939 resultados para Mozambique Channel
The CA1 region of the hippocampus is particularly vulnerable to ischemic damage. While NMDA receptors play a major role in excitotoxicity, it is thought to be exacerbated in this region by two forms of post-ischemic AMPA receptor (AMPAR) plasticity - namely, anoxic long-term potentiation (a-LTP), and a delayed increase in the prevalence of Ca2+ -permeable GluA2-lacking AMPARs (CP-AMPARs). The acid-sensing ion channel 1a (ASIC1a) which is expressed in CA1 pyramidal neurons, is also known to contribute to post-ischemic neuronal death and to physiologically induced LTP. This raises the question - does ASIC1a activation drive the post-ischemic forms of AMPAR plasticity in CA1 pyramidal neurons? We have tested this by examining organotypic hippocampal slice cultures (OHSCs) exposed to oxygen glucose deprivation (OGD), and dissociated cultures of hippocampal pyramidal neurons (HPN) exposed to low pH (acidosis). We find that both a-LTP and the delayed increase in the prevalence of CP-AMPARs are dependent on ASIC1a activation during ischemia. Indeed, acidosis alone is sufficient to induce the increase in CP-AMPARs. We also find that inhibition of ASIC1a channels circumvents any potential neuroprotective benefit arising from block of CP-AMPARs. By demonstrating that ASIC1a activation contributes to post-ischemic AMPAR plasticity, our results identify a functional interaction between acidotoxicity and excitotoxicity in hippocampal CA1 cells, and provide insight into the role of ASIC1a and CP-AMPARs as potential drug targets for neuroprotection. We thus propose that ASIC1a activation can drive certain forms of CP-AMPAR plasticity, and that inhibiting ASIC1a affords neuroprotection.
Acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) are neuronal, voltage-independent Na(+) channels that are transiently activated by extracellular acidification. They are involved in pain sensation, the expression of fear, and in neurodegeneration after ischemic stroke. Our study investigates the role of extracellular subunit interactions in ASIC1a function. We identified two regions involved in critical intersubunit interactions. First, formation of an engineered disulfide bond between the palm and thumb domains leads to partial channel closure. Second, linking Glu-235 of a finger loop to either one of two different residues of the knuckle of a neighboring subunit opens the channel at physiological pH or disrupts its activity. This suggests that one finger-knuckle disulfide bond (E235C/K393C) sets the channel in an open state, whereas the other (E235C/Y389C) switches the channel to a non-conducting state. Voltage-clamp fluorometry experiments indicate that both the finger loop and the knuckle move away from the β-ball residue Trp-233 during acidification and subsequent desensitization. Together, these observations reveal that ASIC1a opening is accompanied by a distance increase between adjacent thumb and palm domains as well as a movement of Glu-235 relative to the knuckle helix. Our study identifies subunit interactions in the extracellular loop and shows that dynamic changes of these interactions are critical for normal ASIC function.
Channel activating proteases (CAP) are membrane-bound serine proteases that have been identified as in vitro activators of the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC). Two of them are mainly studied in the laboratory. CAP1/Prss8 was previously shown implicated in colonic sodium homeostasis in vivo. In the first part of this thesis, we generated and characterized mice deficient for CAP2/Tmprss4. The mice are healthy and viable, and they do not show any obvious phenotype. We investigated ENaC activity and expression under regular and sodium- deficient diet, and we could demonstrate that CAP2 is not a major regulator of sodium homeostasis in vivo. We next studied whether CAP2 is implicated in potassium homeostasis. We detected a strong gender-dependency when CAP2 knock-out mice were put under a potassium-deficient diet. We showed in male mice an implication of CAP2 in the regulation of the colonic H+, K+- ATPase, and we propose an implication of membrane-associated progesterone receptors and their binding partners, as well as a possible cleavage-mediated glucocorticoid receptor signalling. We studied the possible interaction between CAPI and CAP2 by generating and characterizing two different mouse study groups, displaying different hypomorphic mutations in the CAPI gene, and deficient for CAP2. We demonstrate that balanced expression of