938 resultados para Soto, Hernando de, approximately 1500-1542
We have investigated whether side chain-hydroxylated cholesterol species are important for elimination of cholesterol from the brain. Plasma concentrations of 24-hydroxycholesterol (24-OH-Chol) in the internal jugular vein and the brachial artery in healthy volunteers were consistent with a net flux of this steroid from the brain into the circulation, corresponding to elimination of approximately 4 mg cholesterol during a 24-h period in adults. Results of experiments with rats exposed to 18O2 were also consistent with a flux of 24-OH-Chol from the brain into the circulation. No other oxysterol measured showed a similar behavior as 24-OH-Chol. These results and the finding that the concentration of 24-OH-Chol was 30- to 1500-fold higher in the brain than in any other organ except the adrenals indicate that the major part of 24-OH-Chol present in the circulation originates from the brain. Both the 24-OH-Chol present in the brain and in the circulation were the 24S-stereoisomer. In contrast to other oxysterols, levels of plasma 24-OH-Chol were found to be markedly dependent upon age. The ratio between 24-OH-Chol and cholesterol in plasma was approximately 5 times higher during the first decade of life than during the sixth decade. There was a high correlation between levels of 24-OH-Chol in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid. It is suggested that the flux of 24-OH-Chol from the brain is important for cholesterol homeostasis in this organ.
Purpose: The primary goal of this exploratory study is to demonstrate that distress screening across the course of cancer treatment is possible and provides valuable information about patient needs over time. Distress screening is aligned with guidelines from national accrediting organizations and may lead to improved health-related quality of life, satisfaction with medical care, and possibly survival.Methods: Medical, surgical, and radiation oncology patients completed a screening instrument before their appointments during a six-month period. Patients indicated their level of distress on four domains (practical, emotional, health and social concerns). De-identified data was collected, aggregated and descriptive statistics were analyzed.Results: Approximately 3000 screens were collected and 1500 cancer patients were screened. Of patients who indicated distress, 54% demonstrated a distress level of five or greater. Distress level eight was the most frequent level of distress indicated. The Cancer Dietitian was the most commonly requested healthcare team provider. The Health Concern domain was most frequently endorsed.Conclusion: NCCN, IOM and COC guidelines recommend distress screening in all cancer treatment centers, however implementation has proven difficult. This study adds to the literature about distress in cancer patients, demonstrates the feasibility of repeated distress screening and provides a model program demonstrating the implementation of repeated distress screening at a community cancer center. Findings highlight the importance of supportive oncology services due to the prevalence of high levels of distress. Findings demonstrate the importance of the Cancer Dietitian in supportive cancer care. Additionally, the research reveals a potential perceived stigma in seeking psychosocial oncology services.
Fueron las actuaciones que van de 1500 a 1516 las que hicieron destacar a la diplomacia y el ejército de la Monarquía Hispánica que en estos 16 años consiguieron la total incorporación de Nápoles a la Corona y una muy buena red diplomática y militar en Italia tan efectiva que logran derrotar dos veces a Luis XII de Francia. Baste con leer las palabras que Maquiavelo dedicó a Fernando el Católico en Il Principe en el capítulo XII dedicado a los príncipes que han sabido hacerse estimados. A Maquiavelo no se le ocurre un mejor ejemplo de una mezcla entre príncipe hereditario y príncipe nuevo, dado que hereda el reino de Aragón, pero él se convirtió en rey de España y por su gloria el primer rey de la Cristiandad. Bajo la lupa del embajador florentino, Fernando siempre ha hecho hazañas raras como la conquista de Granada, las guerras de África e Italia o ataques a Francia, y además Fernando el Católico las ha ido encdenando una tras otra de manera que ha conseguido poner los esfuerzos de sus súbditos en estas hazañas, sin dejarles tiempo para la conspiración.Además, la red diplomática y militar de Fernando, en manos de Carlos V y Felipe II, conseguirá, no el equilibrio italiano con el que Fernando soñaba, sino una verdadera hegemonía de la Monarquía Hispánica en la Península Italiana. La Biblioteca Histórica de Marques de Valdecilla es el lugar idóneo en el que desarrollar la exposición dado el fondo bibliográfico que tiene. Uno de los puntos fuertes son las distintas obras que tiene del propio fundador de la Universidad Complutense, el Cardenal Francisco Jiménez de Cisneros, coetáneo a los hechos que queremos exponer. De hecho, es impresionante el ingente número de biografías del propio Cisneros que guarda la biblioteca. Además, fruto del apoyo de la monarquía y de la importancia misma de la Universidad Complutense, tenemos un alto número de historias de varios lugares y personajes. Además, los fondos provenientes del Colegio de los Jesuitas combinan bien con los fondos propios, con lo que se enriquece el resultado final de 60 obras estudiadas.Además, se demuestra el carácter internacional de los fondos, dado que se pueden encontrar obras en francés, italiano y catalán que ayudan a comprender la circulación de textos en diferentes idiomas desde el siglo XVI.
Las transformaciones padecidas por los musulmanes de Granada a raíz de la conversión masiva de 1499-1500 se reflejan en el cambio antroponímico inicial y su evolución durante el siglo XVI. En este estudio se evalúa la autenticidad de los nombres árabes en los documentos castellanos y se propone una metodología onomástica que abarca dos sistemas diversos (el árabe y el castellano) y que permite un cierto grado de sincretismo. La onomástica comparativa (sincrónica y diacrónica) desde la Edad Media hasta la Moderna, con muestras de otros colectivos permite calibrar el grado de aculturación de los moriscos y descubrir patrones de comportamiento cultural que resultan difícilmente discernibles por otros medios.
Two letters in which Tudor carefully debates the merits of careers in law versus mercantilism, and discusses the business prospects of several young merchants, a journey Tudor took with his brother, Frederic, throughout New England, and the state of politics, including the election to Congress of James Otis, and Thomas Jefferson’s prospects for the presidency.
This group of records contains deeds and related documents for a selection of properties owned by Harvard University in Boston and possibly Cambridge and other nearby communities through the mid 1940s. Documents include deeds, assignments of mortgages, receipts, correspondence, and other legal documents. Many of the documents record property transfers prior to Harvard's acquisition of the property, and often the documents do not fully identify Harvard's involvement with the property. The bulk of the documents date from the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Title supplied by cataloger.
Biography of Banū Begam, surnamed Mumtāz Maḥall, and known as Tāj Bībī, wife of Shāh Jahān, and of the buildings connected with her name.