864 resultados para Pentecostalism. Gender Relations. Lifestyle. Family. Renewed Presbyterian Church
The purpose of this exploratory, descriptive and retrospective study with a quantitative approach was to characterize violence against children in Curitiba. Reports of 2004 through 2008 about compulsory denouncements of violence cases were analyzed. The results showed an increase in violence, with home violence as the most frequent type and five to nine-year-olds as the most affected group, and negligence and physical violence as the most denounced forms of violence. Almost 81% of the sexual violence is performed against girls and the father is the main aggressor, showing inequality in gender relations and between generations. The importance of notification as a visibility instrument is highlighted. Other confrontation measures are necessary though, such as the promotion of equitable relationships of gender and generation, and cross-sectional policies that involve the social segments in a praxis that transforms reality.
Polizei in Afrika ist korrupt und schlecht ausgebildet und eine „Marionette“ der Regierungen − so das nicht nur im populären, sondern auch sozialwissenschaftlichen Diskurs vermittelte Bild. Eine ethnographische Perspektive, die Polizeiarbeit im Alltag beobachtet und auf die Interaktionsstrategien der Polizisten mit Klienten und ihre Deutungen und Selbstbilder fokussiert, erlaubt neue Einsichten in das alltägliche Funktionieren der Organisation. Die vorliegende Arbeit basiert auf einem dreimonatigen Aufenthalt in der domestic violence unit der Police Headquarters in der Upper West Region Ghanas. Sie zeigt unter anderem, wie die Akteure die Ausbildung zum Polizisten, Gehaltsfragen, Versetzungen, Geschlechterverhältnis und Beförderungen konzeptionalisieren und wo sie sich in ihrer Arbeitswelt positionieren. Die besondere Aufmerksamkeit der Arbeit gilt der Interaktion der Polizisten mit Akteuren außerhalb ihrer Organisation, den „Klienten“. Eine zentrale Erkenntnis ist, dass die Klienten erst mit Hilfe typischer bürokratischer Praktiken und Redensarten als solche von den Polizisten konstruiert werden. Dabei sind die Klienten aber weder passiv polizeilicher Willkür ausgeliefert noch können einflussreiche Klienten die Polizei nach ihrem Gusto manipulieren. In zwei Fallstudien von Verhandlungssituationen wird deutlich, wie Polizisten Autorität in der Interaktion mit Klienten herstellen und legitimieren und welche Maßnahmen Klienten ihrerseits ergreifen, um die Situation zu ihren Gunsten zu gestalten.
La dissertazione si articola attorno all’idea di tradizione e alla concettualizzazione di genere nella musica di villaggio dei Banyoro e dei Batooro dell’Uganda occidentale. Il lavoro si sviluppa nel complesso in tre parti principali. Nella prima si presentano le trasformazioni storiche intervenute nelle relazioni di genere dal periodo precoloniale al presente e si introduce la musica di villaggio delle popolazioni considerate, ponendola a confronto con la musica di corte e con quella religiosa. La seconda sezione è dedicata allo studio dei repertori vocali e di danza di villaggio, a partire dalla documentazione realizzata con informatori anziani: di queste musiche sono considerate le caratteristiche stilistiche ed è condotta un’analisi che mira a mettere in luce le idee di genere trasmesse attraverso questi repertori. L’ultima parte del lavoro prende in considerazione le trasformazioni intervenute nel panorama musicale ugandese nell’ultimo secolo, a partire dall’influenza di musiche esterne, dall’insegnamento della musica tradizionale nelle scuole e dall’istituzione di festival scolastici e di gruppi folklorici: diverse performance attuali di canti e di danza sotto sottoposte a studio analitico. Nel complesso, si rileva una generale rifunzionalizzazione di musiche e idee di genere che si rifanno al passato, ma hanno valore soprattutto per il recupero della cultura locale nel presente,connotato dal contesto multiculturale dell’Uganda contemporanea e dalle politiche, promosse dal Governo, che favoriscono l’emancipazione femminile.
