971 resultados para Radioterapia, CBCT, DICOM, I.G.R.T., immagine portale


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Um experimento foi realizado em casa de vegetação com o objetivo de examinar as modificações provocadas por ciclos de umedecimento e secagem em amostras de Latossolos com diferentes mineralogias, em agregados integrais ou quando destruídos por moagem. Amostras de terra fina seca ao ar foram passadas em peneira de 1,0 mm e subdivididas em grupos: solo integral não moído e solo moído em almofariz e passado em peneira de 0,105 mm. O solo moído foi ainda subdividido em solo moído puro ou adicionado de ácido húmico purificado. Os materiais foram montados em cilindro de alumínio e submetidos a dez ciclos sucessivos de umedecimento e secagem, realizados por ascensão capilar, seguidos por secagem ao ar, com intervalo de sete dias entre cada ciclo. Após o término dos ciclos, os solos foram impregnados com resina de poliéster, montando-se seções finas para microscopia, as quais foram levadas para observação em microscópio ótico e fotografadas. As imagens obtidas foram digitalizadas, analisadas e quantificadas por meio do programa QUANTIPORO, desenvolvido no Departamento de Solos/Universidade Federal de Viçosa. Os resultados mostraram completa modificação na forma e no padrão da estrutura após a aplicação dos ciclos nos tratamentos que sofreram destruição de agregados por moagem. Essas mudanças foram atribuídas a uma reacomodação dos agregados fragmentados com a retração do plasma, que se seguiu ao processo de secagem. Todos os materiais estudados mostraram uma estrutura bem diferente da estrutura primária original destes solos. Não se observou qualquer tendência à reversão da estrutura após os dez ciclos, demonstrando que outros fatores, além dos físico-químicos e mineralógicos, devem ser invocados para explicar a gênese de microagregados em Latossolos.


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Muitos solos tropicais com grau avançado de intemperismo, apesar de apresentarem teores totais de P relativamente elevados, mostram-se deficientes em P disponível, pela baixa solubilidade das principais formas de P encontradas. Neste trabalho, estudou-se o processo de adsorção de P em solos desenvolvidos de rochas vulcânicas básicas e ultrabásicas do Alto Paranaíba em Minas Gerais, algumas das quais ricas em apatita, estabelecendo-se relações com atributos de solo, como superfície específica (SE) e mineralogia. Foram estudados onze horizontes B diagnósticos de perfis de solos da região, por meio de análises químicas, físicas e mineralógicas; foram determinadas as capacidades máximas de adsorção do fósforo (CMAF), SE pelo método direto BET-N2 e indiretamente por cálculos, bem como foi feita a quantificação dos minerais de argila pelo método de alocação. Os valores da SE obtidos indiretamente de cada mineral, foram superestimados em relação à SE determinada pelo método BET-N2 na fração argila total. Nos Latossolos estudados, com texturas e materiais de origem variáveis, desde rochas básico-alcalinas até ultrabásicas, a proporção e a área superficial da gibbsita e goethita têm participação destacada na adsorção de P. A faixa de valores de CMAF TFSA encontrada está consistente com os valores na literatura reportados para Latossolos, embora os valores de CMAF TFSA e CMAF ARG corrigida, de 2,98 e 4,38 mg g-1, respectivamente, do Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo de rocha ultrabásica (P6), sejam comparáveis àqueles de solos subtropicais alofânicos derivados de cinzas vulcânicas. A CMAF ARG corrigida para percentagem de argila evidenciou expressivos valores nos Cambissolos de rochas vulcânicas ultrabásicas (4,32 e 5,52), com valor menor naquele derivado do tufito (3,16 mg g-1). Os valores de substituição isomórfica de Al na goethita são mais elevados que nas hematitas. Em contraste com os Latossolos, os Cambissolos mostraram variações grandes nos atributos químicos, mineralógicos e na CMAF, em virtude da natureza diversificada de materiais de origem e do menor grau de intemperismo.


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We present new photometric and spectroscopic observations of objects in the field of the cluster of galaxies Abell 2218. The photometric survey, centered on the cluster core, extends to a field of about 4 x 4 arcmin. It was performed in 5 bands (B,g,r,i and z filters). This sample, which includes 729 objects, is about three times larger than the survey made by Butcher and collaborators (Butcher et al., 1983, Butcher and Oemler, 1984) in the same central region of the field. Only 228 objects appear in both catalogues since our survey covers a smaller region. The spectral range covered by our filters is wider and the photometry is much deeper, up to magnitude 27 in r. The spectroscopic survey concerns 66 objects, on a field comparable to that of Butcher and collaborators. From our observations we calculate the mean redshift of the cluster, 0.1756, and its velocity dispersion, 1370 km/s. The spectral types are determined for many galaxies in the sample by comparing their spectra with synthetic ones from Rocca-Volmerange and Guiderdoni (1988).


