381 resultados para Neoliberalism.
The article discusses changes which neoliberal ideologies have triggered in counselling. Meeting the demands of liberalism in counselling is a challenge both to organisation and to people. As far as people are concerned, the argument is driven by such questions as: What is the human being of this system (homo consultans) like? What is his world? How does he relate to this world? The questions about counselling as organisation pertain to its objectives and goals. In the industrial era, counselling goals were of paternalistic nature, but in economy-dominated neoliberalism they are certainly different. At a time of neoliberalism, the counsellor faces the following dilemmas: How to gain the client? How to satisfy the client? How to reconcile ethical demands inscribed in the counselling mission with the economic preoccupations of neo-positivist ideologies? In response, three kinds of counselling emerge. Rehabilitative counselling is organised for people severely damaged by adversity. Existential counselling is organised for people whose biographical trajectory is disturbed by temporary problems. Career counselling is organised for people who chose their life-paths in the neoliberal realities.
The aim of this article was to examine how the currently dominant neoliberal and neoconservative discourse is present in the sector of education. The subject of research was to show the influence of a certain ideology on the process of reformulating secondary schools curricula in Canada, especially in Ontario, and the program materials designed for adult immigrants preparing for a citizenship test. This paper explores the relationship between the neoliberal ideology present at the provincial level, where individual development and economic rationales are dominant, and the neoconservative ideology at the federal level, which recovers imperial roots of Canadian citizenship, grounded in the Anglo-Saxon tradition and colonial history.
Terms like Internet, cyberspace, virtual reality, in short, globalization, have been frequently words for all of us, in recent years. This refers to the phenomenon that has shaken the people of this world. Are rapidly changing due to technological advances and complex levels reaching relations between countries, corporations, partnerships and people.The attempt to understand the phenomenon of globalization is compounded when we try to understand the term, coined by Marshall McLuhan.McLuhan was born in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and studied at the Universities of Manitoba and Cambridge, the latter of which he received his degree of Doctor of Philosophy specializing in English Literature. He taught at the universities of Wisconsin and St. Louis and University of the Assumption and Saint Michael's College, University of Toronto, where he was director of the Center for Culture and Technology.Marshall McLuhan and B. R. Powers, wrote the play, The Village Global1. The universe has become a village is the future predicted for them in the 60's. Today reality has overtaken the theory. However, this phenomenon is presented in this work, so whimsical style reminiscent of Jules Verne, but does not clarify the content of the term. While we believe that in the past there were attempts; globalize these attempts were very different from what we understand by globalization.
This is a qualitative case study of the adoption of a currency board in Argentina in 1991. It presents a discursive analysis and intellectual history of four overlaying and mutually influencing stories of Convertibility’s adoption. It is (1) the story of how Menem aligned himself to the Washington Consensus as a means to win a Presidential election. This ideological alignment influences and is influenced by a (2) reconstitution of the Peronist Party’s historically entrenched identity. This in turn re-fashion the whole system of interest articulation and relative power of interest groups in Argentina. The adoption of a currency board also marks the pace of (3) the entrenchment neoliberal interests across a domestic network of neoliberal think-tanks, technocrats, politicians, and “technopoles” articulating neoliberal interests outside of the Washington Consensus, within an International Neoliberal Network. Argentina’s adoption of a currency board falls in line with the Corner Solutions, a neoliberal doctrine promoted to influence developing countries to adopt two forms of exchange rate regimes that allow for less government involvement, including a currency board. Argentina starts as a test country and then becomes (4) an ideological stepping stone to help promote the creation of currency boards across more “developing” countries. These stories are not sequential but concurrent, and they help advance an alternative critique of neoliberalism that focuses on specifics to induce case-specific lessons versus a theory claiming to provide any universal truth.
We approach marketization and commodification of adult education from multiple lenses including our personal narratives and neoliberalism juxtaposed against the educational philosophy of the Progressive Period. We argue that adult education occurs in many arenas including the public spaces found in social movements, community-based organizations, and government sponsored programs designed to engage and give voice to all citizens toward building a stronger civil society. We conclude that only when adult education is viewed from the university lens, where it focuses on the individual and not the public good, does it succumb to neoliberal forces. (DIPF/Orig.)
