866 resultados para Satisfaction of employees


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The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between sport experiences and psychological needs satisfaction of Singapore high school athletes who were involved in inter-school competition. A total of 1250 school athletes from 22 sports participated in the study. The athletes were between 13 and 18 years old and had an average of 3 years of experience in school sport (SD=.18). Cluster analysis was employed to identify homogenous groups based on the seven developmental experiences domains of the Youth Experience Survey (YES 2.0; Hansen & Larson, 2005). A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted to determine whether differences existed among the clusters in terms of psychological needs satisfaction (i.e., sense of autonomy, perceived competence and relatedness). The results of the cluster analysis showed that there were different subgroups of athletes with distinct developmental experiences, and they varied in the degree to which their psychological needs were satisfied. Generally, subgroups that had high levels of positive experiences and low levels of negative experiences in sport had better fulfillment of psychological needs. It is important to ensure that policies and programmes are formulated, delivered and monitored effectively to promote positive experiences for youth who are involved in competitive sports.


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This dissertation examines three important issues. The first issue is about the human capital investment and entrepreneurship as a career choice. The standard human capital theory shows that firms (employees) never invest in general (firm-specific) human capital of the employee as they do not extract any return from it. However, when entrepreneurship is introduced as a career option for an innovative employee, both firm’s and employee’s human capital investments change. Employee starts investing in his firm-specific human capital to increase the probability to innovate (and to become an entrepreneur). However, the firm uses general human capital investment to reduce the risk of employee’s departure. The second issue is regarding the factors motivating entry regulations reforms and the possible nonlinear effects of entry regulation reforms. The current literature and the policy recommendations assume that these reforms have linear effects on entrepreneurship. Nevertheless, the anecdotal evidence shows that the outcomes of such reforms vary greatly from country to country. To investigate this issue, I collect a sample data on entry regulations and firm creation from World Bank. The empirical analysis indicates that the effect of entry regulation reforms depends on the pre-reform level of bureaucracy in the country. More specifically, while low-bureaucracy countries benefit from entry regulation reforms, high-bureaucracy countries do not benefit. Moreover, the probability of making a reform increases if the country has reformist neighbors, cumbersome entry regulations, high unemployment rate, or low corruption level. The last issue is related to the individual and joint effects of bureaucracy and corruption on different types of entrepreneurs. The current literature investigates these effects only on unified measures of entrepreneurship. However, entrepreneurs are very different in many senses. To address this issue, I collect the necessity-based and opportunity-based entrepreneurship data from Global Entrepreneurship Monitor. The empirical analysis yield two important results: First, bureaucracy has a direct negative (positive) effect on necessity-based (opportunity-based) entrepreneurs. Second, corruption mitigates the effect of bureaucracy for both groups of entrepreneurs. All three chapters offer useful insights and important implications to academics and policymakers.


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Purpose – Employee turnover entails considerable costs and is a major problem for the construction industry. By creating an extensive framework, this study aims to examine whether perceived work-related factors affect turnover intention in South Korean construction companies. Research design – The paper is based on the results of a questionnaire of 136 employees that was conducted and provided by a Korean construction company. Research hypotheses were tested via correlation analyses. The most influencing work-related factors, as well as differences among job levels, were determined by multiple regression analyses. Findings – Communication, immediate leaders, organizational commitment, and organizational pride substantially affect turnover intentions. All of these factors can be considered as relational factors. The most influencing factors differ among job levels. Discussion/practical implications – Immediate leaders should be aware of their role in retaining employees and enhance communication, organizational commitment and pride. This study shows how the importance of certain variables differs for groups of employees. Theoretical implications/limitations– This study is based on a sample of employees from a Korean construction company. Therefore, the generalizability of the findings has to be tested. Future research should test the proposed framework with other factors or resources. Originality/value – This study shed light on the turnover subject in the South Korean construction industry. It shows that different factors can influence turnover intention among job levels. A framework was created, which is based on 16 work-related factors including organizational factors, HRM practices and job attitudes.


