988 resultados para Professor teletrabalhador UFMS
This work is the result of a study that aimed to start scoring difficulties that the math teacher is trying to get a historical formation. Considering that the textbook is the material with which the teacher has more contact, start with reading historical texts present in these books. Choose a theme and choose from that we observed limitations ranging from the search for sources of research in relation to the actual historical content. There are many studies that show the importance of the history of mathematics in teacher education and also in the teaching and learning of mathematics. These works , in particular the work of Feliciano (2008 ) entitled : " The use of history of mathematics in the classroom " , along with the information , experiences and opinions given by Professor Anderson Lus de Azevedo Paulo , in some meetings , point to need for materials for teaching , since they show that recognizes the importance of this knowledge and the ability to use it in the classroom , but several factors have pushed aside , even the texts present in textbooks. From the analysis of some of the work and contributions of Professor Anderson Paulo we pointed out some of the factors that make historical texts being ignored by teachers and among them are characteristics in appearance and content in the text. To assist in the preparation of materials that meet the expectations of the teacher, we present a manual with suggestions and / or features to choose or produce a good text. These suggestions can make the history books more enjoyable and thus approach the teacher of historical knowledge and later encouraged to seek, in fact, a historical formation
This article presents a theoretical search and aims to introduce the main categories of historical-cultural theory and discuss its implications for the physical education teacher's work inside the school and also emphasizes this theory and its methodological proposal as an important way to build the scholar physical education in a critical perspective aiming to change the school and the students conscious and personality. The Vigotskian school of human development it is taken as an important reference to understand the scholars in their vital process of development and helps the teachers in general, and physical education teachers in specific, to consider the activity ( vital activity) as important instrument to get the humanization and liberty of human being, inside the school and inside the contemporary society.
This research deals with the insertion of the portfolio as a resource to the development of the reflective action in training teachers of English as a Foreign Language (EFL). Its goal is to characterize linguistic marks that show the reflective process in learning narratives collected in portfolios following the considerations of the ideational metafunction of the Systemic-Functional Grammar (SFG) by Halliday (1994). Within the scope of analysis offered by SFG, the system of transitivity was chosen attempting to observe and study the lexicogrammatical choices made by participants to produce their learning narratives. The corpus was composed of twenty-six learning narratives produced by thirteen participants into two distinct modules, designated here as "First Assessment" and "Final Assessment. The analysis were performed using procedures related to Corpus Linguistics, with the aid of the computer resource WordSmith Tools 5.0 (Scott, 1999). The results seems to indicate that preservice teachers, when asked to reflect on activities written on the classroom, use in their narratives a significant majority of mental processes instead of material processes that are common in narratives from other nature. Meanwhile, the use of a portfolio in teacher training in EFL, can be considered as a trigger reflection tool, which allows future teachers' effective monitoring of all their learning process
Este trabalho tem como foco principal a interao em sala de aula, especificando aspectos da organizao lingustico-discursiva, na produo conjunta da fala da professora e dos alunos, materializada em turnos, ressaltando o par pergunta-resposta na aula de Lngua Portuguesa. Para alcanarmos esse objetivo, inspiramo-nos em alguns trabalhos acerca da organizao da interao que adotaram a perspectiva dos estudos interacionais e a abordagem etnogrfica, a fim de explicitar o conhecimento nos espaos de ensino e aprendizagem. Entre eles, citamos as pesquisas de Galvo (1996, 2004) e de Matncio (2001). Nessa direo, descrevemos o processo de interao em sala de aula em uma escola pblica, analisando e interpretando as aes de linguagem realizadas pela professora e pelos alunos. Teoricamente, embasamo-nos, principalmente, na Anlise da Conversao, ancorando-nos no estudo pioneiro de Sacks, Schegloff e Jefferson ([1974] 2003); nos postulados de Marcuschi ([1986] 2007a); nas pesquisas de Kerbrat-Orecchioni (2006), dentre outros. Explicitamos uma tipologia de perguntas e respostas em sala de aula, quanto sua forma e funo, conforme os postulados tericos de Stubbs (1987), Arajo (2003), Fvero, Andrade e Aquino (2006), Silva (2006) e Koshik (2010). Analisamos a organizao da tomada de turno, seguida de uma investigao sobre perguntas e respostas no discurso desenvolvido face a face. Na tentativa de compreendermos o cotidiano dos envolvidos no cenrio de sala de aula, adotamos a abordagem etnogrfica e o mtodo indutivo, nas perspectivas de Andr (2010) e Chizzotti (2006). Os dados foram gerados atravs de pesquisa de campo, por meio de gravaes (em udio) de aulas de Lngua Portuguesa, posteriormente transcritas e transformadas no corpus de pesquisa. As anlises demonstraram que a interao entre professora e alunos organizou-se em trocas de turnos, na maioria das vezes, controladas pela professora, evidenciando-se uma relao de assimetria entre os participantes. Esses turnos concretizados, geralmente, no par adjacente pergunta-resposta revelaram como a construo do conhecimento se realiza em sala de aula. Por fim, observamos que a interao em sala de aula de Lngua Portuguesa organizada por aspectos sociais e pedaggicos intrinsecamente imbricados
La reflexin crtica sobre la escuela y los quehaceres docentes ha favorecido la produccin y la sistematizacin de nuevos saberes basados en fundamentos cientficos, principalmente sobre las prcticas pedaggicas. En la enseanza de Lengua Portuguesa, las investigaciones buscan comprender lo qu y cmo se ensea y se aprende durante la escolarizacin. En esa perspectiva, realizamos un estudio sobre la formacin del profesor de Lengua Portuguesa y sus implicaciones en la clase, buscando observar la actuacin de los alumnos-maestros en el contexto escolar, durante la realizacin de las Prcticas. Para tanto, elegimos como objetivo general, investigar cmo la carrera de Filologa de la UFRN/CERES/Campus de Currais Novos promova la formacin de futuros profesores para atender a las expectativas de las polticas pblicas para la enseanza de Lengua Materna. Como referencial terico, estudiamos los PCN, el proyecto poltico pedaggico de la carrera y autores del rea de enseanza de Lengua Portuguesa y de Educacin, entre ellos, Geraldi (1996), Travaglia (1996, 2003), Antunes (2003, 2007, 2009 y 2010), Lomas (2003), Figueiredo (2005), Marcuschi (2001, 2008), Oliveira (2010), Riolfi et al. (2008), Possenti (2003), Alarco (1996, 2001) Imbernn (2011), Pimenta y Lima (2010) y Schn (1993). El estudio est situado en el mbito de la Lingstica Aplicada y se caracteriza como investigacin cualitativa de naturaleza interpretativista, a partir de un abordaje de inspiracin etnogrfica del ambiente de las Prcticas. En los resultados constatamos que los alumnos-maestros privilegian la enseanza prescriptiva, fundamentado en una concepcin de lengua como sistema, direccionando la enseanza de la lengua para la direccin contraria al abordaje funcionalista (lengua / uso), distancindose considerablemente de la propuesta de formar un alumno crtico y agente de transformacin. Respecto a la visin de los alumnos-maestros sobre la carrera, fueron listadas algunas cuestiones relevantes, entre ellas, los contenidos que hacen parte de la carrera, la distribucin de la carga horaria de los componentes curriculares, la revisin de las ementas, la oferta de asignaturas de inclusin social, la reorganizacin de las actividades de la prctica en relacin al acompaamiento y orientacin a los alumnos-maestros y, especialmente, la desarticulacin teora / prctica que fue considerada como responsable por muchas de las dificultades encontradas por los referidos alumnos en la fase de regencia de clase en la enseanza de Lengua Portuguesa en los niveles de enseanza fundamental y media. De ese modo, a partir del anlisis de estos significados construidos por los alumnos-maestros sobre el proceso de formacin en esa carrera de Letras, constatamos la necesidad de una revisin del proyecto de la carrera, pues ste presenta esas fragilidades que necesitan ser analizadas en funcin de la mejora de la calidad de la enseanza de la graduacin
Esta pesquisa de natureza documental e etnogrfica se insere no campo da Lingustica Aplicada, tendo por objeto de estudo o Manual do Professor, que acompanha o livro didtico de Lngua Portuguesa, e por objetivo geral (re)conhecer os aspectos sociorretricos do gnero Manual do Professor. O interesse desta tese est concentrado no uso situado desse gnero, a partir do qual se observam seus aspectos sociorretricos, a saber: o que est posto no produto, o ambiente de interao onde encontrado e como visto por seus usurios em potencial. Em um primeiro momento, produzimos um quadro epistemolgico que nos permitiu, dentre outros reparos, (i) compreender gnero textual como ao retrica tipificada baseada numa situao retrica recorrente e (ii) obter um panorama dos programas de governo voltados para a avaliao de coletneas didticas, nos quais encontramos aspectos indispensveis a um Manual do Professor. Os aportes tericos adotados neste estudo referem-se concepo sociorretrica dos estudos de gnero textual luz, sobretudo, de Johns et al. (2006), Bazerman (2011) e Miller (2011). Em um segundo momento, sob o vis da abordagem sociorretrica, procuramos definir o Manual do Professor como gnero textual e apresentamos os aspectos retricos encontrados