850 resultados para Technical schools


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Se houve um tempo em que eram as empresas as mais preocupadas em dotar os seus empregados com um determinado leque de competências técnicas, pela via da Formação Profissional, para se tornarem cada vez mais competitivas, hoje torna-se crucial para qualquer país poder determinar o grau de empregabilidade dos diversos cursos de formação profissional realizados pela sua população activa, de modo a optimizar a inserção dos seus cidadãos no mercado de trabalho. A presente investigação visa analisar a empregabilidade a partir de um caso nacional, em que uma escola de formação profissional, inserida numa empresa – a Cabnave – vem desenvolvendo um modelo de formação, que para além de estar directamente relacionado com a sua própria actividade, encontra-se ligado a vários sectores da actividade económica de Cabo Verde, particularmente ao da indústria Mecânica e Metalomecânica. O estudo contém dois principais momentos. Um primeiro, no qual se procedeu à contextualização e fundamentação do tema, com base em bibliografia nacional e internacional, e enfoque nos seguintes assuntos: o sistema de ensino em Cabo Verde, mais concretamente a via do ensino secundário técnico; a formação profissional; e o mercado de trabalho em Cabo Verde. Num segundo momento desenvolveu-se um Caso de Estudo, para se determinar o grau de empregabilidade dos diplomados da Escola de Formação Profissional da Cabnave, que seguiram uma carreira em áreas profissionais diferentes do curso realizado, recorrendo-se à aplicação de um questionário a uma amostra final de 80 inquiridos, e à interpretação dos resultados, através dos métodos de análise estatística Descritiva e Correlacional. Das conclusões resultantes da análise das respostas obtidas, chama-se a atenção para o facto de a maioria dos diplomados partilharem de uma opinião positiva relativamente à empregabilidade dos cursos que frequentaram, independentemente de os mesmos terem ou não conduzido a uma profissão directamente ligada ao sector da Mecânica e MetalomecânicaIf at one point companies used to be the ones that were the most concerned with providing specific technical skills to their employees, through professional education, as to become more competitive, it is today highly important for every country to determine the level of employability of the numerous professional education programs pursued by its active population, so as to increase citizens’ chances to enter the labor market. The present research aims to study the concept of employability, with focus on a national case, a school of professional education which integrates the company Cabnave, and has been developing an educational model that, in addition to responding to the company’s own needs, is also connected to Cape Verde’s various economic sectors, notably the Mechanics and Metalworking industry. The study consists of two main parts. A first one where, based on national and international bibliography, the theme is contextualized, with closest attention to the following subjects: the Cape Verdean education system, especially vocational education in secondary schools; professional education; and the labor market in Cape Verde. In the second part, a Case Study is conducted, in order to determine the level of employability of those who were trained by Cabnave’s School of Professional Education, but have pursued a career in a different professional field. Therefore, a questionnaire was submitted to a sample of 80 respondents, and the correspondent data was analyzed and interpreted, with the use of Descriptive Statistics and Correlation Analysis. One of the conclusions deriving from the survey results is that most of the School’s trained graduates have a positive view of the employability of the programs they have pursued, independently of whether they continued to work in the Mechanics and Metalworking industry


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Audit report on the Northeast Iowa Schools Insurance Trust for the year ended June 30, 2007


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The historiography dedicated to tourism has emphasised how some socio-economic evolutions such as urbanisation, mechanisation of transport or the advent of leisure time in society have supported pleasure trips and therefore the development of the hotel industry. On the contrary, the research has too often neglected or at least minimised the impact of the hotel sector on a region's development. This contribution seeks to fill this gap by analysing the Geneva Lake region, one of the most important birthplaces of the European tourism. In this space not much touched by the first industrial revolution, the hotel business has in fact played the role of an economic motor, stimulating investment and employment. This dynamism provoked a domino effect on several other sectors of the economy (industry, bulding sector, banking). To please their customers, the hoteliers have not only given impulses on housing modernisation, but also to the revitalisation of transport, energy and communication networks. The necessity to remain on the state-of-the-art of technical issues, with the concern of competitiveness, has called forth an acceleration of the technology transfer and stimulated the constitution of technical know-how.


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In a world where poor countries provide weak protection for intellectual propertyrights, market integration shifts technical change in favor of rich nations. Throughthis channel, free trade may amplify international income differences. At the sametime, integration with countries where intellectual property rights are weakly protectedcan slow down the world growth rate. A crucial implication of these results is thatprotection of intellectual property is most beneficial in open countries. This prediction,which is novel in the literature, finds support in the data on a panel of 53 countriesobserved in the years 1965-1990.


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The paper shows that a matching model where technological change is partially embodied in the job match is successful in explaining the variability of unemployment and vacancies. If we incorporate long-term wage contracts into the model, it also explains a number of stylized facts on the dynamics of real wages, which have been found in the empirical labor literature.


