995 resultados para Varis, Markku
Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena on laatiaselvitys materiaaliyhteistyöhön tarvittavan extranetsovelluksen implementoimiseksi telekommunikaatiosektorilla globaalisti toimivaan yritykseen. Teoriatasolla käydään läpi toimittajakentän hallintaa, ostotoimintaa, extranet-sovellusta ja sen roolia toimittajayhteistyössä. Tutkimuksen teoriaosuudessa esitellään lisäksi telekommunikaatioklusterin toimitusketjun hallinnassa yleisesti käyttämä standardisoitu toimintamalli. Empiirinen osio sisältää kuvauksen case- yrityksen nykyisistä ostoprosesseista ja toimittajayhteistyöstä sekä kartoituksen kanden ulkopuolisen yrityksen toimittajayhteistyöratkaisusta. Lopputuloksena tutkimus sisältää ehdotelman toimittajayhteistyöextranetin vaiheittaiseksi implementoimiseksi case- yrityksen ja sen toimittajien välille. Lisäksi työssä esitetään potentiaalisia jatkokehitysmandollisuuksia extranetsovellusta ajatellen.
Lorsque des poètes comme Ausone, Paulin de Noie et Claudien s'expriment en leur propre nom, une telle prise de parole n'est pas anodine et vise à générer certains effets sur le public. De manière générale, la première personne autobiographique ne doit pas être considérée comme un miroir de la personnalité du poète, mais comme une stratégie rhétorique destinée à soutenir la diffusion d'un message. Pour comprendre comment l'auteur se met en scène dans son oeuvre, il faut tenir compte d'au moins quatre paramètres : les influences génériques, la mise en scène de l'énonciation, les jeux intertextuels contribuant à façonner cette représentation auctoriale et les liens de celle- ci avec d'autres images que le poète donne de lui-même à l'intérieur d'un plus large corpus de textes. En comparant les personae mises en scène par ces trois écrivains de l'Antiquité tardive dans différentes formes littéraires (lettres versifiées, discours à visée didactique, exordes, éloges d'autrui), cette thèse de doctorat démontre que l'emploi du « je » est généralement lié à la recherche de persuasion et que ces figures littéraires ont en commun plusieurs traits caractéristiques qui offrent un point de départ à des développements variés.
Tutkielman tarkoituksena oli ydinosaamisen ja strategisen osaamisen määritteleminen ja arvioiminen. Tavoitteena oli selventää sekä organisaation johdon ja keskijohdon näkemyksiä siitä mitä strateginen kyvykkyys on sekä tehdä osaamisten arvioinnin yhteydessä perustyötä henkilöstön strategisten osaamisten kehittämiseksi. Case- organisaationa tutkimuksessa oli Finnsteve Oy, Helsingin, Turun ja Kotkansatamissa toimiva Suomen toiseksi suurin satamaoperaattori. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin tiedonkeruumenetelmänä lomakekyselyä yhdis-tettynä kvalitatiiviseen teemahaastatteluun. Ydinosaamisten määrittelyssä käytettiin ryhmätyömenetelmää. Tutkimusongelmia peilattiin sekä resurs-siperusteiseen että ydinosaamisen teorioihin. Tutkimuksessa saatiin selvä kuva siitä, miten ydinosaamisen määrittely käytännössä voidaan yrityksessä toteuttaa. Koska kyseessä oleva yritys tuottaa satamapalveluja, on palvelutapahtuman reagointinopeus, tehok-kuus, joustavuus ja oikea-aikaisen informaation tuottaminen asiakkaille yrityksen kannalta ehdottoman tärkeää. Mikäli yritys haluaa säilyttää maineensa joustavana ja asiakkaiden toiveisiin nopeasti reagoivana yrityksenä sen on kyettävä kannustamaan henkilöstöään innovointiin. Innovoinnit johtavat parhaimmillaan prosessi-innovaatioihin ja sitä kautta sisäisen tehokkuuden paranemiseen jaasiakastyytyväisyyteen.
L’objectiu del projecte es facilitar el disseny i la modificació d’antenes microstrip utilitzant models circuitals. En el document s’exposa conjuntament la teoria de vàries configuracions d’antenes microstrip dispersa en varis documents i les equacions més rellevants per l’anàlisi dels fenòmens que es produeixen en cada model d’antena amb l’objectiu de realitzar un estudi detallat de les tendències dels components de cada configuració. L’estudi de les tendències es realitza per obtenir una relació entre els paràmetres físics i els components dels models circuitals proposats per a cada configuració d’antena microstrip. Utilitzant la teoria exposada en el document i l’estudi realitzat es comprova que és possible facilitar i realitzar modificacions en el disseny d’antenes microstrip mitjançant els models circuitals proposats.
