373 resultados para Theurey, Mgr
Since Z, being a state-based language, describes a system in terms of its state and potential state changes, it is natural to want to describe properties of a specified system also in terms of its state. One means of doing this is to use Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) in which properties about the state of a system over time can be captured. This, however, raises the question of whether these properties are preserved under refinement. Refinement is observation preserving and the state of a specified system is regarded as internal and, hence, non-observable. In this paper, we investigate this issue by addressing the following questions. Given that a Z specification A is refined by a Z specification C, and that P is a temporal logic property which holds for A, what temporal logic property Q can we deduce holds for C? Furthermore, under what circumstances does the property Q preserve the intended meaning of the property P? The paper answers these questions for LTL, but the approach could also be applied to other temporal logics over states such as CTL and the mgr-calculus.
This paper examines how the loss of 6300 jobs from the closure of MG Rover (MGR) in the city of Birmingham (UK) in April 2005 affected the employment trajectories of ex-workers, in the context of wider structural change and efforts at urban renewal. The paper presents an analysis of a longitudinal survey of 300 ex-MGR workers, and examines to what extent the state of local labour markets and workers’ geographical mobility—as well as the effectiveness of the immediate policy response and longer-term local economic strategies—may have helped to balance the impacts of personal attributes associated with workers’ employability and their reabsorption into the labour markets. It is found that the relative buoyancy of the local economy, the success of longer-run efforts at diversification and a strong policy response and retraining initiative helped many disadvantaged workers to find new jobs in the medium term. However, the paper also highlights the unequal employment outcomes and trajectories that many lesser-skilled workers faced. It explores the policy issues arising from such closures and their aftermath, such as the need to co-ordinate responses, to retain institutional capacity, to offer high-quality training and education resources to workers and, where possible, to slow down such closure processes to enable skills to be retained and reused within the local economy.
Миглена Г. Кирилова-Донева - Едномерен експеримент на релаксация беше извършен с 14 образци от човешка пъпна фасция. Механичното поведение на фасцията по време на релаксация беше моделирано прилагайки нелинейната теория на Максвел-Гуревич-Рабинович. Параметрите на модела за изследваните образци бяха определени и стойностите им бяха сравнени в зависимост от посоката на натоварване на образците по време на експеримента. Установено бе, че стойностите на началния вискозитет ∗η0 и на параметъра ∗m, който се влияе от скоростта на деформация на материала се изменят в много широки граници не само за образци от различни донори, но и за образци от един донор. В резултат от прилагането на модела бе изчислено изменението на вискозитета и вискозната деформация на материала по време на релаксацията. Бе показано, че изменението на вискозитета и вискозната деформация зависи от посоката на натоварване на образците.
With automotive plants being closed in Australia and western Europe, this article reflects on the employment status of ex-MG Rover (MGR) workers following the closure of the Longbridge plant in 2005. In particular, it draws on Standing's typology of labour market insecurity and uses a mixed-methods approach including an analysis of a longitudinal survey of some 200 ex-MGR workers, and in-depth interviews with ex-workers and policy-makers. While the policy response to the closure saw significant successes in terms of the great majority of workers successfully adjusting into re-employment, and with positive findings in terms of re-training and education, the paper finds significant challenges in terms of security of employment, income, job quality and representation at work years after closure. In particular, the paper posits that the general lack of attention to employment security at the macrolevel effectively undermined elements of a positive policy response over the longer run. This in turn suggests longer-term policy measures are required to address aspects of precariousness at work.
