1000 resultados para Musical components


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The two independent components of the gyration tensor of quartz, g11 and g33, have been spectroscopically measured using a transmission two-modulator generalized ellipsometer. The method is used to determine the optical activity in crystals in directions other than the optic axis, where the linear birefringence is much larger than the optical activity.


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The nature of client-server architecture implies that some modules are delivered to customers. These publicly distributed commercial software components are under risk, because users (and simultaneously potential malefactors) have physical access to some components of the distributed system. The problem becomes even worse if interpreted programming languages are used for creation of client side modules. The language Java, which was designed to be compiled into platform independent byte-code is not an exception and runs the additional risk. Along with advantages like verifying the code before execution (to ensure that program does not produce some illegal operations)Java has some disadvantages. On a stage of byte-code a java program still contains comments, line numbers and some other instructions, which can be used for reverse-engineering. This Master's thesis focuses on protection of Java code based client-server applications. I present a mixture of methods to protect software from tortious acts. Then I shall realize all the theoretical assumptions in a practice and examine their efficiency in examples of Java code. One of the criteria's to evaluate the system is that my product is used for specialized area of interactive television.


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The shift from solitary to social organisms constitutes one of the major transitions in evolution. The highest level of sociality is found in social insects (ants, termites and some species of bees and wasps). Division of labor is central to the organization of insect societies and is thought to be at the root of their ecological success. There are two main levels of division of labor in social insect colonies. The first relates to reproduction and involves the coexistence of queen and worker castes: while reproduction is usually monopolized by one or several queens, functionally sterile workers perform all the tasks to maintain the colony, such as nest building, foraging or brood care. The second level of division of labor, relating to such non-reproductive duties, is characterized by the performance of different tasks or roles by different groups of workers. This PhD aims to better understand the mechanisms underlying division of labor in insect societies, by investigating how genes and physiology influence caste determination and worker behavior in ants. In the first axis of this PhD, we studied the nature of genetic effects on division of labor. We used the Argentine ant Linepithema humile to conduct controlled crosses in the laboratory, which revealed the existence of non-additive genetic effects, such as parent-of-origin and genetic compatibility effects, on caste determination and worker behavior. In the second axis, we focused on the physiological regulation of division of labor. Using Pogonomyrmex seed- harvester ants, we performed experimental manipulation of hibernation, hormonal treatments, gene expression analyses and protein quantification to identify the physiological pathways regulating maternal effects on caste determination. Finally, comparing gene expression between nurses and foragers allowed us to reveal the association between vitellogenin and worker behavior in Pogonomyrmex ants. This PhD provides important insights into the role of genes and physiology in the regulation of division of labor in social insect colonies, helping to better understand the organization, evolution and ecological success of insect societies. - L'une des principales transitions évolutives est le passage de la vie solitaire à la vie sociale. La socialité atteint son paroxysme chez les insectes sociaux que sont les fourmis, les termites et certaines espèces d'abeilles et de guêpes. La division du travail est la clé de voûte de l'organisation de ces sociétés d'insectes et la raison principale de leur succès écologique. La division du travail s'effectue à deux niveaux dans les colonies d'insectes sociaux. Le premier niveau concerne la reproduction et implique la coexistence de deux castes : les reines et les ouvrières. Tandis que la reproduction est le plus souvent monopolisée par une ou plusieurs reines, les ouvrières stériles effectuent les tâches nécessaires au bon fonctionnement de la colonie, telles que la construction du nid, la recherche de nourriture ou le soin au couvain. Le second niveau de division du travail, qui concerne les tâches autres que la reproduction, implique la réalisation de différents travaux par différents groupes d'ouvrières. Le but de ce doctorat est de mieux comprendre les mécanismes sous-jacents de la division du travail dans les sociétés d'insectes en étudiant comment les gènes et la physiologie influencent la détermination de la caste et le comportement des ouvrières chez les fourmis. Dans le premier axe de ce doctorat, nous avons étudié la nature des influences génétiques sur la division du travail. Nous avons utilisé la fourmi d'Argentine, Linepithema humile, pour effectuer des croisements contrôlés en laboratoire. Cette méthode nous a permis de révéler l'existence d'influences génétiques non additives, telles que des influences dépendantes de l'origine parentale ou des effets de compatibilité génétique, sur la détermination de la caste et le comportement des ouvrières. Dans le second axe, nous nous sommes intéressés à la régulation physiologique de la division du travail. Nous avons utilisé des fourmis moissonneuses du genre Pogonomyrmex pour effectuer des hibernations artificieHes, des traitements hormonaux, des analyses d'expression de gènes et des mesures de vitellogénine, ce qui nous a permis d'identifier les mécanismes physiologiques régulant les effets maternels sur la détermination de la caste. Enfin, la comparaison d'expression de gènes entre nourrices et fourrageuses suggère un rôle de la vitellogénine dans la régulation du comportement des ouvrières chez les fourmis moissonneuses. En détaillant les influences des gènes et de la physiologie dans la régulation de la division du travail dans les colonies d'insectes sociaux, ce doctorat fournit d'importantes informations permettant de mieux comprendre l'organisation, l'évolution et le succès écologique des sociétés d'insectes.