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Recientes investigaciones en el campo de los materiales cerámicos han dado cuenta de la importancia de la metaestabilidad para obtener estructuras con características singulares. Durante la consolidación del material las fases mestaestables se transforman en una estructura donde se produce la inhibición del crecimiento de grano. Este efecto es una consecuencia directa de la inmiscibilidad de dos fases en estado sólido. Los nanocomposites conseguidos, gracias a su pequeño tamaño de grano y a su estructura uniforme, exhiben unas interesantes propiedades como elevada dureza y tenacidad. Estas fases metaestables pueden ser producidas por diversas técnicas entre las que se encuentra la proyección térmica. En concreto en este trabajo se ha empleado la Proyección por plasma (APS). Las fases de partida inmiscibles, son fundidas y homogeneizadas durante su corta estancia en la zona caliente del plasma. Seguidamente, las partículas fundidas y aceleradas por el plasma, se someten a un enfriamiento rápido o temple (quenching) en un medio líquido, como el agua o en un substrato enfriado con nitrógeno líquido, formándose a través de este proceso las fases metaestables. El principal objetivo de este trabajo ha sido la obtención de polvos cerámicos metastables a través de la aplicación de APS y el establecimiento de un proceso de temple conducente a la formación de fases metastables así como la caracterización estructural de éstas. Como última etapa del trabajo se han estudiado los materiales nanoestructurados conseguidos tras realizar tratamientos térmicos.


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Introduction: The control of high blood pressure (BP) remains insufficient in developed as well as in developing countries. We conducted a cross-sectional survey to investigate the management of hypertension and the achievement of target BPs in a large population of hypertensive patients treated by Swiss primary care physicians. Methods. Data from 4594 hypertensive patients were collected and assessed for demographic data, mode of treatment and BP achievements for the overall population and for high-risk patients such as diabetics and patients with impaired renal function (CKD patients). Furthermore, we analysed the achieved BP in patients receiving single pill combinations or dual free combinations for the three most commonly prescribed substances. Results. In this large patient population, 84% of patients were receiving an antihypertensive treatment of which 54% showed BP control (< 140/90 mmHg or < 130/80 mmHg for diabetics and patients with CKD). Considering the higher BP target in the elderly, 60.6% of treated patients were on target. In contrast, 28.8% of treated diabetics and 29.7% of patients with impaired renal function met BP goals. Diuretics and blockers of the renin-angiotensin system were the most commonly prescribed substances. High-risk patients and patients at advanced age (≥ 80 years) received dual free combination more frequently than younger patients. The use of diuretics was particularly high because of the prescription of single pill formulations. Differences in the pattern of drug prescription were found according to the linguistic areas. Conclusion. The control of hypertension in the Swiss hypertensive population is relatively high but still insufficient particularly among high cardiovascular risk patients such as diabetics and patients with impaired renal function. A further improvement of BP control could perhaps be achieved with a greater use of single pill combinations particularly in patients with complicated hypertension.


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The GO annotation dataset provided by the UniProt Consortium (GOA: http://www.ebi.ac.uk/GOA) is a comprehensive set of evidenced-based associations between terms from the Gene Ontology resource and UniProtKB proteins. Currently supplying over 100 million annotations to 11 million proteins in more than 360,000 taxa, this resource has increased 2-fold over the last 2 years and has benefited from a wealth of checks to improve annotation correctness and consistency as well as now supplying a greater information content enabled by GO Consortium annotation format developments. Detailed, manual GO annotations obtained from the curation of peer-reviewed papers are directly contributed by all UniProt curators and supplemented with manual and electronic annotations from 36 model organism and domain-focused scientific resources. The inclusion of high-quality, automatic annotation predictions ensures the UniProt GO annotation dataset supplies functional information to a wide range of proteins, including those from poorly characterized, non-model organism species. UniProt GO annotations are freely available in a range of formats accessible by both file downloads and web-based views. In addition, the introduction of a new, normalized file format in 2010 has made for easier handling of the complete UniProt-GOA data set.


