908 resultados para Perry.


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We study here the injection and transport of ions in the convection-dominated region of the Earth’s magnetosphere. The total ion counts from the CAMMICE MICS instrument aboard the POLAR spacecraft are used to generate occurrence probability distributions of magnetospheric ion populations. MICS ion spectra are characterised by both the peak in the differential energy flux, and the average energy of ions striking the detector. The former permits a comparison with the Stubbs et al. (2001) survey of He2+ ions of solar wind origin within the magnetosphere. The latter can address the occurrences of various classifications of precipitating particle fluxes observed in the topside ionosphere by DMSP satellites (Newell and Meng, 1992). The peak energy occurrences are consistent with our earlier work, including the dawn-dusk asymmetry with enhanced occurrences on the dawn flank at low energies, switching to the dusk flank at higher energies. The differences in the ion energies observed in these two studies can be explained by drift orbit effects and acceleration processes at the magnetopause, and in the tail current sheet. Near noon at average ion energies of _1 keV, the cusp and open LLBL occur further poleward here than in the Newell and Meng survey, probably due to convectionrelated time-of-flight effects. An important new result is that the pre-noon bias previously observed in the LLBL is most likely due to the component of this population on closed field lines, formed largely by low energy ions drifting earthward from the tail. There is no evidence here of mass and momentum transfer from the solar wind to the LLBL by nonreconnection coupling. At higher energies (_2–20 keV), we observe ions mapping to the auroral oval and can distinguish between the boundary and central plasma sheets. We show that ions at these energies relate to a transition from dawnward to duskward dominated flow, this is evidence of how ion drift orbits in the tail influence the location and behaviour of the plasma populations in the magnetosphere.


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We predict the field-aligned currents around cusp ion steps produced by pulsed reconnection between the geomagnetic field and an interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) with a B-Y component that is large in magnitude. For B-Y > 0, patches of newly opened flux move westward and eastward in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, respectively, under the influence of the magnetic curvature force. These flow directions are reversed for B-Y < 0. The speed of this longitudinal motion initially grows with elapsed time since reconnection, but then decays as the newly opened field lines straighten. We predict sheets of field-aligned current on the boundaries between the patches produced by successive reconnection pulses, associated with the difference in the speeds of their longitudinal motion. For low elapsed times since reconnection, near the equatorward edge of the cusp region where the field lines are accelerating, the field-aligned current sheets will be downward or upward in both hemispheres for positive or negative IMF B-Y, respectively. At larger elapsed times since reconnection, as events slow and evolve from the cusp into the mantle region, these field-aligned current directions will be reversed. Observations by the Polar spacecraft on August 26,1998, show the predicted upward current sheets at steps seen in the mantle region for IMF B-Y > 0. Mapped into the ionosphere, the steps coincide with poleward moving events seen by the CUTLASS HF radar. The mapped location of the largest step also coincides with a poleward moving arc seen by the UVI imager on Polar. We show that the arc is consistent with a region of upward field-aligned current that has become unstable, such that a potential drop of about 1 kV formed below the spacecraft. The importance of these observations is that they confirm that the poleward moving events, as seen by the HF radar and the UV imager, are due to pulsed magnetopause reconnection. Milan et al. [2000] noted that the great longitudinal extent of these events means that the required reconnection pulses would have contributed almost all the voltage placed across the magnetosphere at this time. The observations also show that auroral arcs can form on open field lines in response to the pulsed application of voltage at the magnetopause.


