996 resultados para Norton, C. D.
The genetic diversity of 23 oral Fusobacterium nucleatum isolated from 15 periodontal patients, eight from seven healthy subjects, nine from nine AIDS patients and two from two Cebus apella monkeys were analyzed. EcoRI restricted the bacterial DNA and 28 ribotypes grouped from A to J groups were obtained. Isolates formed 24 ribotypes which were contained into A, B, C, D, E and F groups, and three reference strains and two clinical isolates of A. actinomycetemcomitans, and E. coli CDC formed four different ribotypes into the G, H, I and J groups. Moreover, from nine F. nucleatum from AIDS patients, six were ribotyped as group C and three as group D. By using ribotyping we distinguished F. nucleatum recovered from different sources. It is possible that isolates from AIDS patients may contain some phenotypic or genotypic factor did not observed in this study.
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Biomédica
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Biomédica
The method used by YAGYU et al. for the subtype-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of the gp41 transmembrane region of the human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1) env gene, was tested. HIV-1 proviral DNA from 100 infected individuals in Itajaí, South Brazil was used to analyze this method. Seventy individuals were determined according to this method as having PCR products at the expected size for subtypes B, C, D and F. Of these individuals, 26 (37.1%) were observed as having the expected amplification for subtype C, and 42 (60%) were observed as having the expected products for subtypes B and D. Of the subtype B and D amplicons, 16 (22.9%) were classified as subtype D, and 26 (37.1%) were classified as subtype B. Two individuals (2.9%) had amplicons that were observed after subtype F-specific amplification was performed. Sequencing and comparing the patient sequences to reference sequences confirmed the classification of sequences of subtypes C and B. However, sequences that were falsely determined as being D and F in the PCR assay were determined as being subtypes C and B, respectively, by sequence analysis. For those individuals from whom no amplified products were obtained, a low viral load that was indicated in their patient history may explain the difficulty in subtyping by PCR methods. This issue was demonstrated by the results of ANOVA when testing the effect of viral load on the success of PCR amplification. The alignment of the obtained sequences with HIV-1 reference sequences demonstrated that there is high intra-subtype diversity. This indicates that the subtype-specific primer binding sites were not conserved or representative of the subtypes that are observed in the Brazilian populations, and that they did not allow the correct classification of HIV-1 subtypes. Therefore, the proposed method by YAGYU et al. is not applicable for the classification of Brazilian HIV-1 subtypes.
This case report is believed to be the first case of Kawasaki disease in Portugal. An otherwise healthy 20 years old female was carefully examined and diagnosis of mucocutaneous lyrnphnode syndrome estab lished, based on: typical clinical picture, exclusion of other mimicking situations and middle term evolution of this patient. The A. A. wish to emphasize their diagnosis complied on C. D. C. criteria for Kawasaki disease. A short up dated briefing on this peculiar entity and geographycal pathology are included in this article.
A Parte I teve como objectivo a pesquisa de novos constituintes bioactivos da planta Solanum cernuum Vell. Identificaram-se, pela primeira vez no género Solanum, três triterpenos com um esqueleto de 31-norcicloartanona((+)-cicloeucalenona, (+)-24-oxo-31 norcicloartanona e (+)-24(1,3-dioxetano)-31-norcicloartanona) e quatro alcalóides com uma unidade (2-aminopirrolidin-1-il)carboxamidina acilada com o ácido isoferúlico assumindo configurações E e Z (cernumidina,isocernumidina, cernumidina B e isocernumidina B). A (+)-24-oxo-31-norcicloartanona apresentou actividade anti-neoplásica selectiva para as clulas de pulmão NCIH460, actividade anti-inflamatória relevante e uma inibição acentuada da expressão da COX-2. A (+)-24(1,3-dioxetano)-31-norcicloartanona apresentou também actividade para as clulas de leucemia K562. A cernumidina provocou inibição da interleuquina-8 (IL-8) em clulas do carcinoma do clon HT-29 superior a 50%. Foram também identificados quercitrina, afzelina, hiperina, ácido ferúlico e Nacetildopamina. Na Parte II desenvolveram-se estudos sobre metodologias de síntese de novos cromóforos derivados da 7-amino-4-metilcumarina. Foi realizado um estudo da reacão de Buchwald-Hartwig para a introdução de grupo(s) electrodoador(es) na posição 7 e de um grupo electroatractor na posição 3 com rendimentos razoáveis. Foram obtidos os compostos 7-(4-metoxifenilamino)-4-metil-2H-cromen-2-ona, 4-metil-7-(fenilamino)- 2H-cromen-2-ona, 3-bromo-7-(4-metoxi-fenilamino)-4-metil-2H-cromen-2-ona e 3- bromo-4-metil-7-(fenilamino)- 2H-cromen-2-ona. Os espectros de absorção destes quatro cromóforos apresentaram c.d.o. máximos desviados para a zona do vermelho. Para a expansão do sistema π pela introdução de um grupo etinileno como ponte conjugada na posição 3 foi necessário a activação desta posição. Para tal, procedeu-se à bromação da N-(4-metil-2-oxo-2H-cromen-7-il)octanamida seguida da reacão de Sonogashira-Hagihara com o álcool propagílico. A oxidação posterior ao aldeído formou a N-(4-metil-2-oxo-3-(3-oxoprop-1- inil)2H-cromen-7-il)octanamida. Numa aproximação convergente foi testada a síntese do ácido 2-cianopent-2-en-4-óico (sem sucesso) para posterior reacão de Sonogashira-Hagihara com 3-bromo-N-(4-metil-2-oxo-2Hcromen-7-il)octanamida.
Trabalho de síntese apresentado à Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, para discussão na prova de habilitação prevista no art° 58°do E.C.D.U.
Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Ensino de Matemática no 3.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e no Ensino Secundrio
Tese de Doutoramento Biologia Molecular e Ambiental - Especialidade em Biologia Celular e Saúde
Stress/strain sensors constitute a class of devices with a global ever-growing market thanks to their use in many fields of modern life. They are typically constituted by thin metal foils deposited on flexible supports. However, the low inherent resistivity and limited flexibility of their constituents make them inadequate for several applications, such as measuring large movements in robotic systems and biological tissues. As an alternative to the traditional compounds, in the present work we will show the advantages to employ a smart material, polyaniline (PANI), prepared by an innovative environmentally friendly route, for force/strain sensor applications wherein simple processing, environmental friendliness and sensitivity are particularly required.
PURPOSE: The aim of this work was to study the central and peripheral thickness of several contact lenses (CL) with different powers and analyze how thickness variation affects CL oxygen transmissibility. METHODS: Four daily disposable and five monthly or biweekly CL were studied. The powers of each CL were: the maximum negative power of each brand; -6.00 D; -3.00 D; zero power (-0.25 D or -0.50 D), +3.00 D and +6.00 D. Central and peripheral thicknesses were measured with an electronic thickness gauge. Each lens was measured five times (central and 3mm paracentral) and the mean value was considered. Using the values of oxygen permeability given by the manufacturers and the measured thicknesses, the variation of oxygen transmissibility with lens power was determined. RESULTS: For monthly or biweekly lenses, central thickness changed between 0.061 ± 0.002 mm and 0.243 ± 0.002 mm, and peripheral thickness varied between 0.084 ± 0.002 mm and 0.231 ± 0.015 mm. Daily disposable lenses showed central values ranging between 0.056 ± 0.0016 mm and 0.205 ± 0.002 mm and peripheral values between 0.108 ± 0.05 and 0.232 ± 0.011 mm. Oxygen transmissibility (in units) of monthly or biweekly CL ranged between 39.4 ± 0.3 and 246.0 ± 14.4 and for daily disposable lenses the values range between 9.5 ± 0.5 and 178.1 ± 5.1. CONCLUSIONS: The central and peripheral thicknesses change significantly when considering the CL power and this has a significant impact on the oxygen transmissibility. Eyecare practitioners must have this fact in account when high power plus or minus lenses are fitted or when continuous wear is considered.
OBJETIVOS: Investigar se há associação entre intensidade e frequência de uso de crack e o nível econômico de dependentes da droga e verificar se há relação entre classe econômica e intensidade e frequência de uso de crack em homens adultos em internação psiquiátrica. MÉTODO: Estudo transversal quantitativo. Instrumentos: entrevista estruturada, Critérios de Classificação Econômica Brasil e Miniexame do Estado Mental. Tratamento estatístico: análises descritivas e inferenciais (testes de Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Mann-Whitney e Kruskal-Wallis - nível de significncia de 5%). RESULTADOS: Duzentos e vinte e um participantes foram divididos em dois grupos: (1) Grupo de maior nível econômico (classes A e B) e (2) Grupo de menor nível econômico (Classes C, D e E). Não houve diferença significativa (p = 0,893 - teste de Mann-Whitney) entre os grupos quanto à intensidade e à frequência de uso de crack. Também não houve relação significativa (p = 0,549 - teste de Kruskal-Wallis) entre classe econômica (A, B, C, D e E) e intensidade e frequência de uso de crack. CONCLUSÃO: Os dependentes de crack de maior e de menor poder aquisitivo não diferiram de forma significativa com relação à intensidade e à frequência de uso da droga. Não houve relação entre classe econômica e intensidade e frequência de uso de crack nesta amostra.
Spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 (SCA3), also known as Machado-Joseph disease (MJD), is an untreatable autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disease, and the most common such inherited ataxia worldwide. The mutation in SCA3 is the expansion of a polymorphic CAG tri-nucleotide repeat sequence in the C-terminal coding region of the ATXN3 gene at chromosomal locus 14q32.1. The mutant ATXN3 protein encoding expanded glutamine (polyQ) sequences interacts with multiple proteins in vivo, and is deposited as aggregates in the SCA3 brain. A large body of literature suggests that the loss of function of the native ATNX3-interacting proteins that are deposited in the polyQ aggregates contributes to cellular toxicity, systemic neurodegeneration and the pathogenic mechanism in SCA3. Nonetheless, a significant understanding of the disease etiology of SCA3, the molecular mechanism by which the polyQ expansions in the mutant ATXN3 induce neurodegeneration in SCA3 has remained elusive. In the present study, we show that the essential DNA strand break repair enzyme PNKP (polynucleotide kinase 3'-phosphatase) interacts with, and is inactivated by, the mutant ATXN3, resulting in inefficient DNA repair, persistent accumulation of DNA damage/strand breaks, and subsequent chronic activation of the DNA damage-response ataxia telangiectasia-mutated (ATM) signaling pathway in SCA3. We report that persistent accumulation of DNA damage/strand breaks and chronic activation of the serine/threonine kinase ATM and the downstream p53 and protein kinase C-d pro-apoptotic pathways trigger neuronal dysfunction and eventually neuronal death in SCA3. Either PNKP overexpression or pharmacological inhibition of ATM dramatically blocked mutant ATXN3-mediated cell death. Discovery of the mechanism by which mutant ATXN3 induces DNA damage and amplifies the pro-death signaling pathways provides a molecular basis for neurodegeneration due to PNKP inactivation in SCA3, and for the first time offers a possible approach to treatment.
Tese de Doutoramento em Biologia Molecular e Ambiental - Especialidade em Biologia Celular e Saúde
Dissertação de mestrado em Molecular Genetics