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Purpose – Employee turnover entails considerable costs and is a major problem for the construction industry. By creating an extensive framework, this study aims to examine whether perceived work-related factors affect turnover intention in South Korean construction companies. Research design – The paper is based on the results of a questionnaire of 136 employees that was conducted and provided by a Korean construction company. Research hypotheses were tested via correlation analyses. The most influencing work-related factors, as well as differences among job levels, were determined by multiple regression analyses. Findings – Communication, immediate leaders, organizational commitment, and organizational pride substantially affect turnover intentions. All of these factors can be considered as relational factors. The most influencing factors differ among job levels. Discussion/practical implications – Immediate leaders should be aware of their role in retaining employees and enhance communication, organizational commitment and pride. This study shows how the importance of certain variables differs for groups of employees. Theoretical implications/limitations– This study is based on a sample of employees from a Korean construction company. Therefore, the generalizability of the findings has to be tested. Future research should test the proposed framework with other factors or resources. Originality/value – This study shed light on the turnover subject in the South Korean construction industry. It shows that different factors can influence turnover intention among job levels. A framework was created, which is based on 16 work-related factors including organizational factors, HRM practices and job attitudes.


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I studien undersöks hur arbetstagarnas arbetstillfredsställelse förändrats vis en arbetstidsförkortning. Arbetstidsförkortningens art är i form av en övergång ifrån åtta timmars arbetsdag till sex timmars arbetsdag med bibehållen heltidslön. Studien har genomförts vid ett mindre privat tjänsteföretag. Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur denna typ av arbetstidsförkortning förhåller sig till arbetstagarnas arbetstillfredsställelse och därmed öka förståelsen för de båda fenomenen. Det framkommer att arbetstagarnas arbetstillfredsställelse har förändrats sedan arbetstidsförkortningen. Gällande enskilda faktorer i arbetet har somliga faktorer minskat medan somliga faktorer ökat. I diskussionen framkommer att det föreligger en risk för ohälsa för arbetstagarna då det råder brist på stöd, minskad kontroll och ökade krav sedan arbetstidsförkortningen införts. Den föreliggande risken för ohälsa kan dock ses som acceptabel med tanke på den varierande arbetsbelastningen vilket innebär att arbetstagarna under perioder får tid för återhämtning. Trots omständigheterna råder en hög global arbetstillfredsställelse vilket i sin tur borde innebära att teorierna som brukats innehåller vissa brister då hänsyn till svängningar i arbetsbelastningen inte tagits. I resultatanalysen framkom tre teman vilka sågs relevanta för arbetstagarna och dess arbetstillfredsställelse. Dessa teman bestod av förändringar i relationer, förändringar i arbetet och förändringar i belöningar. Den teoretiska referensramen för studien innehåller förväntningsteorin, tvåfaktor teorin, kravkontroll- stödmodellen samt ansträngning- belöning- obalansmodellen. Datainsamling har skett med hjälp av fyra semistrukturerade intervjuer då respondenterna bestått av arbetstagare på det valda fallet som studerats. Studien är uppbyggt efter kvalitativ metod och har en fenomenologisk ansats. Studien har utformats i form av en fallstudie.


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No âmbito da gestão de Recursos Humanos a análise da satisfação no trabalho considera-se de grande relevância, uma vez que esta variável influencia o desempenho dos trabalhadores, a sua produtividade e, consequentemente o sucesso organizacional. Neste contexto, esta dissertação teve como objectivos analisar o nível de satisfação no trabalho dos funcionários das diferentes categorias profissionais da Câmara Municipal de Condeixa-a-Nova (CMC); verificar se as varáveis socioprofissionais, nomeadamente, a idade, o sexo, o tempo de serviço, a categoria profissional, as habilitações académicas e o tipo de vínculo que têm com a autarquia estão relacionadas com a satisfação no trabalho e analisar até que ponto as diferentes dimensões da satisfação influenciam o trabalho dos funcionários da CMC. A abordagem de investigação foi quantitativa, de âmbito estatístico descritivo e análise inferencial, desenvolvida a partir da aplicação de um questionário sobre a satisfação no trabalho. A amostra é composta por 91 funcionários da CMC, o que representa 41,94% da população total. Da análise dos dados conclui-se que existem diferenças ao nível da satisfação total no trabalho entre as diferentes categorias profissionais, sendo a categoria de encarregado operacional a que apresenta uma média de satisfação total no trabalho mais elevada e as categorias de assistente operacional, técnico superior e assistente técnico as que apresentam valores médios de satisfação no trabalho mais baixos. Por outro lado, e de uma forma geral, os funcionários manifestam uma grande satisfação ao nível da dimensão liderança e uma maior insatisfação ao nível da dimensão dos factores pessoais. / Inside of the human resources management, the study of job satisfaction is considered of great importance since this variable influences the performance of employees, their productivity and consequently the organizational success. In this context, this dissertation aimed to analyze the job satisfaction level from the various professional categories of the city council of Condeixa-a-Nova (CMC), verify the relationship between socio-professional variables (age, sex, length of service, professional category, academic qualifications) and job satisfaction and analyze to what extent the different dimensions of job satisfaction influence the work of employees from CMC. The research approach was quantitative, descriptive and statistical, with a inferential analysis, developed from the application of a questionnaire about job satisfaction. The sample consists of 91 workers of CMC, which represents 41,94 % of the total population. From the data analysis, we concluded that there are differences at the level of total job satisfaction between the different professional categories. The professional category of “encarregado operacional” has a highest average of job total satisfaction and the professional categories of “assistente operacional”, “técnico superior” and “assistente técnico” have the lowest average. On the other hand, and in general, employees express a great satisfaction at the level of leadership and a lower satisfaction of the personal factors dimension.