Advancements in the micro-and nano-scale fabrication techniques have opened up new avenues for the development of portable, scalable and easier-to-use biosensors. Over the last few years, electrodes made of carbon have been widely used as sensing units in biosensors due to their attractive physiochemical properties. The aim of this research is to investigate different strategies to develop functionalized high surface carbon micro/nano-structures for electrochemical and biosensing devices. High aspect ratio three-dimensional carbon microarrays were fabricated via carbon microelectromechanical systems (C-MEMS) technique, which is based on pyrolyzing pre-patterned organic photoresist polymers. To further increase the surface area of the carbon microstructures, surface porosity was introduced by two strategies, i.e. (i) using F127 as porogen and (ii) oxygen reactive ion etch (RIE) treatment. Electrochemical characterization showed that porous carbon thin film electrodes prepared by using F127 as porogen had an effective surface area (Aeff 185%) compared to the conventional carbon electrode. To achieve enhanced electrochemical sensitivity for C-MEMS based functional devices, graphene was conformally coated onto high aspect ratio three-dimensional (3D) carbon micropillar arrays using electrostatic spray deposition (ESD) technique. The amperometric response of graphene/carbon micropillar electrode arrays exhibited higher electrochemical activity, improved charge transfer and a linear response towards H2O2 detection between 250&mgr;M to 5.5mM. Furthermore, carbon structures with dimensions from 50 nano-to micrometer level have been fabricated by pyrolyzing photo-nanoimprint lithography patterned organic resist polymer. Microstructure, elemental composition and resistivity characterization of the carbon nanostructures produced by this process were very similar to conventional photoresist derived carbon. Surface functionalization of the carbon nanostructures was performed using direct amination technique. Considering the need for requisite functional groups to covalently attach bioreceptors on the carbon surface for biomolecule detection, different oxidation techniques were compared to study the types of carbon-oxygen groups formed on the surface and their percentages with respect to different oxidation pretreatment times. Finally, a label-free detection strategy using signaling aptamer/protein binding complex for platelet-derived growth factor oncoprotein detection on functionalized three-dimensional carbon microarrays platform was demonstrated. The sensor showed near linear relationship between the relative fluorescence difference and protein concentration even in the sub-nanomolar range with an excellent detection limit of 5 pmol.
This dissertation presents a study of the D( e, e′p)n reaction carried out at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (Jefferson Lab) for a set of fixed values of four-momentum transfer Q 2 = 2.1 and 0.8 (GeV/c)2 and for missing momenta pm ranging from pm = 0.03 to pm = 0.65 GeV/c. The analysis resulted in the determination of absolute D(e,e′ p)n cross sections as a function of the recoiling neutron momentum and it's scattering angle with respect to the momentum transfer [vector] q. The angular distribution was compared to various modern theoretical predictions that also included final state interactions. The data confirmed the theoretical prediction of a strong anisotropy of final state interaction contributions at Q2 of 2.1 (GeV/c)2 while at the lower Q2 value, the anisotropy was much less pronounced. At Q2 of 0.8 (GeV/c)2, theories show a large disagreement with the experimental results. The experimental momentum distribution of the bound proton inside the deuteron has been determined for the first time at a set of fixed neutron recoil angles. The momentum distribution is directly related to the ground state wave function of the deuteron in momentum space. The high momentum part of this wave function plays a crucial role in understanding the short-range part of the nucleon-nucleon force. At Q2 = 2.1 (GeV/c)2, the momentum distribution determined at small neutron recoil angles is much less affected by FSI compared to a recoil angle of 75°. In contrast, at Q2 = 0.8 (GeV/c)2 there seems to be no region with reduced FSI for larger missing momenta. Besides the statistical errors, systematic errors of about 5–6 % were included in the final results in order to account for normalization uncertainties and uncertainties in the determi- nation of kinematic veriables. The measurements were carried out using an electron beam energy of 2.8 and 4.7 GeV with beam currents between 10 to 100 &mgr; A. The scattered electrons and the ejected protons originated from a 15cm long liquid deuterium target, and were detected in conicidence with the two high resolution spectrometers of Hall A at Jefferson Lab.^
Serotonin or 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) is a substance found in many tissues of the body, including the nervous system acting as a neurotransmitter. Within the neuro-axis, the location of the majority of the 5-HT neurons is superimposed with raphe nuclei of the brain stem, in the median line or its vicinity, so that neuronal 5-HT can be considered a marker of the raphe nuclei. Serotonergic neurons are projected to almost all areas of the brain. Studies show the participation of serotonin in regulating the temperature, feeding behavior, sexual behavior, biological rhythms, sleep, locomotor function, learning, among others. The anatomy of these groups has been revised in many species, including mouse, rabbit, cat and primates, but never before in a bat species from South America. This study aimed to characterize the serotonergic clusters in the brain of the bat Artibeus planirostris through immunohistochemistry for serotonin. Seven adult bat males of Artibeus planirostris species (Microchiroptera, Mammalia) were used in this study. The animals were anesthetized, transcardially perfused and their brains were removed. Coronal sections of the frozen brain of bats were obtained in sliding microtome and subjected to immunohistochemistry for 5-HT. Delimit the caudal linear (CLi), dorsal (DR), median (MnR), paramedian (PMnR), pontine (PNR), magnus (MgR), pallidus (RPA) and obscurus (ROb) raphe nucleus, in addition to the groups B9 and rostral and caudal ventrolateral (RVL/CVL). The serotonergic groups of this kind of cheiroptera present morphology and cytoarchitecture relatively similar to that described in rodents and primates, confirming the phylogenetic stability of these cell clusters.
