922 resultados para Territórios da Cidadania
Pós-graduação em Agronomia - FEIS
O presente trabalho versa sobre o acesso de estrangeiros ao território nacional. Essa limitação restringe direitos fundamentais da maioria dos imigrantes, além de expô-los a uma condição de vulnerabilidade que permite que sejam explorados pelo setor econômico de produção e perseguidos pela polícia. O Estado não costuma ver o imigrante como “vítima”, mas como marginal”. Se todos os homens são fundamentalmente iguais em razão de sua igual dignidade, se a constante comunicação e movimentação são imprescindíveis e se é moralmente impossível justi*car os privilégios de pessoas porque nasceram em determinado território ou de determinados genitores, então as funções discriminadoras dos conceitos de cidadania e nacionalidade perdem sua justificativa.
This introductory text to the 40th Issue of "Pensamiento Propio" refers to the diversity in the search to expand and deepen democracy in the continent. Even after a decade of left-wing parties who prioritized implementing high-impact policies on social inequality which characterizes Latin America, the democratic deficit persists, both in the context of local and national governments and of the multilateral organizations of the hemisphere. Reflecting on the participation of civil society in the control of governments and the State in the past few decades is an absolute necessity for those who acknowledge the need to strengthen our political citizenship.
Os 13 artigos reunidos neste livro foram primeiramente apresentados em encontro internacional sobre participação, democracia e políticas públicas na América Latina, realizado em 2013 na Faculdade de Ciências e Letras da Unesp. Para os organizadores da obra discutir o tema, principalmente no que concerne à transparência dos sistemas de gestão, é extrema importância para apontar direções para uma renovação política, articulações sociais e desenvolvimento socioterritorial. Eles explicam que a análise de marcos legais, fragilidades institucionais e prática autoritárias permitem enxergar o seu contrário e, com isso, aprimorar a prática de políticas públicas voltadas ao desenvolvimento de um país sustentado na democracia e na cidadania ativa. O livro é divido em quatro eixos temáticos. O inicial apresenta artigos que analisam a cidadania relacionada à saúde, gênero, prevenção ao abuso sexual e juventude. Abarca temas como o Sistema Único de Saúde, os movimentos e grupos feministas e abuso sexual. O seguinte destaca temas ligados à educação, também relacionados à cidadania, como o financiamento da educação e a educação em presídios paulistas. Desenvolvimento e combate às desigualdades sociais norteiam os estudos da terceira parte. São três artigos que tratam da complexidade da produção de políticas baseadas no diálogo entre pares institucionais, como representantes de governos e sociedade civil. O capítulo final é dedicado ao tema controle social e aperfeiçoamento da democracia. Os artigos abordam a questão do monitoramento das políticas e investimentos públicos por parte da sociedade civil.
Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR
In this research, we discuss important aspects related to the scope of the adult female prostitution in a municipality located in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. We rely on the theoretical contributions provided by the Cultural Studies, the Queer Theory and other aspects referenced by gender studies, by sexualities and other subjective processes, in parallel with the analysis of the reported life stories of two women linked to the context of commercial sexual practice in the studied city. From the presented informations, we observed multiple stories of women in the process of resistance to some standards of femininity, and come to the conclusion that the economic factor is not always preponderant for the entry/residence in female commercial sex practice, especially today, when relationships tend be established by the confluence of multiple interests.
Our propose in this article is to articulate the ways how women that call themselves lesbians, live and consider the masculinities and the femininities. The discourses were obtained through semi-structured interviews with ten women from different ages, who live in different towns in São Paulo and Paraná states. Theoretical references were sought in poststruturalists authors who approach the social construction of gender and sexes as category analysis, necessary for the reflection of the subjectivity processes that are permeated by materiality and transitoriness that are inherent to social, historical, cultural, political and territorial contexts.
The diversity of social relations in the Amazon region is responsible for the complexity that generalized and simplified ideas conceal in the understanding of its Environmental History. Recent historiography on the North of Brazil shows that this diversity is not to be neglected, under the risk of perpetuating stereotypes and reproducing in common sense social and economic aspects that often lie at the basis of cultural actions, projects and values that push the destruction of the environment, the fragility of citizenship and the uncertainties about the future that hover over the Amazon in the 21st century.
This paper presents the extension project Youth Empowerment for Work and Citizenship. It is a psychosocial and an educational activity focused on the care of impoverished youths, aged between 14-19, from Assis-SP. It aims to contribute to the cognitive, affective and social process of the participants. The extension activity has benefited the education of Psychology undergraduates students to the mediation in human development under nonformal education. The theoretical and methodological background is based on the cultural-historical psychology of Vigotski. The results obtained are: the establishment of partnerships between universities and state and local public organizations; the incorporation of innovative thematic in psychology curriculum course at UNESP; production of academic-scientific research about the experience of Psychologists in social educational area; and the participation of one hundred young people as well as their parents or legal guardians in the project.
In the light of the collective health and of the mental health, the concept of territory is present in multiple dimensions and meanings. It appears in documents that express principles and guidelines of the health policies and in the planning of local actions, and it is a central element to organize the care network in psychosocial attentiveness. This present essay aims to discuss the concept of territory and its uses in the practices of psychosocial care, developing a dialogue with the geographer Milton Santos and the philosophers Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari who, from different fields and perspectives, work with this concept. This dialogue made it possible to think the territory in its complexity, as space, process and composition, in order to optimize the relationship between service, culture, production of care and production of subjectivity.
Considering the experience taken from the institutional support given by the Humanization’s Brazilian Policy in three health’s regions in São Paulo State, Brazil, this text intends to expose some problems refering to the articulation process of other health’s regional networks mainly composed by cities with less than twenty thousands inhabitants. By problematizing the articulation of inlad health’s networks it is put on the agenda the process of descentraliztion and the interfederaditive relations emphasizing the political and institutional aspects that goes through and modulates these relations, mainly in the small cities. Thus, we are questioning the ways how the current health policies are implemented in these territories and the way how they are articulated, having as a goal the challenge of the process’ ascendance and transversality.
Pós-graduação em Educação - FCT