799 resultados para Reformulated gasoline


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In this paper, we consider robust joint designs of relay precoder and destination receive filters in a nonregenerative multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) relay network. The network consists of multiple source-destination node pairs assisted by a MIMO-relay node. The channel state information (CSI) available at the relay node is assumed to be imperfect. We consider robust designs for two models of CSI error. The first model is a stochastic error (SE) model, where the probability distribution of the CSI error is Gaussian. This model is applicable when the imperfect CSI is mainly due to errors in channel estimation. For this model, we propose robust minimum sum mean square error (SMSE), MSE-balancing, and relay transmit power minimizing precoder designs. The next model for the CSI error is a norm-bounded error (NBE) model, where the CSI error can be specified by an uncertainty set. This model is applicable when the CSI error is dominated by quantization errors. In this case, we adopt a worst-case design approach. For this model, we propose a robust precoder design that minimizes total relay transmit power under constraints on MSEs at the destination nodes. We show that the proposed robust design problems can be reformulated as convex optimization problems that can be solved efficiently using interior-point methods. We demonstrate the robust performance of the proposed design through simulations.


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In lean premixed pre-vaporized (LPP) combustion, controlled atomization, dispersion and vaporization of different types of liquid fuel in the premixer are the key factors required to stabilize the combustion process and improve the efficiency. The dispersion and vaporization process for biofuels and conventional fuels sprayed into a crossflow pre-mixer have been simulated and analyzed with respect to vaporization rate, degree of mixedness and homogeneity. Two major biofuels under investigation are Ethanol and Rapeseed Methyl Esters (RME), while conventional fuels are gasoline and jet-A. First, the numerical code is validated by comparing with the experimental data of single n-heptane and decane droplet evaporating under both moderate and high temperature convective air now. Next, the spray simulations were conducted with monodispersed droplets with an initial diameter of 80 mu m injected into a turbulent crossflow of air with a typical velocity of 10 m/s and temperature of around 800K. Vaporization time scales of different fuels are found to be very different. The droplet diameter reduction and surface temperature rise were found to be strongly dependent on the fuel properties. Gasoline droplet exhibited a much faster vaporization due a combination of higher vapor pressure and smaller latent heat of vaporization compared to other fuels. Mono-dispersed spray was adopted with the expectation of achieving more homogeneous fuel droplet size than poly-dispersed spray. However, the diameter histogram in the zone near the pre-mixer exit shows a large range of droplet diameter distributions for all the fuels. In order to improve the vaporization performance, fuels were pre-heated before injection. Results show that the Sauter mean diameter of ethanol improved from 52.8% of the initial injection size to 48.2%, while jet-A improved from 48.4% to 18.6% and RME improved from 63.5% to 31.3%. The diameter histogram showed improved vaporization performance of jet-A. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A modification of the jogged-screw model has been adopted recently by the authors to explain observations of 1/2[110]-type jogged-screw dislocations in equiaxed Ti-48Al under creep conditions. The aim of this study has been to verify and validate the parameters and functional dependencies that have been assumed in this previous work. The original solution has been reformulated to take into account the finite length of the moving jog. This is a better approximation of the tall jog. The substructural model parameters have been further investigated in light of the Finite Length Moving Line (FLML) source approximation. The original model assumes that the critical jog height (beyond which the jog is not dragged) is inversely proportional to the applied stress. By accounting for the fact that there are three competing mechanisms (jog dragging, dipole dragging, dipole bypass) possible, we can arrive at a modified critical jog height. The critical jog height was found to be more strongly stress dependent than assumed previously. The original model assumes the jog spacing to be invariant over the stress range. However, dynamic simulation using a line tension model has shown that the jog spacing is inversely proportional to the applied stress. This has also been confirmed by TEM measurements of jog spacings over a range of stresses. Taylor's expression assumed previously to provide the dependence of dislocation density on the applied stress, has now been confirmed by actual dislocation density measurements. Combining all of these parameters and dependencies, derived both from experiment and theory, leads to an excellent prediction of creep rates and stress exponents. The further application of this model to other materials, and the important role of atomistic and dislocation dynamics simulations in its continued development is also discussed.