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beta-Arrestins regulate the functioning of G protein-coupled receptors in a variety of cellular processes including receptor-mediated endocytosis and activation of signaling molecules such as ERK. A key event in these processes is the G protein-coupled receptor-mediated recruitment of beta-arrestins to the plasma membrane. However, despite extensive knowledge in this field, it is still disputable whether activation of signaling pathways via beta-arrestin recruitment entails paired activation of receptor dimers. To address this question, we investigated the ability of different muscarinic receptor dimers to recruit beta-arrestin-1 using both co-immunoprecipitation and fluorescence microscopy in COS-7 cells. Experimentally, we first made use of a mutated muscarinic M(3) receptor, which is deleted in most of the third intracellular loop (M(3)-short). Although still capable of activating phospholipase C, this receptor loses almost completely the ability to recruit beta-arrestin-1 following carbachol stimulation in COS-7 cells. Subsequently, M(3)-short was co-expressed with the M(3) receptor. Under these conditions, the M(3)/M(3)-short heterodimer could not recruit beta-arrestin-1 to the plasma membrane, even though the control M(3)/M(3) homodimer could. We next tested the ability of chimeric adrenergic muscarinic alpha(2)/M(3) and M(3)/alpha(2) heterodimeric receptors to co-immunoprecipitate with beta-arrestin-1 following stimulation with adrenergic and muscarinic agonists. beta-Arrestin-1 co-immunoprecipitation could be induced only when carbachol or clonidine were given together and not when the two agonists were supplied separately. Finally, we tested the reciprocal influence that each receptor may exert on the M(2)/M(3) heterodimer to recruit beta-arrestin-1. Remarkably, we observed that M(2)/M(3) heterodimers recruit significantly greater amounts of beta-arrestin-1 than their respective M(3)/M(3) or M(2)/M(2) homodimers. Altogether, these findings provide strong evidence in favor of the view that binding of beta-arrestin-1 to muscarinic M(3) receptors requires paired stimulation of two receptor components within the same receptor dimer.


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Dissolved organic matter (DOM) is a complex mixture of organic compounds, ubiquitous in marine and freshwater systems. Fluorescence spectroscopy, by means of Excitation-Emission Matrices (EEM), has become an indispensable tool to study DOM sources, transport and fate in aquatic ecosystems. However the statistical treatment of large and heterogeneous EEM data sets still represents an important challenge for biogeochemists. Recently, Self-Organising Maps (SOM) has been proposed as a tool to explore patterns in large EEM data sets. SOM is a pattern recognition method which clusterizes and reduces the dimensionality of input EEMs without relying on any assumption about the data structure. In this paper, we show how SOM, coupled with a correlation analysis of the component planes, can be used both to explore patterns among samples, as well as to identify individual fluorescence components. We analysed a large and heterogeneous EEM data set, including samples from a river catchment collected under a range of hydrological conditions, along a 60-km downstream gradient, and under the influence of different degrees of anthropogenic impact. According to our results, chemical industry effluents appeared to have unique and distinctive spectral characteristics. On the other hand, river samples collected under flash flood conditions showed homogeneous EEM shapes. The correlation analysis of the component planes suggested the presence of four fluorescence components, consistent with DOM components previously described in the literature. A remarkable strength of this methodology was that outlier samples appeared naturally integrated in the analysis. We conclude that SOM coupled with a correlation analysis procedure is a promising tool for studying large and heterogeneous EEM data sets.