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The main focus of the present investigation is on the transnationalization of the education policies in Cape Verde, Guine-Bissau and San Tome and Prince from 1974 to 2002 and it deals mostly with the role played by the Portuguese co operants in this field, namely teachers, teacher trainers and education technicians. Our investigation is based mostly on the theoretical and empiric analysis of the problematic of the transnatio nalizaton of the education policies, bearing in mind the concepts formulated by several renowned authors like those by Stone(2001, 2004) as well as by Dolowitz and Marsch (2002) concerning the area of knowledge transfer. The concept transnationalization we have used throughout this dissertationshould be interpreted as a carrefour , that is, a crossroad of technical knowledge, resulting from the way the different mediators have shared their expertise and who gradually contributed to the implementation of the new education systems and the consolidation of the education policies of the countries just mentioned before. We have also analyzed specific points of reference connected both with globalization and organization sociology theories since the school is the main scope of action where the participants interact using diversified strategies due to their different interests and aims. Those schools are more and more confronted with education policies resulting from neoliberal assumptions therefore we label them terminals of the education policy journeys. The naturalist paradigm, which includes a qualitative and interpretative approach, answers for the design of this investigation, whose main strategy is the Oral History. The primary sources analyzed and the interviews made have enabled us to build our knowledge based on the grounded theory method (Glasser and Strauss, 1967), supported by the informatic programme Atlas TI. We conclude that despite the weaknesses and fragilities of the Portuguese cooperation, this is the right arena for a more convergent transference of values and education (al) systems; it is a kind of hybrid territory where the knowledge transfer suits the local reality, independently of all the dilemmas resulting from globalization.


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Esta tese centra-se em aspectos relevantes do inglês como uma língua universal, no actual contexto globalizado e examina possíveis mudanças relacionadas com o seu uso, em especial no continente africano, particularmente no caso de Cabo Verde, no sentido de ponderar eventuais alternativas nas pedagogias linguísticas no ensino desta língua que impliquem uma adaptação à realidade contemporânea. Uma vez que, nos nossos tempos, o inglês é a língua de eleição para a comunicação intercultural entre povos com várias experiências culturais e linguísticas, o conhecimento deste idioma torna-se, a cada dia que passa, impreterível e indispensável, na interacção intercultural. Em África, as funções desempenhadas pelo inglês são complexas; além da língua inglesa ser usada para comunicação entre etnias, com o estatuto de língua franca, também tem o papel de preservar a identidade nacional e de estabelecer a unidade entre os povos da mesma nação. Por conseguinte, é de considerar talvez ainda com mais pertinência, a adopção de uma nova filosofia de pedagogia de ensino que permita dotar os seus cidadãos de capacidades que lhes possibilitem comunicar de forma inteligível com povos de outras culturas e línguas. O primeiro capítulo aborda aspectos teóricos relacionados com a expansão, comunicação e mudança associadas à língua inglesa e suas implicações no ensino em países onde esta não é língua nativa (L1). O segundo capítulo reflecte, em primeiro lugar, sobre a situação linguística em África e as línguas francas predominantes no continente, incluindo a língua inglesa. Considera também questões relacionadas com o multilinguismo e a identidade, bem como assuntos relacionados com as implicações da diversidade linguística para a educação dos povos africanos.


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OBJECTIVE: Patients with intractable epilepsy due to extensive lesions involving the posterior quadrant (temporal, parietal, and occipital lobes) form a small subset of epilepsy surgery. This study was done with a view to analyze our experience with this group of patients and to define the changes in the surgical technique over the last 15 years. We also describe the microsurgical technique of the different surgical variants used, along with their functional neuroanatomy. METHODS: In this series there were 13 patients with a median age of 17 years. All patients had extensive presurgical evaluation that provided concordant evidence localizing the lesion and seizure focus to the posterior quadrant. The objective of the surgery was to eliminate the effect of the epileptogenic tissue and preserve motor and sensory functions. RESULTS: During the course of this study period of 15 years, the surgical procedure performed evolved toward incorporating more techniques of disconnection and minimizing resection. Three technical variants were thus utilized in this series, namely, (i) anatomical posterior quadrantectomy (APQ), (ii) functional posterior quadrantectomy (FPQ), and (iii) periinsular posterior quadrantectomy (PIPQ). After a median follow-up period of 6 years, 12/13 patients had Engel's Class I seizure outcome. CONCLUSION: The results of surgery for posterior quadrantic epilepsy have yielded excellent seizure outcomes in 92% of the patients in the series with no mortality or major morbidity. The incorporation of disconnective techniques in multilobar surgery has maintained the excellent results obtained earlier with resective surgery.


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The paper explores the consequences that relying on different behavioral assumptions intraining managers may have on their future performance. We argue that training with anemphasis on the standard assumptions used in economics (rationality and self-interest) is goodfor technical posts but may also lead future managers to rely excessively on rational and explicitsafeguarding, crowding out instinctive relational heuristics and signaling a bad human type topotential partners. In contrast, human assumptions used in management theories, because oftheir diverse, implicit and even contradictory nature, do not conflict with the innate set ofcooperative tools and may provide a good training ground for such tools. We present tentativeconfirmatory evidence by examining how the weight given to behavioral assumptions in the corecourses of the top 100 business schools influences the average salaries of their MBA graduates.Controlling for the self-selected average quality of their students and some other schools characteristics, average salaries are seen to be significantly greater for schools whose core MBAcourses contain a higher proportion of management courses as opposed to courses based oneconomics or technical disciplines.


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Iowa is one of the more progressive recycling states in the U.S. due in large part to its environmental technical assistance programs for business. The Iowa Department of Economic Development (IDED), Iowa Department of Natural Resources (IDNR), the Recycle Reuse Technology Transfer Center (RRTTC) and the Iowa Waste Reduction Center (IWRC) work together to offer services that help businesses save money, increase operational efficiencies, enhance regulatory compliance and manage difficult waste management issues.


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Audit report on the Northeast Iowa Schools Insurance Trust for the year ended June 30, 2008


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Se evalúa la distribución latitudinal de cardúmenes desovantes y el estado reproductivo de la anchoveta Engraulis ringens, entre octubre y diciembre 2003, durante el crucero BIC Olaya y Humboldt 0310-12. La anchoveta no se encontró desovando, a excepción de aquélla distribuida en la franja costera, dentro de las 20 mn cerca de la costa.


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