368 resultados para Satire.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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O poema de Semónides de Amorgos sobre as mulheres (Fr. 7 West) é o mais extenso fragmento preservado da poesia iâmbica grega da época arcaica. Nele o poeta apresenta uma reflexão pessimista de cariz misógino sobre o carácter feminino, numa narrativa original que cataloga dez tipos de mulher, oito baseadas em modelos animais (a porca, a raposa, a cadela, a burra, a doninha, a égua, a macaca e a abelha) e dois em elementos da natureza (a terra e o mar). Pretende-se demonstrar, neste estudo, que essa caracterização tipológica era inovadora e respondia a uma dupla finalidade: satírica e humorística. Uma vez que o poema se destinaria a um contexto simpótico, um espaço tipicamente masculino, a mulher e a sua natureza constituiriam uma temática que levaria o homem a reflectir, de um modo simultaneamente sério e divertido, sobre a sua própria condição.


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Cześć człowieka jako dobro szczególnie często naruszane bez wątpienia zasługuje na ochronę w świetle prawa karnego. Z drugiej strony, każdemu człowiekowi przysługuje wolność swobody wypowiedzi, w tym artystycznej, która może się przejawić w formie satyry i karykatury. Rodzi się zatem pytanie, gdzie należałoby postawić granicę, ażeby wolność ta mogła być realizowana bez uszczerbku dla czci człowieka. W niemieckim kodeksie karnym tę kwestię reguluje § 193 StGB, który stanowi o ,,zachowaniu uprawnionych interesów”. Przepis ten jest swoistym rodzajem kontratypu, który pozwala przy spełnieniu szeregu warunków, na nieponiesienie odpowiedzialności karnej przez osobę która wygłasza wypowiedzi, mogące naruszyć cześć człowieka. Do warunków tych doktryna niemiecka zalicza także działanie w ramach wolności artystycznej.


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La ironía como figura retórica es un asunto de particular riqueza en los estudios literarios. En este artículo se analiza un conjunto de causas que podrían explicar el concepto de ironía y sus correspondencias con la sátira, la parodia y la comicidad.Irony as a rhetorical figure is of particular interest in literary studies. Here a number of causes are analyzed which could explain the concept of irony and its correspondences with satire, parody and humor.


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This essay is an ecocritical literary analysis of the novel Solar. The aim is to investigate the effect on the reader of the main characters, place, symbols and satire with focus on climate change and sustainability. The protagonist Michael Beard, a despicable, selfish antihero, consumes everything and everybody whereas Tom Aldous, the heroic character, is devoted to a life of sustainability. Beard represents the greedy capitalistic Western consumer society and its male leaders who close their eyes to the warnings of a changing climate, and Aldous represents the sustainable and alternative lifestyle. Humor and ridicule exhibits the weaknesses and greed of mankind in a satirical way. Symbols like cancer and the Co2 emitting transport system symbolize overconsumption and a stressed globe. The effect on the reader is a reflection about the ongoing struggle between climate change and sustainability and the demand for a change towards a sustainable lifestyle.


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Esta pesquisa estuda Incidente em Antares, de Erico Veríssimo, e O cão e os caluandas, de Pepetela, na perspectiva da sátira menipeia. Para além da biografia dos autores, busca-se discutir as origens do gênero da menipeia, recuperando o seu mais importante representante - Luciano de Samósata. É, porém, sob a teoria de Mikhail Bakhtin que se analisam as obras dos escritores brasileiro e angolano. Quer-se verificar a presença de específicas características da sátira menipeia, as quais são o carnaval e o riso ritual, a paródia, a liberdade imaginativa, o fantástico e seus desdobramentos, as cenas excêntricas, os contrastes, a polifonia, a utilização de gêneros intercalados e a chamada publiscística atualizada. No último capítulo há uma observação sociológica das obras, o que permite pensá-las como um retrato das sociedades a que os autores se referem. ABSTRACT: This research studies Incidente em Antares, by Erico Veríssimo, and O cão e os caluandas, by Pepetela, in the perspective of the menippean sati.re. Besides de authors' biography, it tries to discuss the origin of the genre, recovering its most important representative - Luciano de Samosata. However, the search analyses the works of the Brazilian and Angolan writers upon the theory of Mikhail Bakhtin. lt intends to verify the presence of the specific characteristics of the menippean satire, which are: carnival and the ritual Iaughting, parody, imaginative freedom, the fantastic and its unfolding, eccentric scenes, contrasts, polyphony, intercalary genres and the up-to-date publiscistic. ln the last chapter there is a sociologic observation concerning the works, which allow thinking about them as a portrait of the societies that the authors want to discuss.