1000 resultados para Oral biopsies


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Algumas complicações maternas ou fetais no decorrer da gravidez tornam necessária a indução do trabalho de parto. O misoprostol é um análogo sintético da prostaglandina Eı que mimetiza a acção endógena destas substâncias na maturação do colo do útero. A dose ideal, via e frequência de administração continuam sob investigação. O objectivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficácia do misoprostol na indução do trabalho de parto e a morbilidade associada à sua administração oral e vaginal. Foi efectuada uma avaliação retrospectiva das grávidas internadas para indução do trabalho de parto durante o ano de 2002, no serviço de Medicina Materno Fetal da Maternidade Dr. Alfredo da Costa. Foram seleccionadas as grávidas que efectuaram misoprostol oral (100 mg) e vaginal (50 mg). Foi avaliado o intervalo de tempo até à fase activa, ao parto, a necessidade de perfusão com occitocina, a via de parto e a morbilidade materna e fetal. Consideraram-se 238 grávidas, 194 efectuaram misoprostol oral e 44 vaginal. O intervalo da indução ao parto vaginal foi 24,3 horas na via oral e 16,9 horas na via vaginal (p=0.01), a dose total administrada foi significativamente inferior na via vaginal (p=0.00), a paridade foi um factor importante na via de parto (p=0.01). Não se verificaram diferenças entre os dois grupos em relação às complicações maternas e fetais. A administração vaginal de misoprostol, quando comparada com a oral, mostrou-se mais eficaz.


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Thirty Candida albicans isolated from oral candidosis patients and 30 C. albicans isolated from control individuals were studied. In vitro susceptibility tests were performed for amphotericin B, fluconazole, 5-flucytosine and itraconazole through the Clinical and Laboratorial Standards Institute (CLSI) reference method and E test system. The results obtained were analyzed and compared. MIC values were similar for the strains isolated from oral candidosis patients and control individuals. The agreement rate for the two methods was 66.67% for amphotericin B, 53.33% for fluconazole, 65% for flucytosine and 45% for itraconazole. According to our data, E test method could be an alternative to trial routine susceptibility testing due to its simplicity. However, it can not be considered a substitute for the CLSI reference method.


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Relatório apresentado para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ensino de Inglês e de Língua Estrangeira (Alemão) no 3.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e no Ensino Secundário,


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The authors report two cases of adrenal insufficiency secondary to infiltration of the adrenal glands by Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. The first patient had been treated for a chronic multifocal form of paracoccidiodomycosis 11 years ago. The diagnosis of the mycosis was done simultaneous with that of the adrenal insufficiency in the second patient. In both patients the diagnosis was done by direct visualization of fungus in adrenal biopsies. They were treated with hormonal supplements and itraconazol by 12 and six months, without relapses during the follow-up period.


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We determined the relationship between plasma and red blood cell concentrations of quinine in children with uncomplicated falciparum malaria from an endemic area of Amazonian region. Quinine was determined by high performance liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection. In the steady state the ratio between plasma and red blood cell quinine concentration was 1.89 ± 1.25 ranging from 1.05 to 2.34. This result demonstrated that quinine do not concentrate in red blood cell of Brazilian children and characterize the absence of interracial difference in this relationship.