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The ratio of resting metabolic rate (RMR) to fat-free mass (FFM) is often used to compare individuals of different body sizes. Because RMR has not been well described over the full range of FFM, a literature review was conducted among groups with a wide range of FFM. It included 31 data sets comprising a total of 1111 subjects: 118 infants and preschoolers, 323 adolescents, and 670 adults; FFM ranged from 2.8 to 106 kg. The relationship of RMR to FFM was found to be nonlinear and average slopes of the regression equations of the three groups differed significantly (P less than 0.0001). For only the youngest group did the intercept approach zero. The lower slopes of RMR on FFM, at higher measures of FFM, corresponded to relatively greater proportions of less metabolically active muscle mass and to lesser proportions of more metabolically active nonmuscle organ mass. Because the contribution of FFM to RMR is not constant, an arithmetic error is introduced when the ratio of RMR to FFM is used. Hence, alternative methods should be used to compare individuals with markedly different FFM.


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Perustaen tutkimuksen kansainvälisen sopeutumisen teoreettiselle rungolle täydentäen sitä sosiaalisen pääoman teorialla, tämä tutkielma tutkii kuinka johtoasemassa oleva ulkosuomalainen luo hyvin toimivan sosiaalisen verkoston hong kongilaisella työpaikallansa. Tutkielma lähestyy aihetta Nahapietin ja Ghoshalin (1998) kehittämän sosiaalisen pääoman kolmen ulottuvuuden mallin avulla. Tutkielmassa kirjallisuudesta haettua teoriaa käytetään tutkimustavarten tehtyjen haastattelujen analysointiapuna. Tutkimalla sosiaalista pääomaa, kansainvälisen sopeutumisen kirjallisuutta, ekspatriootin perinteisiä menestystekijöitä ja guanxia (kiinalaisten henkilökohtaisia siteitä) tämän tutkimuksen teoriaosuus implikoi, että sosiaalisella pääomalla tulisi olla täydentävä rooli kansainvälisen sopeutumisen kirjallisuudessa. Sosiaalisen pääoman kolmen ulottuvuuden mallia käytetään pohjana empiirisen datan analysointiin. Tutkielman empiiriset tulokset osoittavat, että työpaikan sosiaaliseen verkostoon sopeutuminen liittyy exspatriootin kykyyn käsitellä estäviä ja mahdollistajia sosiaalisen pääoman luontiin vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Lisäksi sopeutuminen vaatii exspatriootin tunnistavan kohdemaalle tyypillisiä exspatriootin menestystekijöitä ja ekspatriootinomia tärkeitä henkilökohtaisia ominaisuuksia.


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This work aims determinate the evaluation of the quality of 'Nanicão' banana, submitted to two conditions of storage temperature and three different kinds of package, using the technique of the Analysis of Principal Components (ACP), as a basis for an Analysis of Variance. The fruits used were 'Nanicão' bananas, at ripening degree 3, that is, more green than yellow. The packages tested were: "Torito" wood boxes, load capacity: 18 kg; "½ box" wood boxes, load capacity: 13 kg; and cardboard boxes, load capacity: 18 kg. The temperatures assessed were: room temperature (control); and (13±1ºC), with humidity controlled to 90±2,5%. Fruits were discarded when a sensory analysis determined they had become unfit for consumption. Peel coloration, percentages of imperfection, fresh mass, total acidity, pH, total soluble solids and percentages of sucrose were assessed. A completely randomized design with a 2-factorial treatment structure (packing X temperature) was used. The obtained data were analyzed through a multivariate analysis known as Principal Components Analysis, using S-plus 4.2. The conclusion was that the best packages to preserve the fruit were the ½ box ones, which proves that it is necessary to reduce the number of fruits per package to allow better ventilation and decreases mechanical injuries and ensure quality for more time.


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Tässä väitöstutkimuksessa tutkittiin fysikaaliskemiallisten olosuhteiden ja toimintaparametrien vaikutusta juustoheran fraktiointiin. Kirjallisuusosassa on käsitelty heran ympäristövaikutusta, heran hyödyntämistä ja heran käsittelyä kalvotekniikalla. Kokeellinen osa on jaettu kahteen osaan, joista ensimmäinen käsittelee ultrasuodatusta ja toinen nanosuodatusta juustoheran fraktioinnissa. Ultrasuodatuskalvon valinta tehtiin perustuen kalvon cut-off lukuun, joka oli määritetty polyetyleeniglykoliliuoksilla olosuhteissa, joissa konsentraatiopolariosaatioei häiritse mittausta. Kriittisen vuon konseptia käytettiin sopivan proteiinikonsentraation löytämiseksi ultrasuodatuskokeisiin, koska heraproteiinit ovat tunnetusti kalvoa likaavia aineita. Ultrasuodatuskokeissa tutkittiin heran eri komponenttien suodattumista kalvon läpi ja siihen vaikuttavia ominaisuuksia. Herapermeaattien peptidifraktiot analysoitiin kokoekskluusiokromatografialla ja MALDI-TOF massaspektrometrillä. Kokeissa käytettävien nanosuodatuskalvojen keskimääräinen huokoskoko analysoitiin neutraaleilla liukoisilla aineilla ja zeta-potentiaalit virtauspotentiaalimittauksilla. Aminohappoja käytettiin malliaineina tutkittaessa huokoskoon ja varauksen merkitystä erotuksessa. Aminohappojen retentioon vaikuttivat pH ja liuoksen ionivahvuus sekä molekyylien väliset vuorovaikutukset. Heran ultrasuodatuksessa tuotettu permeaatti, joka sisälsi pieniä peptidejä, laktoosia ja suoloja, nanosuodatettiin happamassa ja emäksisessä pH:ssa. Emäksisissä oloissa tehdyssä nanosuodatuksessa foulaantumista tapahtui vähemmän ja permeaattivuo oli parempi. Emäksisissä oloissa myös selektiivisyys laktoosin erotuksessa peptideistä oli parempi verrattuna selektiivisyyteen happamissa oloissa.