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Recent interest in replacing tipping with service charges or higher service-inclusive menu pricing prompted this review of empirical evidence on the advantages and disadvantages to restaurants of these different compensation systems. The evidence indicates that these different pricing systems affect the attraction and retention of service workers, the satisfaction of customers with service, the actual and perceived costs of eating out, and the costs of hiring employees and doing business. However, the author comes away from the data believing that the biggest reason for restaurateurs to replace tipping is that the practice takes revenue away from them in the form of lower prices and gives it to servers in the form of excessively high tip income. The biggest reason for restaurateurs to keep tipping is that it allows them to reduce menu prices, which increases demand. Thus, restaurateurs’ decisions to keep voluntary tipping or not should ultimately depend on the relative strengths of these benefits. The more that a restaurant’s servers are overpaid relative to the back of house and the wealthier and less price-sensitive a restaurant’s customers are, the more the owner of that restaurant should consider abandoning tipping. By this reasoning, many upscale, expensive restaurants (especially those in states with no or small tip credits) probably should replace tipping with one of its alternatives.


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This paper compares two linear programming (LP) models for shift scheduling in services where homogeneously-skilled employees are available at limited times. Although both models are based on set covering approaches, one explicitly matches employees to shifts, while the other imposes this matching implicitly. Each model is used in three forms—one with complete, another with very limited meal break placement flexibility, and a third without meal breaks—to provide initial schedules to a completion/improvement heuristic. The term completion/improvement heuristic is used to describe a construction/ improvement heuristic operating on a starting schedule. On 80 test problems varying widely in scheduling flexibility, employee staffing requirements, and employee availability characteristics, all six LP-based procedures generated lower cost schedules than a comparison from-scratch construction/improvement heuristic. This heuristic, which perpetually maintains an explicit matching of employees to shifts, consists of three phases which add, drop, and modify shifts. In terms of schedule cost, schedule generation time, and model size, the procedures based on the implicit model performed better, as a group, than those based on the explicit model. The LP model with complete break placement flexibility and implicitly matching employees to shifts generated schedules costing 6.7% less than those developed by the from-scratch heuristic.


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Providing good customer service, inexpensively, is a problem commonly faced by managers of service operations. To tackle this problem, managers must do four tasks: forecast customer demand for the service; translate these forecasts into employee requirements; develop a labor schedule that provides appropriate numbers of employees at appropriate times; and control the delivery of the service in real-time. This paper focuses upon the translation of forecasts of customer demand into employee requirements. Specifically, it presents and evaluates two methods for determining desired staffing levels. One of these methods is a traditional approach to the task, while the other, by using modified customer arrival rates, offers a better means of accounting for the multi-period impact of customer service. To calculate the modified arrival rates, the latter method reduces (increases) the actual customer arrival rate for a period to account for customers who arrived in the period (in earlier periods) but have some of their service performed in subsequent periods (in the period). In an experiment simulating 13824 service delivery environments, the new method demonstrated its superiority by serving 2.74% more customers within the specified waiting time limit while using 7.57% fewer labor hours.


