800 resultados para Twisted affine superalgebras


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The surface of superground Mn-Zn ferrite single crystal may be identified as a self-affine fractal in the stochastic sense. The rms roughness increased as a power of the scale from 10(2) nm to 10(6) nm with the roughness exponent alpha = 0.17 +/- 0.04, and 0.11 +/- 0.06, for grinding feed rate of 15 and 10 mu m/rev, respectively. The scaling behavior coincided with the theory prediction well used for growing self-affine surfaces in the interested region for magnetic heads performance. The rms roughnesses increased with increase in the feed rate, implying that the feed rate is a crucial grinding parameter affecting the supersmooth surface roughness in the machining process.


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The structural characterization of folded and unfolded haemoglobin has been performed by scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) for the first time. STM images show an oval-shaped pattern for the folded structure of this protein, and moreover two dimers consisting of one haemoglobin molecule can be clearly discerned. The dimensions of a folded molecule were determined as 6.4 x 5.4 x 0.7 nm(3), which are in good agreement with the known size obtained from X-ray analysis. We have found that unfolding of haemoglobin molecules on the surface of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) can be achieved by electrochemical deposition. The STM analysis indicates clearly that the tertiary structure of the protein was lost by electrochemical deposition, and most of the haemoglobin molecules were almost fully extended and exhibited a twisted rope-like or a rod-like aggregated structure. Our investigation demonstrates the capability of the electrochemical method in denaturing this redox protein and in preparing stable biological samples for use in STM imaging.


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LnCl(3) (Ln = Nd, Gd) reacts with C5H9C5H4Na (or K2C8H8) in THF (C5H9C5H4 = cyclopentylcyclopentadienyl) in the ratio of 1:1 to give (C5H9C5H4)LnCl(2)(THF)(n) (or (C8H8)LnCl(2)(THF)(n)], which further reacts with K2C8H8 (or C5H9C5H4Na) in THF to form the title complexes. If Ln = Nd the complex (C8H8)Nd(C5H9C5H4)(THF)(2) (a) was obtained: when Ln = Gd the 1:1 complex [(C8H8)Gd(C5H9C5H4)(THF)][(C5H8)Gd(C5H9C5H4)(THF)(2)] (b) was obtained in crystalline form. The crystal structure analysis shows that in (C8H8)Ln(C5H9C5H4)(THF)(2) (Ln = Nd or Gd), the Cyclopentylcyclopentadienyl (eta(5)), cyclooctatetraenyl (eta(8)) and two oxygen atoms from THF are coordinated to Nd3+ (or Gd3+) with coordination number 10. The centroid of the cyclopentadienyl ring (Cp') in C5H9C5H4 group, cyclooctatetraenyl centroid (COT) and two oxygens (THF) form a twisted tetrahedron around Nd3+ (or Gd3+). In (C8H8)Gd(C5H9C5H4)(THF), the cyclopentyl-cyclopentadienyl (eta(5)), cyclooctatetraenyl (eta(8)) and one oxygen atom are coordinated to Gd3+ with the coordination number of 9 and Cp', COT and oxygen atom form a triangular plane around Gd3+, which is almost in the plane (dev. - 0.0144 Angstrom).


