366 resultados para TDAH (hiperactividad)
This research investigates and reports the contributions of the Theatre of the Oppressed and its techniques as a therapeutic resource in the education of children with Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity. In the first chapter organize one studying theoretical seeking to conceptualize and understand the Learning, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, seeking to better understand the behavior and the behavior of children with ADHD. Researching on the symptoms, causes and effects of this syndrome. Trace a relationship between familyschool- specialists in an attempt to prove the importance of family support in the teachinglearning process and treatment of these children. In the second chapter start conceptualizing theater, the relationship between work-Theatre-Education Therapy, explain the difference between the theatrical stage and the therapeutic stage. Account the importance of theater games in the classroom and its contribution to social and educational training of the child. Justify the choice of the Theatre of the Oppressed recognizing him as the primary method for this research, because it is a set of exercises, games and techniques that help the child regain equilibrium relations, developing autonomy, encourages creativity and spontaneity, freeing them from their oppression. Besides being an efficient transformation behavior, improving behavior, allowing the inclusion of children in society. It is verified the effectiveness of the method and techniques in their work with children Municipal School Professor. Antonio Severiano in Natal / RN, allowing these children develop body awareness, working senses, thought, memory, inhibition, teaching to expose your point of view, understand and deal with their emotions, respecting its limits and develop their motor and cognitive skills
This research investigates and reports the contributions of the Theatre of the Oppressed and its techniques as a therapeutic resource in the education of children with Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity. In the first chapter organize one studying theoretical seeking to conceptualize and understand the Learning, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, seeking to better understand the behavior and the behavior of children with ADHD. Researching on the symptoms, causes and effects of this syndrome. Trace a relationship between familyschool- specialists in an attempt to prove the importance of family support in the teachinglearning process and treatment of these children. In the second chapter start conceptualizing theater, the relationship between work-Theatre-Education Therapy, explain the difference between the theatrical stage and the therapeutic stage. Account the importance of theater games in the classroom and its contribution to social and educational training of the child. Justify the choice of the Theatre of the Oppressed recognizing him as the primary method for this research, because it is a set of exercises, games and techniques that help the child regain equilibrium relations, developing autonomy, encourages creativity and spontaneity, freeing them from their oppression. Besides being an efficient transformation behavior, improving behavior, allowing the inclusion of children in society. It is verified the effectiveness of the method and techniques in their work with children Municipal School Professor. Antonio Severiano in Natal / RN, allowing these children develop body awareness, working senses, thought, memory, inhibition, teaching to expose your point of view, understand and deal with their emotions, respecting its limits and develop their motor and cognitive skills
L’objectif de ce mémoire est de décrire et comparer les facteurs de risque individuels, parentaux et familiaux qui sont associés à la cooccurrence simultanée du trouble déficitaire de l’attention avec hyperactivité (TDAH) et des troubles de comportement sévère tels le trouble oppositionnel avec provocation (TOP) et le trouble des conduites (TC). Plus particulièrement, l’étude s’appuie sur les informations issues du modèle de cooccurrence de Neale et Kendler (1995), voulant que le fait de partager des facteurs de risque génétiques et environnementaux communs puisse entraîner une cooccurrence de troubles. Les enfants (N = 345, 41% de filles), âgés entre 6 et 10 ans, ont été recrutés parmi des jeunes recevant des services spécialisées dans huit commissions scolaires de trois régions du Québec. Ces enfants ont été séparés dans différents groupes de comparaison selon la présence/absence du TDAH, du TOP et du TC. Les analyses de régressions logistiques multinomiales réalisées suggèrent que les enfants du groupe TDAH+TOP lorsque comparés à ceux du groupe TDAH seul vivraient dans des familles au sein desquelles il y aurait plus de coercition parentale et auraient vécu plus de changements familiaux que les enfants du groupe TOP seul. Aussi, plus de traits d’insensibilité seraient présents chez les enfants du groupe TDAH+TOP+TC lorsque comparés au groupe TDAH seul. De plus, les enfants du groupe TDAH+TOP+TC présenteraient plus d’anxiété que les enfants du groupe TOP+TC. Dans l’ensemble, il appert que la cooccurrence du TDAH et des troubles du comportement est associée à plus de facteurs de risque chez les enfants.
Texto que compõe a unidade 3 do módulo 3 “Álcool e outras drogas” do Curso de Capacitação em Dependência Química, produzido pela UNA-SUS/UFMA. Aborda a epidemiologia e as comorbidades relacionadas ao uso da maconha, como os transtornos psicóticos, de humor, ansiedade, bem como o Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade (TDAH).