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Resumo: A cárie dentária, um problema que tem atingido populações em grande parte do mundo, é a doença de maior prevalência da cavidade oral, gerando graves consequências económicas e sociais. Esta doença tem sido estudada ao longo do tempo em diferentes países com o emprego de diversos índices, geralmente para o estudo da sua prevalência, a avaliação de medidas preventivas e o adequado planeamento das acções e serviços de saúde oral. O objectivo deste Projecto foi determinar se a escovagem quando realizada na escola com pasta fluoretada, e supervisionada pelos professores, duas vezes por dia, seria ou não eficaz na diminuição das populações microbianas de Streptococcus mutans e Lactobacillus e na consequente diminuição da incidência de cárie dentária. Material e métodos: Foram seleccionadas todas as crianças (universo = 178), com idades compreendidas entre os 5, 6 e 7 anos, residentes no Concelho de Aljustrel e a frequentar o pré-escolar e o primeiro ciclo do ensino básico oficial. Foi realizada a escovagem bi-diária com pasta fluoretada a 500 ppm F-, na escola, segundo o método de Bass modificado, supervisionado pelos professores titulares de turma, que tiveram formação da técnica de escovagem utilizada. Durante os 3 anos de estudo foram realizadas 6 observações dentárias e recolhas salivares para contagem de Streptococcus mutans e Lactobacillus e avaliação da capacidade tampão da saliva. Resultados: O grupo de estudo no início da intervenção apresentava valores dos índices de cárie dentária mais elevados do que os do grupo de controlo (mais 0,109 no CPO-S, 0,0749 no CPO-D, 1,505 no cpo-s e 0,831 no cpo-d), porém sem diferenças de significância estatística. A análise estatística dos resultados não veio confirmar este pressuposto uma vez que o grupo de estudo apresentou um aumento percentual ligeiramente maior do índice CPO-D (12,5%) do que o grupo de controlo (11,6%). Para além deste aspecto, ao contrário do que seria de esperar, não foi possível detectar nenhuma diferença estatisticamente significativa em nenhum dos índices de cárie dentária (cpo-s, cpo-d, CPO-S e CPO-D) entre o grupo de estudo e grupo de controlo entre a 1ª e última observação.Ainda que os resultados do estudo aqui apresentado tenham ficado aquém do esperado, deveria ser efectuada a escovagem diária na escola, uma vez por dia, com pasta fluoretada a 1000 ppm F-, atendendo a que esta medida contribui para a promoção da saúde e prevenção da doença e é facilitadora da construção de estilos de vida saudáveis.-------ABSTRACT: Dental caries, a problem that has affected populations worldwide, is one of the most prevalent diseases of the oral cavity, causing severe economic and social consequences. This disease has been studied over time in different countries with the use of various indices, usually for the knowledge of its prevalence, evaluation of preventive measures and appropriate planning of actions and oral services. The aim of this study was to determine whether toothbrushing when performed in schools, with fluoride toothpaste, and supervised by teachers twice a day, was effective in reducing microbial populations of Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus with consequent reduction in the incidence of dental caries. Material and Methods: All children aged 5, 6, and 7 years, from Aljustrel County, attending official pre-school and first cycle of basic educatio were selected. Toothbrushing was performed twice a day with toothpaste with 500 ppm F-,in the school, according to the modified Bass method, supervised by professors in the class, who were trained in the brushing technique used. During the study period were performed 6 observations of the dental status, and were also collected saliva for the count of Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus, and assessment of buffering capacity of saliva. Results: The study group at the beginning of the intervention had higher values of dental caries than the control group (more than 0,109 in DMF-S, 0, 0749 in DMF, dmf-s 1,505 and 0,831 in dmf-t) although without statistical significance. The expected results were not confirmed, since the study group had a slightly higher percentage increase of the DMF-T (12,5%) than the control group (11,6%). Apart from that, contrary to what one would expect, we could not detect any statistical significant difference in any of the indices of dental caries (dmf-s, dmf-t and DMF-S, DMF-T) between the study and the control group in all study periods. Although the study results were not has expected, toothbrushing should be performed daily at school, once a day with fluoride toothpaste with 1000 ppm F-, since this measure contributes to health promotion and disease prevention and encourages healthy lifestyles.


