878 resultados para Sheet metal cutting processes,


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The development of electrochemical processes for the conversion of CO2 into value-added products allows innovative carbon capture & utilization (CCU) instead of carbon capture & storage (CCS). In addition, coupling this conversion with renewable energy sources would make it possible to chemically store electricity from these intermittent renewable sources. The electroreduction of CO2 to formate in aqueous solution has been performed using Sn particles deposited over a carbon support. The effect of the particle size and Sn metal loading has been evaluated using cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometry. The selected electrode has been tested on an experimental filter-press type cell system for continuous and single pass CO2 electroreduction to obtain formate as main product at ambient pressure and temperature. Experimental results show that using electrodes with 0.75 mg Sn cm−2, 150 nm Sn particles, and working at a current density of 90 mA cm−2, it is possible to achieve rates of formate production over 3.2 mmol m−2 s−1 and faradaic efficiencies around 70% for 90 min of continuous operation. These experimental conditions allow formate concentrations of about 1.5 g L−1 to be obtained on a continuous mode and with a single pass of catholyte through the cell.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the Soviet Army topographic sheet map covering a portion of the Zhejiang Sheng region, China (map quadrangle number: H-50-XXIV). It is from a series of Soviet Army topographic maps of China 1:200,000. The source map was published in 1979. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the Pulkovo 1942 GK Zone 20N projection. Map collar information from the source map have been cropped and are not available as part of the raster image. China 1:200,000 topographic maps were prepared and printed by the Soviet Army General Headquarters, 1976-1991. China 1:200,000 maps are in Russian. Each source map in the series is printed in color. China 1:200,000 maps are typical topographic maps portraying both natural and manmade features. They show and name works of nature, such as mountains, valleys, lakes, rivers, vegetation, etc. They also identify the principal works and structures of humans, such as roads, railroads, paths, walls, boundaries, transmission lines, major buildings, etc. Relief is shown with standard contour intervals of 40 meters and/or spot heights.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the Soviet Army topographic sheet map covering a portion of the Zhejiang Sheng region, China (map quadrangle number: H-50-XXX). It is from a series of Soviet Army topographic maps of China 1:200,000. Published in 1979, the source map was compiled from maps 1:100,000 published in 1977; corrected according to source material, 1970-1975. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the Pulkovo 1942 GK Zone 20N projection. Map collar information from the source map have been cropped and are not available as part of the raster image. China 1:200,000 topographic maps were prepared and printed by the Soviet Army General Headquarters, 1976-1991. China 1:200,000 maps are in Russian. Each source map in the series is printed in color. China 1:200,000 maps are typical topographic maps portraying both natural and manmade features. They show and name works of nature, such as mountains, valleys, lakes, rivers, vegetation, etc. They also identify the principal works and structures of humans, such as roads, railroads, paths, walls, boundaries, transmission lines, major buildings, etc. Relief is shown with standard contour intervals of 40 meters and/or spot heights.


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The diffraction pattern of Fe3O4 (not shown) confirmed the presence of only one phase, corresponding to magnetite with a lattice parameter a = 8.357 Å and a crystallite size of 16.6 ± 0.2 nm. The diffraction pattern of MGNC (not shown) confirmed the presence of a graphitic phase, in addition to the metal phase, suggesting that Fe3O4 nanoparticles were successfully encapsulated within a graphitic structure during the synthesis of MGNC. The core-shell structure of MGNC is unequivocally demonstrated in the TEM micrograph shown in Fig. 1b. Characterization of the MGNC textural and surface chemical properties revealed: (i) stability up to 400 oC under oxidizing atmosphere; (ii) 27.3 wt.% of ashes (corresponding to the mass fraction of Fe3O4); (iii) a micro-mesoporous structure with a fairly well developed specific surface area (SBET = 330 m2 g-1); and (iv) neutral character (pHPZC = 7.1). In addition, the magnetic nature of MGNC (Fig. 2) is an additional advantage for possible implementation of in situ magnetic separation systems for catalyst recovery.