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近年来,世界沿海国家有害赤潮发生的频率、规模及危害都有上升趋势,有害赤潮已经成为重要的近海环境问题之一。要有效防范有害赤潮带来的危害效应,建立和发展可靠、有效的赤潮监测手段非常重要。目前,对于赤潮藻种的监测主要依靠显微观察的方法,在实际应用中经常遇到困难。首先,亲缘关系相近的物种在形态上差异很小,如甲藻门亚历山大藻属的一些种类,仅细胞壁上个别甲片的结构有细微差别,并且这些形态学指标还容易受环境条件及生长阶段的影响。另外,这种以形态学为基础的分析方法,分析速度慢、耗时长,对操作人员的要求较高,难以满足浮游植物种群动力学监测“量大、连续”的要求。因此,本研究将分子生物学的技术和方法应用于赤潮监测,力求提高赤潮藻种鉴定的准确性和检测工作的效率。 亚历山大藻是一类重要的有害赤潮藻,该藻属中一些产毒特性差别很大的藻种,单从表形特征难以明确区分,从而限制了基于形态观察的监测技术的应用。本研究中,我们尝试应用分子生物学技术与方法,开展了该藻属藻种分子鉴定和荧光原位杂交检测方法的研究。在亚历山大藻的分子鉴定方面,我们采用了核糖体RNA基因(rDNA)序列分析的方法,首次测定了9株分离自中国沿海的(以及实验室保有的其它两株)亚历山大藻的rDNA序列全长,其中包括核糖体小亚基(SSU)rDNA、大亚基(LSU)rDNA、5.8S rDNA及内转录间隔区(ITS)区序列。序列分析结果显示,这些藻株包含了5种核糖体类型,分别是塔玛复合种亚洲温带(Temperate Asian)核糖体类型(TSC-TA),塔玛复合种西欧(West European)核糖体类型(TSC-WE),相关亚历山大藻(A. affine)核糖体类型(AF),微小亚历山大藻(A. minutum)葡萄牙(Portugal)核糖体类型(M-PO)和微小亚历山大藻新西兰(New Zealand)核糖体类型(M-NZ)。将测获的rDNA序列划分为若干保守性不同的区段,分别进行系统发育分析(结合GenBank数据库中保存的其它亚历山大藻相关序列)。结果显示,LSU rDNA D1-D2区是对该藻属藻种进行分子鉴定和系统发育研究的较好区段。同时,为解决建立亚历山大藻克隆培养的困难,我们应用单细胞rDNA序列分析方法,对亚历山大藻单个细胞直接进行了种类鉴定。结果表明,该方法适用于不同生活史阶段的亚历山大藻。 在亚历山大藻的检测技术方面,我们进一步扩展和完善了针对完整细胞的荧光原位杂交检测方法。首先,通过对不同核糖体类型藻株rDNA序列信息的对比分析,针对各自特异的序列位点,设计了特异性rRNA标记探针。经荧光原位杂交实验检验,实现了对5种核糖体类型亚历山大藻的特异性标记。其中,针对WE、M-PO及M-NZ核糖体型的特异性探针为首次获得,另外两个探针是针对TA和AF核糖体类型rRNA新的位点所设计。同时,对影响探针标记效果的诸多因素进行了分析和探讨。此外,在2007年春季长江口海域赤潮调查中,首次应用特异性核酸探针和荧光原位杂交检测方法,调查了该海域亚历山大藻的丰度。结果表明,在4月4日-4月10日的样品中,亚历山大藻达到了较高的密度,最高密度达到103cells/L。同时发现,实验中样品的保存方法有待改进。随后的研究表明,盐醇固定方法及多聚甲醛/甲醇固定方法,可以较好的保持rRNA不被降解并适宜杂交(至少3个月时间)。 总之,本研究首次测定并分析了11株亚历山大藻(9株分离自中国沿海)的rDNA全序列信息。在此基础上,获得了5种核糖体类型亚历山大藻的特异性rRNA标记探针,其中3种为首次获得。另外,实验证明,单细胞rDNA分析技术和荧光原位杂交检测方法,在自然水体中亚历山大藻的直接鉴定及丰度调查中,均具有良好的应用前景。这一工作为我国近海亚历山大藻的鉴定和检测提供了理论依据和方法学基础,希望对该藻赤潮的监测工作有推动作用。 关键词:亚历山大藻 遗传探针 rRNA rDNA 荧光原位杂交 系统发育


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本文以一株不产PSP毒素的相关亚历山大藻(AC-1)为对象,研究了该藻株对褶皱臂尾轮虫、卤虫、黑褐新糠虾急性毒性效应和对糠虾的慢性毒性影响,同时对AFT毒素成分进行了研究,研究结果如下: 通过相关亚历山大藻(AC-1)对褶皱臂尾轮虫、卤虫、黑褐新糠虾的急性毒性影响研究,发现随着相关亚历山大藻(AC-1)密度的升高,轮虫、卤虫、糠虾的存活率逐渐降低,其96hLC50分别为:1500cells/ml,90cells/ml,5000cells/ml。比较研究三种生物对相关亚历山大藻(AC-1)敏感性可以看出,三种生物对该藻的敏感性顺序为:卤虫>轮虫>糠虾。 相关亚历山大藻(AC-1)对黑褐新糠虾的生长及种群繁殖有显著影响,我们发现在密度为50cells/ml藻液中,糠虾的繁殖就受到了不利影响。实验进行到63d结束时,糠虾日最高产虾数、总产幼虾数、总产虾天数都明显减少,初次产虾时间推迟,繁殖中断增加。且该藻对黑褐新糠虾亲虾的存活、生长也有一定的影响,糠虾亲虾的存活率为对照的71%,而体长和体重分别为对照组的87.3%和97.8%,但差异尚不显著(P>0.05)。 研究相关亚历山大藻(AC-1)各组分的毒性(藻液、藻细胞重悬液、藻细胞培养过滤液、内容物),发现藻液和藻细胞重悬液对褶皱臂尾轮虫种群数量及轮虫、卤虫、糠虾的存活率均有显著影响,表明相关亚历山大藻活体藻细胞的毒性最强。过滤液和内容物也显著降低了轮虫和卤虫的存活率,其对糠虾也有影响,但不显著,表明AFT毒素可能来源于细胞内,能分泌到细胞培养液中。 研究相关亚历山大藻(AC-1)AFT毒素的热稳定性、酸碱稳定性、去蛋白组分毒性、分子量范围、极性、多糖组分鉴定,表明AFT毒素为极性较强的多糖类物质,对热和酸碱是稳定的,其分子量范围在5K~50K之间。 以上结果表明相关亚历山大藻(AC-1)虽然不产生PSP毒素,但能产生极性多糖类毒素,对甲壳类等浮游动物的种群数量和资源补充产生不利影响。本研究为以后进一步研究AFT毒素的作用机制和毒素的化学结构奠定了基础,为全面评价亚历山大藻赤潮的危害提供了科学依据。