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Congenital stationary night blindness (CSNB) is a heterogeneous retinal disorder characterized by visual impairment under low light conditions. This disorder is due to a signal transmission defect from rod photoreceptors to adjacent bipolar cells in the retina. Two forms can be distinguished clinically, complete CSNB (cCSNB) or incomplete CSNB; the two forms are distinguished on the basis of the affected signaling pathway. Mutations in NYX, GRM6, and TRPM1, expressed in the outer plexiform layer (OPL) lead to disruption of the ON-bipolar cell response and have been seen in patients with cCSNB. Whole-exome sequencing in cCSNB patients lacking mutations in the known genes led to the identification of a homozygous missense mutation (c.1807C>T [p.His603Tyr]) in one consanguineous autosomal-recessive cCSNB family and a homozygous frameshift mutation in GPR179 (c.278delC [p.Pro93Glnfs(∗)57]) in a simplex male cCSNB patient. Additional screening with Sanger sequencing of 40 patients identified three other cCSNB patients harboring additional allelic mutations in GPR179. Although, immunhistological studies revealed Gpr179 in the OPL in wild-type mouse retina, Gpr179 did not colocalize with specific ON-bipolar markers. Interestingly, Gpr179 was highly concentrated in horizontal cells and Müller cell endfeet. The involvement of these cells in cCSNB and the specific function of GPR179 remain to be elucidated.


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Birth weight within the normal range is associated with a variety of adult-onset diseases, but the mechanisms behind these associations are poorly understood. Previous genome-wide association studies of birth weight identified a variant in the ADCY5 gene associated both with birth weight and type 2 diabetes and a second variant, near CCNL1, with no obvious link to adult traits. In an expanded genome-wide association meta-analysis and follow-up study of birth weight (of up to 69,308 individuals of European descent from 43 studies), we have now extended the number of loci associated at genome-wide significance to 7, accounting for a similar proportion of variance as maternal smoking. Five of the loci are known to be associated with other phenotypes: ADCY5 and CDKAL1 with type 2 diabetes, ADRB1 with adult blood pressure and HMGA2 and LCORL with adult height. Our findings highlight genetic links between fetal growth and postnatal growth and metabolism.


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Given the anthropometric differences between men and women and previous evidence of sex-difference in genetic effects, we conducted a genome-wide search for sexually dimorphic associations with height, weight, body mass index, waist circumference, hip circumference, and waist-to-hip-ratio (133,723 individuals) and took forward 348 SNPs into follow-up (additional 137,052 individuals) in a total of 94 studies. Seven loci displayed significant sex-difference (FDR<5%), including four previously established (near GRB14/COBLL1, LYPLAL1/SLC30A10, VEGFA, ADAMTS9) and three novel anthropometric trait loci (near MAP3K1, HSD17B4, PPARG), all of which were genome-wide significant in women (P<5×10(-8)), but not in men. Sex-differences were apparent only for waist phenotypes, not for height, weight, BMI, or hip circumference. Moreover, we found no evidence for genetic effects with opposite directions in men versus women. The PPARG locus is of specific interest due to its role in diabetes genetics and therapy. Our results demonstrate the value of sex-specific GWAS to unravel the sexually dimorphic genetic underpinning of complex traits.


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Comprend : [Fig. après le titre :] Figure de proue de "France I". [Cote : 8 ° V 64722 (1,I)/microfilm R 122007] ; [Photographie 1 après le titre :] La magnifique voilure d'un Cap-Hornier. [Cote : 8 ° V 64722 (1,I)/microfilm R 122007] ; [Photographie 2 après le titre :] A serrer le Grand Perroquet volant avant. [Cote : 8 ° V 64722 (1,I)/microfilm R 122007] ; [Photographie 3 après le titre :] A serrer la Misaine. [Cote : 8 ° V 64722 (1,I)/microfilm R 122007] ; [Photographie 4 après le titre :] A la cape. Un beau coup de roulis. [Cote : 8 ° V 64722 (1,I)/microfilm R 122007] ; [pl. en reg. p.51. Chapitre III : un bateau Cap-Hornier, le Prométhée.] Dans le pot au noir. [Cote : 8 ° V 64722 (1,I)/microfilm R 122007] ; [pl. en reg. p.75. Chapitre IV : sur le pont d'un navire au moment du passage du Cap-Horn.] La houle furieuse du Cap Horn déferle sur le pont d'un voilier. [Cote : 8 ° V 64722 (1,I)/microfilm R 122007] ; [pl. en reg. p.103. Chapitre V :] Le timonier. [Cote : 8 ° V 64722 (1,I)/microfilm R 122007] ; [pl. en reg. p.195. Chapitre XI :] Serrer les voiles sur les vergues pendant la tempête est une manoeuvre périlleuse... [Cote : 8 ° V 64722 (1,I)/microfilm R 122007] ; [Pl. en reg. p.237 : schémas explicantifs des diverses parties d'une voile et d'une vergue. Rose des vents.] [Cote : 8 ° V 64722 (1,I)/microfilm R 122007] ; [pl. en double page après p.238 : Le cap-Hornier Le Prométhée.] Prométhée (...). [Cote : 8 ° V 64722 (1,I)/microfilm R 122007]


