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Es wurden drei Ansätze zur Totalsynthese von Fungerin verfolgt, dessen charakteristisches Strukturmerkmal ein N-methylierter in 4,5-Position disubstituierter Imidazolkern ist. Zunächst wurde ein Syntheseweg eingeschlagen, bei dem die Bildung des Imidazolrings nach Marckwald erfolgte. Das hierfür benötigte α-Aminoketon wurde in einer konvergenten Synthesesequenz aus zwei Bausteinen zusammengesetzt. Die anschließende Ringschlussreaktion mit Kaliumthiocyanat lieferte ein Thioimidazolderivat, welches erfolgreich zum angestrebten Zielmolekül entschwefelt werden konnte. Die Gesamtausbeute betrug 8,1 % über sieben Stufen. In einem zweiten Syntheseweg wurde ein in 4- und 5-Position orthogonal geschütztes Imidazolderivat synthetisiert, um eine höhere Flexibilität bei geplanten Strukturvariationen der Seitenketten zu erreichen. Nach sequentieller Entschützung und Funktionalisierung sollten verschiedene Substituenten angebracht werden. Die Bildung des Imidazolkerns erfolge über eine Kondensationsreaktion von Methylamin mit einem N-formylierten α-Aminoketon, welches über eine Claisen-Kondensation erhalten wurde. Die zur Einführung der C5-Seitenkette geplante Grignard- bzw. Schlosser-Fouquet-Kupplung erwies sich als nicht zuverlässig reproduzierbar. In der Folge wurde in einer dritten Synthesesequenz ein Imidazolderivat mit zwei unterschiedlichen Anknüpfungspunkten in 4- und 5-Position synthetisiert. Dadurch war es möglich über Julia-Kocienski Olefinierungen verschiedene Seitenketten in 5-Position anzubringen. In 4-Position erfolgte die Einführung über Heck-Kupplungen. Insgesamt konnten so, neben Fungerin, noch sieben weitere Fungerinderivate erhalten werden.


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The excitation spectrum is one of the fundamental properties of every spatially extended system. The excitations of the building blocks of normal matter, i.e., protons and neutrons (nucleons), play an important role in our understanding of the low energy regime of the strong interaction. Due to the large coupling, perturbative solutions of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) are not appropriate to calculate long-range phenomena of hadrons. For many years, constituent quark models were used to understand the excitation spectra. Recently, calculations in lattice QCD make first connections between excited nucleons and the fundamental field quanta (quarks and gluons). Due to their short lifetime and large decay width, excited nucleons appear as resonances in scattering processes like pion nucleon scattering or meson photoproduction. In order to disentangle individual resonances with definite spin and parity in experimental data, partial wave analyses are necessary. Unique solutions in these analyses can only be expected if sufficient empirical information about spin degrees of freedom is available. The measurement of spin observables in pion photoproduction is the focus of this thesis. The polarized electron beam of the Mainz Microtron (MAMI) was used to produce high-intensity, polarized photon beams with tagged energies up to 1.47 GeV. A "frozen-spin" Butanol target in combination with an almost 4π detector setup consisting of the Crystal Ball and the TAPS calorimeters allowed the precise determination of the helicity dependence of the γp → π0p reaction. In this thesis, as an improvement of the target setup, an internal polarizing solenoid has been constructed and tested. A magnetic field of 2.32 T and homogeneity of 1.22×10−3 in the target volume have been achieved. The helicity asymmetry E, i.e., the difference of events with total helicity 1/2 and 3/2 divided by the sum, was determined from data taken in the years 2013-14. The subtraction of background events arising from nucleons bound in Carbon and Oxygen was an important part of the analysis. The results for the asymmetry E are compared to existing data and predictions from various models. The results show a reasonable agreement to the models in the energy region of the ∆(1232)-resonance but large discrepancies are observed for energy above 600 MeV. The expansion of the present data in terms of Legendre polynomials, shows the sensitivity of the data to partial wave amplitudes up to F-waves. Additionally, a first, preliminary multipole analysis of the present data together with other results from the Crystal Ball experiment has been as been performed.


