540 resultados para Solidification.


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A novel process based on the principle of layered photolithography has been proposed and tested for making real three-dimensional micro-structures. An experimental setup was designed and built for doing experiments on this micro-fabrication process. An ultraviolet (UV) excimer laser at the wavelength of 248 nm was used as the light source and a single piece of photo-mask carrying a series of two dimensional (2D) patterns sliced from a three dimensional (3D) micro-part was employed for the photolithography process. The experiments were conducted on the solidification of liquid photopolymer from single layer to multiple layers. The single-layer photolithography experiments showed that certain photopolymers could be applied for the 3D micro-fabrication, and solid layers with sharp shapes could be formed from the liquid polymer identified. By using a unique alignment technique, multiple layers of photolithography was successfully realized for a micro-gear with features at 60 microns. Electroforming was also conducted for converting the photopolymer master to a metal cavity of the micro-gear, which proved that the process is feasible for micro-molding.


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Uno de los eventos jurídicos más importantes del siglo XX, sin duda, ha sido la consolidación del derecho internacional de los derechos humanos. Instrumentos internacionales y mecanismos de protección se han puesto en funcionamiento y afianzado, tanto a nivel global como regional. No obstante, en muchos casos, este desarrollo de principios, normas y órganos de protección a nivel internacional no se ha reflejado en iguales progresos en ámbito nacional. Lo cual permite todavía afirmar que si bien la universalización de los derechos ha sido una etapa sustancial para la consolidación de la protección de los derechos humanos el desafío sigue siendo el hacerlos efectivos. El artículo lleva a cabo un examen de la jurisprudencia de los países de la región que permite llegar a la consideración que se están produciendo importantes avances en este terreno y cada vez más los altos tribunales de varios países de la región utilizan como parámetro de interpretación la jurisprudencia de la Corte Interamericana para resolver cuestiones internas y concluir que en Latinoamérica, gracias a la influencia integradora de la Convención Americana y de la jurisprudencia de la Corte Interamericana con la jurisprudencia nacional, se está lentamente consolidado lo que podría ser definido como un estándar mínimo común en materia de protección de los derechos humanos. Un núcleo fundamental o esencial de derechos que poco a poco se va imponiendo en los países miembros dando origen a un nuevo ius commune para Latinoamérica.


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Recent experimental evidence underlines the importance of reduced diffusivity in amorphous semi-solid or glassy atmospheric aerosols. This paper investigates the impact of diffusivity on the ageing of multi-component reactive organic particles representative of atmospheric cooking aerosols. We apply and extend the recently developed KM-SUB model in a study of a 12-component mixture containing oleic and palmitoleic acids. We demonstrate that changes in the diffusivity may explain the evolution of chemical loss rates in ageing semi-solid particles, and we resolve surface and bulk processes under transient reaction conditions considering diffusivities altered by oligomerisation. This new model treatment allows prediction of the ageing of mixed organic multi-component aerosols over atmospherically relevant time scales and conditions. We illustrate the impact of changing diffusivity on the chemical half-life of reactive components in semisolid particles, and we demonstrate how solidification and crust formation at the particle surface can affect the chemical transformation of organic aerosols.


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Recent experimental evidence underlines the importance of reduced diffusivity in amorphous semi-solid or glassy atmospheric aerosols. This paper investigates the impact of diffusivity on the ageing of multi-component reactive organic particles approximating atmospheric cooking aerosols. We apply and extend the recently developed KMSUB model in a study of a 12-component mixture containing oleic and palmitoleic acids. We demonstrate that changes in the diffusivity may explain the evolution of chemical loss rates in ageing semi-solid particles, and we resolve surface and bulk processes under transient reaction conditions considering diffusivities altered by oligomerisation. This new model treatment allows prediction of the ageing of mixed organic multi-component aerosols over atmospherically relevant timescales and conditions. We illustrate the impact of changing diffusivity on the chemical half-life of reactive components in semi-solid particles, and we demonstrate how solidification and crust formation at the particle surface can affect the chemical transformation of organic aerosols.


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The electrospinning of urethane based low molecular weight polymers differing only in the nature of the hydrogen bonding end-groups has been investigated. For the end-groups with the lowest binding constants at maximum solubility only droplets, are produced at the electrode; in contrast, increasing the binding constant of the end-group results in electrospun fibres being produced. The properties of the fibres produced are subject to changes in solvent, concentration and temperature. Typical diameters for these fibres were found to be some 10 s of μm, rather than the sub-micron dimensions often produced in electrospinning systems. Such diameters are related to the high initial concentrations required; this also may influence the rate of solvent removal and preferential surface solidification which feature in these examples. A simple theoretical model is used to relate the association constant to the molecular weight required for fibre formation; significantly lower levels of association are required for higher molecular weight macromonomers compared to smaller molecular systems.