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图像匹配是计算机视觉中的一个重要研究领域,无论在民用还是军用上都有着重要的应用价值。本文以研究室国防重点预研究项目自动目标识别为背景,采用图像匹配方法,实现飞行器定位导航。具体工作流程是:事先利用侦察手段获取飞行器途经下方的地物景象(基准图)并存于飞行器载计算机中,然后当携带相应传感器的飞行器飞过预定的位置范围时,拍摄当地的地物景象(实时图),将实时图和基准图在飞行器载计算机中进行匹配比较,可确定当前飞行器的准确位置,完成定位导航功能。 由于对同一场景使用相同或不同的传感器(成像设备),以及在不同条件下(天候、照度、摄像位置和角度等)成像的复杂性和多样性等困难的存在,传统的相关匹配方法对上述困难的克服在方法原理上存在先天不足,所以无法胜任。故本文采用的方法是基于局部不变量特征的图像匹配。局部不变量特征因为能更灵活地描述图像,有效地处理图像复杂和遮挡问题,所以基于局部不变量特征的图像匹配方法对于视点的大变化,图像背景变化,以及目标场景识别等都有较好的效果。 基于局部不变量特征的图像匹配方法的步骤通常分为三部分:(1)用图像区域检测算子提取图像相关区域,(2)构造合适的特征描述区域,(3)选择特征相似度度量准则实现图像区域特征的匹配。本文详细研究了最大稳定极值区域 (MSER)方法,在此基础上进行了改进,具体工作如下:(1)利用高斯核函数对图像平滑采样,建立图像的高斯尺度空间,(2)在图像的高斯尺度空间中,利用MSER检测算子检测出图像在不同尺度下的所有仿射相关区域,(3)由于区域不规则,再用仿射不变的椭圆拟合并归一化,这时所有的区域仅存在旋转的不同,(4)用SIFT特征描述图像区域,得到所有区域的128维特征向量集。(5)采用欧式距离度量特征间的相似度,以最近邻和次近邻的比值作为特征匹配准则进行匹配。 本论文的主要研究工作在于把图像的高斯尺度空间引入到MSER算法中,进而大大改善了MSER算法对于图像的尺度变换、仿射变换以及图像模糊的性能。由于建立了高斯尺度空间,增加了MSER检测算子检测的范围,所以使得改进算法的性能得到了改善。论文第四章给出四组实验,分别为尺度变换,仿射变换,图像模糊和大视点变换。最后通过对匹配结果正确数量和错误数量的统计,论证了改进方法的性能要好于MSER算法。通过对算法复杂度的分析,得出虽然在改进算法引入了图像的高斯尺度空间,但是算法复杂度却并未增加,与MSER算法相同,为O(nloglogn)。