Epävarmuus ei ole outoa enää julkishallinon alueellakaan. Globalisaation,tietotalous ja muut yksityissektoria ravistelleet ilmiöt ovat lisänneet mielenkiintoa erilaisiin tekniikoihin joilla voidaan lievittää epävarmuudesta aiheutuvia ongelmia. Tämä raportti kuvailee skenaariosuunnittelun käyttöä eräänä mahdollisuutena epävarmuuden hallintaan julkishallinnossa ja yksityissektorilla. Raportti sijoittuu samaan skenaariotutkimuksen jatkumoon edellisten LTY:ssä toteutettujen skenaariotutkimusten kanssa. tutkimus valottaa tutkimuksen ja käytännön työn nykytilaa helposti hyödynnettävässä muodossa. Rapostin kontribuutio on kuvata tutkimukseen perustuva tuettu skenaarioprosessi ja syntyneet skenaariot, keskittyen prosessin tukemiseen eri menetelmin.
Vannesahausta on tutkittu Suomessa hyvin vähän, ja kirjallista materiaalia on ollut niukasti saatavilla. Tämä oppikirjaksi tarkoitettu raportti on muokattu DI Arto Tanskasen diplomityöstä. Raportti käsittelee vannesahoja ja niiden rakennetta hieman pintapuolisemmin ja syventyy tarkemmin terän ja itse sahausprosessin teoriaan. Terää käsittelevässä osuudessa tehdään katsaus lähes kaikkiin vannesahauksen lastuamisteknisiin parametreihin lähtien terämateriaaleista, läpi käydään terän valmistus, terämateriaalit, terägeometriat, hammasmuodot ja haritus. Noiden lisäksi käsitellään lastuamisparametreja ja lastuamisvoimia vannesahauksessa, ja lopuksi sahauksen kustannuksia tarkastellaan kustannus per katkaisu -periaatteella. Lastuamisen teoria on vannesahauksen osalta perin monimutkaista ja siihen liittyy useita eri tekijöitä, jotka tekevät tarkastelusta haastavan. Raportin lopussa kerrotaan suosituksia ja ohjeistetaan sahauskokeiden teko sekä esitetään kokeelliseen tutkimukseen perustuvia keskeisimpiä havaintoja.
The building industry has a particular interest in using clinching as a joining method for frame constructions of light-frame housing. Normally many clinch joints are required in joining of frames.In order to maximise the strength of the complete assembly, each clinch joint must be as sound as possible. Experimental testing is the main means of optimising a particular clinch joint. This includes shear strength testing and visual observation of joint cross-sections. The manufacturers of clinching equipment normally perform such experimental trials. Finite element analysis can also be used to optimise the tool geometry and the process parameter, X, which represents the thickness of the base of the joint. However, such procedures require dedicated software, a skilled operator, and test specimens in order to verify the finite element model. In addition, when using current technology several hours' computing time may be necessary. The objective of the study was to develop a simple calculation procedure for rapidly establishing an optimum value for the parameter X for a given tool combination. It should be possible to use the procedure on a daily basis, without stringent demands on the skill of the operator or the equipment. It is also desirable that the procedure would significantly decrease thenumber of shear strength tests required for verification. The experimental workinvolved tests in order to obtain an understanding of the behaviour of the sheets during clinching. The most notable observation concerned the stage of the process in which the upper sheet was initially bent, after which the deformation mechanism changed to shearing and elongation. The amount of deformation was measured relative to the original location of the upper sheet, and characterised as the C-measure. By understanding in detail the behaviour of the upper sheet, it waspossible to estimate a bending line function for the surface of the upper sheet. A procedure was developed, which makes it possible to estimate the process parameter X for each tool combination with a fixed die. The procedure is based on equating the volume of material on the punch side with the volume of the die. Detailed information concerning the behaviour of material on the punch side is required, assuming that the volume of die does not change during the process. The procedure was applied to shear strength testing of a sample material. The sample material was continuously hot-dip zinc-coated high-strength constructional steel,with a nominal thickness of 1.0 mm. The minimum Rp0.2 proof stress was 637 N/mm2. Such material has not yet been used extensively in light-frame housing, and little has been published on clinching of the material. The performance of the material is therefore of particular interest. Companies that use clinching on a daily basis stand to gain the greatest benefit from the procedure. By understanding the behaviour of sheets in different cases, it is possible to use data at an early stage for adjusting and optimising the process. In particular, the functionality of common tools can be increased since it is possible to characterise the complete range of existing tools. The study increases and broadens the amount ofbasic information concerning the clinching process. New approaches and points of view are presented and used for generating new knowledge.