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Phospholipase and proteinase production and the ability of adhesion to buccal epithelial cells (BEC) of 112 Candida isolates originated from oral cavity of HIV infected patients and from blood and catheter of intensive care unit patients were investigated. The proteinase production was detected by inoculation into bovine serum albumin (BSA) agar and the phospholipase activity was performed using egg yolk emulsion. A yeast suspension of each test strain was incubated with buccal epithelial cells and the number of adherence yeast to epithelial cells was counted. A percentage of 88.1% and 55.9% of Candida albicans and 69.8% and 37.7% of non-albicans Candida isolates produced proteinase and phospholipase, respectively. Non-albicans Candida isolated from catheter were more proteolytic than C. albicans isolates. Blood isolates were more proteolytic than catheter and oral cavity isolates while oral cavity isolates produced more phospholipase than those from blood and catheter. C. albicans isolates from oral cavity and from catheter were more adherent to BEC than non-albicans Candida isolates, but the adhesion was not different among the three sources analyzed. The results indicated differences in the production of phospholipase and proteinase and in the ability of adhesion to BEC among Candida spp. isolates from different sources. This study suggests that the pathogenicity of Candida can be correlated with the infected site.


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Aim: To characterise clinically the patients with C4d in peritubular capillaries deposits (C4dPTCD) and/or circulating anti-HLA class I/II alloantibodies. To determine the correlation between positive C4dPTCD and circulating anti-HLA class I/II alloantibodies during episodes of graft dysfunction. Subjects and Methods: C4d staining was performed in biopsies with available frozen tissue obtained between January 2004 and December 2006. The study was prospective from March 2005, when a serum sample was obtained at the time of biopsy to detect circulating anti-HLA class I/II alloantibodies. Results: We studied 109 biopsies in 86 cadaver renal transplant patients. Sixteen of these (14.7%) presented diffuse positive C4dPTCD. There was a 13.5% rate of +C4dPTCD incidence within the first six months of transplantation and 16% after six months (p>0.05). Half of the +C4dPTCD in the first six months was associated with acute humoral rejection. After six months, the majority of +C4dPTCD (n=7/8) was present in biopsies with evidence of interstitial fibrosis/tubular atrophy and/or transplant glomerulopathy. The C4dPTCD was more frequent in patients with positive anti-HCV antibodies(p<0.0001), a previous renal transplant (p=0.007), and with a panel reactivity antibody (PRA) ≥ 50%(p=0.0098). The anti-HCV+ patients had longer time on dialysis (p=0.0019) and higher PRA(p=0.005). Circulating anti-HLA I/II alloantibodies were screened in 46 serum samples. They were positive in 10.9% of samples, all obtained after six months post transplant. Circulating alloantibodies were absent in 92.5% of the C4d negative biopsies. Conclusion: We found an association between the presence of C4dPTCD and 2nd transplant recipients,higher PRA and the presence of anti-HCV antibodies. The presence of HCV antibodies is not a risk factor for C4dPTCD per se, but appears to reflect longer time on dialysis and presensitisation. In renal dysfunction a negative alloantibody screening is associated with a reduced risk of C4dPTCD (<10%).


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Introduction. Peritubular capillary complement 4d staining is one of the criteria for the diagnosis of antibody-mediated rejection, and research into this is essential to kidney allograft evaluation. The immunofluorescence technique applied to frozen sections is the present gold-standard method for complement 4d staining and is used routinely in our laboratory. The immunohistochemistry technique applied to paraffin-embedded tissue may be used when no frozen tissue is available. Material and Methods. The aim of this study is to evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of immunohistochemistry compared with immunofluorescence. We describe the advantages and disadvantages of the immunohistochemistry vs. the immunofluorescence technique. For this purpose complement 4d staining was performed retrospectively by the two methods in indication biopsies (n=143) and graded using the Banff 07 classification. Results. There was total classification agreement between methods in 87.4% (125/143) of cases. However, immunohistochemistry staining caused more difficulties in interpretation, due to nonspecific staining in tubular cells and surrounding interstitium. All cases negative by immunofluorescence were also negative by immunohistochemistry. The biopsies were classified as positive in 44.7% (64/143) of cases performed by immunofluorescence vs. 36.4% (52/143) performed by immunohistochemistry. Fewer biopsies were classified as positive diffuse in the immunohistochemistry group(25.1% vs. 31.4%) and more as positive focal (13.2% vs. 11.1%). More cases were classified as negative by immunohistochemistry (63.6% vs. 55.2%). Study by ROC curve showed immunohistochemistry has a specificity of 100% and a sensitivity of 81.2% in relation to immunofluorescence (AUC: 0.906; 95% confidence interval: 0.846-0.949; p=0.0001). Conclusions. The immunohistochemistry method presents an excellent specificity but lower sensitivity to C4d detection in allograft dysfunction. The evaluation is more difficult, requiring a more experienced observer than the immunofluorescence method. Based on these results, we conclude that the immunohistochemistry technique can safely be used when immunofluorescence is not available.