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A morphological instability of a mushy layer due to a forced flow in the melt is analysed. The instability is caused by flow induced in the mushy layer by Bernoulli suction at the crests of a sinusoidally perturbed mush–melt interface. The flow in the mushy layer advects heat away from crests which promotes solidification. Two linear stability analyses are presented: the fundamental mechanism for instability is elucidated by considering the case of uniform flow of an inviscid melt; a more complete analysis is then presented for the case of a parallel shear flow of a viscous melt. The novel instability mechanism we analyse here is contrasted with that investigated by Gilpin et al. (1980) and is found to be more potent for the case of newly forming sea ice.


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A morphological instability of a mushy layer due to a forced flow in the melt is analysed. The instability is caused by flow induced in the mushy layer by Bernoulli suction at the crests of a sinusoidally perturbed mush–melt interface. The flow in the mushy layer advects heat away from crests which promotes solidification. Two linear stability analyses are presented: the fundamental mechanism for instability is elucidated by considering the case of uniform flow of an inviscid melt; a more complete analysis is then presented for the case of a parallel shear flow of a viscous melt. The novel instability mechanism we analyse here is contrasted with that investigated by Gilpin et al. (1980) and is found to be more potent for the case of newly forming sea ice.


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The Ibituruna quartz-syenite was emplaced as a sill in the Ribeira-Aracuai Neoproterozoic belt (Southeastern Brazil) during the last stages of the Gondwana supercontinent amalgamation. We have measured the Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) in samples from the Ibituruna sill to unravel its magnetic fabric that is regarded as a proxy for its magmatic fabric. A large magnetic anisotropy, dominantly due to magnetite, and a consistent magnetic fabric have been determined over the entire Ibituruna massif. The magmatic foliation and lineation are strikingly parallel to the solid-state mylonitic foliation and lineation measured in the country-rock. Altogether, these observations suggest that the Ibituruna sill was emplaced during the high temperature (similar to 750 degrees C) regional deformation and was deformed before full solidification coherently with its country-rock. Unexpectedly, geochronological data suggest a rather different conclusion. LA-ICP-MS and SHRIMP ages of zircons from the Ibituruna quartz-syenite are in the range 530-535 Ma and LA-ICP-MS ages of zircons and monazites from synkinematic leucocratic veins in the country-rocks suggest a crystallization at similar to 570-580 Ma, i.e., an HT deformation >35My older than the emplacement of the Ibituruna quartz-syenite. Conclusions from the structural and the geochronological studies are therefore conflicting. A possible explanation arises from (40)Ar-(39)Ar thermochronology. We have dated amphiboles from the quartz-syenite, and amphiboles and biotites from the country-rock. Together with the ages of monazites and zircons in the country-rock, (40)Ar-(39)Ar mineral ages suggest a very low cooling rate: <3 degrees C/My between 570 and similar to 500 Ma and similar to 5 degrees C/My between 500 and 460 Ma. Assuming a protracted regional deformation consistent over tens of My, under such stable thermal conditions the fabric and microstructure of deformed rocks may remain almost unchanged even if they underwent and recorded strain pulses separated by long periods of time. This may be a characteristic of slow cooling ""hot orogens"" that rocks deformed at significantly different periods during the orogeny, but under roughly unchanged temperature conditions, may display almost indiscernible microstructure and fabric. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Allvac 718 Plus and Haynes 282 are relatively new precipitation hardening nickel based superalloys with good high temperature mechanical properties. In addition, the weldability of these superalloys enhances easy fabrication. The combination of high temperature capabilities and superior weldability is unmatched by other precipitation hardening superalloys and linked to the amount of the γ’ hardening precipitates in the materials. Hence, it is these properties that make Allvac 718 Plus and Haynes 282 desirable in the manufacture of hot sections of aero engine components. Studies show that cast products are less weldable than wrought products. Segregation of elements in the cast results in inhomogeneous composition which consequently diminishes weldability. Segregation during solidification of the cast products results in dendritic microstructure with the segregating elements occupying interdendritic regions. These segregating elements are trapped in secondary phases present alongside γ matrix. Studies show that in Allvac 718Plus, the segregating phase is Laves while in Haynes 282 the segregating phase is not yet fully determined. Thus, the present study investigated the effects of homogenization heat treatments in eliminating segregation in cast Allvac 718 Plus and Haynes 282. Paramount to the study was the effect of different homogenization temperatures and dwell time in the removal of the segregating phases. Experimental methods used to both qualify and quantify the segregating phases included SEM, EDX analysis, manual point count and macro Vickers hardness tests. Main results show that there is a reduction in the segregating phases in both materials as homogenization proceeds hence a disappearance of the dendritic structure. In Allvac 718 Plus, plate like structures is observed to be closely associated with the Laves phase at low temperatures and dwell times. In addition, Nb is found to be segregating in the interdendritic areas. The expected trend of increase in Laves as a result of the dissolution of the plate like structures at the initial stage of homogenization is only detectable for few cases. In Haynes 282, white and grey phases are clearly distinguished and Mo is observed to be segregating in interdendritic areas.