nas amostras que analisamos, considerando a organizao constitutiva, o contexto de uso desse gnero e as percepes de seus usurios autores e professores. A gerao de dados deu-se inicialmente a partir da seleo de trs exemplares de Manuais de coletneas didticas adotadas no IFRN; em seguida, no sentido de reconhecer as percepes dos usurios desse gnero, realizamos grupo focal com professores e entrevistamos o coautor de uma das coletneas. Para anlise dos dados, elegemos o mtodo etnogrfico de anlise de gneros postulado por Reiff (apud JOHNS et al, 2006), que nos permitiu analisar o objeto de estudo em contextos autnticos de uso do gnero. Nossos resultados mostram que o Manual do Professor est inserido num sistema de gneros e no sistema de atividades profissionais de domnio do professor e no se limita apenas a explicar como est organizado o livro didtico do aluno. Outros sete propsitos foram observados, dentre os quais se encontram: possibilitar ao docente uma reflexo sobre a sua prtica de ensino e sugerir caminhos para a melhoria do processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Acreditamos que esta pesquisa poder estimular professores, em relao importncia (e no obrigatoriedade) de consultas peridicas aos Manuais; autores, no que se refere a estabelecer uma interlocuo mais pessoalizada com seus leitores em potencial e no sentido de esclarecer ainda mais as facetas do livro didtico; e editoras, sobretudo no que tange a recursos de editorao, para que o Manual do Professor se torne mais atrativo
We present results of research aiming to identify and analyze the meanings of teacher education in papers published over 23 years of Bolema, from 1985 to 2007. Specifically, we analyzed what the authors of the articles understood as teacher education and how they approached it in their projects, research, and interventions. We found that teacher education is characterized: by means of the definition of teacher education, its objectives and functions; from what is expected of the teacher at the end of the education process; from the disciplinary and/or pedagogical contents proposed in courses; from the practical activities proposed; through suggestions of courses and their curricular structures; from reflections on its limitations and possibilities.
The dance is one of the cultural content of body movement. But it is known, by means of literature and researches, that the training of teachers of Physical Education has submitted this content limits, damaging their future education in schools. This article discusses these limits and their possible solutions, ruled itself for both in literature and analysis on data collected in search of the Masters PEREIRA (2007). In this analysis it was felt that the dance is little in this Fitness because of graduate students have little experience inside and outside the school environment, because many parents, teachers and students have to dance with prejudice, and because do not feel prepared to deal with this content in schools. It appears that this may be due to the hegemony of sports in physical education, and some misunderstandings when you think the goals and content of dance in physical education.
O presente artigo faz um levantamento da bibliografia disponvel acerca da formao de professores em cursos de licenciatura, iniciando com um tratamento hermenutico ao termo formao, passando pela atual situao dos docentes no estado de So Paulo. Caracteriza a constituio das instituies formadoras e levanta aspectos convergentes em relao ao tratamento do tema na literatura. Finalmente so feitas consideraes especficas sobre a formao dos professores em cursos de Licenciatura em Matemtica.
The aim of this paper is to discuss the teachers' need, as autonomous professionals, to evaluate their own pratice. Considering that Descriptive Functional Analysis (DFA) may be a pedagogical method for analysis, implementation, and change of teachers' mathematics teaching practices, the objective of the present research was to teach repertoires compatible with DFA to two mathematics teachers in elementary schools of So Paulo state. When teachers are responsible for evaluation and self evaluation, they recognize themselves as fundamental agents of transformation in education.
Estudos tm mostrado a importncia das interaes sociais desencadeadas em sala de aula como fundamentais para a aprendizagem dos alunos. Contudo, o professor deve ser capaz de motivar os estudantes para se envolverem mais ativamente com as atividades de ensino propostas. Este artigo apresenta os resultados de uma investigao sobre as interaes sociais desenvolvidas no contexto de uma sala de aula do Ensino Mdio, que explicou os princpios da conservao da energia mecnica com uma aula experimental de demonstrao. O principal objetivo era entender como o discurso do professor pode contribuir para o bom nvel de motivao do aluno durante uma aula. As entrevistas com professor e alunos e todo o processo de interao durante as atividades foram gravados, transcritos e analisados . Os resultados ressaltam a importncia da abordagem discursiva dos professores para manter o processo de motivao entre os alunos.
