957 resultados para Multiplicity of positive solutions


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The calculations presented in this paper are based on the Sanchez-Lacombe (SL) lattice fluid theory. The interaction energy parameter, g*(12)/k, required in this approach was obtained by fitting the cloud points of polystyrene (PS) /methyleyclohexane (MCH) polymer solutions under pressure. The SL lattice fluid theory was used to calculate the spinodals, the binodals, and the Flory-Huggins (FH) interaction parameter of the solutions. The calculated results show that the SL lattice fluid theory can describe the dependences of thermodynamics of PS/MCH solutions on temperature and pressure very well. However, the calculated enthalpy and the excess volume changes indicate that the Clausius-Clapeyron equation cannot be suitable to describe pressure effect on PS/MCH solutions. Further analysis on the thermodynamics of this system under pressure shows that the role of entropy is more important than the excess volume in the present case.


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Bond distances, dissociation energies, ionization potentials and electron affinities of 4d transition metal monoxides from YO to CdO and their positive and negative ions were studied by use of density functional methods B3LYP, BLYP, B3PW91, BPW91, B3P86, BP86, SVWN, MPW1PW91 and PBE1PBE. It was found that calculated properties are highly dependent on the functionals employed, especially for dissociation energy. For most neutral species, pure density functionals BLYP, BPW91 and BP86 have good performance in predicting dissociation energy than hybrid density functionals B3LYP, B3PW91 and B3P86. In addition, BLYP gives the largest bond distance compared with other density functional methods, while SVWN gives shortest bond distance, largest dissociation energy and electron affinity. For the ground state, the spin multiplicity of the charged species can be obtained by +/- 1 of their corresponding neutral species.


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The cloud-point temperatures (T-c1's) of ti-ans-decahydronaphthalene (TD)/polystyrene (PS, M-w = 270 kg/mol) solutions were determined by fight scattering measurements over a range of temperatures (1-16 degreesC), pressures (100-900 bar), and compositions (4.2-21.6 vol% polymer). The system phase separates upon cooling and the T-c1 was found to increase with the rising pressure for the constant composition. In the absence of special effects this finding indicates positive excess volumes. The special attention was paid to the demixing temperatures as a function of the pressure for the different polymer solutions and the plots in the T-volume fraction plane and P-volume fraction plane. The cloud-point curves of polymer solutions under changing pressures were observed for different compositions, demonstrates that the TD/PS system exhibits UCST (phase separation upon cooling) behavior. With this data the phase diagrams under pressure were calculated applying the Sanchez-Lacombe (SL) lattice fluid theory. Furthermore, the cause of phase separation, i.e., the influence of Flory-Huggins (FH) interaction parameter under pressure was investigated.


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A nitrate-citrate combustion route to synthesize nanocrystalline samarium-doped ceria powders for solid electrolyte ceramics is presented. This route is based on the gelling of nitrate solutions by the addition of citric acid and ammonium hydroxide, followed by an intense combustion process due to an exothermic redox reaction between nitrate and citrate ions. The influence of ignition temperature on the characteristics of the powders was studied. The change of the crystal structure with the content of doped Sm was investigated. High temperature X-ray, and Raman scattering were used to characterize the sample. The lattice constant and unit volume increase with doping level and increasing temperature. Dense ceramic samples prepared by uniaxial pressing and sintering in air were also studied.


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The synchronous fluorescence spectra of hemoglobin solutions are reported for the first rime. The main fluorescence peaks observed in the spectra are assigned. The effect of the concentration of hemoglobin solution on the spectra is studied. Characteristic fluorescence peaks due to the dimer and tetramer of hemoglobin molecules are recognized. (C) 1998 Academic Press.


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In an attempt to explore the effects of structural multiplicity of polymers on the mechanism of radiation crosslinking, the adaptability of the Charlesby-Pinner's equation and its various modified versions are examined. It is recognized that both chemical


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In an attempt to explore the effect of structural multiplicity of polymers on the mechanism of radiation crosslinking, the adaptability of the Charlesby-Pinner's equation and its various modified versions are examined. It is recognized that both chemical and morphological multiplicity of polymer structure results in the multiplicity of crosslinking mechanism, and that any single equation can only be applicable to a certain step of the whole radiation process.


