1000 resultados para SilkPerformer 2008
Big sports events like the 2008 European Football Championship are a challenge for anti-doping activities, particularly when the sports event is hosted by two different countries and there are two laboratories accredited by the World Anti-Doping Agency. This challenges the logistics of sample collection as well as the chemical analyses, which must be carried out timeously. The following paper discusses the handling of whereabouts information for each athlete and the therapeutic use exemption system, experiences in sample collection and transportation of blood and urine samples, and the results of the chemical analysis in two different accredited laboratories. An overview of the analytical results of blood profiling and growth hormone testing in comparison with the distribution of the normal population is also presented.
BACKGROUND: Since the late nineties, no study has assessed the trends in management and in-hospital outcome of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in Switzerland. Our objective was to fill this gap. METHODS: Swiss hospital discharge database for years 1998 to 2008. AMI was defined as a primary discharge diagnosis code I21 according to the ICD10 classification. Invasive treatments and overall in-hospital mortality were assessed. RESULTS: Overall, 102,729 hospital discharges with a diagnosis of AMI were analyzed. The percentage of hospitalizations with a stay in an Intensive Care Unit decreased from 38.0% in 1998 to 36.2% in 2008 (p for trend < 0.001). Percutaneous revascularizations increased from 6.0% to 39.9% (p for trend < 0.001). Bare stents rose from 1.3% to 16.6% (p for trend < 0.001). Drug eluting stents appeared in 2004 and increased to 23.5% in 2008 (p for trend < 0.001). Coronary artery bypass graft increased from 1.0% to 3.0% (p for trend < 0.001). Circulatory assistance increased from 0.2% to 1.7% (p for trend < 0.001). Among patients managed in a single hospital (not transferred), seven-day and total in-hospital mortality decreased from 8.0% to 7.0% (p for trend < 0.01) and from 11.2% to 10.1%, respectively. These changes were no longer significant after multivariate adjustment for age, gender, region, revascularization procedures and transfer type. After multivariate adjustment, differing trends in revascularization procedures and in in-hospital mortality were found according to the geographical region considered. CONCLUSION: In Switzerland, a steep rise in hospital discharges and in revascularization procedures for AMI occurred between 1998 and 2008. The increase in revascularization procedures could explain the decrease in in-hospital mortality rates.
La población femenina y la indígena del Ecuador han presentado continuamente desigualdades de ingresos respecto a la población masculina y a la no indígena, respectivamente. El presente trabajo reporta que una parte de las diferencias salariales a favor de los hombres y de la población no indígena es resultado de la discriminación salarial por razones de género y etnia. Este resultado se ha obtenido estimando ecuaciones mincerianas de ingresos corrigiendo el problema de se sgo de selección muestral y utilizando la metodología de descomposición de las brechas salariales de Oaxaca (1973) y Newmak (1988) también corregidas por el problema de sesgo de selección muestral.
Background: Second generation surveillance is a central feature of HIV/AIDS policy in Switzerland. Behavioural surveys in the general population, men having sex with men (MSM) and injecting drug users (IDU) have been regularly conducted since the early nineties. After peaking at 2144 cases in 1991, the number of new HIV cases notified to the Ministry of Health decreased in each subpopulation until 2000 (n=578) and then rose again to 735 in 2006. The recent increase is mainly due to MSM. Methods: In the general population, representative cross-sectional telephone surveys have been conducted 11 times since 1987. Surveys in convenience samples of MSM, recruited through gay newspapers and gay organisations, have been conducted 5 times since 1992. Surveys among IDU's attending needle exchange programmes have been conducted 5 times since 1993. Condom statistics, available since 1986, are included in the behavioural surveillance system. Results: In the general population aged 17-30, systematic condom use with casual partners in the last six months increased from 8.0% in 1987 to 75.8% in 2007. The proportion of MSM reporting anal intercourse with casual partners in the last 12 months increased from 61% in 1992 to 79% in 2007 (lowest value 56% in 1994) and unprotected anal intercourse with these partners increased from 14 % in 1992 to 24% in 2007 (lowest value 9% in 1994). The proportion of IDUs reporting borrowing used injection equipment decreased from 16.5% in 1993 to 8.9% in 2006. The ratio condoms released to retail/population aged 15-65 increased from 1.68 in 1986 to 3.8 in 2006. Conclusions: It has been possible to maintain a coherent behavioural surveillance system on a long-term basis, allowing for the monitoring of HIV prevention policy outcome and forseeing the development and distribution of new HIV cases in the population.
La campanya electoral de Barack Obama per guanyar les eleccions nord-americanes l'any 2008 s'ha convertit en el referent de les e-campanyes. En aquesta investigació es fa una anàlisi de l'estratègia que va plantejar el candidat demòcrata a internet enfront les que van plantejar els principls candidats a les Eleccions Generals espanyoles el 2011: Mariano Rajoy (PP), Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba (PSOE) i Josep Antoni Duran i Lleida (CiU). La investigació es planteja des de l'àmbit de la comunicació política a través d'una perspectiva comparativa i pren, fonamentalment, caràcter qualitatiu.
Le motif de la ruse est une constante de l'imaginaire africain et ses figures, souvent animales dans les contes, attestent de la valeur symbolique de cet art du stratagème. Avec la complicité du roman d'H. Bâ, L'étrange destin de Wangrin, et celui d'A. Kourouma, Monnè, outrages et défis, nous allons montrer que la ruse et le rusé ont subi une métamorphose en devenant des pratiques textuelles. La ruse littéraire donne voix à « l'autre » et la langue construite sous ce signe-là est le lieu d'une prise de pouvoir, celle de sa propre énonciation.
Estudio de minería de datos sobre las causas del abandono de los estudiantes de una carrera de la UOC