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Por mais que a informatização esteja avançada (interligação por meio da rede internet de computadores entre os órgãos e entidades públicas pelo Estado), máquina alguma substituirá os dramas do homem contemporâneo, principalmente aqueles que sempre estiveram alijados da cidadania. O presente estudo traz à baila as reflexões e discussões acadêmicas desenvolvidas ao longo das mais de 700 horas/aulas do curso de mestrado em Poder Judiciário, turma 2010. Longe de ser uma unanimidade o Poder Judiciário é um poder do Estado que representa antes de tudo a capacidade e a prerrogativa de julgar, de acordo com as regras constitucionais e das leis criadas pelo Poder Legislativo em determinado país. É um dos mais sólidos pilares nas democracias e um perigoso algoz nos regimes absolutos. Apesar desta importância e de no Brasil ser um poder sólido que já demonstrou sua importância para a garantia da solidificação da democracia, são poucos os estudos sobre o Judiciário, poucos e iniciais são as pesquisas sérias sobre este poder de suma importância para a sociedade, para economia e para as instituições. Como, também, não é espanto quando vemos que fato repetitivo que a maior insatisfação ou reclamação da sociedade reside na morosidade das soluções judiciais traduzida pela alta taxa de litigiosidade da justiça brasileira. O Poder Judiciário é objeto de estudos sistemáticos, contínuos e avançados em diversos países que já demonstraram a importância de se conhecer bem as suas propostas, os resultados das suas atividades, funções e os seus gastos, pois, o seu “negócio”é a resolução dos conflitos da sociedade de forma a contribuir com a pacificação da mesma através de uma ordem jurídica justa. Os estudos realizados nos Estados Unidos, Alemanha e Espanha, como exemplo, demonstram que conhecer bem o judiciário é o primeiro passo para melhor gerenciá-lo. Assim, deve-se menção e reconhecimento no investimento realizado pela Fundação Getúlio Vargas em promover com destaque o presente Mestrado em Poder Judiciário. A FGV é uma das poucas instituições privadas que tem como um dos seus objetivos o preparo pessoal, extrapolando as fronteiras do ensino com avanços significativos nas áreas da pesquisa e da informação. No mesmo caminho da qualificação profissional de seus magistrados e servidores e na vanguarda da gestão judiciária, o Tribunal de Justiça do Distrito Federal e dos Territórios, investiu e acreditou na proposta de estudos e pesquisas do presente mestrado, merecendo, significativamente, os elogios e agradecimentos pela visão de futuro e investimento realizado no conhecimento que é sempre importante e necessário. A dissertação em comento representa primeiramente uma visão contraposta ao modelo de política pública encampada pelo Conselho Nacional de Justiça, através da Resolução 125 de 29 de novembro de 2010, cujo objeto é o tratamento adequado dos conflitos de interesse no âmbito do Poder Judiciário, representando, assim, interesse especial de pesquisa científica por se tratar de uma política nacional judiciária a ser adotada, obrigatoriamente, por todos os Tribunais de Justiça do país. Além deste aspecto supra referido, reside, também, o fato do ineditismo deste estudo e pesquisa, especificamente, porque essa política pública judiciária aborda aspectos e variáveis novas no tratamento das atividades e das funções próprias do Poder Judiciário quando propõem, como exemplo, o tratamento dos conflitos considerados pré processuais. Outro aspecto importante merecedor de atenção no estudo reflete-se na discussão do modelo de política pública que, em premissa vênia, deveria ser tratado em caráter geral republicando do Estado e não particularizado em um dos seus entes, mesmo que pareça ser, constitucionalmente, pressuposto da alçada do Poder Judiciário tratar exclusivamente do problema da altíssima litigiosidade e do baixo resultado de resposta à demanda posta para seu controle. Este estudo, tem como objetivo demonstrar que a resolução 125/2010 do CNJ é insuficiente para resolver os problemas de congestionamento e morosidade da Justiça brasileira, como preconizada, isso porque, o modelo que se propõe para combater o problema da morosidade é restrito e está “contaminado” pela idéia do monopólio da jurisdição ou por uma espécie similar que traz para o âmbito do judiciário uma nova atividade de trabalho, a qual é relacionada com a solução do conflito pré-processual a qual deveria fazer parte de uma política pública geral não restrita a um poder republicano. A correspondência dos argumentos com a materialização utilizada para o problema será comprovada nas linhas que se seguem, pois, assuntos com grande abrangência como as soluções judiciais devem, preferencialmente, adotar mecanismos públicos de caráter geral para uma boa solução. Nesse sentido, o trabalho demonstrará que as tentativas recorrentes em superar o problema da alta demanda judicial está restrita a modelos insuficientes abrangidos por um monopólio que não deveria ser aplicado para solucionar problemas pré processuais no âmbito do Poder Judiciário. Constitui, pois, um contraponto à idéia de efetividade na redução da demanda judicial tradicional 1 como prevista pela política pública judiciária frente ao monopólio da jurisdição, ou seja, frente à reserva que detém o Judiciário na promoção e gestão de uma nova atividade – o tratamento dos conflitos de interesse pré-processual por meio dos instrumentos de autocomposição, notadamente as conciliações e mediações. Apresentam-se, igualmente, neste trabalho proposições legislativas que dão o suporte material às idéias apresentadas, caracterizando a comprovação de viabilidade entre a apresentação do problema científico, as justificativas para o enfrentamento do problema e uma solução para o mesmo, como vista a modernizar uma política pública. Importante reafirmar que o escopo do presente trabalho não reside na observação própria dos modelos e técnicas de resolução de conflitos, notadamente as conciliações e mediações, incentivadas pelo CNJ, ou nos modelos arbitragem. Ao contrário, espera-se que todas as tentativas que possam melhorar e modernizar os atuais serviços judiciais no Brasil sejam válidas, eficazes e são muito bem vindas, pois, é uma tentativa positiva para melhorar o atual cenário em que se encontra o Poder Judiciário quando é confrontado em seu acesso à justiça, rapidez, confiabilidade e segurança nos seus julgamentos.