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
L'industrialisation et l'urbanisation de la ville de Sherbrooke débutent au milieu du 19e siècle grâce à l'énergie hydraulique que fournit la rivière Magog et à l'implication de la British American Land Company. Diverses industries s'installent provoquant ainsi l'arrivée de Canadiens français et d'Irlandais en quête de travail. La population, d'abord anglophone et britannique, devient, dès 1871. majoritairement canadienne-française et elle se répartit dans quatre quartiers distincts. Les conditions de vie à Sherbrooke sont alors difficiles, car la promiscuité, le manque d'hygiène, la maladie et la criminalité sévissent. De plus, le chômage frappe assez fréquemment les familles ouvrières dont la vie est façonnée par les cycles économiques. L'insécurité financière dans laquelle elles vivent les oblige à réclamer l'assistance de leur parenté ou de la charité publique. Pour venir en aide à ces familles démunies, l'évêque fondateur du diocèse de Sherbrooke, Mgr Antoine Racine, réclame, dès 1674, la fondation d'une institution de charité. L'année suivante, l'Hospice du Sacré-Coeur ouvre ses portes, sous la direction des Soeurs de la Charité de Saint-Hyacinthe, pour secourir les malades, les vieillards et les orphelins. Dans le cadre de ce mémoire, nous avons limité nos recherches à l’oeuvre des orphelins de l'Hospice du Sacré-Coeur, laissant dans l'ombre les autres oeuvres de cette institution. Il nous apparaissait impossible d'étudier les deux principales catégories de bénéficiaires, les vieillards et les orphelins, car elles relèvent de circonstances et de phénomènes différents. L'Hospice du Sacré-Cœur n'a jamais fait l'objet d'une analyse historique, seules Louise Brunelle-Lavoie et Jovette Dufort-Caron lui ont consacré quelques pages dans leur livre sur l'Hôpital Saint-Vincent-de-Paul de Sherbrooke. Notre mémoire est donc consacré à un sujet jusqu'à présent inexploité par l'historiographie québécoise. Étant située au carrefour de l'histoire de l'enfance, de l'assistance sociale et de la famille, notre étude contribue à une meilleure connaissance de l'ensemble de la société québécoise. L'historiographie de la protection de l'enfance au Canada anglais est dominée par quatre auteurs : Neil Sutherland, Joy Parr, Patricia T. Rooke et Rodolph L. Schnell, le pionnier dans ce domaine. Neil Sutherland a publié en 1976 Children in English-Canadian Society; Framing the Twentieth-Century Consensus. Cet ouvrage présente les différentes réformes concernant la santé des enfants, le traitement des délinquants et l'éducation dans la communauté anglophone du Canada de 1870 à 1920. Sutherland estime que ces réformes témoignent de l'émergence d'une nouvelle conception de l'enfant à l'aube du 20e siècle. S'intéressant davantage au vécu des enfants qu'à l'organisation de l'assistance, Labouring Children; British immigrant Apprentices to Canada, 1869-1924 de Joy Parr, paru en 1980, retrace les conditions de vie des enfants démunis d'Angleterre qui ont été envoyés au Canada pour être mis en apprentissage chez des cultivateurs. Il faut aussi noter que plusieurs autres historiens et historiennes ont traité ce sujet mais d'une façon plus fragmentaire. En 1982, Childhood and Family in Canadien History, un ouvrage collectif sous la direction de Joy Parr, aborde les questions suivantes : l'enfance en Nouvelle-France, l'éducation en milieu rural, l'exil des jeunes néo-écossais, la (délinquance juvénile et le recours à l'orphelinat comme stratégie familiale en milieu ouvrier. On y retrouve, entre autres, un article de Bettina Bradbury dont nous reparlerons plus loin. Patricia Rooke et Rodolph L. Schnell travaillent en collaboration depuis plusieurs années. Ce sont, sans contredit, les auteurs les plus prolifiques en histoire de la protection de l'enfance. Ils ont étudié, dans quelques articles, les Protestant Orphan Homes, mais ils ne se sont jamais arrêtés sur les institutions catholiques. En 1982, ils ont publié Studies in Childhood History; A Canadien Perspective, un recueil d'articles, mais leur oeuvre majeur demeure Discarding the Asvlum: From Child Rescue to the Welfare State in English-Canada(1800-1950), paru un an plus tard. Fruit de cinq années de recherches, cette monographie retrace l'histoire de l'assistance institutionnelle de l'enfance, ses transformations et finalement son abandon comme méthode d'aide sociale [...].
