formas, sobre todo la extracción de tiburones y otras especies con técnicas de pesca, no selectivas y destructivas, como es con el uso de palangre o long lines. Los Tiburones Martillo están en la lista de especies amenazadas a nivel mundial, y son a menudo blanco de los pescadores por sus aletas, que son muy apreciadas para la sopa de aleta de tiburón. Tanto los tiburones martillo y tortugas laúd mueren cuando son capturados accidentalmente en estas operaciones de pesca comercial. Los recursos en el parque nacional son escasos, durante mi voluntariado contábamos únicamente de una embarcación preparada para los patrullajes, estos duraban entre 8-14 horas dependiendo de otras tareas a realizar en el parque y de la disponibilidad de Guardaparques licenciados para patrullar el barco ( dependiendo del mes ingresan mas o menos capacitados para esta actividad) por lo que me di cuenta de que su protección no era eficaz, ya que la isla cuenta diariamente con un promedio de 15-30 barcos ilegales sobretodo en la Zona nord-este, estos lanzan el palangre a pocas millas de la isla ( entre la milla 4-8 ) lineas que pueden llegar a medir entre 30/40 millas, y esperar en la milla 13 pare recoger ” legalmente” todo lo que se haya quedado atrapado en sus anzuelos. Las tareas de los Guardaparques y voluntarios es evitar que estas embarcaciones entren en esa zona de protección, sancionar a los que estén actuando ilegalmente, además de retirar todas las lineas encontradas a la deriva así como intentar salvar todas las especies atrapadas en ellas. Para colmo, para poder sancionar a los infractores los Guardaparques deben encontrar la embarcación con la línea de pesca en la mano, y subiendo la especie, para poder ser procesado por pesca ilegal.</p>
<p>[ES]La educación inclusiva surge del convencimiento de que el derecho a la educación es un derecho universal que está en la base de una sociedad más justa. Uno de los ejes de este tipo de educación, entre otros, es la creación de entornos universales adaptados, e implica el acceso en condiciones de igualdad a una educación de calidad. En un campus inclusivo la herramienta on-line: PORTAL DE ACCESIBILIDAD Y COMUNICACIÓN (PAC) es una estrategia para la participación de la comunidad universitaria en donde cualquiera de sus miembros puede valorar la aplicación de las normas vigentes en materia de accesibilidad universal y proponer mejoras. La Universidad está llamada a ser un referente en la asunción de los derechos humanos, promoción del voluntariado y la no discriminación.</p>
This dissertation is aimed at analysing deeply and thoroughly the most significant topics and features reflected in the Latin American literary work of Alberto Manzi. His almost thirty years of travelling and volunteering in the indigenous communities of South America formed a background of knowledge and experiences, which turned out to be crucial for the genesis of his Latin American trilogy. In the light of this, not only are ‘La luna nelle baracche’, ‘El loco’ and ‘E venne il sabato’ a speaking testimony of Manzi’s life and inner development, but they also offer a privileged perspective on the social, historical and religious situation of the people of Latin America. For a better understanding of the books, chapter one provides an extensive historical and economic commentary stretching over a century, from the collapse of the Spanish Empire to the rise of modern dictatorships in the late ‘70s, and the long democratic transition of the ‘80s. As far as the religious background is concerned, it is important to mention the influence of the liberation theology in the shaping of Manzi’s revolutionary thought. Indeed, chapter two identifies the precursors of the liberation theology, considers the effects of the Second Vatican Council on Latin America’s Catholic Church, and presents the methodology and the most powerful intuitions of the liberation theology. Finally, chapter three employs a critical analysis of Manzi’s Latin American trilogy, which focuses on his personal journal of his time in the austral continent, and Sonia and Giulia Manzi’s testimony published in a book entitled ‘Non è mai troppo tardi’. Chapter three provides an in-depth analysis of the evolution of the author’s revolutionary thought and plot dynamics; it discusses the psychological profile of the characters, the cultural features of the indigenous traditions, and the author’s urge to involve the readership in a permanent process of self-questioning.
While the system stabilizing function of reciprocity is widely acknowledged, much less attention has been paid to the argument that reciprocity might initiate social cooperation in the first place. This paper tests Gouldner’s early assumption that reciprocity may act as a ‘starting mechanism’ of social cooperation in consolidating societies. The empirical test scenario builds on unequal civic engagement between immigrants and nationals, as this engagement gap can be read as a lack of social cooperation in consolidating immigration societies. Empirical analyses using survey data on reciprocal norms and based on Bayesian hierarchical modelling lend support for Gouldner’s thesis, underlining thereby the relevance of reciprocity in today’s increasingly diverse societies: individual norms of altruistic reciprocity elevate immigrants’ propensity to volunteer, reducing thereby the engagement gap between immigrants and natives in the area of informal volunteering. In other words, compliance with altruistic reciprocity may trigger cooperation in social strata, where it is less likely to occur. The positive moderation of the informal engagement gap through altruistic reciprocity turns out to be most pronounced for immigrants who are least likely to engage in informal volunteering, meaning low, but also high educated immigrants.