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O presente relatório foi elaborado no âmbito do estágio de Prática Educativa I, II e III, do curso de 2.º ciclo do Mestrado em Ensino do Inglês e Francês ou Espanhol no Ensino Básico, da Escola Superior de Educação. Ao longo deste relatório reflicto sobre as minhas práticas, incidindo em dois aspectos basilares para a realização deste trabalho: o modo como se processam as estratégias que concorrem para que seja possível promover a interacção oral dos alunos em sala de aula, e consequente desenvolvimento da sua competência comunicativa em língua estrangeira; e a forma como planifiquei actividades assentes em recursos diversificados, nomeadamente, jogos, histórias, flashcards, vídeo, roleplay, canções e debate. De forma a documentar as minhas reflexões, faço uma análise a algumas planificações de aulas em que utilizei os recursos mencionados, incluindo algumas imagens ilustrativas desses momentos. Concluo o relatório tecendo algumas considerações finais sobre o percurso que tracei na qualidade de aluna deste mestrado e de futura professora, reflectindo sobre alguns aspectos que considero relevantes na construção da profissionalidade docente.


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Mycetoma is a pathological process in which eumycotic (fungal) or actinomycotic causative agents from exogenous source produce grains. It is a localized chronic and deforming infectious disease of subcutaneous tissue, skin and bones. We report the first case of eumycetoma of the oral cavity in world literature. CASE REPORT: A 43-year-old male patient, complaining of swelling and fistula in the hard palate. On examination, swelling of the anterior and middle hard palate, with fistula draining a dark liquid was observed. The panoramic radiograph showed extensive radiolucent area involving the region of teeth 21-26 and the computerized tomography showed communication with the nasal cavity, suggesting the diagnosis of periapical cyst. Surgery was performed to remove the lesion. Histopathological examination revealed purulent material with characteristic grain. Gram staining for bacteria was negative and Grocott-Gomori staining for the detection of fungi was positive, concluding the diagnosis of eumycetoma. The patient was treated with ketoconazole for nine months, and was considered cured at the end of treatment. CONCLUSION: Histopathological examination, using histochemical staining, and direct microscopic grains examination can provide the distinction between eumycetoma and actinomycetoma accurately.


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Experimental and clinical data suggest a role of sex steroids in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis (MS). Scant information is available about the potential effect of oral contraceptive (OC) use on the prognosis of the disease. We aimed to evaluate this. The study population consisted of 132 women with relapsing-remitting MS before receiving disease modifying treatment and a mean disease duration 6.2 (SD 5.1) years. Three groups of patients were distinguished according to their OC behavior: [1] never-users, patients who never used OC [2] past-users, patients who stopped OC use before disease onset, and [3] after-users, those who used these drugs after disease onset. Multiple linear and logistic regression models were used to analyze the association between oral contraceptive use and annualized relapse rates, disability accumulation and severity of the disease. After-user patients had lower Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) and Multiple Sclerosis Severity Score (MSSS) values than never users (p<0.001 and p=0.002, respectively) and past users (p=0.010 and p=0.002, respectively). These patients were also more likely to have a benign disease course (MSSS<2.5) than never and past users together (OR: 4.52, 95%CI: 2.13-9.56, p<0.001). This effect remained significant after adjustment for confounders, including smoking and childbirths (OR: 2.97, 95%CI: 1.24, 6.54, p=0.011 and for MSSS β: -1.04; 95% C.I. -1.78, -0.30, p=0.006). These results suggest that OC use in women with relapsing-remitting MS is possible associated with a milder disabling disease course.