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An extensive literature exists on the problems of daily (shift) and weekly (tour) labor scheduling. In representing requirements for employees in these problems, researchers have used formulations based either on the model of Dantzig (1954) or on the model of Keith (1979). We show that both formulations have weakness in environments where management knows, or can attempt to identify, how different levels of customer service affect profits. These weaknesses results in lower-than-necessary profits. This paper presents a New Formulation of the daily and weekly Labor Scheduling Problems (NFLSP) designed to overcome the limitations of earlier models. NFLSP incorporates information on how changing the number of employees working in each planning period affects profits. NFLP uses this information during the development of the schedule to identify the number of employees who, ideally, should be working in each period. In an extensive simulation of 1,152 service environments, NFLSP outperformed the formulations of Dantzig (1954) and Keith (1979) at a level of significance of 0.001. Assuming year-round operations and an hourly wage, including benefits, of $6.00, NFLSP's schedules were $96,046 (2.2%) and $24,648 (0.6%) more profitable, on average, than schedules developed using the formulations of Danzig (1954) and Keith (1979), respectively. Although the average percentage gain over Keith's model was fairly small, it could be much larger in some real cases with different parameters. In 73 and 100 percent of the cases we simulated NFLSP yielded a higher profit than the models of Keith (1979) and Danzig (1954), respectively.