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The sorption and desorption of Cu and Cd by two species of brown macroalgae and five species of microalgae were studied. The two brown macroalgae, Laminaria japonica and Sargassum kjellmanianum, were found to have high capacities at pHs between 4.0 and 5.0 while for microalgae, optimum pH lay at 6.7. The presence of other cations in solution was found to reduce the sorption of the target cation, suggesting a competition for sorption sites on organisms. Sorption isotherms obeyed the Freundlich equation, suggesting involvement of a multiplicity of mechanisms and sorption sites. For the microalgae tested, Spirulina platensis had the highest capacity for Cd, followed by Nannochloropsis oculata, Phaeodactylum tricornutum, Platymonas cordifolia and Chaetoceros minutissimus. The reversibility of metal sorption by macroalgae was examined and the results show that both HCl and EDTA solutions were very effective in desorbing sorbed metal ions from macroalgae, with up to 99.5% of metals being recovered. The regenerated biomass showed undiminished sorption performance for the two metals studied, suggesting the potential of such material for use in water and wastewater treatment. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Plakhov, A.Y.; Torres, D., (2005) 'Newton's aerodynamic problem in media of chaotically moving particles', Sbornik: Mathematics 196(6) pp.885-933 RAE2008


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BACKGROUND: Docetaxel has proven efficacy in metastatic breast cancer. In this pilot study, we explored the efficacy/feasibility of docetaxel-based sequential and combination regimens as adjuvant therapy of node-positive breast cancer. PATIENTS AND METHODS: From March 1996 till March 1998, four consecutive groups of patients with stages II and III breast cancer, aged < or = 70 years, received one of the following regimens: a) sequential Doxorubicin (A) --> Docetaxel (T) --> CMF (Cyclophosphamide+Methotrexate+5-Fluorouracil): A 75 mg/m q 3 wks x 3, followed by T100 mg/m2 q 3 wks x 3, followed by i.v. CMF Days 1+8 q 4 wks x 3; b) sequential accelerated A --> T --> CMF: A and T administered at the same doses q 2 wks with Lenograstin support; c) combination therapy: A 50 mg/m2 + T 75 mg/m2 q 3 wks x 4, followed by CMF x 4; d) sequential T --> A --> CMF: T and A, administered as in group a), with the reverse sequence. When indicated, radiotherapy was administered during or after CMF, and Tamoxifen after CMF. RESULTS: Ninety-three patients were treated. The median age was 48 years (29-66) and the median number of positive axillary nodes was 6 (1-25). Tumors were operable in 94% and locally advanced in 6% of cases. Pathological tumor size was >2 cm in 72% of cases. There were 21 relapses, (18 systemic, 3 locoregional) and 11 patients (12%) have died from disease progression. At median follow-up of 39 months (6-57), overall survival (OS) was 87% (95% CI, 79-94%) and disease-free survival (DFS) was 76% (95% CI, 67%-85%). CONCLUSION: The efficacy of these docetaxel-based regimens, in terms of OS and DFS, appears to be at least as good as standard anthracycline-based adjuvant chemotherapy (CT), in similar high-risk patient populations.


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Over 2,000 adults in their sixties completed the Centrality of Event Scale (CES) for the traumatic or negative event that now troubled them the most and for their most positive life event, as well as measures of current PTSD symptoms, depression, well-being, and personality. Consistent with the notion of a positivity bias in old age, the positive events were judged to be markedly more central to life story and identity than were the negative events. The centrality of positive events was unrelated to measures of PTSD symptoms and emotional distress, whereas the centrality of the negative event showed clear positive correlations with these measures. The centrality of the positive events increased with increasing time since the events, whereas the centrality of the negative events decreased. The life distribution of the positive events showed a marked peak in young adulthood whereas the life distribution for the negative events peaked at the participants' present age. The positive events were mostly events from the cultural life script-that is, culturally shared representations of the timing of major transitional events. Overall, our findings show that positive and negative autobiographical events relate markedly differently to life story and identity. Positive events become central to life story and identity primarily through their correspondence with cultural norms. Negative events become central through mechanisms associated with emotional distress.