This research aimed to analyze the dynamics established between the activity of the teacher in Distance Education (DE) and professional gender of teaching, in terms of impact of DE in teacher s usual professional activity. Previous studies showed that one of the central discussions concerning DE refers to the role that the teacher is called to perform. The present research, based on theoretical and methodological assumptions issued from Clinic of Activity, analyzed the impact referred above. This central aim was operationally executed along three main stages: 1) survey study for description of socio-professional profile of teachers working in DE in two universities from Natal (RN-Brazil), 2) clinical analysis of professional activity of teachers working in DE, taking into account four simultaneous levels of psychological constitution and development of human activity: personal, interpersonal, transpersonal and impersonal; 3) analytical focus on transpersonal context in order to understand the influence of pedagogical practice in DE on professional gender of teaching. Documental research, audio recorded voice data and a multiple choice Likert scale questionnaire concerning socio-professional information were used as procedural tools. The qualitative-clinical procedural tool of instruction to the double , firstly proposed by Clinic of Activity research group, was used in order to obtain oral productions concerning professional activity. Data issued from stage 1 (n=70, 28 men and 41 women) was submitted to descriptive and inferential statistical analyzes. 65.7% of the sample worked in a public institution, 30% in a private institution, and 4.3% in public and private institutions. 31.4% of the sample of participants was formed by teachers having a master degree, 28.6% were doctors and 26.3% had degrees of specialists. 54.3% of participants acted as remote tutor, and 44.3% were regents teachers. After descriptive multidimensional cluster analysis, two groups emerged (remote tutors and regents teachers), the most important variables in terms of contributions to this distinction being: professional function, level of graduate formation, level of income, activities and forms of entry in DE. Clinical analysis of data produced by two participant-teachers of each group, issued from instruction to the double technique, was performed. This analysis indicated the existence of different models of distance education. A general concern referring to the need of both taking into account information technology and pedagogical attitudes was detected. On the other hand, participant-teachers considered that participation in DE activities could bring relevant contributions to general professional gender of teaching. . Finally, teachers warned against certain formats of organization of teachers professional activity, as found in the domain of DE, since these activities could promote the intensification and individualization of teachers` work activity, and even the worsening of relations, rather than exchanges and shares through collective bargaining. This process could compromise the renew of the professional gender, by losing its historical roots and diminishing activity possibilities of teachers in their labor context
The move to include students with special needs (NEE) in the schools presents a paradigm that raises continual discussion about how to implement this proposal. Considering that learning is built from the weaving of socially constructed knowledge and the field of knowledge concerning subjectivity, this research explores the difficulties that occur with the later in the process of inclusion in the schools. Admittedly, the promise implicit in the school does not guarantee that the student learn, but the envisioning of this learning, when the student s educator discredits him, is such that the person is then not taken on as an actual student, being excluded from the transmission of knowledge, even within the school. The project implemented at the Instituto Educacional Casa Escola IECE, for the last three years, shows us that the possibility and sustainability of this envisioning is intimately linked to the subjectivity of the educator, as well as how one relates to the institutional culture. We question then, how this perspective is formed in the educator this perspective capable of denying the offer of a place as student, allowing him to advance while learning. With this in mind, we explore the paradoxical elements present in the paradigm of inclusion, as well as analyzing theoretically, through the body of conceptual psychoanalysis, the process of subjective constitution. We intend to bring to light how this process coincides with the construction of the educator s perspective of exemption from teaching the special needs students. We question, through the formative functions of subjective structuring (The Mirror Stage and the Oedipus Complex), how to form a perspective capable of promoting inclusion of special needs students in educators. Finally, we show how it is possible to bring to light, with the concepts of the I ideal and the ideal I, the subjective difficulties in the practicing instructor
O presente artigo o resultado de um pensamento filosfico acerca do ensino de filosofia. O principal objetivo de nossa pesquisa foi entender o que faz o filsofo quando seu ofcio ser professor de filosofia. Para tal, utilizamos como referencial terico-metodolgico o pensamento de Foucault para pensar o filsofo-professor de filosofia em seu lcus - ensino de filosofia - enquanto uma ontologia do presente, e o pensamento de Deleuze e Guattari para indicar uma possvel maneira de entender esse ofcio de professor que acreditamos se dar em um fazer artstico, filosfico e cientfico.
Este artigo tem por objetivo trazer luz os meandros e as particularidades do pensamento de Hegel sobre o ensino da filosofia. Embora esta no seja uma questo central em seu pensamento, possvel notar sua preocupao acerca do tema, especificamente nos textos que escreveu durante o perodo no qual exerceu a funo de professor e diretor do ginsio em Nrember. A apresentao que aqui se faz do pensamento de Hegel sobre o ensino da filosofia divide-se em trs momentos: no primeiro, so pontuados os contedos que ele julga necessrios para a formao do pensamento filosfico; no segundo, apresentada a questo do mtodo e a sua relao com os contedos no ensino da filosofia; e finalmente, no terceiro, procura-se entender o papel que o professor exerce nesse ensino.