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It has been recently shown (Seddiki, N., B. Santner-Nanan, J. Martinson, J. Zaunders, S. Sasson, A. Landay, M. Solomon, W. Selby, S.I. Alexander, R. Nanan, et al. 2006. J. Exp. Med. 203:1693-1700.) that the expression of interleukin (IL) 7 receptor (R) alpha discriminates between two distinct CD4 T cell populations, both characterized by the expression of CD25, i.e. CD4 regulatory T (T reg) cells and activated CD4 T cells. T reg cells express low levels of IL-7Ralpha, whereas activated CD4 T cells are characterized by the expression of IL-7Ralpha(high). We have investigated the distribution of these two CD4 T cell populations in 36 subjects after liver and kidney transplantation and in 45 healthy subjects. According to a previous study (Demirkiran, A., A. Kok, J. Kwekkeboom, H.J. Metselaar, H.W. Tilanus, and L.J. van der Laan. 2005. Transplant. Proc. 37:1194-1196.), we observed that the T reg CD25(+)CD45RO(+)IL-7Ralpha(low) cell population was reduced in transplant recipients (P < 0.00001). Interestingly, the CD4(+)CD25(+)CD45RO(+)IL-7Ralpha(high) cell population was significantly increased in stable transplant recipients compared with healthy subjects (P < 0.00001), and the expansion of this cell population was even greater in patients with documented humoral chronic rejection compared with stable transplant recipients (P < 0.0001). The expanded CD4(+)CD25(+)CD45RO(+)IL-7Ralpha(high) cell population contained allospecific CD4 T cells and secreted effector cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor alpha and interferon gamma, thus potentially contributing to the mechanisms of chronic rejection. More importantly, CD4(+)IL-7Ralpha(+)and CD25(+)IL-7Ralpha(+) cells were part of the T cell population infiltrating the allograft of patients with a documented diagnosis of chronic humoral rejection. These results indicate that the CD4(+)CD25(+)IL-7Ralpha(+) cell population may represent a valuable, sensitive, and specific marker to monitor allospecific CD4 T cell responses both in blood and in tissues after organ transplantation.


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Plasma concentrations of total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and triglycerides are among the most important risk factors for coronary artery disease (CAD) and are targets for therapeutic intervention. We screened the genome for common variants associated with plasma lipids in >100,000 individuals of European ancestry. Here we report 95 significantly associated loci (P < 5 x 10(-8)), with 59 showing genome-wide significant association with lipid traits for the first time. The newly reported associations include single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) near known lipid regulators (for example, CYP7A1, NPC1L1 and SCARB1) as well as in scores of loci not previously implicated in lipoprotein metabolism. The 95 loci contribute not only to normal variation in lipid traits but also to extreme lipid phenotypes and have an impact on lipid traits in three non-European populations (East Asians, South Asians and African Americans). Our results identify several novel loci associated with plasma lipids that are also associated with CAD. Finally, we validated three of the novel genes-GALNT2, PPP1R3B and TTC39B-with experiments in mouse models. Taken together, our findings provide the foundation to develop a broader biological understanding of lipoprotein metabolism and to identify new therapeutic opportunities for the prevention of CAD.