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Abstract The aim was twofold; to demonstrate the ability of temperature-controlled Raman microscopy (TRM) to locate mannitol within a frozen system and determine its form; to investigate the annealing behavior of mannitol solutions at -30 °C. The different polymorphic forms of anhydrous mannitol as well as the hemihydrate and amorphous form were prepared and characterized using crystal or powder X-ray diffractometry (XRD) as appropriate and Raman microscopy. Mannitol solutions (3% w/v) were cooled before annealing at -30 °C. TRM was used to map the frozen systems during annealing and was able to differentiate between the different forms of mannitol and revealed the location of both ß and d polymorphic forms within the structure of the frozen material for the first time. TRM also confirmed that the crystalline mannitol is preferentially deposited at the edge of the frozen drop, forming a rim that thickens upon annealing. While there is no preference for one form initially, the study has revealed that the mannitol preferentially transforms to the ß form with time. TRM has enabled observation of spatially resolved behavior of mannitol during the annealing process for the first time. The technique has clear potential for studying other crystallization processes, with particular advantage for frozen systems.


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The European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) speaks of the importance of an “effective political democracy” in its Preamble, though it is only in Article 3 of Protocol 1 (P1-3) that we find a right to free elections. This paper discusses the role ofpositive obligations” under P1-3. This paper outlines the positive obligations in P1-3 focusing on obligations where the state is required to do more than just change the law. This may mean providing resources or facilities, adopting regulatory frameworks or creating new institutions. The paper highlights specific positive obligations that need to be further developed in the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR). Sometimes these can be developed by analogy with positive obligations recognised in other areas of ECtHR jurisprudence. However, beyond these cases, states should ensure that members of vulnerable and disadvantaged minorities are able to participate in the electoral process and should ensure that dominant political groups cannot abuse their political power to exclude other parties unfairly. This is necessary to realise equal political rights. The second section of this paper sketches some preliminary points about the Strasbourg institutions’ approach to P1-3. After that, the third section identifies circumstances where the ECtHR should apply a more intense scrutiny in P1-3 cases. The fourth, fifth and sixth sections look at positive obligations relating to the right to vote, the right to run for election and the regulation of political parties.


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Making a decision is often a matter of listing and comparing positive and negative arguments. In such cases, the evaluation scale for decisions should be considered bipolar, that is, negative and positive values should be explicitly distinguished. That is what is done, for example, in Cumulative Prospect Theory. However, contrary to the latter framework that presupposes genuine numerical assessments, human agents often decide on the basis of an ordinal ranking of the pros and the cons, and by focusing on the most salient arguments. In other terms, the decision process is qualitative as well as bipolar. In this article, based on a bipolar extension of possibility theory, we define and axiomatically characterize several decision rules tailored for the joint handling of positive and negative arguments in an ordinal setting. The simplest rules can be viewed as extensions of the maximin and maximax criteria to the bipolar case, and consequently suffer from poor decisive power. More decisive rules that refine the former are also proposed. These refinements agree both with principles of efficiency and with the spirit of order-of-magnitude reasoning, that prevails in qualitative decision theory. The most refined decision rule uses leximin rankings of the pros and the cons, and the ideas of counting arguments of equal strength and cancelling pros by cons. It is shown to come down to a special case of Cumulative Prospect Theory, and to subsume the “Take the Best” heuristic studied by cognitive psychologists.


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In view of both the delay in obtaining identification by conventional methods following blood-culture positivity in patients with candidaemia and the close relationship between species and fluconazole (FLC) susceptibility, early speciation of positive blood cultures has the potential to influence therapeutic decisions. The aim was to develop a rapid test to differentiate FLC-resistant from FLC-sensitive Candida species. Three TaqMan-based real-time PCR assays were developed to identify up to six Candida species directly from BacT/Alert blood-culture bottles that showed yeast cells on Gram staining at the time of initial positivity. Target sequences in the rRNA gene complex were amplified, using a consensus two-step PCR protocol, to identify Candida albicans, Candida parapsilosis, Candida tropicalis, Candida dubliniensis, Candida glabrata and Candida krusei; these are the most commonly encountered Candida species in blood cultures. The first four of these (the characteristically FLC-sensitive group) were identified in a single reaction tube using one fluorescent TaqMan probe targeting 1 8S rRNA sequences conserved in the four species. The FLC-resistant species C. krusei and C. glabrata were detected in two further reactions, each with species-specific probes. This method was validated with clinical specimens (blood cultures) positive for yeast (n=33 sets) and the results were 100% concordant with those of phenotypic identification carried out concomitantly. The reported assay significantly reduces the time required to identify the presence of C. glabrata and C. krusei in comparison with a conventional phenotypic method, from ~72 to