Several studies have documented women's use of vaginal practices in South Africa to enhance their desirability to men. This article describes a little known practice of this kind among women in KwaZulu-Natal. It involves the use of small incisions in the genital area (and often abdomen and breasts) to introduce herbal substances, described as love medicines, into the body through the incisions. In-depth interviews were carried out with 20 key informants and 20 women, and eight focus group discussions with women and men, in a rural and urban site in 2005-06. A province-wide household survey was then conducted using a multi-stage cluster sample design among 867 women aged 18-60. Forty-two per cent of the women in the household survey had heard of genital incisions; only 3% had actually used them. The main motivation was the enhancement of sexual attractiveness and long-term partner commitment. It appears to be a very recent practice, but may be an extension of an older healing practice not involving the genitals. It was most prevalent among rural women aged 24-29 (although not significant), those with less education, and those who suspected their partners of having other partners. It is linked to the modern popularity of love medicines, which in turn illustrates the troubling state of gender relations in KwaZulu-Natal today.
Interpretations of Shakespeare’s characters have been subject to the pressures of history, exhibiting a progression of performance styles in accordance with changes in ideas and concerns over time. Shakespeare’s complex portrayals of women leave room for cultural influences of a time period to greatly influence interpretations because of the ambiguous nature of some of his major female characters. Lady Macbeth and Much Ado About Nothing’s Beatrice both overstep and challenge gender boundaries, and the combination of their defiant natures and textual ambiguities have made these characters highly controversial over the past four centuries.Various cultures over time have imposed specific readings of the characters that serve to reinforce the male-dominated expectations of a given society. The examination of variations in performance styles and interpretations of these two extremely canonical characters revealinsights into gender ideologies that existed during various time periods throughout history. The combination of this analysis with an exploration of the effects of the more recent applications offeminism and film, which have both helped to reshape the cultural images of both Lady Macbeth and Beatrice, will aide in an observation of the status of gender relations in our contemporary society. The current trend of interpretations of these characters could also provide predictions about future gender relations in our culture.
In accordance with Bengtson's model of intergenerational solidarity (e.g. Bengtson & Roberts, 1991), the interrelations between adult daughters' family values, their perception of the relationship quality with their parents, the support they reported to give to and to receive from their parents, and their perception of reciprocity in intergenerational support exchange were investigated for N = 265 middle-aged women in Germany. It was also asked whether the support given to parents and perceived reciprocity are related to daughters' felt burden as a result of their support. Cross-sectional, self-report data were examined with multiple and multinomial logistic regression analyses. The analyses revealed positive relations between family values, relationship quality, and support to parents. Perceived reciprocity was associated with the exchange of intergenerational support and imbalance in support had negative effects on the relationship quality. Felt burden was predicted by the extent of support and the perceived reciprocity. However, specific correlational patterns depending on the kind of support as well as differences in the importance of mother and father occurred. The findings are discussed against the background of the meaning of family obligations and reciprocity in a Western culture.
The study focuses on gender norms and practices in Chinese Christian communities established by Jesuit missionary activity during the long seventeenth century. It analyzes how European and Chinese gender norms and practices affected each other in the context of the Sino-Western cultural contact initiated by the missionaries. The thesis consists of two parts. First, it analyzes the ways in which European Jesuits engaged with Chinese gender relations in the course of their mission in China. The study demonstrates that the Jesuits’ adoption of the Chinese scholar-gentry’s habitus entailed a partial adaptation to Confucian gender norms. The latter placed great emphasis on gender segregation and therefore discouraged direct communication between missionaries and Chinese women. This resulted in the emergence of organizational and devotional arrangements of Christian communities specific to China. Second, the study discusses Chinese Christian women's religious culture that emerged in the absence of a strong missionary presence among female devotees. It points out that Chinese Christian women created their own ritual culture and religious sociability in the domestic context, and that they actively took part in shaping Chinese Christianity as masters of domestic rituals.