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The paper addresses experiments and modeling studies on the use of producer gas, a bio-derived low energy content fuel in a spark-ignited engine. Producer gas, generated in situ, has thermo-physical properties different from those of fossil fuel(s). Experiments on naturally aspirated and turbo-charged engine operation and subsequent analysis of the cylinder pressure traces reveal significant differences in the heat release pattern within the cylinder compared with a typical fossil fuel. The heat release patterns for gasoline and producer gas compare well in the initial 50% but beyond this, producer gas combustion tends to be sluggish leading to an overall increase in the combustion duration. This is rather unexpected considering that producer gas with nearly 20% hydrogen has higher flame speeds than gasoline. The influence of hydrogen on the initial flame kernel development period and the combustion duration and hence on the overall heat release pattern is addressed. The significant deviations in the heat release profiles between conventional fuels and producer gas necessitates the estimation of producer gas-specific Wiebe coefficients. The experimental heat release profiles are used for estimating the Wiebe coefficients. Experimental evidence of lower fuel conversion efficiency based on the chemical and thermal analysis of the engine exhaust gas is used to arrive at the Wiebe coefficients. The efficiency factor a is found to be 2.4 while the shape factor m is estimated at 0.7 for 2% to 90% burn duration. The standard Wiebe coefficients for conventional fuels and fuel-specific coefficients for producer gas are used in a zero D model to predict the performance of a 6-cylinder gas engine under naturally aspirated and turbo-charged conditions. While simulation results with standard Wiebe coefficients result in excessive deviations from the experimental results, excellent match is observed when producer gas-specific coefficients are used. Predictions using the same coefficients on a 3-cylinder gas engine having different geometry and compression ratio(s) indicate close match with the experimental traces highlighting the versatility of the coefficients.


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Ever increasing energy requirements, environmental concerns and energy security needs are strongly influencing engine researchers to consider renewable biofuels as alternatives to fossil fuels. Spray process being important in IC engine combustion, existing literature on various biofuel sprays is reviewed and summarized. Both experimental and computational research findings are reviewed in a detailed manner for compression ignition (CI) engine sprays and briefly for spark ignition (SI) engine sprays. The physics of basic atomization process of sprays from various injectors is included to highlight the most recent research findings followed by discussion highlighting the effect of physico-chemical properties on spray atomization for both biofuels and fossil fuels. Biodiesel sprays are found to penetrate faster and haw narrow spray plume angle and larger droplet sizes compared to diesel. Results of analytical and computational models are shown to be useful in shedding light on the actual process of atomization. However, further studies on understanding primary atomization and the effect of fuel properties on primary atomization are required. As far as secondary atomization is concerned, changes in regimes are observed to occur at higher air-jet velocities for biodiesel compared to those of diesel. Evaporating sprays revealed that the liquid length is longer for biodiesel. Pure plant oil sprays with potential use in CI engines may require alternative injector technology due to slower breakup as compared to diesel. Application of ethanol to gasoline engines may be feasible without any modifications to port fuel injection (PFI) engines. More studies are required on the application of alternative fuels to high pressure sprays used in Gasoline Direct Injection (GDI) engines.


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Recession flows in a basin are controlled by the temporal evolution of its active drainage network (ADN). The geomorphological recession flow model (GRFM) assumes that both the rate of flow generation per unit ADN length (q) and the speed at which ADN heads move downstream (c) remain constant during a recession event. Thereby, it connects the power law exponent of -dQ/dt versus Q (discharge at the outlet at time t) curve, , with the structure of the drainage network, a fixed entity. In this study, we first reformulate the GRFM for Horton-Strahler networks and show that the geomorphic ((g)) is equal to D/(D-1), where D is the fractal dimension of the drainage network. We then propose a more general recession flow model by expressing both q and c as functions of Horton-Strahler stream order. We show that it is possible to have = (g) for a recession event even when q and c do not remain constant. The modified GRFM suggests that is controlled by the spatial distribution of subsurface storage within the basin. By analyzing streamflow data from 39 U.S. Geological Survey basins, we show that is having a power law relationship with recession curve peak, which indicates that the spatial distribution of subsurface storage varies across recession events. Key Points The GRFM is reformulated for Horton-Strahler networks. The GRFM is modified by allowing its parameters to vary along streams. Sub-surface storage distribution controls recession flow characteristics.