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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo geral estudar a gestão de recursos humanos (GRH) no terceiro setor, focando-se especificamente nas Instituições Particulares de Solidariedade Social (IPSS). Estas organizações têm vindo a demonstrar um papel cada vez mais relevante nas comunidades em que se inserem, pela sua missão em prestar serviços de cariz social e pela atual relevância como entidades empregadoras. A diversidade presente nas IPSS ao nível da estrutura, funcionamento, dimensão, organização e dinâmicas internas, proporciona o estudo e reflexão das especificidades na GRH. Para isso, abordam-se um conjunto de aspetos: i) diferenças entre meio empresarial e terceiro setor na GRH; ii) implicações da diversidade de respostas sociais e suas especificidades na gestão de pessoas; iii) o papel do Instituto de Segurança Social e as implicações legais na gestão de pessoas; iv) a localização geográfica e acesso a recursos humanos qualificados; v) a perspetiva das IPSS sobre os recursos humanos; vi) o perfil profissional dos colaboradores das IPSS; vii) práticas quotidianas na gestão de recursos humanos nas IPSS; viii) características da GRH nas IPSS (administrativa ou estratégica); ix) responsáveis pela GRH nas IPSS; x) o papel dos órgãos sociais na GRH; xi) profissionalização versus voluntariado; xii) a GRH, certificação e qualidade; xiii) as tendências do terceiro setor na gestão de pessoas. Foi utilizada uma metodologia qualitativa e aplicada a técnica de entrevista para recolher o conhecimento, experiências e perspetivas de diferentes interlocutores do terceiro setor, dirigentes, técnicos superiores, diretores de serviço, investigadores e representantes nacionais e distritais das IPSS. Da sistematização e análise dos dados recolhidos retiraram-se várias conclusões. As pessoas são consideradas o recurso mais importante para estas organizações, pela natureza social e humana das atividades desenvolvidas, prestadas por pessoas e destinadas a pessoas. Neste sentido, é demonstrada a importância do potencial humano aquando do recrutamento e seleção, pela primazia de requisitos como o relacionamento interpessoal em detrimento das qualificações. O perfil profissional característico das IPSS reconhece a importância da polivalência, disponibilidade, comprometimento, confiança, proximidade afetiva, voluntarismo e sentido de missão dos colaboradores, os quais tendem a ser são vistos como investimento tanto quanto reúnam estes aspetos; caso contrário podem ser encarados como custo. Quanto à acessibilidade a recursos humanos, surgem diferentes modalidades, consoante fatores de localização, dimensão, formação e estrutura organizacional, bem como o fenómeno da fuga de mão de obra, indício da dificuldade em captar e reter recursos humanos. O modelo de GRH nas IPSS é de cariz tradicional, caracterizado por uma gestão porimproviso com diferentes níveis de sensibilidade e capacidade das IPSS, no que concerne à implementação de processos de GRH, tais como sistemas de progressão na carreira, recrutamento interno e sistemas de avaliação de desempenho. Quanto aos aspetos da motivação e satisfação profissional, é assumida a importância da proximidade e apoio aos colaboradores, indicativos de um sistema de recompensas informal. É percetível a resistência na aplicação de técnicas de desenvolvimento organizacional, comprovada pela limitação na formação dos quadros de colaboradores. No entanto as IPSS são confrontadas com a rigidez dos instrumentos legais. A responsabilidade pela GRH é mais ou menos partilhada entre a direção técnica e os órgãos sociais, condicionada pelo estilo de liderança e relação de confiança entre si, em norma, pouco clara quanto aos papéis e funções desempenhadas. Por fim, é percebida a necessidade de coexistência de uma gestão profissionalizada e de direções voluntárias mais capacitadas e sensibilizadas para o desenvolvimento de metodologias e estratégias de gestão de pessoas, adaptadas às especificidades das IPSS. Este trabalho pretende contribuir com um espaço de reflexão para a elaboração de respostas mais eficazes e inovadoras que proporcionem o desenvolvimento organizacional, face às necessidades e transformações do terceiro setor. / This work main objective is the study of human resource management (HRM) in the third sector. It is focused specifically on Instituições Particulares de Solidariedade Social [Private Institutions for Social Solidarity] (IPSS). These kind of organizations have demonstrated an increased value in the communities they are inserted in, by providing social care services and by generating new jobs in the local communities. The study and reflection of HRM specificities is based on the variety in the structure, the purpose, the size, the internal organization and the dynamics of the different IPSS. For this purpose we explored the following aspects : i) the differences between business community and the third sector in HRM; ii) the implications of social responses diversity in people management; iii) the role of the National Insurance Institute and the legal impact on people management; iv) the geographic location and the IPSS access to skilled human resources; v) the understanding of IPSS on human resources; vi) the professional profile of IPSS employees; vii) the daily practices in human resource management on the IPSS; viii) the characteristics of HRM in IPSS (managerial or strategic); ix) who is responsible for HRM in IPSS; x) the role of executive board in HRM; xi) professionalization versus voluntary work; xii) HRM, quality and certification; xiii) the third sector trends in people management. The qualitative method and the interview technique were applied in order to gather knowledge, experiences and perspectives from several sources such as, different partners of the third sector, managers, service directors, technicians, researchers and national and local IPSS representatives. The results indicate several conclusions. Firstly the human resources are the most important resource of IPSS organizations due to the social nature of the services provided by them but also the importance of, the individual and social, skills required for these activities that are provided by people and are directed to people. This demonstrates the importance of interpersonal skills over professional qualifications during recruitment and selection. The IPSS recognize in their professionals the importance of versatility, availability, commitment, confidence, emotional proximity, voluntarism and sense of mission. If an employee fulfills these requirements, is considered an investment; otherwise might be seen as a cost. Regarding the accessibility of IPSS to qualified human resources, we consider different models, depending on location, size and training and organizational structure as well as the phenomenon run of hand labor, defined as the index of difficulty in capturing and retaining human resources. The model of HRM in IPSS is traditional in its nature and is characterized by management based on improvisation at different levels, regarding the implementation ofHRM processes such as career advancement systems, internal recruitment and performance evaluation. In regards to motivation and job satisfaction, it is valued the proximity and the support to the employees, showing therefore an informal system of rewards. There is a noticeable resistance to the application of organizational techniques which is demonstrated by controlling the formation of employees. However the IPSS are required to face the rigidity of legal instruments. The responsibility for HRM is shared between the technical direction and the management bodies, which depends on leadership style and mutual trust, and is generally unclear about the roles and duties performed. Finally, it becomes evident the need for coexistence between a professional management and a voluntary management, more capable and more sensible to the development of methods and strategies for people management, specifically adapted to each IPSS. This paper aims to contribute with space for reflection in the development of more effective and innovative responses for the organizational development, given the needs and transformations of the third sector.


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In March 1993, all 3, 666 employees of the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) were invited to participate in a survey related to morale and work practices. Survey questionnaires were sent to employees / homes and participation in the study was voluntary. This survey, in part, replicates assessments made by random, stratified samples of DOT employees in 1984 and 1988. Thus it is possible to evaluate some changes in morale and work practices at three points in time. The present survey was designed to allow for generalizations about all DOT employees and various subgroups of employees (i.e., majority and minority employees, males and females, employees less than 40 years of age and those 40 years of age or older, and work area location). Altogether, 2249 usable questionnaires were returned, yielding a much higher-than-average response rate 61.3%.