CAPI and CAP2 is required for maintainance of skin integrity and for normal placental development. As CAPI knock-out embryos die due to a placental failure, the additional combined deletion of CAP2 resulted in survival until birth. We could evidence that CAPI and CAP2 are implicated in the same signalling pathway as proposed in cancer studies at the level of the placenta, implicating integrin a5, ERK, AKT, E- and N-cadherin. Furthermore, we investigated whether CAPI is implicated in the pathogenesis and susceptibility to experimental chronic colitis in a mutant rat model. By giving CAPI mutant rats Dextran sodium sulfate, we induced chronic inflammation of the colon, and we highlighted the protective role of CAPI at the histopathological and clinical levels. In conclusion, we showed that CAP2 is not a major regulator of ENaC-mediated sodium homeostasis in vivo, but rather a regulator of potassium homeostasis in a gender-dependent manner implicating the colonic H+, K+-ATPase, membrane progesterone receptors, and the glucocorticoid receptor. We have investigated whether CAPI and CAP2 interact at the functional level, and we show that a balanced expression of CAPI and CAP2 is required in the skin, but also in the placenta. Imbalanced expression of CAPI and CAP2 leads to impaired EMT-associated signalling. We have studied whether CAPI is implicated in the pathogenesis and susceptibility to chronic colitis, and we demonstrated the protective role of CAPI in distal colon. -- Les protéases activatrices de canal (CAP) sont des protéases à serine attachées à la membrane qui ont été identifiées comme activateurs in vitro du canal sodique épithélial (ENaC). Deux de ces protéases sont principalement étudiées dans le laboratoire. CAP1/Prss8 a été identifié préalablement comme impliqué dans l'homéostasie du sodium in vivo au niveau du côlon. Dans la première partie de cette thèse, nous avons généré et caractérisé des souris déficientes pour CAP2/Tmprss4. Les souris sont en bonne santé et viables, et elles ne présentent pas de phénotype visible. Nous avons étudié l'activité et l'expression d'ENaC sous diète normale et déficiente en sodium, et nous avons démontré que CAP2 n'est pas un régulateur essentiel de l'homéostasie sodique in vivo. Nous avons ensuite étudié si CAP2 est impliqué dans l'homéostasie du potassium. Nous avons détecté une forte dépendance du sexe lorsque les souris knock-out pour CAP2 étaient placées sous diète déficiente en potassium. Nous avons démontré dans les souris mâles une implication de CAP2 dans la régulation de la H+, K+- ATPase colonique, des récepteurs membranaires à la progestérone et de leur partenaires de liaison, ainsi que dans la possible signalisation médiée par le clivage du récepteur aux glucocorticoïdes. Nous avons étudié l'interaction possible entre CAPI et CAP2 en générant et en caractérisant deux groupes d'étude de souris différents, porteurs de différentes mutations hypomorphiques dans le gène de CAPI, et déficients pour CAP2. Nous avons pu montrer qu'une expression équilibrée de CAPI et CAP2 est requise pour le maintien de l'intégrité de la peau et pour le développement normal du placenta. Les embryons knock-out pour CAPI meurent suite à une défaillance placentaire, et la délétion additionnelle et combinée de CAP2 permet la survie jusqu'à la naissance. Nous supposons que CAPI et CAP2 sont impliqués dans la même voie de signalisation au niveau du placenta que celle proposée dans les études de cancer, impliquant l'intégrine a5, ERK, AKT, E- et N-cadhérine. De plus, nous avons étudié si CAPI est impliqué dans la pathogenèse et la susceptibilité de colite chronique expérimentale dans un modèle de rat mutant. En administrant aux rats mutants pour CAPI du Dextran sodium sulfate, nous avons induit une inflammation chronique du côlon, et nous avons pu mettre en évidence le rôle protecteur de CAPI au niveau histopathologique et au niveau clinique. En conclusion, nous avons démontré que CAP2 n'est pas un régulateur essentiel de l'homéostasie sodique médiée par ENaC in vivo, mais plutôt de l'homéostasie potassique d'une manière dépendante du sexe et impliquant la H+, K+-ATPase colonique, les récepteurs membranaires à la progestérone et le récepteur aux glucocorticoïdes. Nous avons étudié si CAPI et CAP2 interagissent au niveau fonctionnel, et nous avons montré qu'une expression équilibrée entre CAPI et CAP2 est requise dans la peau et le placenta. L'expression déséquilibrée de CAPI et CAP2 mène à une altération de la signalisation associée à l'EMT. Nous avons étudié si CAPI est impliqué dans la pathogenèse et la susceptibilité de colite chronique expérimentale, et nous avons démontré le rôle protecteur de CAPI dans le côlon distal.