Aim of the study Due to the valuable contribution made by volunteers to sporting events, a better understanding of volunteers’ motivation is imperative for event managers in order to develop effective volunteer re-cruitment and retention strategies. The adoption of working conditions and task domains to the mo-tives and needs of volunteers is one of the key challenges in volunteer management. Conversely, an ignorance of the motives and needs of volunteers could negatively affect their performance and attitude, which will have negative consequences for the execution of events (Strigas & Jackson, 2003). In general, the motives of volunteers are located on a continuum between selflessness (e.g. helping others), and self-interest (e.g. pursuing one’s own interests). Furthermore, it should take into account that volunteers may be motivated by more than one need or goal, and therefore, configure different bundles of motives, resulting in heterogeneous types of motives for voluntary engagement (Dolnicar & Randle, 2007). Despite the extensive number of studies on the motives of sport event volunteers, only few studies focus on the analysis of individual motive profiles concerning volun-teering. Accordingly, we will take a closer look at the following questions: To what extent do volun-teers at sporting events differ in the motives of their engagement, and how can the volunteers be ade-quately classified? Theoretical Background According to the functional approach, relevant subjective motives are related to the outcomes and consequences that volunteering is supposed to lead to and to produce. This means, individuals’ mo-tives determine which incentives are anticipated in return for volunteering (e.g. increase in social contacts), and are important for engaging in volunteering, e.g. the choice between different oppor-tunities for voluntary activity, or different tasks (Stukas et al., 2009). Additionally, inter-individual differences of motive structures as well as matching motives in the reflections of voluntary activities will be considered by using a person-oriented approach. In the person-oriented approach, it is not the specific variables that are made the entities of investigation, but rather persons with a certain combination of characteristic features (Bergmann et al., 2003). Person-orientation in the field of sports event volunteers, it is therefore essential to implement an orientation towards people as a unit of analysis. Accordingly, individual motive profiles become the object of investigation. The individ-ual motive profiles permit a glimpse of intra-individual differences in the evaluation of different motive areas, and thus represent the real subjective perspective. Hence, a person will compare the importance of individual motives for his behaviour primarily in relation to other motives (e.g. social contacts are more important to me than material incentives), and make fewer comparisons with the assessments of other people. Methodology, research design and data analysis The motives of sports event volunteers were analysed in the context of the European Athletics Championships 2014 in Zürich. After data cleaning, the study sample contained a total of 1,169 volunteers, surveyed by an online questionnaire. The VMS-ISA scale developed by Bang and Chel-ladurai (2009) was used and replicated successfully by a confirmatory factor analysis. Accordingly, all seven factors of the scale were included in the subsequent cluster analysis to determine typical motive profiles of volunteers. Before proceeding with the cluster analysis, an intra-individual stand-ardization procedure (according to Spiel, 1998) was applied to take advantage of the intra-individual relationships between the motives of the volunteers. Intra-individual standardization means that every value of each motive dimension was related to the average individual level of ex-pectations. In the final step, motive profiles were determined using a hierarchic cluster analysis based on Ward’s method with squared Euclidean distances. Results, discussion and implications The results reveal that motivational processes differ among sports event volunteers, and that volunteers sometimes combine contradictory bundles of motives. In our study, four different volunteer motive profiles were identified and described by their positive levels on the individual motive dimension: the community supporters, the material incentive seekers, the social networkers, and the career and personal growth pursuers. To describe the four identified motive profiles in more detail and to externally validate them, the clusters were analysed in relation to socio-economic, sport-related, and voluntary work characteristics. This motive-based typology of sports event volunteers can provide valuable guidance for event managers in order to create distinctive and designable working conditions and tasks at sporting events that should, in relation to a person-oriented approach, be tailored to a wide range of individ-ual prerequisites. Furthermore, specific recruitment procedures and appropriate communication measures can be defined in order to approach certain groups of potential volunteers more effectively. References Bang, H., & Chelladurai, P. (2009). Development and validation of the volunteer motivations scale for international sporting events (VMS-ISE). International Journal Sport Management and Market-ing, 6, 332-350. Bergmann, L. R., Magnusson, D., & El-Khouri, B. M. (2003). Studying individual development in an interindividual context. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. Dolnicar, S., & Randle, M. (2007). What motivates which volunteers? Psychographic heterogeneity among volunteers in Australia. Voluntas, 18, 135-155. Spiel, C. (1998). Four methodological approaches to the study of stability and change in develop-ment. Methods of Psychological Research Online, 3, 8-22. Stukas, A. A., Worth, K. A., Clary, E. G., & Snyder, M. (2009). The matching of motivations to affordances in the volunteer environment: an index for assessing the impact of multiple matches on volunteer outcomes. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 38, 5-28.
Volunteers are still the most important resource for amateur football clubs. However, stable voluntary engagement can no longer be granted. This difficulty is confirmed by existing research across various European countries. From a club management point of view, a detailed understanding of how to attract volunteers and retain them is becoming a high priority. The purpose of this study is (1) to analyse the influence of individual characteristics and corresponding organisational conditions on volunteering and (2) to examine the decision-making processes in relation to implement effective strategies for recruiting volunteers. To answer these questions, the current state of research is summarised and then a multi-level-framework is developed which is based on the structural-individualistic social theory. The individual and context factors for volunteering are estimated in different multi-level models based on a sample of n=1,434 sport club members from 36 sport clubs in Switzerland. Results indicate that volunteering is not just an outcome of individual characteristics such as lower workloads, higher income, children belonging to the sport club, longer club membership, or a strong commitment to the club. It is also influenced by club-specific structural conditions. Concerning decision-making processes an in-depth analysis of recruitment practices for volunteers was conducted in selected clubs (case study design). based on the garbage can model. The results show that systematically designed decision-making processes with a clear regulation of responsibilities seem to solve personnel problems more purposefully and more quickly. Based on the findings some recommendations for volunteer management in football clubs are worked out.