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Les instabilités engendrées par des gradients de densité interviennent dans une variété d'écoulements. Un exemple est celui de la séquestration géologique du dioxyde de carbone en milieux poreux. Ce gaz est injecté à haute pression dans des aquifères salines et profondes. La différence de densité entre la saumure saturée en CO2 dissous et la saumure environnante induit des courants favorables qui le transportent vers les couches géologiques profondes. Les gradients de densité peuvent aussi être la cause du transport indésirable de matières toxiques, ce qui peut éventuellement conduire à la pollution des sols et des eaux. La gamme d'échelles intervenant dans ce type de phénomènes est très large. Elle s'étend de l'échelle poreuse où les phénomènes de croissance des instabilités s'opèrent, jusqu'à l'échelle des aquifères à laquelle interviennent les phénomènes à temps long. Une reproduction fiable de la physique par la simulation numérique demeure donc un défi en raison du caractère multi-échelles aussi bien au niveau spatial et temporel de ces phénomènes. Il requiert donc le développement d'algorithmes performants et l'utilisation d'outils de calculs modernes. En conjugaison avec les méthodes de résolution itératives, les méthodes multi-échelles permettent de résoudre les grands systèmes d'équations algébriques de manière efficace. Ces méthodes ont été introduites comme méthodes d'upscaling et de downscaling pour la simulation d'écoulements en milieux poreux afin de traiter de fortes hétérogénéités du champ de perméabilité. Le principe repose sur l'utilisation parallèle de deux maillages, le premier est choisi en fonction de la résolution du champ de perméabilité (grille fine), alors que le second (grille grossière) est utilisé pour approximer le problème fin à moindre coût. La qualité de la solution multi-échelles peut être améliorée de manière itérative pour empêcher des erreurs trop importantes si le champ de perméabilité est complexe. Les méthodes adaptatives qui restreignent les procédures de mise à jour aux régions à forts gradients permettent de limiter les coûts de calculs additionnels. Dans le cas d'instabilités induites par des gradients de densité, l'échelle des phénomènes varie au cours du temps. En conséquence, des méthodes multi-échelles adaptatives sont requises pour tenir compte de cette dynamique. L'objectif de cette thèse est de développer des algorithmes multi-échelles adaptatifs et efficaces pour la simulation des instabilités induites par des gradients de densité. Pour cela, nous nous basons sur la méthode des volumes finis multi-échelles (MsFV) qui offre l'avantage de résoudre les phénomènes de transport tout en conservant la masse de manière exacte. Dans la première partie, nous pouvons démontrer que les approximations de la méthode MsFV engendrent des phénomènes de digitation non-physiques dont la suppression requiert des opérations de correction itératives. Les coûts de calculs additionnels de ces opérations peuvent toutefois être compensés par des méthodes adaptatives. Nous proposons aussi l'utilisation de la méthode MsFV comme méthode de downscaling: la grille grossière étant utilisée dans les zones où l'écoulement est relativement homogène alors que la grille plus fine est utilisée pour résoudre les forts gradients. Dans la seconde partie, la méthode multi-échelle est étendue à un nombre arbitraire de niveaux. Nous prouvons que la méthode généralisée est performante pour la résolution de grands systèmes d'équations algébriques. Dans la dernière partie, nous focalisons notre étude sur les échelles qui déterminent l'évolution des instabilités engendrées par des gradients de densité. L'identification de la structure locale ainsi que globale de l'écoulement permet de procéder à un upscaling des instabilités à temps long alors que les structures à petite échelle sont conservées lors du déclenchement de l'instabilité. Les résultats présentés dans ce travail permettent d'étendre les connaissances des méthodes MsFV et offrent des formulations multi-échelles efficaces pour la simulation des instabilités engendrées par des gradients de densité. - Density-driven instabilities in porous media are of interest for a wide range of applications, for instance, for geological sequestration of CO2, during which CO2 is injected at high pressure into deep saline aquifers. Due to the density difference between the C02-saturated brine and the surrounding brine, a downward migration of CO2 into deeper regions, where the risk of leakage is reduced, takes place. Similarly, undesired spontaneous mobilization of potentially hazardous substances that might endanger groundwater quality can be triggered by density differences. Over the last years, these effects have been investigated with the help of numerical groundwater models. Major challenges in simulating density-driven instabilities arise from the different scales of interest involved, i.e., the scale at which instabilities are triggered and the aquifer scale over which long-term processes take place. An accurate numerical reproduction is possible, only if the finest scale is captured. For large aquifers, this leads to problems with a large number of unknowns. Advanced numerical methods are required to efficiently solve these problems with today's available computational resources. Beside efficient iterative solvers, multiscale methods are available to solve large numerical systems. Originally, multiscale methods have been developed as upscaling-downscaling techniques to resolve strong permeability contrasts. In this case, two static grids are used: one is chosen with respect to the resolution of the permeability