The diffusion of mobile telephony began in 1971 in Finland, when the first car phones, called ARP1 were taken to use. Technologies changed from ARP to NMT and later to GSM. The main application of the technology, however, was voice transfer. The birth of the Internet created an open public data network and easy access to other types of computer-based services over networks. Telephones had been used as modems, but the development of the cellular technologies enabled automatic access from mobile phones to Internet. Also other wireless technologies, for instance Wireless LANs, were also introduced. Telephony had developed from analog to digital in fixed networks and allowed easy integration of fixed and mobile networks. This development opened a completely new functionality to computers and mobile phones. It also initiated the merger of the information technology (IT) and telecommunication (TC) industries. Despite the arising opportunity for firms' new competition the applications based on the new functionality were rare. Furthermore, technology development combined with innovation can be disruptive to industries. This research focuses on the new technology's impact on competition in the ICT industry through understanding the strategic needs and alternative futures of the industry's customers. The change speed inthe ICT industry is high and therefore it was valuable to integrate the DynamicCapability view of the firm in this research. Dynamic capabilities are an application of the Resource-Based View (RBV) of the firm. As is stated in the literature, strategic positioning complements RBV. This theoretical framework leads theresearch to focus on three areas: customer strategic innovation and business model development, external future analysis, and process development combining these two. The theoretical contribution of the research is in the development of methodology integrating theories of the RBV, dynamic capabilities and strategic positioning. The research approach has been constructive due to the actual managerial problems initiating the study. The requirement for iterative and innovative progress in the research supported the chosen research approach. The study applies known methods in product development, for instance, innovation process in theGroup Decision Support Systems (GDSS) laboratory and Quality Function Deployment (QFD), and combines them with known strategy analysis tools like industry analysis and scenario method. As the main result, the thesis presents the strategic innovation process, where new business concepts are used to describe the alternative resource configurations and scenarios as alternative competitive environments, which can be a new way for firms to achieve competitive advantage in high-velocity markets. In addition to the strategic innovation process as a result, thestudy has also resulted in approximately 250 new innovations for the participating firms, reduced technology uncertainty and helped strategic infrastructural decisions in the firms, and produced a knowledge-bank including data from 43 ICT and 19 paper industry firms between the years 1999 - 2004. The methods presentedin this research are also applicable to other industries.
The objective of this work was to introduce the emerging non-contacting spray coating process and compare it to the existing coating techniques. Particular emphasis was given to the details of the spraying process of paper coating colour and the base paper requirements set by the new coating method. Spraying technology itself is nothing new, but the atomisation process of paper coating colour is quite unknown to the paper industry. The differences between the rheology of painting and coating colours make it very difficult to utilise the existing information from spray painting research. Based on the trials, some basic conclusion can be made:The results of this study suggest that the Brookfield viscosity of spray coating colour should be as low as possible, presently a 50 mPas level is regarded as an optimum. For the paper quality and coater runnability, the solids level should be as high as possible. However, the graininess of coated paper surface and the nozzle wear limits the maximum solids level to 60 % at the moment. Most likelydue to the low solids and low viscosity of the coating colour the low shear Brookfield viscosity correlates very well with the paper and spray fan qualities. High shear viscosity is also important, but yet less significant than the low shear viscosity. Droplet size should be minimized and besides keeping the brrokfield viscosity low that can be helped by using a surfactant or dispersing agent in the coating colour formula. Increasing the spraying pressure in the nozzle can also reduce the droplet size. The small droplet size also improves the coating coverage, since there is hardly any levelling taking place after the impact with the base paper. Because of the lack of shear forces after the application, the pigment particles do not orientate along the paper surface. Therefore the study indicates that based on the present know-how, no quality improvements can be obtained by the use of platy type of pigments. The other disadvantage of them is the rapid deterioration of the nozzle lifetime. Further research in both coating colour rheology and nozzle design may change this in the future, but so far only round shape pigments, like typically calcium carbonate is, can be used with spray coating. The low water retention characteristics of spray coating, enhanced by the low solids and low viscosity, challenge the base paper absorption properties.Filler level has to be low not to increase the number of small pores, which have a great influence on the absorption properties of the base paper. Hydrophobic sizing reduces this absorption and prevents binder migration efficiently. High surface roughness and especially poor formation of the base paper deteriorate thespray coated paper properties. However, pre-calendering of the base paper does not contribute anything to the finished paper quality, at least at the coating colour solids level below 60 %. When targeting a standard offset LWC grade, spraycoating produces similar quality to film coating, but yet blade coating being on a slightly better level. However, because of the savings in both investment and production costs, spray coating may have an excellent future ahead. The porousnature of the spray coated surface offers an optimum substrate for the coldset printing industry to utilise the potential of high quality papers in their business.