Le diocèse de Sherbrooke fut érigé par le Pape Pie IX. La bulle d'érection, datée de Rome le 28 août 1874, confirmait ainsi le voeu de l'épiscopat de la province ecclésiastique de Québec, émis au cinquième concile provincial du 23 mai 1873. Le nouveau diocèse comprenait un démembrement des diocèses de Québec, de St-Hyacinthe et des Trois-Rivières; Québec cédait trois cantons plus une paroisse; St-Hyacinthe, dix-huit cantons; et Trois-Rivières, vingt-quatre. Moins de la moitié de la population de ce territoire était catholique, soit seulement 30,255 sur une population totale de 68,283 habitants, d'après le recensement de 1870. Par une bulle romaine du premier septembre 1874, Antoine Racine, prêtre desservant de l'église Saint-Jean-Baptiste de Québec, était nommé premier évêque du nouveau diocèse. L'évêque élu avait été prévenu quelques jours auparavant par une lettre de Rome. Consacré à Québec, le 18 octobre 1874, des mains de Mgr Elzéar Alexandre Taschereau, archevêque de Québec, Mgr Antoine Racine prit possession du siège de Sherbrooke le 20 du même mois. Pendant dix-neuf ans, soit jusqu'à sa mort survenue le 17 juillet 1893, l'évêque de Sherbrooke conduisit son diocèse avec prudence, le dotant d'institutions stables. Ses nécrologistes et ses biographes le considèrent comme un des principaux artisans de la pénétration catholique et française dans les Cantons de l'Est. […]
Wydział Nauk Politycznych i Dziennikarstwa
Tityus serrulatus, popularly known as yellow scorpion, is one of the most studied scorpion species in South America and its venom has supplied some highly active molecules. The effects of T. serrulatus venom upon the renal physiology in human showed increased renal parameters, urea and creatinine. However, in perfused rat kidney the effects were not tested until now. Isolated kidneys from Wistar rats, weighing 240-280 g, were perfused with Krebs-Henseleit solution containing 6% (g weight) of previously dialysed bovine serum albumin. The effects of T. serrulatus venom were studied on the perfusion pressure (PP), renal vascular resistance (RVR), urinary flow (UF), glomerular filtration rate (GFR), sodium tubular transport (%TNa+), potassium tubular transport (%TK+) and chloride tubular transport (%TCl-). Tityus serrulatus venom (TsV; 10 mu g/mL) was added to the system 30 min after the beginning of each experiment (n = 6). This 30 min period was used as an internal control. The mesenteric bed was perfused with Krebs solution kept warm at 37 T by a constant flow (4 mL/min), while the variable perfusion pressure was measured by means of a pressure transducer. The direct vascular effects of TsV (10 mu g/mL/min; n=6), infused at a constant rate (0.1 mL/min), were examined and compared to the infusion of the vehicle alone at the same rate. TsV increased PP (PP30'= 127.8 +/- 0.69 vs PP60' = 154.2 +/- 14 mmHg*, *p < 0.05) and RVR (RVR30' = 6.29 +/- 0.25 vs RVR60' = 8.03 +/- 0.82 mmHg/mL g(-1) min(-1)*, *p < 0.05), decreased GFR (GFR(30') =0.58 +/- 0.02 vs GFR(60') = 0.46 +/- 0.01 mL g(-1) min(-1)*, *p < 0.05) and UF (UF30' = 0.135 +/- 0.001 vs UF60' = 0.114 +/- 0.003 mL g(-1)min(-1)*, *p < 0.05). Tubular transport was not affected during the whole experimental period (120 min). on the other hand, the infusion of TsV (10 mu g/mL/min) increased the basal perfusion pressure of isolated arteriolar mesenteric bed (basal pressure: 74.17 +/- 3.42 vs TsV 151.8 +/- 17.82 mmHg*, *p < 0.05). TsV affects renal haemodynamics probably by a direct vasoconstrictor action leading to decreased renal flow. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.