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Solar wind/magnetosheath plasma in the magnetosphere can be identified using a component that has a higher charge state, lower density and, at least soon after their entry into the magnetosphere, lower energy than plasma from a terrestrial source. We survey here observations taken over 3 years of He2+ ions made by the Magnetospheric Ion Composition Sensor (MICS) of the Charge and Mass Mgnetospheric Ion Composition Experiment (CAMMICE) instrument aboard POLAR. The occurrence probability of these solar wind ions is then plotted as a function of Magnetic Local Time (MLT) and invariant latitude (3) for various energy ranges. For all energies observed by MICS (1.8–21.4 keV) and all solar wind conditions, the occurrence probabilities peaked around the cusp region and along the dawn flank. The solar wind conditions were filtered to see if this dawnward asymmetry is controlled by the Svalgaard-Mansurov effect (and so depends on the BY component of the interplanetary magnetic field, IMF) or by Fermi acceleration of He2+ at the bow shock (and so depends on the IMF ratio BX/BY ). It is shown that the asymmetry remained persistently on the dawn flank, suggesting it was not due to effects associated with direct entry into the magnetosphere. This asymmetry, with enhanced fluxes on the dawn flank, persisted for lower energy ions (below a “cross-over” energy of about 23 keV) but reversed sense to give higher fluxes on the dusk flank at higher energies. This can be explained by the competing effects of gradient/curvature drifts and the convection electric field on ions that are convecting sunward on re-closed field lines. The lower-energy He2+ ions E × B drift dawnwards as they move earthward, whereas the higher energy ions curvature/gradient drift towards dusk. The convection electric field in the tail is weaker for northward IMF. Ions then need less energy to drift to the dusk flank, so that the cross-over energy, at which the asymmetry changes sense, is reduced.


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We present combined observations made near midnight by the EISCAT radar, all-sky cameras and the combined released and radiation efects satellite (CRRES) shortly before and during a substorm. In particular, we study a discrete, equatorward-drifting auroral arc, seen several degrees poleward of the onset region. The arc passes through the field-aligned beam of the EISCAT radar and is seen to be associated with a considerable upflow of ionospheric plasma. During the substorm, the CRRES satellite observed two major injections, 17 min apart, the second of which was dominated by O+ ions. We show that the observed are was in a suitable location in both latitude and MLT to have fed O+ ions into the second injection and that the upward flux of ions associated with it was sufficient to explain the observed injection. We interpret these data as showing that arcs in the nightside plasma-sheet boundary layer could be the source of O+ ions energised by a dipolarisation of the mid- and near-Earth tail, as opposed to ions ejected from the dayside ionosphere in the cleft ion fountain.


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FS CMa type stars are a group of Galactic objects with the B[e] phenomenon. They exhibit strong emission-line spectra and infrared excesses, which are most likely due to recently formed circumstellar dust. The group content and identification criteria were described in the first two papers of the series. In this paper we report our spectroscopic and photometric observations of the optical counterpart of IRAS 00470+6429 obtained in 2003-2008. The optical spectrum is dominated by emission lines, most of which have P Cyg type profiles. We detected significant brightness variations, which may include a regular component, and variable spectral line profiles in both shape and position. The presence of a weak Li I 6708 angstrom line in the spectrum suggests that the object is most likely a binary system with a B2-B3 spectral-type primary companion of a luminosity log L/L(circle dot) = 3.9 +/- 0.3 and a late-type secondary companion. We estimate a distance toward the object to be 2.0 +/- 0.3 kpc from the Sun.


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In the present study we evaluated the effect of chronic methionine administration on oxidative stress and biochemical parameters in liver and serum of rats, respectively. We also performed histological analysis in liver. Results showed that hypermethioninemia increased chemiluminescence, carbonyl content and glutathione peroxidase activity, decreased total antioxidant potential, as well as altered catalase activity. Hypermethioninemia increased synthesis and concentration of glycogen, besides histological studies showed morphological alterations and reduction in the glycogen/glycoprotein content in liver. Serum alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase and glucose were increased in hypermethioninemic rats. These findings suggest that oxidative damage and histological changes caused by methionine may be related to the hepatic injury observed in hypermethioninemia. (C) 2009 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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The Main Injector Neutrino Oscillation Search (MINOS) experiment uses an accelerator-produced neutrino beam to perform precision measurements of the neutrino oscillation parameters in the ""atmospheric neutrino"" sector associated with muon neutrino disappearance. This long-baseline experiment measures neutrino interactions in Fermilab`s NuMI neutrino beam with a near detector at Fermilab and again 735 km downstream with a far detector in the Soudan Underground Laboratory in northern Minnesota. The two detectors are magnetized steel-scintillator tracking calorimeters. They are designed to be as similar as possible in order to ensure that differences in detector response have minimal impact on the comparisons of event rates, energy spectra and topologies that are essential to MINOS measurements of oscillation parameters. The design, construction, calibration and performance of the far and near detectors are described in this paper. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Malnutrition is a worldwide problem affecting millions of unborn and young children during the most vulnerable stages of brain development (1). All restriction of protein during the perinatal period of life can alter the development of mammalian fetus and have marked repercussions on development of the Central Nervous System (CNS). The brain is vulnerable to protein malnutrition with altered morphologic and biochemical maturation, leading to impaired functions. The focus of this study is to investigate [U-14C]glycine metabolism in malnourished rats submitted to pre- and postnatal protein deprivation (diet: 8% protein with addition and without addition of L-methionine) on glycine metabolism of rats (normonourished group: 25% protein). It was observed that protein malnutrition alters oxidation to CO2, conversion to lipids and protein synthesis from [U-14C]glycine in cerebellum of malnourished rats without addition of L-methionine on a diet at 7 and 21 days of postnatal life. Our results also indicate that protein malnutrition causes a retardation in the normally ordered progression of brain development, and the malnourished groups have smaller cells, reduction in cell numbers and smaller cerebellar weight comparing to the control group.