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Based on the fractal theories, contractive mapping principles as well as the fixed point theory, by means of affine transform, this dissertation develops a novel Explicit Fractal Interpolation Function(EFIF)which can be used to reconstruct the seismic data with high fidelity and precision. Spatial trace interpolation is one of the important issues in seismic data processing. Under the ideal circumstances, seismic data should be sampled with a uniform spatial coverage. However, practical constraints such as the complex surface conditions indicate that the sampling density may be sparse or for other reasons some traces may be lost. The wide spacing between receivers can result in sparse sampling along traverse lines, thus result in a spatial aliasing of short-wavelength features. Hence, the method of interpolation is of very importance. It not only needs to make the amplitude information obvious but the phase information, especially that of the point that the phase changes acutely. Many people put forward several interpolation methods, yet this dissertation focuses attention on a special class of fractal interpolation function, referred to as explicit fractal interpolation function to improve the accuracy of the interpolation reconstruction and to make the local information obvious. The traditional fractal interpolation method mainly based on the randomly Fractional Brown Motion (FBM) model, furthermore, the vertical scaling factor which plays a critical role in the implementation of fractal interpolation is assigned the same value during the whole interpolating process, so it can not make the local information obvious. In addition, the maximal defect of the traditional fractal interpolation method is that it cannot obtain the function values on each interpolating nodes, thereby it cannot analyze the node error quantitatively and cannot evaluate the feasibility of this method. Detailed discussions about the applications of fractal interpolation in seismology have not been given by the pioneers, let alone the interpolating processing of the single trace seismogram. On the basis of the previous work and fractal theory this dissertation discusses the fractal interpolation thoroughly and the stability of this special kind of interpolating function is discussed, at the same time the explicit presentation of the vertical scaling factor which controls the precision of the interpolation has been proposed. This novel method develops the traditional fractal interpolation method and converts the fractal interpolation with random algorithms into the interpolation with determined algorithms. The data structure of binary tree method has been applied during the process of interpolation, and it avoids the process of iteration that is inevitable in traditional fractal interpolation and improves the computation efficiency. To illustrate the validity of the novel method, this dissertation develops several theoretical models and synthesizes the common shot gathers and seismograms and reconstructs the traces that were erased from the initial section using the explicit fractal interpolation method. In order to compare the differences between the theoretical traces that were erased in the initial section and the resulting traces after reconstruction on waveform and amplitudes quantitatively, each missing traces are reconstructed and the residuals are analyzed. The numerical experiments demonstrate that the novel fractal interpolation method is not only applicable to reconstruct the seismograms with small offset but to the seismograms with large offset. The seismograms reconstructed by explicit fractal interpolation method resemble the original ones well. The waveform of the missing traces could be estimated very well and also the amplitudes of the interpolated traces are a good approximation of the original ones. The high precision and computational efficiency of the explicit fractal interpolation make it a useful tool to reconstruct the seismic data; it can not only make the local information obvious but preserve the overall characteristics of the object investigated. To illustrate the influence of the explicit fractal interpolation method to the accuracy of the imaging of the structure in the earth’s interior, this dissertation applies the method mentioned above to the reverse-time migration. The imaging sections obtained by using the fractal interpolated reflected data resemble the original ones very well. The numerical experiments demonstrate that even with the sparse sampling we can still obtain the high accurate imaging of the earth’s interior’s structure by means of the explicit fractal interpolation method. So we can obtain the imaging results of the earth’s interior with fine quality by using relatively small number of seismic stations. With the fractal interpolation method we will improve the efficiency and the accuracy of the reverse-time migration under economic conditions. To verify the application effect to real data of the method presented in this paper, we tested the method by using the real data provided by the Broadband Seismic Array Laboratory, IGGCAS. The results demonstrate that the accuracy of explicit fractal interpolation is still very high even with the real data with large epicenter and large offset. The amplitudes and the phase of the reconstructed station data resemble the original ones that were erased in the initial section very well. Altogether, the novel fractal interpolation function provides a new and useful tool to reconstruct the seismic data with high precision and efficiency, and presents an alternative to image the deep structure of the earth accurately.