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INTRODUCTION: In HIV-infected patients, colonization of the oral cavity by potential pathogenic yeast may lead to development of systemic fungemia. We evaluated the prevalence of yeast in the oral cavity of Brazilian HIV-positive patients and verified whether or not the species characterized were enzymatically active. Furthermore, the species identified were tested for their susceptibility to antifungal treatment. METHODS: Patient saliva and oropharyngeal candidiasis samples were collected from 60 seropositive HIV patients and identified by the API20C system. Enzymatic activity was evaluated by the production of proteinase and phospholipase. Susceptibility to antifungal treatments were determined using the broth microdilution method. RESULTS: the most commonly isolated species were C. albicans (51.56%) followed by non-albicans Candida species (43.73%), Trichosporon mucoides (3.12%) and Kodamaea ohmeri (1.56%). Oral colonization by association of different species was observed in 42% of the patients. Enzymatic activity was verified in most of species isolated, except for C. glabrata, C. lusitaniae and C. guilliermondii. Resistance to Fluconazole and Amphotericin B was observed in isolates of C. albicans, C. glabrata, C. parapsilosis, C. krusei, and K. ohmeri. CONCLUSION: HIV-positive patients are orally colonized by single or multiple species of yeast that are occasionally resistant to Fluconazole or Amphotericin B.


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We describe a case of white-grain eumycetoma caused by Scedosporium apiospermum in an immunocompetent host that was successfully treated with oral voriconazole, and we review the Brazilian reports on scedosporiosis.


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Os jovens iniciam cada vez mais cedo a sua atividade sexual surgindo algumas situações de risco, como as gravidezes indesejadas e o contágio de Doenças Sexualmente Transmissíveis (DSTs) que podem ter consequências graves para a saúde dos jovens. Embora os jovens tenham fácil acesso à informação sobre a contracepção e sobre os comportamentos de risco associados à actividade sexual, esta informação nem sempre é a mais correcta e nem se baseia em fontes fiáveis ou conhecimentos científicos. A Contraceção Oral de Emergência (COE) tem sido uma solução para evitar uma gravidez indesejável no entanto sem proteger de DSTs. Este método está apenas indicado em casos de emergência. Por isso, é importante que os jovens estejam devidamente informados, não só em relação à contracepção em geral, mas também em relação ao funcionamento da COE. O objetivo primordial da presente investigação consiste em avaliar os conhecimentos e os comportamentos dos jovens do ensino superior português em relação à COE. O estudo foi realizado em três Institutos Politécnicos o de Bragança, Guarda e do Porto onde participaram 233 estudantes com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e os 30 anos sendo 191 do sexo feminino e 42 do sexo masculino. A maioria dos estudantes (96,6%) desta amostra já tinha ouvido falar da COE e sabiam que deve ser tomada após a relação sexual. Os media e as consultas de planeamento familiar/ginecologia foram as fontes mais apontadas pelos estudantes onde adquiriram o conhecimento da COE. No que concerne ao uso do método COE por parte desta amostra estudantil, verifica-se 61,4% dos sujeitos diz conhecer alguém que já tinha recorrido à COE, no entanto, apenas 26,2% dos sujeitos afirmam já ter recorrido à COE. A maioria dos jovens que referiu ter recorrido à COE diz tê-lo feito devida à falha do método contraceptivo normalmente utilizado. Existe a necessidade de intervir e ter em conta que os jovens devem ter acesso a informação adequada e concreta sobre a contraceção disponível, e mesmo contraceção para evitar possíveis gravidezes indesejadas e a transmissão DSTs. Assim, a implementação de novos projetos podem ser uma porta de entrada para a educação sexual mais fundamentada na busca de uma saúde mais perfeita do homem e da mulher dos nossos dias.