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This study presents itself as a contribution to the solidification of the Natural Gas industry, within the scope of the development of new products. The goal of this paper is to analyze the factors that lead to the success of new products through the evaluation of the activities done during the process of development of these products in the Natural Gas sector. To achieve this goal a case study was done in a small company of this segment. At first, as a basis for the study, a bibliographical research was done with books, theses, dissertations, monographies, publications in national and international periodicals, congress annals and publications in the internet related to the subject. Afterwards, a case study was done, aiming at the acquisition of further knowledge about the real process of development of products in a small company of the Natural Gas sector, allowing for the performance of the evaluation. The case study was done at Gas Project and Systems do Brasil, a company that works with the development of electronic equipment to the conversion of car engines to natural gas, through direct observations and interviews with the person responsible for the development and management of products. Through the evaluation of the process it was observed that the activities related to it are done in an informal way and some activities are considered unnecessary for their success. The results also suggest an emphasis in the technological activities, something that was not observed in the activities related to the market. The instruments used in this evaluation prove to be efficient to evaluate the process of development of new products in other companies, including those of different areas. Taking into account the relevance of the studied theme to the strengthening of the Natural Gas industry, it is necessary to do further complementary studies


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One of the waste generated during the drilling of oil wells are gravel which are impregnated of drilling fluid. This residue consists of highly toxic chemicals, including toxic metals. This study suggests an alternative process to the treatment of this waste, by incorporating it the form of raw material in the ceramic matrix , and by solidification and stabilize the metals present, Aluminum (Al), Iron (Fe), Manganese (Mn) and Zinc (Zn). The raw materials were characterized by the techniques of X ray fluorescence (FRX), X ray diffraction (DRX), laser granulometry (GL), thermogravimetry (TG) and differential thermal analysis (ADT). To evaluate the percentage of gravel effect the environmental and technological properties were obtained from formulations containing 0, 10 and 20 % by weight of gravel in the ceramic matrix. After sintering at temperatures 1080, 1120 and 1160 °C, the samples were tested for water absorption, the linear shrinkage firing, voltage of rupture and solubility. The results obtained showed that the stabilization by solidification, is a viable alternative to safe disposal of waste drilling. Ceramics products can be used in the manufacture of solid bricks