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L’utilizzo delle biomasse rappresenta oggi una delle vie più interessanti da percorrere nell’ambito di una chimica industriale maggiormente sostenibile, alternativa alla chimica tradizionale basata sulle risorse fossili. I carboidrati sono i costituenti maggioritari della biomassa e potrebbero rappresentare un’alternativa ideale al petrolio per la produzione dei building-blocks, molecole di partenza per lo sviluppo della filiera produttiva della chimica. Fra i building-blocks ottenibili dagli zuccheri vi è l’acido glucarico. I suoi usi sono molteplici ma suscita grande interesse soprattutto per la possibilità di essere utilizzato nella sintesi di diverse tipologie di polimeri. Attualmente la maggior parte dei metodi di sintesi di questa molecola prevedono l’utilizzo di ossidanti tossici o dannosi per l’ambiente come l’acido nitrico. Lo scopo di questo lavoro di tesi è stato lo studio di catalizzatori eterogenei per la sintesi di acido glucarico da D-glucosio utilizzando ossigeno puro come ossidante. Sono stati sintetizzati sistemi monometallici a base di oro e sistemi multimetallici contenenti oro ed altri metalli in lega. Tutti i catalizzatori sono stati preparati depositando i metalli sotto forma di nanoparticelle su carbone attivo. Lo studio dei catalizzatori è stato focalizzato sull’individuazione dei metalli e delle condizioni di reazione ottimali che permettano di aumentare la selettività in acido glucarico. Gli studi condotti hanno portato alla conclusione che è possibile ottenere acido glucarico a partire da D-glucosio con rese fino al 35% utilizzando catalizzatori a base di oro in presenza di ossigeno. Attualmente l’acido glucarico viene prodotto solo su piccola scala ma ulteriori sviluppi in questa direzione potrebbero aprire la strada allo sviluppo di un nuovo processo industriale per la sintesi di acido glucarico sostenibile sia da un punto di vista economico che ambientale.


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The importance of the β-amino nitroalkanes is due to their high versatility allowing a straightforward entry to a variety of nitrogen-containing chiral building blocks; furthermore obtaining them in enantiopure form allows their use in the synthesis of biologically active compounds or their utilization as chiral ligands for different uses. In this work, a reaction for obtaining enantiopure β-amino nitroalkanes through asymmetric organocatalysis has been developed. The synthetic strategy adopted for the obtainment of these compounds was based on an asymmetric reduction of β-amino nitroolefins in a transfer hydrogenation reaction, involving an Hantzsch ester as hydrogen source and a chiral thiourea as organic catalyst. After the optimization of the reaction conditions over the β-acyl-amino nitrostyrene, we tested the reaction generality over other aromatic compound and for Boc protected substrate both aromatic and aliphatic. A scale-up of the reaction was also performed.


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I carboidrati, come il D-glucosio, sono i principali costituenti della biomasse e potrebbero rappresentare un’alternativa concreta alla chimica tradizionale del petrolio per la produzione dei building-blocks, utili quest’ultimi per lo sviluppo della filiera produttiva della chimica industriale. Dal D-glucosio è possibile ottenere epimeri importanti per la medicina o zuccheri largamente utilizzati in campo alimentare come il D-fruttosio tramite isomerizzazione strutturale del D-glucosio. Attualmente, la maggior parte dei metodi di sintesi di questa molecole prevedono l’utilizzo enzimi, o la catalisi omogenea con impiego di grandi quantità di basi e acidi minerali dannosi per l’ambiente. Lo scopo di questo lavoro è stato lo studio di innovativi catalizzatori eterogenei capaci operare in soluzione acquosa la conversione acido catalizzata del D-glucosio in prodotti di epimerizzazione e isomerizzazione strutturale. I catalizzatori dei nostri test sono stati caratterizzati tramite tecniche BET, ATR-IR, DRUv-Vis e XRD. Lo studio, quindi, è stato focalizzato sulle valutazioni delle prestazioni catalitiche di questi sistemi e sull’individuazione, tramite caratterizzazione strumentale, degli ioni costituenti questi solidi responsabili delle alte selettività nelle reazioni di riarrangiamento strutturale del D-glucosio. Gli studi condotti hanno portato alla conclusione che, grazie all’utilizzo di questi sistemi inorganici è possibile ottenere con alte selettività prodotti di riarrangiamento strutturale del D-glucosio, evitando al contempo la degradazione del substrato che in genere accompagna queste reazioni in condizioni di catalisi acida. Ulteriori studi riguardanti questi catalizzatori apriranno con buone probabilità la strada allo sviluppo di un nuovo processo industriale per la sintesi di questi zuccheri derivati, rendendo possibile una via produttiva sostenibile da un punto di vista economico che ambientale.