This paper discusses some economic integrations in Latin America, which have become an expression of governance in the neoliberalist context -- These integrations are also the results of second-generation adjustments in terms of trade openness, sale of state assets, free short-term capital mobility and Asian and European integrations that preceded the regional ones -- In addition to this, this paper provides answers to the following questions: Are integrations aiming to achieve development? Would North-countries integrations take the same endangering course as in South America? Who should benefit from the integrations? Is there a link between development and demographics?
Both the end of the twentieth century and the beginning of the twenty-first century have been characterized as a period of major political, economic, social and cultural transformations. Two of the major consequences of the political-economical crisis of the end of last century are the restructuring of capitalist production, and the consolidation of neoliberalism as a worldwide phenomenon. This new world political-economical scenario has influenced, in a dialectic way, the contemporary urban development. In that sense, "new" spatial processes and new paradigms in both urban management and urban planning have gained shape. In this context of urban transformations, the central areas of western cities, also known as historic centers, are being increasingly (re)valued. Since the Second World War, the historic centers urban areas which have great infrastructure and symbolic relevance had been undergoing a process of evasion of population and activities, undeniably linked to the neglect of government authorities. However, in recent decades, the question of historic centers rehabilitation has acquired a growing interest, academically and in political agendas. The object of this dissertation is to focus on how the government of each Brazil and Portugal has dealt with the issue of historic center rehabilitation through programs of urban rehabilitation
O artigo aborda um aspecto da economia brasileira no século XXI: a inserção internacional das corporações nacionais. Em função da adesão ao neoliberalismo nos anos 90, o Brasil optou por gradativamente especializar-se na agroexportação. Com isso, o segmento industrial do Brasil cada vez mais se encolhe, o que dificulta em termos quantitativos a presença nos mercados internacionais. _________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT
La transformation du sang de cordon ombilical en une précieuse source de cellules souches a, dès le début des années 1990, donné naissance à une industrie commerciale globale de conservation faisant désormais concurrence à un large réseau de conservation public. Ce mémoire cherche à comprendre et à expliquer les soubassements socio-culturels liés à l’émergence de cette industrie, ainsi qu’à mieux cerner les enjeux éthiques et politiques qu’elle pose. En exposant en premier lieu la manière dont les institutions publiques de conservation de sang de cordon se définissent, et sont généralement définies par les comités bioéthiques, comme étant porteuses des valeurs d’altruisme et de solidarité nationale traditionnellement liées au modèle « redistributif » d’échange de sang et d’organes né au lendemain de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, nous problématisons la manière innovatrice par laquelle les banques privées structurent le rapport entre les mères et leurs propres produits biologiques comme l’expression d’une reconfiguration du lien social et politique caractérisée par l’émergence de nouvelles socialisés. L’hypothèse au coeur de ce mémoire est que celles-ci peuvent être comprises comme l’aboutissant de l‘espoir collectivement partagé par les consommatrices d’améliorer leur propre condition biologique familiale, étant lui-même le fruit d’une financiarisation croissante des sciences du vivant. En analysant le discours « promissif » que représente le matériel promotionnel des banques autologues, notre objectif est alors d’identifier la manière par laquelle les multiples potentialités attribuées au sang de cordon définissent des subjectivités maternelles caractérisées par des obligations morales spécifiques.
Ce mémoire explore les dynamiques propres à la mise en place de politiques de revitalisation dans un quartier urbain montréalais. La revitalisation, accompagnée de nombreux autres « processus » connexes, comme la participation citoyenne et la concertation, participe à une tentative de gouvernement des espaces urbains à travers ce que j’ai appelé ici le dispositif de revitalisation. Le dispositif de revitalisation du quartier Sainte-Marie est le résultat de la mise en place d’une série de pratiques gouvernementales ainsi que de mutations dans la façon de gérer les affaires publiques propres au Québec, et plus particulièrement, à la grande région de Montréal. L’analyse se centre ici sur l’évolution de différentes tendances tant au niveau associatif, communautaire que privé et institutionnel afin de cerner les dynamiques propres au fonctionnement actuel du dispositif dans le quartier de Sainte-Marie, situé dans l’arrondissement Ville-Marie. La formation de ce dispositif est une partie d’un phénomène plus large de transformation des espaces urbains par différentes interventions gouvernementales et privées, à l’ère du néolibéralisme contemporain. Le dispositif est ancré dans tout un florilège d’idées et de pratiques qui doivent être justifiées par le recours à un nouveau vocabulaire et à des concepts qui demeurent volontairement flous et mal définis afin d’en arriver, pour les acteurs concernés, à conserver une liberté d’action nécessaire et d’en restreindre l’accès.