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Based on a synthetic strategy, extended anionic, homo and bimetallic oxalato-bridged transition-metal compounds with two (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) connectivities can be synthesized and crystallized. Thereby, the choice of the templating counterions will determine the crystal chemistry. Since the oxalato bridge is a mediator for both antiferro and ferromagnetic interactions between similar and dissimilar metal ions, long-range magnetic ordering will occur. Examples of the determination of magnetic structures in 2D and 3D compounds by means of elastic neutron scattering methods will be discussed. In addition, due to the possibility of the variation of different metal ions in varying oxidation states, interesting photophysical processes can be observed within the extended three-dimensional host/guest systems.


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Polymeric two- and three-dimensional, homo- and heterometallic oxalatebridged coordination compounds offer exciting opportunities, mainly in the fields of molecular magnetism and photophysics. Given that a large variety of magnetic phenomena have been reported so far from these molecular magnets, very limited experience is gained from elastic neutron scattering experiments. Therefore, with two examples, we will address the topic of the elucidation of magnetic structures by means of the neutron scattering technique. In addition, due to the possibility of the variation of different metal ions in varying oxidation states, interesting photophysical processes can be observed within the extended three-dimensional host/guest systems.


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Benthic foraminiferal d13C and Cd/Ca studies suggest that deep Atlantic circulation during the Last Glacial Maximum was very different from today, with high-nutrient (low d13C, high Cd) deep Southern Ocean Water (SOW) penetrating far into the North Atlantic. However, if some glacial d13C values are biased by productivity artifacts and/or air-sea exchange processes, then the existing d13C data may be consistent with the continual dominance of North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW). Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi Cd/Ca results presented here indicate that the glacial North Atlantic was strongly enriched in dissolved Cd below ~2500 m depth. If NADW formation was still vigorous relative to SOW formation, these data could be explained by either increased preformed nutrient levels in the high-latitude North Atlantic or by increased organic matter remineralization within lower NADW. High glacial Zn/Ca values in the same samples, however, are best explained by a substantially increased mixing with Zn-rich SOW. The cause was most likely a partial replacement of NADW by less dense Glacial North Atlantic Intermediate Water. This reorganization also lowered deep North Atlantic [CO3]2- concentrations by perhaps 10 to 15 µmol/kg.


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Bibliography: p. 82.


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The tensile deformation behavior of a range of supersaturated Mg-Al solid solutions and an as-cast magnesium alloy AM60 has been studied. The Mg-Al alloys were tested at room temperature while the alloy AM60 was tested in the temperature range 293-573 K. The differences in the deformation behavior of the alloys is discussed in terms of hardening and softening processes. In order to identify which processes were active, the stress dependence of the strain-hardening coefficient was assessed using Lukac and Balik's model of hardening and softening. The analysis indicates that hardening involves solid solution hardening and interaction with forest dislocations and non-dislocation obstacles such as second phase particles. Cross slip is not a significant recovery process in the temperature range 293-423 K. At temperatures between 473 and 523 K the analysis suggests that softening is controlled by cross slip and climb of dislocations. At temperatures above 523 K softening seems to be controlled by dynamic recrystallisation. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Specific cutting energy (SE) has been widely used to assess the rock cuttability for mechanical excavation purposes. Some prediction models were developed for SE through correlating rock properties with SE values. However, some of the textural and compositional rock parameters i.e. texture coefficient and feldspar, mafic, and felsic mineral contents were not considered. The present study is to investigate the effects of previously ignored rock parameters along with engineering rock properties on SE. Mineralogical and petrographic analyses, rock mechanics, and linear rock cutting tests were performed on sandstone samples taken from sites around Ankara, Turkey. Relationships between SE and rock properties were evaluated using bivariate correlation and linear regression analyses. The tests and subsequent analyses revealed that the texture coefficient and feldspar content of sandstones affected rock cuttability, evidenced by significant correlations between these parameters and SE at a 90% confidence level. Felsic and mafic mineral contents of sandstones did not exhibit any statistically significant correlation against SE. Cementation coefficient, effective porosity, and pore volume had good correlations against SE. Poisson's ratio, Brazilian tensile strength, Shore scleroscope hardness, Schmidt hammer hardness, dry density, and point load strength index showed very strong linear correlations against SE at confidence levels of 95% and above, all of which were also found suitable to be used in predicting SE individually, depending on the results of regression analysis, ANOVA, Student's t-tests, and R2 values. Poisson's ratio exhibited the highest correlation with SE and seemed to be the most reliable SE prediction tool in sandstones.