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The PM3 quantum-mechanical method has been used to study large water clusters ranging from 8 to 42 water molecules. These large clusters are built from smaller building blocks. The building blocks include cyclic tetramers, pentamers, octamers, and a pentagonal dodecahedron cage. The correlations between the strain energy resulting from bending of the hydrogen bonds formed by different cluster motifs and the number of waters involved in the cluster are discussed. The PM3 results are compared with TIP4P potential and ab initio results. The number of net hydrogen bonds per water increases with the cluster size. This places a limit on the size of clusters that would fit the Benson model of liquid water. Many of the 20-mer clusters fit the Benson model well. Calculations of the ion cluster (H20)4o(H30+)2 reveal that the m/e ratio obtainable by mass spectrometry experiments can uniquely indicate the conformation of the 20 water pentagonal dodecahedron cage present in the larger clusters.


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This publication offers concrete suggestions for implementing an integrative and learning-oriented approach to agricultural extension with the goal of fostering sustainable development. It targets governmental and non-governmental organisations, development agencies, and extension staff working in the field of rural development. The book looks into the conditions and trends that influence extension today, and outlines new challenges and necessary adaptations. It offers a basic reflection on the goals, the criteria for success and the form of a state-of-the-art approach to extension. The core of the book consists of a presentation of Learning for Sustainability (LforS), an example of an integrative, learning-oriented approach that is based on three crucial elements: stakeholder dialogue, knowledge management, and organizational development. Awareness raising and capacity building, social mobilization, and monitoring & evaluation are additional building blocks. The structure and organisation of the LforS approach as well as a selection of appropriate methods and tools are presented. The authors also address key aspects of developing and managing a learning-oriented extension approach. The book illustrates how LforS can be implemented by presenting two case studies, one from Madagascar and one from Mongolia. It addresses conceptual questions and at the same time it is practice-oriented. In contrast to other extension approaches, LforS does not limit its focus to production-related aspects and the development of value chains: it also addresses livelihood issues in a broad sense. With its focus on learning processes LforS seeks to create a better understanding of the links between different spheres and different levels of decision-making; it also seeks to foster integration of the different actors’ perspectives.


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Load flow visualization, which is an important step in structural and machine assembly design may aid in the analysis and eventual synthesis of compliant mechanisms. In this paper, we present a kineto-static formulation to visualize load flow in compliant mechanisms. This formulation uses the concept of transferred forces to quantify load flow from input to the output of a compliant mechanism. The magnitude and direction of load flow in the constituent members enables functional decomposition of the compliant mechanism into (i) Constraints (C): members that are constrained to deform in a particular direction and (ii) Transmitters (T): members that transmit load to the output. Furthermore, it is shown that a constraint member and an adjacent transmitter member can be grouped together to constitute a fundamental building block known as an CT set whose load flow behavior is maximally decoupled from the rest of the mechanism. We can thereby explain the deformation behavior of a number of compliant mechanisms from literature by visualizing load flow, and identifying building blocks.


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The supramolecular organization of fluorene building blocks in a DNA scaffold is described. The molecular assembly into ordered pi-aggregates leads to distinct changes in the electronic properties.


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The supramolecular assembly of amphiphilic oligopyrenotide building blocks (covalently linked heptapyrene, Py7) is studied by atomic force microscopy (AFM) in combination with optical spectroscopy. The assembly process is triggered in a controlled manner by increasing the ionic strength of the aqueous oligomer solution. Cooperative noncovalent interactions between individual oligomeric units lead to the formation of DNA-like supramolecular polymers. We also show that the terminal attachment of a single cytidine nucleotide to the heptapyrenotide (Py7-C) changes the association process from a cooperative (nucleation−elongation) to a noncooperative (isodesmic) regime, suggesting a structure misfit between the cytidine and the pyrene units. We also demonstrate that AFM enables the identification and characterization of minute concentrations of the supramolecular products, which was not accessible by conventional optical spectroscopy.