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The theme Corporate Social Responsibility is relatively recent both in the academic field and in the business practice. Because of the lack of socialization of experiences and precision of concepts, there are gaps regarding the understanding of the subject and, also, how to conduct operations. This study just seeks to investigate such matter, focusing applications of social responsibility in business. It takes, as empirical field, winners of the PSQT - SESI Prize of Quality at Work in Rio Grande do Norte (2002-2007) in order to systematize the various approaches on the issue, aiming to reveal subjective visions and perspectives of the theme. It is characterized as a qualitative study, carried out by structured interview. The universe was composed by 15 companies. It was used analysis of content categorical as an axis for the interpretation of the information. Three approaches guided the analysis: Business Ethics, (normative); Business & Society (contractual); Social Issues Management (strategic). The findings are related in three ways: 1) reasons for the CSR practice; 2) the results obtained; 3) the means of CSR. It was found that the award participation occurs, mostly, linked to SESI invitations, so, as an articulated movement of industrial corporations in Brazil it occurs, also, because of the organizational commitment with the society and the possibility of internal and social growths and because of the importance attributed to the report as an instrument of consultancy. There are no indicators to check impacts of organizational interventions, in spite of the existence of planning for the actions. Social responsibility appears as a tool to reinforce the organizational image and to increase satisfaction of the employees. There is a tendency of large and medium firms to a contractual commitment while the small and the micros firms are on strategic or normative level. The analysis of the perspectives of social responsibility future revealed trends towards for strategic approach


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BACKGROUND: Even though physician rating websites (PRWs) have been gaining in importance in both practice and research, little evidence is available on the association of patients' online ratings with the quality of care of physicians. It thus remains unclear whether patients should rely on these ratings when selecting a physician. The objective of this study was to measure the association between online ratings and structural and quality of care measures for 65 physician practices from the German Integrated Health Care Network "Quality and Efficiency" (QuE). METHODS: Online reviews from two German PRWs were included which covered a three-year period (2011 to 2013) and included 1179 and 991 ratings, respectively. Information for 65 QuE practices was obtained for the year 2012 and included 21 measures related to structural information (N = 6), process quality (N = 10), intermediate outcomes (N = 2), patient satisfaction (N = 1), and costs (N = 2). The Spearman rank coefficient of correlation was applied to measure the association between ratings and practice-related information. RESULTS: Patient satisfaction results from offline surveys and the patients per doctor ratio in a practice were shown to be significantly associated with online ratings on both PRWs. For one PRW, additional significant associations could be shown between online ratings and cost-related measures for medication, preventative examinations, and one diabetes type 2-related intermediate outcome measure. There again, results from the second PRW showed significant associations with the age of the physicians and the number of patients per practice, four process-related quality measures for diabetes type 2 and asthma, and one cost-related measure for medication. CONCLUSIONS: Several significant associations were found which varied between the PRWs. Patients interested in the satisfaction of other patients with a physician might select a physician on the basis of online ratings. Even though our results indicate associations with some diabetes and asthma measures, but not with coronary heart disease measures, there is still insufficient evidence to draw strong conclusions. The limited number of practices in our study may have weakened our findings.


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Negative-pressure therapy or vacuum-assisted closure (VAC) has been used in clinical applications since the 1940’s and has increased in popularity over the past decade. This dressing technique consists of an open cell foam dressing put into the wound cavity, a vacuum pump produces a negative pressure and an adhesive drape. A controlled sub atmospheric pressure from 75 to 150 mmHg is applied. The vacuum-assisted closure has been applied by many clinicians to chronic wounds in humans; however it cannot be used as a replacement for surgical debridement. The initial treatment for every contaminated wound should be the necrosectomy. The VAC therapy has a complementary function and the range of its indications includes pressure sores, stasis ulcers, chronic wounds such as diabetic foot ulcers, post traumatic and post operative wounds, infected wounds such as necrotizing fasciitis or sternal wounds, soft-tissue injuries, bone exposed injuries, abdominal open wounds and for securing a skin graft. We describe our experience with the VAC dressing used to manage acute and chronic wounds in a series of 135 patients, with excellent results together with satisfaction of the patients.