Urban inequality has emerged as one of the dominant themes of modern life and globalization. More than three million people experienced homelessness in the United States last year; in Miami-Dade, more than 15,000 individuals were homeless. Surviving extreme poverty, and exiting or avoiding homelessness, involves negotiating a complex mix of public and private assistance. However, a range of factors influence what types of help are available and how they can be accessed. Frequently, larger social structures determine which resource are available, leaving many choices entirely out of the individual’s control. For single men, who are ineligible for many benefits, homelessness can be difficult to avoid and even harder to exit. My study seeks to better understand how adult, minority men living in extreme poverty in Miami-Dade negotiate their daily survival. Specific research questions address: Do black and Hispanic men who are homeless or at risk of homelessness have different personal characteristics and different experiences in avoiding or exiting homelessness? How does Miami’s response to extreme poverty/homelessness, including availability of public benefits and public and private service organizations, either maximize or constrain the choices available to this population? And, what is the actual experience of single, adult men who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, in negotiating their daily survival? A mixed methods approach combines quantitative survey data from 7,605 homeless men, with qualitative data from 54 semi-structured interviews incorporating the visual ethnography techniques of Photo Elicitation Interviewing. Results show the differences experienced by black and Hispanic men who are poor and homeless in Miami. Findings also highlight how the community’s official and unofficial responses to homelessness intersect with the actual experiences of the persons targeted by the policies and programs, challenging preconceived notions regarding the lives of persons living in extreme poverty. It adds to the existing body of literature by focusing on the urban Miami context, emphasizing disparities amongst racial and ethnic groups. Findings are intended to provide an empirically grounded thesis that humanizes the subjects and illuminates their personal experiences, helping to inform public policy around the needs of extremely poor populations.
La transformation du sang de cordon ombilical en une précieuse source de cellules souches a, dès le début des années 1990, donné naissance à une industrie commerciale globale de conservation faisant désormais concurrence à un large réseau de conservation public. Ce mémoire cherche à comprendre et à expliquer les soubassements socio-culturels liés à l’émergence de cette industrie, ainsi qu’à mieux cerner les enjeux éthiques et politiques qu’elle pose. En exposant en premier lieu la manière dont les institutions publiques de conservation de sang de cordon se définissent, et sont généralement définies par les comités bioéthiques, comme étant porteuses des valeurs d’altruisme et de solidarité nationale traditionnellement liées au modèle « redistributif » d’échange de sang et d’organes né au lendemain de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, nous problématisons la manière innovatrice par laquelle les banques privées structurent le rapport entre les mères et leurs propres produits biologiques comme l’expression d’une reconfiguration du lien social et politique caractérisée par l’émergence de nouvelles socialisés. L’hypothèse au coeur de ce mémoire est que celles-ci peuvent être comprises comme l’aboutissant de l‘espoir collectivement partagé par les consommatrices d’améliorer leur propre condition biologique familiale, étant lui-même le fruit d’une financiarisation croissante des sciences du vivant. En analysant le discours « promissif » que représente le matériel promotionnel des banques autologues, notre objectif est alors d’identifier la manière par laquelle les multiples potentialités attribuées au sang de cordon définissent des subjectivités maternelles caractérisées par des obligations morales spécifiques.