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In the prediction of complex reservoir with high heterogeneities in lithologic and petrophysical properties, because of inexact data (e.g., information-overlapping, information-incomplete, and noise-contaminated) and ambiguous physical relationship, inversion results suffer from non-uniqueness, instability and uncertainty. Thus, the reservoir prediction technologies based on the linear assumptions are unsuited for these complex areas. Based on the limitations of conventional technologies, the thesis conducts a series of researches on various kernel problems such as inversions from band-limited seismic data, inversion resolution, inversion stability, and ambiguous physical relationship. The thesis combines deterministic, statistical and nonlinear theories of geophysics, and integrates geological information, rock physics, well data and seismic data to predict lithologic and petrophysical parameters. The joint inversion technology is suited for the areas with complex depositional environment and complex rock-physical relationship. Combining nonlinear multistage Robinson seismic convolution model with unconventional Caianiello neural network, the thesis implements the unification of the deterministic and statistical inversion. Through Robinson seismic convolution model and nonlinear self-affine transform, the deterministic inversion is implemented by establishing a deterministic relationship between seismic impedance and seismic responses. So, this can ensure inversion reliability. Furthermore, through multistage seismic wavelet (MSW)/seismic inverse wavelet (MSIW) and Caianiello neural network, the statistical inversion is implemented by establishing a statistical relationship between seismic impedance and seismic responses. Thus, this can ensure the anti-noise ability. In this thesis, direct and indirect inversion modes are alternately used to estimate and revise the impedance value. Direct inversion result is used as the initial value of indirect inversion and finally high-resolution impedance profile is achieved by indirect inversion. This largely enhances inversion precision. In the thesis, a nonlinear rock physics convolution model is adopted to establish a relationship between impedance and porosity/clay-content. Through multistage decomposition and bidirectional edge wavelet detection, it can depict more complex rock physical relationship. Moreover, it uses the Caianiello neural network to implement the combination of deterministic inversion, statistical inversion and nonlinear theory. Last, by combined applications of direct inversion based on vertical edge detection wavelet and indirect inversion based on lateral edge detection wavelet, it implements the integrative application of geological information, well data and seismic impedance for estimation of high-resolution petrophysical parameters (porosity/clay-content). These inversion results can be used to reservoir prediction and characterization. Multi-well constrains and separate-frequency inversion modes are adopted in the thesis. The analyses of these sections of lithologic and petrophysical properties show that the low-frequency sections reflect the macro structure of the strata, while the middle/high-frequency sections reflect the detailed structure of the strata. Therefore, the high-resolution sections can be used to recognize the boundary of sand body and to predict the hydrocarbon zones.


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锑(antimony,Sb)是一种典型的毒害重金属元素。我国作为世界上最主要的锑生产国,有关锑的表生地球化学及锑污染防治研究还很薄弱。贵州省位于我国西南低温成矿域中心,具有高Sb地球化学背景值,是我国重要的锑工业基地,境内分布着大量Sb矿床,锑矿储量居全国第四位。贵州又地处我国西南喀斯特中心区域,岩溶地貌极其发育,生态环境脆弱。由于大规模锑矿资源的开采利用,锑矿区土壤和水体中Sb污染十分突出,并通过水体或食物链对矿区及流域居民健康形成潜在威胁。因此,研究矿山环境中Sb的表生地球化学对于认识Sb污染的环境效应和寻求Sb污染修复方式具有至关重要的意义。 本文以贵州半坡大型锑矿区为研究对象,系统研究了Sb在矿区岩石、固体废弃物、土壤、水体和植物体等表生环境介质中的分布、迁移、富集规律与赋存机制,阐明了矿区Sb的表生地球化学过程规律,评价了矿区围岩、(废)矿石和尾矿砂等样品的产酸潜力,筛选出新的锑潜在超富集植物和超耐受性植物,并获得以下主要认识: (1) 独山半坡锑矿区是典型高锑地质地球化学背景区,不仅矿石中Sb含量很高,而且围岩中Sb含量也远高于上地壳Sb的平均含量。辉锑矿是锑的主要载体和释放源。 (2) 在固体废弃物中,冶炼废渣中Sb含量最高,其次为废石堆和尾砂库。废石中元素特征基本与围岩一致,继承了围岩的元素特征,而尾矿砂由于破碎、浮选过程的改造,其元素含量特征与围岩存在差异。尾砂砂中Sb以中层最富,底层和表层依次降低,与Fe、Al矿物的分布特征相似,这种分布模式主要受氧化还原条件、雨水淋滤、Fe/Al矿物吸附机制等因素控制。尾矿砂中不同相态的锑含量依次为残渣态>碳酸盐结合态>有机物结合态>可交换态>铁锰氧化物结合态,其中生物易利用态Sb的空间分布特征与总Sb分布特征一致。 (3) 所有的(废)矿石样品都具有潜在产酸能力,需要采取必要的措施抑制酸性矿山排水的产生。尾矿砂没有产酸潜力,这与矿石在选冶过程中加入石灰处理和S含量过低等原因有关,这种碱性环境可能有利于锑的表生地球化学活化和迁移。 (4) 研究区土壤受到严重锑污染,土壤中Sb含量高达51~7369 mg/kg,且随深度增加而逐渐降低,底层含量与对照区相近。这种高含量的Sb可能是与锑矿化有关的裸露岩石和土壤的自然风化淋滤过程和采矿、冶炼活动等造成的。研究区土壤中不同相态的Sb含量依次为残渣态>铁/锰氧化物结合态>碳酸盐结合态>有机物/硫化物结合态>可交换态。土壤中Sb的生物有效性很低。土壤中Sb的迁移与As密切相关。 (5) 研究区水体为SO4/HCO3-Ca型,水体中的Sb以溶解态、悬浮态和沉积物形式存在,并通过吸附-解吸附和水流推移方式进行迁移。洪水期和枯水期水体中Sb的扩散迁移机制存在差异,洪水期研究区内水体对岔河下游水体污染危害更大。在枯水期,岔河水体中溶解态Sb含量和沉积物中Sb含量存在显著正相关关系,表明枯水期沉积物和水体界面间达到物质交换平衡。水体的氧化还原条件和pH值控制着水体中Sb的存在形态。沉积物中不同相态Sb含量依次为残渣态>碳酸盐结合态,铁锰氧化物结合态>可交换态,有机物/硫化物结合态。研究区水体中Sb主要受矿区采矿、选冶活动的强烈影响。水体中硫同位素示踪研究发现,岔河下游水体中59%的S来自于矿山硫源的贡献,表明矿山活动严重影响到岔河下游水体水质。 (6) 植物对土壤中Sb的吸收与植物部位和种类有关。大体上地下部分>地上部分,且根>叶片>茎。在农作物中,白菜>甘蓝>辣椒和稻谷。研究发现,土荆芥(Chenopodium ambrosioides Linn.)是新的Sb潜在超富集植物,鬼针草(Bidens pilosa Linn.)、一年蓬(Erigeron annuus (Linn.) Pers.)、佛甲草(Sedum lineare Thun)、凹叶景天(Sedum emarginatum Migo)、灰灰菜(Chenopodium album Linn.)和鼠麹草(Gnaphalium affine D. Don)也能大量富集Sb,并有很强耐受性。 (7) 研究区这种特殊的高Sb地质环境和人为活动的影响,导致表生环境中Sb的高度富集,造成农作物、水体中Sb含量极高,通过食物链和水体严重影响当地居民的身体健康。