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Glicose é o principal substrato energético no SNC de mamíferos adultos, contudo o cérebro também é capaz de utilizar outros substratos, incluindo manose, frutose, galactose, glicerol, corpos cetônicos e lactato. Glicose é quase totalmente oxidada a CO2 e H2O, mas ela também é precursora de neurotransmissores, tais como glutamato, GABA e glicina. O metabolismo energético do SNC varia ontogeneticamente, visto o fato de que nas primeiras 2 horas após o nascimento, lactato é o seu principal substrato, glicose e corpos cetônicos servem como substratos nos 21 dias subseqüentes e, após este período, somente glicose predomina. A utilização de nutrientes é regulada de várias maneiras, tais como o transporte através das células endoteliais capilares, transporte através da membrana plasmática, variações na atividade enzimática e variações nas concentrações de nutrientes plasmáticos. Está bem estabelecido que a atividade funcional do SNC aumenta o metabolismo energético. Tal evento pode ser dependente da atividade da bomba Na+,K+-ATPase, a qual é requerida para restabelecer a homeostase iônica. O aumento da concentração de potássio extracelular de um nível basal 8-12 mM provoca excitação neuronal fisiológica. A concentração de potássio pode atingir 50-80 mM durante convulsões, isquemia ou hipoglicemia. O potássio liberado pela atividade elétrica é captado nos astrócitos através de processos dependentes e não dependentes de ATP. Neste estudo, observamos o efeito de diferentes concentrações de potássio extracelular (2.7, 20 e 50 mM), sobre a oxidação de glicose, frutose, manose e lactato a CO2 e a conversão a lipídios em córtex cerebral de ratos jovens (10dias) e adultos (60 dias). Considerando que a captação de deoxiglicose está relacionada com a atividade glicolítica, testamos a influência do potássio extracelular sobre este parâmetro. Os efeitos da ouabaína sobre a oxidação de glicose e captação de deoxiglicose foram testados para determinar se a influência de potássio extracelular era dependente da atividade da bomba Na+,K+-ATPase. Os efeitos da monensina (ionóforo de Na+) e bumetanide (inibidor do transportador de Na+/K+/2Cl-) foram também testados. O aumento da concentração de potássio extracelular aumentou a oxidação de glicose, frutose, e manose a CO2 em córtex cerebral de ratos adultos, contudo, este fenômeno não foi observado em ratos jovens. A oxidação de lactato aumentou com o aumento da concentração de potássio extracelular em ambos ratos jovens e adultos. Não houve diferença na oxidação de glicose e sobre a captação de deoxiglicose na presença de ouabaína. Monensina aumentou a captação de deoxiglicose em 2 minutos de incubação. Contudo, esta captação diminuiu em períodos de incubação de 1 hora e 10 minutos. Além disso, não houve efeito do bumetanide sobre o aumento causado pela alta concentração de potássio extracelular na oxidação de glicose.