Ce mémoire explore les dynamiques propres à la mise en place de politiques de revitalisation dans un quartier urbain montréalais. La revitalisation, accompagnée de nombreux autres « processus » connexes, comme la participation citoyenne et la concertation, participe à une tentative de gouvernement des espaces urbains à travers ce que j’ai appelé ici le dispositif de revitalisation. Le dispositif de revitalisation du quartier Sainte-Marie est le résultat de la mise en place d’une série de pratiques gouvernementales ainsi que de mutations dans la façon de gérer les affaires publiques propres au Québec, et plus particulièrement, à la grande région de Montréal. L’analyse se centre ici sur l’évolution de différentes tendances tant au niveau associatif, communautaire que privé et institutionnel afin de cerner les dynamiques propres au fonctionnement actuel du dispositif dans le quartier de Sainte-Marie, situé dans l’arrondissement Ville-Marie. La formation de ce dispositif est une partie d’un phénomène plus large de transformation des espaces urbains par différentes interventions gouvernementales et privées, à l’ère du néolibéralisme contemporain. Le dispositif est ancré dans tout un florilège d’idées et de pratiques qui doivent être justifiées par le recours à un nouveau vocabulaire et à des concepts qui demeurent volontairement flous et mal définis afin d’en arriver, pour les acteurs concernés, à conserver une liberté d’action nécessaire et d’en restreindre l’accès.
The rise of neoliberalism and the experience of several economic crises throughout 1960’s and 70’s have opened the way to question the ability of welfare state to satisfy the basic needs of the societies. Therefore the term “welfare state” left its place to “welfare regime” in which the responsibilities for the well being of the societies are distributed among state, market and families. Following the introduction of this new term, several typologies of welfare regimes are started to be discussed. Esping-Andersen’s (1990) regime typology is considered to be one of the most significant one which covers most of the European countries. On the other hand, it has also led to criticisms for being lack of several aspects. One of them was done by Ferrera (1996), Moreno (2001), Boboli (1997) and Liebfreid (1992), which discusses that the grouping of Mediterranean countries of Europe -Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal- within the conservative regime type. Those authors affirm that Southern European countries have their peculiar features in terms of structure of welfare provision and they form a fourth type which may be called "Mediterranean/ Southern European Regime". At this point, this doctoral thesis carries the discussion one step further and covers a profound research to answer some fundamental questions. Chiefly, clarifying whether it is possible to talk about a coherent grouping between the Mediterranean countries of Southern Europe in terms of their welfare regimes is our first objective. Then by assuming that it has an affirmative response, it is aimed to reflect the characteristics of this grouping. On the other hand, those group features are not static in time and they are sensible to various economic changes...
This dissertation examines the ongoing European sovereign debt crises that began with Greece in 2009, in the wake of the US subprime mortgage crisis. Through the application of a historical materialist approach, I attempt to understand the on-going crisis in the European Monetary Union (EMU) by investigating root causes of sovereign debt crises, relations of power, and main beneficiaries of the policy responses. My theoretical framework hinges on three contradictions in capitalism: the tendency towards overaccumulation, the tension between fictitious capital and the productive base, and the contradiction inherent in capitalist states between their role as a national state and as a class state. In contrast to the dominant positions that locate the cause of the crisis within either: debtor states; creditor states; or the framework at the EMU, I argue that these sovereign debt crises are actually a broader crisis of crisis of capitalism within the EMU itself. In order to do so, I trace the evolution of the political economy of the Eurozone in the post-Bretton woods era, with a particularly focus on the credit system. More specifically, I argue that these crises are the result of an interaction between three meso-level contradictions that have developed within the EMU region: 1) Germany’s postwar accumulation regime, which has produced a deep crisis of overaccumulation; 2) the contradictory processes associated with the neoliberal logic of the EMU, by which I mean the rush to lower barriers to credit and finance at the expense of all else; and 3) credit-fueled, consumption-based EMU integration in the periphery; and. These three contradictions came together in the wake of the 2007-2008 US subprime crisis to form an overall crisis of capitalism in the Eurozone, expressed, as I suggest, as a crisis of fictitious capital. This dissertation aims to contribute to the ongoing project among critical political economists to de-naturalize and re-politicize money, while challenging the hegemony of monetarism within neoliberalism. Second, there has yet to be a comprehensive study that examines the EMU, Germany, and the crises in the periphery from a holistic, historical materialist analysis.