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Lateral segregation of cholesterol- and sphingomyelin-rich rafts and glycerophospholipid-containing non-raft microdomains has been proposed to play a role in a variety of biological processes. The most compelling evidence for membrane segregation is based on the observation that extraction with non-ionic detergents leads to solubilization of a subset of membrane components only. However, one decade later, a large body of inconsistent detergent-extraction data is threatening the very concept of membrane segregation. We have assessed the validity of the existing paradigms and we show the following. (i) The localization of a membrane component within a particular fraction of a sucrose gradient cannot be taken as a yardstick for its solubility: a variable localization of the DRMs (detergent-resistant membranes) in sucrose gradients is the result of complex associations between the membrane skeleton and the lipid bilayer. (ii) DRMs of variable composition can be generated by using a single detergent, the increasing concentration of which gradually extracts one protein/lipid after another. Therefore any extraction pattern obtained by a single concentration experiment is bound to be 'investigator-specific'. It follows that comparison of DRMs obtained by different detergents in a single concentration experiment is prone to misinterpretations. (iii) Depletion of cholesterol has a graded effect on membrane solubility. (iv) Differences in detergent solubility of the members of the annexin protein family arise from their association with chemically different membrane compartments; however, these cannot be attributed to the 'brick-like' raft-building blocks of fixed size and chemical composition. Our findings demonstrate a need for critical re-evaluation of the accumulated detergent-extraction data.


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Two phosphoramidite building blocks were synthesized that can easily be deprotected by UV light to reveal natural abasic sites in oligoribonucleotides as well as in oligodeoxyribonucleotides. Another building block which releases a 2 ′-O-methylated abasic site upon UV radiation is also described.


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DNA mimics containing non-nucleosidic pyrene building blocks are described. The modified oligomers form stable hybrids, although a slight reduction in hybrid stability is observed in comparison to the unmodified DNA duplex. The nature of the interaction between the pyrene residues in single and double stranded oligomers is analyzed spectroscopically. Intra- and inter-strand stacking interactions of pyrenes are monitored by UV-absorbance as well as fluorescence spectroscopy. Excimer formation is observed in both single and double strands. In general, intrastrand excimers show fluorescence emission at shorter wavelengths (approx. 5-10 nm) than excimers formed by interstrand interactions. The existence of two different forms of excimers (intra- vs. interstrand) is also revealed in temperature dependent UV-absorbance spectra. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The production by biosynthesis of optically active amino acids and amines satisfies the pharmaceutical industry in its demand for chiral building blocks for the synthesis of various pharmaceuticals. Among several enzymatic methods that allow the synthesis of optically active aminoacids and amines, the use of minotransferase is a promising one due to its broad substrate specificity and no requirement for external cofactor regeneration. The synthesis of chiral compounds by aminotransferases can be done either by asymmetric synthesis starting from keto acids or ketones, and by kinetic resolution starting from racemic aminoacids or amines. The asymmetric synthesis of substituted (S)-aminotetralin, an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API), has shown to have two major factors that contribute to increasing the cost of production. These factors are the raw material cost of biocatalyst used to produce it and product loss during biocatalyst separation. To minimize the cost contribution of biocatalyst and to minimize the loss of product, two routes have been chosen in this research: 1. To engineer the aminotransferase biocatalyst to have greater specific activity, and 2. Improve the engineering of the process by immobilization of biocatalyst in calcium alginate and addition of cosolvents. An (S)-aminotransferase (Mutant CNB03-03) was immobilized, not as purified enzyme but as enzyme within spray dried cells, in calcium alginate beads and used to produce substituted (S)-aminotetralin at 50 °C and pH 7 in experiments where the immobilized biocatalyst was recycled. Initial rate of reaction for cycle 1 (6 hr duration) was determined to be 0.258 mM/min, for cycle 2 (20 hr duration) it decreased by ~50% compared to cycle 1, and for cycle 3 (20 hr duration) it decreased by ~90% compared to cycle 1 (immobilized preparation consisted of 50 mg of spray dried cells per gram of calcium alginate). Conversion to product for each cycle decreased as well, from 100% in cycle 1 (About 50 mM), 80% in cycle 2, and 30% after cycle 3. This mutant was determined to be deactivated at elevated temperatures during the reaction cycle and was not stable enough to allow multiple cycles in its immobilized form. A new mutant aminotransferase was isolated by applying error-prone polymerase chain reaction (PCR) on the gene coding for this enzyme and screening/selection: CNB04-01. This mutant showed a significant improvement in thermostability in comparison to CNB03-03. The new mutant was immobilized and tested under similar reaction conditions. Initial rate remained fairly constant (0.2 mM/min) over four cycles (each cycle with a duration of about 20 hours) with the mutant retaining almost 80% of initial rate in the fourth cycle. The final product concentrations after each cycle did not decrease during recycle experiments. Thermostability of CNB04-01 was much improved compared to CNB03-03. Under the same reaction conditions as stated above, the addition of co-solvents was studied in order to increase substituted tetralone solubility. Toluene and sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS) were used. SDS at 0.01% (w/v) allowed four recycles of the immobilized spray dried cells of CNB04-01, always reaching higher product concentration (80-85 mM) than the system with toluene at 3% (v/v) -70 mM-. The long term activity of immobilized CNB04-01 in a system with SDS 0.01% (w/v) at 50 °C, pH 7 was retained for three cycles (20 to 24 hours each one), reaching always final product concentration between 80-85 mM, but dropping precipitously in the fourth cycle to a final product concentration of 50 mM. Although significant improvement of immobilization on productivity and stability were observed using CNB04-01, another observation demonstrated the limitations of an immobilization strategy on reducing process costs. After analyzing the results of this experiment it was seen that a sudden drop occurred on final product concentration after the third recycle. This was due to product accumulation inside the immobilized preparation. In order to improve the economics of the process, research was focused on developing a free enzyme with an even higher activity, thus reducing raw material cost as well as improving biomass separation. A new enzyme was obtained (CNB05-01) using error-prone PCR and screening using as a template the gene derived from the previous improved enzyme. This mutant was determined to have 1.6 times the initial rate of CNB04-01 and had a higher temperature optimum (55°). This new enzyme would allow reducing enzyme loading in the reaction by five-fold compared to CNB03-03, when using it at concentration of one gram of spray dried cells per liter (completing the reaction after 20-24 hours). Also this mutant would allow reducing process time to 7-8 hours when used at a concentration of 5 grams of spray dried cells per liter compared to 24 hours for CNB03-03, assuming that the observations shown before are scalable. It could be possible to improve the economics of the process by either reducing enzyme concentration or reducing process time, since the production cost of the desired product is primarily a function of both enzyme concentration and process time.