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The Girsanov linearization method (GLM), proposed earlier in Saha, N., and Roy, D., 2007, ``The Girsanov Linearisation Method for Stochastically Driven Nonlinear Oscillators,'' J. Appl. Mech., 74, pp. 885-897, is reformulated to arrive at a nearly exact, semianalytical, weak and explicit scheme for nonlinear mechanical oscillators under additive stochastic excitations. At the heart of the reformulated linearization is a temporally localized rejection sampling strategy that, combined with a resampling scheme, enables selecting from and appropriately modifying an ensemble of locally linearized trajectories while weakly applying the Girsanov correction (the Radon-Nikodym derivative) for the linearization errors. The semianalyticity is due to an explicit linearization of the nonlinear drift terms and it plays a crucial role in keeping the Radon-Nikodym derivative ``nearly bounded'' above by the inverse of the linearization time step (which means that only a subset of linearized trajectories with low, yet finite, probability exceeds this bound). Drift linearization is conveniently accomplished via the first few (lower order) terms in the associated stochastic (Ito) Taylor expansion to exclude (multiple) stochastic integrals from the numerical treatment. Similarly, the Radon-Nikodym derivative, which is a strictly positive, exponential (super-) martingale, is converted to a canonical form and evaluated over each time step without directly computing the stochastic integrals appearing in its argument. Through their numeric implementations for a few low-dimensional nonlinear oscillators, the proposed variants of the scheme, presently referred to as the Girsanov corrected linearization method (GCLM), are shown to exhibit remarkably higher numerical accuracy over a much larger range of the time step size than is possible with the local drift-linearization schemes on their own.


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In this second of the two-part study, the results of the Tank-to-Wheels study reported in the first part are combined with Well-to-Tank results in this paper to provide a comprehensive Well-to-Wheels energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions evaluation of automotive fuels in India. The results indicate that liquid fuels derived from petroleum have Well-to-Tank efficiencies in the range of 75-85% with liquefied petroleum gas being the most efficient fuel in the Well-to-Tank stage with 85% efficiency. Electricity has the lowest efficiency of 20% which is mainly attributed due to its dependence on coal and 25.4% losses during transmission and distribution. The complete Well-to-Wheels results show diesel vehicles to be the most efficient among all configurations, specifically the diesel-powered split hybrid electric vehicle. Hydrogen engine configurations are the least efficient due to low efficiency of production of hydrogen from natural gas. Hybridizing electric vehicles reduces the Well-to-Wheels greenhouse gas emissions substantially with split hybrid configuration being the most efficient. Electric vehicles do not offer any significant improvement over gasoline-powered configurations; however a shift towards renewable sources for power generation and reduction in losses during transmission and distribution can make it a feasible option in the future. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A dimensionless number, termed as response number in Zhao [Archive of Applied Mechanics 68 (1998) 524], has been suggested for the dynamic plastic response of beams and plates made up of rigidly perfect plastic materials subjected to dynamic loading. Many theoretical and experimental results can be reformulated into new concise forms with the response number. The concept of a new dimensionless number, response number, termed as Rn(n), is generalized in Zhao [Forschung im Ingenieurwesen 65 (1999) 107] to study the elastic, plastic, dynamic elastic as well as dynamic plastic buckling problems of columns, plates as well as shells. The response number Rn(n) is generalized to the dynamic behaviour of shells of various shapes in the present paper.


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A dimensionless number, termed response number, is applied to the dynamic plastic response of plates subjected to dynamic loading. Many theoretical and experimental results presented by different researchers are reformulated into new concise forms with the response number. The advantage of the new forms is twofold: (1) they are more physically meaningful, and (2) they are independent of the choice of units, thus, they have wider range of applications.