field (fine grid); the other (coarse grid) is used to approximate the fine-scale problem at low computational costs. The quality of the multiscale solution can be iteratively improved to avoid large errors in case of complex permeability structures. Adaptive formulations, which restrict the iterative update to domains with large gradients, enable limiting the additional computational costs of the iterations. In case of density-driven instabilities, additional spatial scales appear which change with time. Flexible adaptive methods are required to account for these emerging dynamic scales. The objective of this work is to develop an adaptive multiscale formulation for the efficient and accurate simulation of density-driven instabilities. We consider the Multiscale Finite-Volume (MsFV) method, which is well suited for simulations including the solution of transport problems as it guarantees a conservative velocity field. In the first part of this thesis, we investigate the applicability of the standard MsFV method to density- driven flow problems. We demonstrate that approximations in MsFV may trigger unphysical fingers and iterative corrections are necessary. Adaptive formulations (e.g., limiting a refined solution to domains with large concentration gradients where fingers form) can be used to balance the extra costs. We also propose to use the MsFV method as downscaling technique: the coarse discretization is used in areas without significant change in the flow field whereas the problem is refined in the zones of interest. This enables accounting for the dynamic change in scales of density-driven instabilities. In the second part of the thesis the MsFV algorithm, which originally employs one coarse level, is extended to an arbitrary number of coarse levels. We prove that this keeps the MsFV method efficient for problems with a large number of unknowns. In the last part of this thesis, we focus on the scales that control the evolution of density fingers. The identification of local and global flow patterns allows a coarse description at late times while conserving fine-scale details during onset stage. Results presented in this work advance the understanding of the Multiscale Finite-Volume method and offer efficient dynamic multiscale formulations to simulate density-driven instabilities. - Les nappes phréatiques caractérisées par des structures poreuses et des fractures très perméables représentent un intérêt particulier pour les hydrogéologues et ingénieurs environnementaux. Dans ces milieux, une large variété d'écoulements peut être observée. Les plus communs sont le transport de contaminants par les eaux souterraines, le transport réactif ou l'écoulement simultané de plusieurs phases non miscibles, comme le pétrole et l'eau. L'échelle qui caractérise ces écoulements est définie par l'interaction de l'hétérogénéité géologique et des processus physiques. Un fluide au repos dans l'espace interstitiel d'un milieu poreux peut être déstabilisé par des gradients de densité. Ils peuvent être induits par des changements locaux de température ou par dissolution d'un composé chimique. Les instabilités engendrées par des gradients de densité revêtent un intérêt particulier puisque qu'elles peuvent éventuellement compromettre la qualité des eaux. Un exemple frappant est la salinisation de l'eau douce dans les nappes phréatiques par pénétration d'eau salée plus dense dans les régions profondes. Dans le cas des écoulements gouvernés par les gradients de densité, les échelles caractéristiques de l'écoulement s'étendent de l'échelle poreuse où les phénomènes de croissance des instabilités s'opèrent, jusqu'à l'échelle des aquifères sur laquelle interviennent les phénomènes à temps long. Etant donné que les investigations in-situ sont pratiquement impossibles, les modèles numériques sont utilisés pour prédire et évaluer les risques liés aux instabilités engendrées par les gradients de densité. Une description correcte de ces phénomènes repose sur la description de toutes les échelles de l'écoulement dont la gamme peut s'étendre sur huit à dix ordres de grandeur dans le cas de grands aquifères. Il en résulte des problèmes numériques de grande taille qui sont très couteux à résoudre. Des schémas numériques sophistiqués sont donc nécessaires pour effectuer des simulations précises d'instabilités hydro-dynamiques à grande échelle. Dans ce travail, nous présentons différentes méthodes numériques qui permettent de simuler efficacement et avec précision les instabilités dues aux gradients de densité. Ces nouvelles méthodes sont basées sur les volumes finis multi-échelles. L'idée est de projeter le problème original à une échelle plus grande où il est moins coûteux à résoudre puis de relever la solution grossière vers l'échelle de départ. Cette technique est particulièrement adaptée pour résoudre des problèmes où une large gamme d'échelle intervient et évolue de manière spatio-temporelle. Ceci permet de réduire les coûts de calculs en limitant la description détaillée du problème aux régions qui contiennent un front de concentration mobile. Les aboutissements sont illustrés par la simulation de phénomènes tels que l'intrusion d'eau salée ou la séquestration de dioxyde de carbone.


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There have been major advances in our understanding of the cellular and molecular biology of the human malignancies that are collectively referred to as ovarian cancer. At a recent Helene Harris Memorial Trust meeting, an international group of researchers considered actions that should be taken to improve the outcome for women with ovarian cancer. Nine major recommendations are outlined in this Opinion article.