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To evaluate the extent of human impact on a pristine Antarctic environment, natural baseline levels of trace metals have been established in the basement rocks of the Larsemann Hills, East Antarctica. From a mineralogical and geochemical point of view the Larsemann Hills basement is relatively homogeneous, and contains high levels of Pb, Th and U. These may become soluble during the relatively mild Antarctic summer and be transported to lake waters by surface and subsurface melt water. Melt waters may also be locally enriched in V, Cr, Co, Ni, Zn and Sri derived from weathering of metabasite pods. With a few notable exceptions, the trace metal concentrations measured in the Larsemann Hills lake waters can be entirely accounted for by natural processes such as sea spray and surface melt water input. Thus, the amount of trace metals released by weathering of basement lithologies and dispersed into the Larsemann Hills environment, and presumably in similar Antarctic environments, is, in general, not negligible, and may locally be substantial. The Larsemann Hills sediments are coarse-grained and contain minute amounts of clay-size particles, although human activities have contributed to the generation of fine-grained material at the most impacted sites. Irrespective of their origin, these small amounts of fine-grained clastic sediments have a relatively small surface area and charge, and are not as effective metal sinks as the abundant, thick cyanobacterial algal mats that cover the lake floors. Thus, the concentration of trace metals in the Larsemann Hills lake waters is regulated by biological activity and thawing-freezing cycles, rather than by the type and amount of clastic sediment supply. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Most of the hydrogen production processes are designed for large-scale industrial uses and are not suitable for a compact hydrogen device to be used in systems like solid polymer fuel cells. Integrating the reaction step, the gas purification and the heat supply can lead to small-scale hydrogen production systems. The aim of this research is to study the influence of several reaction parameters on hydrogen production using liquid phase reforming of sugar solution over Pt, Pd, and Ni supported on nanostructured supports. It was found that the desired catalytic pathway for H-2 production involves cleavage of C-C, C-H and O-H bonds that adsorb on the catalyst surface. Thus a good catalyst for production of H2 by liquid-phase reforming must facilitate C-C bond cleavage and promote removal of adsorbed CO species by the water-gas shift reaction, but the catalyst must not facilitate C-O bond cleavage and hydrogenation of CO or CO2. Apart from studying various catalysts, a commercial Pt/gamma-alumina catalyst was used to study the effect of temperature at three different temperatures of 458, 473 and 493 K. Some of the spent catalysts were characterised using TGA, SEM and XRD to study coke deposition. The amorphous and organised form of coke was found on the surface of the catalyst. (C) 2006 International Association for Hydrogen Energy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Modern procurement is being shifted from paper-based, people-intensive buying systems toward electronic-based purchase procedures that rely on Internet communications and Web-enhanced buying tools. Develops a typology of e-commerce tools that have come to characterize cutting-edge industrial procurement. E-commerce aspects of purchasing are organized into communication and transaction tools that encompass both internal and external buying activities. Further, a model of the impact of e-commerce on the structure and processes of an organization's buying center is developed. The impact of the changing buying center on procurement outcomes in terms of efficiency and effectiveness is also analyzed. Finally, implications for business-to-business marketers and researchers are discussed.