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Life cycle assessment has been used to investigate the environmental and economic sustainability of a potential operation in the UK in which bioethanol is produced from the hydrolysis and subsequent fermentation of coppice willow. If the willow were grown on idle arable land in the UK, or, indeed, in Eastern Europe and imported as wood chips into the UK, it was found that savings of greenhouse gas emissions of 70-90%, when compared to fossil-derived gasoline on an energy basis, would be possible. The process would be energetically self-sufficient, as the co-products, e.g. lignin and unfermented sugars, could be used to produce the process heat and electricity, with surplus electricity being exported to the National Grid. Despite the environmental benefits, the economic viability is doubtful at present. However, the cost of production could be reduced significantly if the willow were altered by breeding to improve its suitability for hydrolysis and fermentation.


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In this work, the formation of soot in a Direct Injection Spark Ignition (DISI) engine is simulated using the Stochastic Reactor Model (SRM) engine code. Volume change, convective heat transfer, turbulent mixing, direct injection and flame propagation are accounted for. In order to simulate flame propagation, the cylinder is divided into an unburned, entrained and burned zone, with the rate of entrainment being governed by empirical equations but combustion modelled with chemical kinetics. The model contains a detailed chemical mechanism as well as a highly detailed soot formation model, however computation times are relatively short. The soot model provides information on the morphology and chemical composition of soot aggregates along with bulk quantities, including soot mass, number density, volume fraction and surface area. The model is first calibrated by simulating experimental data from a Gasoline Direct Injection (GDI) Spark Ignition (SI) engine. The model is then used to simulate experimental data from the literature, where the numbers, sizes and derived mass particulate emissions from a 1.83 L, 4-cylinder, 4 valve production DISI engine were examined. Experimental results from different injection and spark timings are compared with the model and the qualitative trends in aggregate size distribution and emissions match the exhaust gas measurements well. © 2010 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Many engineering applications face the problem of bounding the expected value of a quantity of interest (performance, risk, cost, etc.) that depends on stochastic uncertainties whose probability distribution is not known exactly. Optimal uncertainty quantification (OUQ) is a framework that aims at obtaining the best bound in these situations by explicitly incorporating available information about the distribution. Unfortunately, this often leads to non-convex optimization problems that are numerically expensive to solve.

This thesis emphasizes on efficient numerical algorithms for OUQ problems. It begins by investigating several classes of OUQ problems that can be reformulated as convex optimization problems. Conditions on the objective function and information constraints under which a convex formulation exists are presented. Since the size of the optimization problem can become quite large, solutions for scaling up are also discussed. Finally, the capability of analyzing a practical system through such convex formulations is demonstrated by a numerical example of energy storage placement in power grids.

When an equivalent convex formulation is unavailable, it is possible to find a convex problem that provides a meaningful bound for the original problem, also known as a convex relaxation. As an example, the thesis investigates the setting used in Hoeffding's inequality. The naive formulation requires solving a collection of non-convex polynomial optimization problems whose number grows doubly exponentially. After structures such as symmetry are exploited, it is shown that both the number and the size of the polynomial optimization problems can be reduced significantly. Each polynomial optimization problem is then bounded by its convex relaxation using sums-of-squares. These bounds are found to be tight in all the numerical examples tested in the thesis and are significantly better than Hoeffding's bounds.


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The low-thrust guidance problem is defined as the minimum terminal variance (MTV) control of a space vehicle subjected to random perturbations of its trajectory. To accomplish this control task, only bounded thrust level and thrust angle deviations are allowed, and these must be calculated based solely on the information gained from noisy, partial observations of the state. In order to establish the validity of various approximations, the problem is first investigated under the idealized conditions of perfect state information and negligible dynamic errors. To check each approximate model, an algorithm is developed to facilitate the computation of the open loop trajectories for the nonlinear bang-bang system. Using the results of this phase in conjunction with the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process as a model for the random inputs to the system, the MTV guidance problem is reformulated as a stochastic, bang-bang, optimal control problem. Since a complete analytic solution seems to be unattainable, asymptotic solutions are developed by numerical methods. However, it is shown analytically that a Kalman filter in cascade with an appropriate nonlinear MTV controller is an optimal configuration. The resulting system is simulated using the Monte Carlo technique and is compared to other guidance schemes of current interest.