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Given the multiplicity of nanoparticles (NPs), there is a requirement to develop screening strategies to evaluate their toxicity. Within the EU-funded FP7 NanoTEST project, a panel of medically relevant NPs has been used to develop alternative testing strategies of NPs used in medical diagnostics. As conventional toxicity tests cannot necessarily be directly applied to NPs in the same manner as for soluble chemicals and drugs, we determined the extent of interference of NPs with each assay process and components. In this study, we fully characterized the panel of NP suspensions used in this project (poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid)-polyethylene oxide [PLGA-PEO], TiO2, SiO2, and uncoated and oleic-acid coated Fe3O4) and showed that many NP characteristics (composition, size, coatings, and agglomeration) interfere with a range of in vitro cytotoxicity assays (WST-1, MTT, lactate dehydrogenase, neutral red, propidium iodide, (3)H-thymidine incorporation, and cell counting), pro-inflammatory response evaluation (ELISA for GM-CSF, IL-6, and IL-8), and oxidative stress detection (monoBromoBimane, dichlorofluorescein, and NO assays). Interferences were assay specific as well as NP specific. We propose how to integrate and avoid interference with testing systems as a first step of a screening strategy for biomedical NPs.


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Head space gas chromatography with flame-ionization detection (HS-GC-FID), ancl purge and trap gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (P&T-GC-MS) have been used to determine methyl-tert-butyl ether (MTBE) and benzene, toluene, and the ylenes (BTEX) in groundwater. In the work discussed in this paper measures of quality, e.g. recovery (94-111%), precision (4.6 - 12.2%), limits of detection (0.3 - 5.7 I~g L 1 for HS and 0.001 I~g L 1 for PT), and robust-ness, for both methods were compared. In addition, for purposes of comparison, groundwater samples from areas suffering from odor problems because of fuel spillage and tank leakage were analyzed by use of both techniques. For high concentration levels there was good correlation between results from both methods.


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In The Cognitive-Emotional Brain, Pessoa (2013) suggests that cognition and emotion should not be considered separately. We agree with this and argue that cognitive architectures can provide steady ground for this kind of theory integration and for investigating interactions among underlying cognitive processes. We briefly explore how affective components can be implemented and how neuroimaging measures can help validate models and influence theory development.


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Quan es parla d'estudiar música, sovint ens ve al cap la paraula conservatori; hi estem tan acostumats que ni ens adonem del caracter conservador que anomenem al principal centre on s'estudia la nostra materia. En aquest context, vèncer aquest immobilisme i infondre un esperit més actual en l'ensenyament de la música, no ha estat gens fàcil, ja que les institucions sempre han procurat evitar ficar-se en terrenys incerts. Sia per desconeixement, sia per falta d'infraestructures adequades, de suficients medis o de personal qualificat, hem hagut d'esperar a l'aplicació de la LOGSE per assistir a una veritable normalització de la música en l'ensenyament obligatori, a la vegada que s'aconseguia actualitzar els ensenyaments artisticomusicals impartits en els «conservatoris» esmentats.


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The contribution of the propagating and the evanescent waves associated with freely propagating non-paraxial light fields whose transverse component is azimuthally polarized at some plane is investigated. Analytic expressions are derived for describing both the spatial shape and the relative weight of the propagating and the evanescent components integrated over the transverse plane. The analysis is carried out within the framework of the plane-wave angular spectrum approach. These results are used to illustrate the behavior of a kind of donut-like beams with transverse azimuthal polarization at some plane.