The major objective of this thesis is to describe and analyse how a railcarrier is engaged in an intermodal freight transportation network through its role and position. Because of the fact that the role as a conceptualisation has a lot of parallels with the position, both these phenomena are evaluated theoretically and empirically. VR Cargo (a strategical business unitof the Finnish railway company VR Ltd.) was chosen to be the focal firm surrounded by the actors of the focal net. Because of the fact that networks are sets of relationships rather than sets of actors, it is essential to describe the dimensions of the relationships created through the time thus having a past, presentand future. The roles are created during long common history shared by the actors especially when IM networks are considered. The presence of roles is embeddedin the tasks, and the future is anchored to the expectations. Furthermore, in this study role refers to network dynamics, and to incremental and radical changes in the network, in a similar way as position refers to stability and to the influences of bonded structures. The main purpose of the first part of the study was to examine how the two distinctive views that have a dominant position in modern logistics ¿ the network view (particularly IMP-based network approach) and the managerial view (represented by Supply Chain Management) differ, especially when intermodalism is under consideration. In this study intermodalism was defined as a form of interorganisational behaviour characterized by the physical movement of unitized goods with Intermodal Transport Units, using more than one mode as performed by the net of operators. In this particular stage the study relies mainly on theoretical evaluation broadened by some discussions with the practitioners. This is essential, because the continuous dialogue between theory and practice is highly emphasized. Some managerial implications are discussed on the basis of the theoretical examination. A tentative model for empirical analysis in subsequent research is suggested. The empirical investigation, which relies on the interviews among the members in the focal net, shows that the major role of the focal company in the network is the common carrier. This role has some behavioural and functional characteristics, such as an executive's disclosure expressing strategic will attached with stable and predictable managerial and organisational behaviour. Most important is the notion that the focal company is neutral for all the other operators, and willing to enhance and strengthen the collaboration with all the members in the IM network. This also means that all the accounts are aimed at being equal in terms of customer satisfaction. Besides, the adjustments intensify the adopted role. However, the focal company is also obliged tosustain its role as it still has a government-erected right to maintain solely the railway operations on domestic tracks. In addition, the roles of a dominator, principal, partner, subcontractor, and integrator were present appearing either in a dyadic relationship or in net(work) context. In order to reveal differentroles, a dualistic interpretation of the concept of role/position was employed.
La protection des données est un élément essentiel d'un Etat de droit et une société démocratique, car elle accorde à chaque individu le droit de disposer de ce qui fait partie de sa sphère privée. Actuellement en Suisse, la loi fédérale sur la protection des données (LPD) est en vigueur depuis 1993. En 2010, l'Office fédéral de la justice a supervisé une évaluation de son efficacité : il en résulte que cette dernière a été prouvée, mais tendra à diminuer fortement dans les années à suivre. Pour causes principales : l'évolution des technologies, caractérisée notamment par le développement des moyens de traitement de données toujours plus variés et conséquents, et un manque d'informations des individus par rapport à la protection des données en générale et à leurs droits. Suite à l'évaluation, cinq objectifs de révision ont été formulés par le Conseil fédéral, dont celui d'intégrer la privacy by design ou « protection de la vie privée dès la conception » dans la loi. Ce concept, qui est également repris dans les travaux européens en cours, est développé à l'origine par l'Information and Privacy Commissionner de l'Ontario (Canada), Ann Cavoukian. Le principe général de la privacy by design est que la protection de la vie privée doit être incluse dans les systèmes traitant les données lors de leur conception. Souvent évoquée comme une solution idéale, répondant au problème de l'inadéquation de la loi par la logique de prévention qu'elle promeut, la privacy by design demeure toutefois un souhait dont l'application n'est que peu analysée. Ce travail cherche justement à répondre à la question de la manière de la mettre en oeuvre dans la législation suisse. Se basant sur les textes et la doctrine juridiques et une littérature dans les domaines de l'économie, l'informatique, la politique et la sociologie des données personnelles, il propose tout d'abord une revue générale des principes et définitions des concepts-clés de la protection des données en Suisse et dans le cadre international. Puis, il propose deux possibilités d'intégration de la privacy by design : la première est une solution privée non contraignante qui consiste à promouvoir le concept et faire en sorte que les responsables de traitement décident par eux-mêmes d'intégrer la privacy by design dans leurs projets ; ce procédé est possible grâce au renforcement du processus de certification déjà en cours. La deuxième option est une solution contraignante visant à intégrer le principe directement dans la loi et de prendre les mesures pour le rendre effectif ; ce travail montre que le développement de la figure du conseiller à la protection des données permet d'atteindre cet objectif. Enfin, des considérations générales sur l'application du principe sont abordées, telles que l'influence des développements en cours dans l'Union européenne sur la Suisse par rapport à la protection des données et la limite posée par le principe de territorialité.
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