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The remarkable advances in nanoscience and nanotechnology over the last two decades allow one to manipulate individuals atoms, molecules and nanostructures, make it possible to build devices with only a few nanometers, and enhance the nano-bio fusion in tackling biological and medical problems. It complies with the ever-increasing need for device miniaturization, from magnetic storage devices, electronic building blocks for computers, to chemical and biological sensors. Despite the continuing efforts based on conventional methods, they are likely to reach the fundamental limit of miniaturization in the next decade, when feature lengths shrink below 100 nm. On the one hand, quantum mechanical efforts of the underlying material structure dominate device characteristics. On the other hand, one faces the technical difficulty in fabricating uniform devices. This has posed a great challenge for both the scientific and the technical communities. The proposal of using a single or a few organic molecules in electronic devices has not only opened an alternative way of miniaturization in electronics, but also brought up brand-new concepts and physical working mechanisms in electronic devices. This thesis work stands as one of the efforts in understanding and building of electronic functional units at the molecular and atomic levels. We have explored the possibility of having molecules working in a wide spectrum of electronic devices, ranging from molecular wires, spin valves/switches, diodes, transistors, and sensors. More specifically, we have observed significant magnetoresistive effect in a spin-valve structure where the non-magnetic spacer sandwiched between two magnetic conducting materials is replaced by a self-assembled monolayer of organic molecules or a single molecule (like a carbon fullerene). The diode behavior in donor(D)-bridge(B)-acceptor(A) type of single molecules is then discussed and a unimolecular transistor is designed. Lastly, we have proposed and primarily tested the idea of using functionalized electrodes for rapid nanopore DNA sequencing. In these studies, the fundamental roles of molecules and molecule-electrode interfaces on quantum electron transport have been investigated based on first-principles calculations of the electronic structure. Both the intrinsic properties of molecules themselves and the detailed interfacial features are found to play critical roles in electron transport at the molecular scale. The flexibility and tailorability of the properties of molecules have opened great opportunity in a purpose-driven design of electronic devices from the bottom up. The results that we gained from this work have helped in understanding the underlying physics, developing the fundamental mechanism and providing guidance for future experimental efforts.