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A polynomial time algorithm (pruned correspondence search, PCS) with good average case performance for solving a wide class of geometric maximal matching problems, including the problem of recognizing 3D objects from a single 2D image, is presented. Efficient verification algorithms, based on a linear representation of location constraints, are given for the case of affine transformations among vector spaces and for the case of rigid 2D and 3D transformations with scale. Some preliminary experiments suggest that PCS is a practical algorithm. Its similarity to existing correspondence based algorithms means that a number of existing techniques for speedup can be incorporated into PCS to improve its performance.


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The task of shape recovery from a motion sequence requires the establishment of correspondence between image points. The two processes, the matching process and the shape recovery one, are traditionally viewed as independent. Yet, information obtained during the process of shape recovery can be used to guide the matching process. This paper discusses the mutual relationship between the two processes. The paper is divided into two parts. In the first part we review the constraints imposed on the correspondence by rigid transformations and extend them to objects that undergo general affine (non rigid) transformation (including stretch and shear), as well as to rigid objects with smooth surfaces. In all these cases corresponding points lie along epipolar lines, and these lines can be recovered from a small set of corresponding points. In the second part of the paper we discuss the potential use of epipolar lines in the matching process. We present an algorithm that recovers the correspondence from three contour images. The algorithm was implemented and used to construct object models for recognition. In addition we discuss how epipolar lines can be used to solve the aperture problem.


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Similarity measurements between 3D objects and 2D images are useful for the tasks of object recognition and classification. We distinguish between two types of similarity metrics: metrics computed in image-space (image metrics) and metrics computed in transformation-space (transformation metrics). Existing methods typically use image and the nearest view of the object. Example for such a measure is the Euclidean distance between feature points in the image and corresponding points in the nearest view. (Computing this measure is equivalent to solving the exterior orientation calibration problem.) In this paper we introduce a different type of metrics: transformation metrics. These metrics penalize for the deformatoins applied to the object to produce the observed image. We present a transformation metric that optimally penalizes for "affine deformations" under weak-perspective. A closed-form solution, together with the nearest view according to this metric, are derived. The metric is shown to be equivalent to the Euclidean image metric, in the sense that they bound each other from both above and below. For Euclidean image metric we offier a sub-optimal closed-form solution and an iterative scheme to compute the exact solution.