Aquí se analiza una de las estrategias de integración política del Partido Comunista Argentino hacia las obreras de la industria textil: la de la organización de las mujeres. Para analizar las relaciones de género dentro de la clase obrera se desarrolló una metodología específica que consiste en examinar las relaciones intra e intersexo-género/clase. Como resultado de esta investigación se advirtió que esta política implementada por el comunismo influyó en el aumento de la militancia femenina en la Unión Obrera Textil durante la década del treinta y la primera mitad de los cuarenta
En este trabajo, nos proponemos realizar un balance sobre el modo en que la historiografía ha descripto y analizado las políticas públicas que, durante el primer y segundo gobierno peronista, se implementaron en relación con la maternidad así como los debates conceptuales, analíticos e historiográficos que ha suscitado de manera, a veces, implícita. Este abordaje, nos permitirá estudiar cómo se constituyeron históricamente las identidades femeninas y cómo se prescribieron roles, funciones y relaciones de poder que legitimaron distinciones generizadas basadas en diferencias biológicas, que naturalizaron la centralidad de la maternidad en cuanto función reproductora en la vida de las mujeres o que, aún sosteniendo esas construcciones de género binarias, consideraron limitar los alcances de los roles maternales, pero no menos los paternos.
En este trabajo, nos proponemos realizar un balance sobre el modo en que la historiografía ha descripto y analizado las políticas públicas que, durante el primer y segundo gobierno peronista, se implementaron en relación con la maternidad así como los debates conceptuales, analíticos e historiográficos que ha suscitado de manera, a veces, implícita.
Este abordaje, nos permitirá estudiar cómo se constituyeron históricamente las identidades femeninas y cómo se prescribieron roles, funciones y relaciones de poder que legitimaron distinciones generizadas basadas en diferencias biológicas, que naturalizaron la centralidad de la maternidad en cuanto función reproductora en la vida de las mujeres o que, aún sosteniendo esas construcciones de género binarias, consideraron limitar los alcances de los roles maternales, pero no menos los paternos.
Aquí se analiza una de las estrategias de integración política del Partido Comunista Argentino hacia las obreras de la industria textil: la de la organización de las mujeres. Para analizar las relaciones de género dentro de la clase obrera se desarrolló una metodología específica que consiste en examinar las relaciones intra e intersexo-género/clase. Como resultado de esta investigación se advirtió que esta política implementada por el comunismo influyó en el aumento de la militancia femenina en la Unión Obrera Textil durante la década del treinta y la primera mitad de los cuarenta
En este trabajo, nos proponemos realizar un balance sobre el modo en que la historiografía ha descripto y analizado las políticas públicas que, durante el primer y segundo gobierno peronista, se implementaron en relación con la maternidad así como los debates conceptuales, analíticos e historiográficos que ha suscitado de manera, a veces, implícita. Este abordaje, nos permitirá estudiar cómo se constituyeron históricamente las identidades femeninas y cómo se prescribieron roles, funciones y relaciones de poder que legitimaron distinciones generizadas basadas en diferencias biológicas, que naturalizaron la centralidad de la maternidad en cuanto función reproductora en la vida de las mujeres o que, aún sosteniendo esas construcciones de género binarias, consideraron limitar los alcances de los roles maternales, pero no menos los paternos.
Aquí se analiza una de las estrategias de integración política del Partido Comunista Argentino hacia las obreras de la industria textil: la de la organización de las mujeres. Para analizar las relaciones de género dentro de la clase obrera se desarrolló una metodología específica que consiste en examinar las relaciones intra e intersexo-género/clase. Como resultado de esta investigación se advirtió que esta política implementada por el comunismo influyó en el aumento de la militancia femenina en la Unión Obrera Textil durante la década del treinta y la primera mitad de los cuarenta