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate a comprehensive MRI protocol that investigates for cancer, vascular disease, and degenerative/inflammatory disease from the head to the pelvis in less than 40 minutes on a new generation 48-channel 3T system. MATERIALS AND METHODS: All MR studies were performed on a 48-channel 3T MR scanner. A 20-channel head/neck coil, two 18-channel body arrays, and a 32-channel spine array were employed. A total of 4 healthy individuals were studied. The designed protocol included a combination of single-shot T2-weighted sequences, T1-weighted 3D gradient-echo pre- and post-gadolinium. All images were retrospectively evaluated by two radiologists independently for overall image quality. RESULTS: The image quality for cancer was rated as excellent in the liver, pancreas, kidneys, lungs, pelvic organs, and brain, and rated as fair in the colon and breast. For vascular diseases ratings were excellent in the aorta, major branch vessel origins, inferior vena cava, portal and hepatic veins, rated as good in pulmonary arteries, and as poor in the coronary arteries. For degenerative/inflammatory diseases ratings were excellent in the brain, liver and pancreas. The inter-observer agreement was excellent. CONCLUSION: A comprehensive and time efficient screening for important categories of disease processes may be achieved with high quality imaging in a new generation 48-channel 3T system.
Este artículo analiza el proceso de implementación de una plataforma municipal basada en el catastro para la recogida sistemática de datos para el diseño y monitoreo de las políticas públicas mediante el uso de aplicaciones de software libre en las ciudades mozambiqueñas de Manhiça, Inhambane y Maxixé, apuntando elementos para discernir en qué medida el uso de software libre es determinante o no en el éxito en la implementación de este tipo de plataformas.
Under pathological conditions, microglia, the resident CNS immune cells, become reactive and release pro-inflammatory cytokines and neurotoxic factors. We investigated whether this phenotypic switch includes changes in the expression of the L-type voltage-gated calcium channel (VGCC) in a rat model of N-methyl-d-aspartate-induced hippocampal neurodegeneration. Double immunohistochemistry and confocal microscopy evidenced that activated microglia express the L-type VGCC. We then analyzed whether BV2 microglia express functional L-type VGCC, and investigated the latter's role in microglial cytokine release and phagocytic capacity. Activated BV2 microglia express the CaV1.2 and CaV1.3 subunits of the L-type VGCC determined by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction, Western blot and immunocytochemistry. Depolarization with KCl induced a Ca2+ entry facilitated by Bay k8644 and partially blocked with nifedipine, which also reduced TNF-α and NO release by 40%. However, no nifedipine effect on BV2 microglia viability or phagocytic capacity was observed. Our results suggest that in CNS inflammatory processes, the L-type VGCC plays a specific role in the control of microglial secretory activity.
Brugada syndrome (BrS) is a life-threatening, inherited arrhythmogenic syndrome associated with autosomal dominant mutations in SCN5A, the gene encoding the cardiac Na₊ channel alpha subunit (Naᵥ1.5). The aim of this work was to characterize the functional alterations caused by a novel SCN5A mutation, I890T, and thus establish whether this mutation is associated with BrS. The mutation was identified by direct sequencing of SCN5A from the proband’s DNA. Wild-type (WT) or I890T Naᵥ1.5 channels were heterologously expressed in human embryonic kidney cells. Sodium currents were studied using standard whole cell patch-clamp protocols and immunodetection experiments were performed using an antibody against human Naᵥ1.5 channel. A marked decrease in current density was observed in cells expressing the I890T channel (from -52.0 ± 6.5 pA/pF, n=15 to 35.9 ± 3.4 pA/pF, n = 22, at -20 mV, WT and I890T, respectively). Moreover, a positive shift of the activation curve was identified (V½ =-32.0 ± 0.3 mV, n = 18, and -27.3 ± 0.3 mV, n = 22, WT and I890T, respectively). No changes between WT and I890T currents were observed in steady-state inactivation, time course of inactivation, slow inactivation or recovery from inactivation parameters. Cell surface protein biotinylation analyses confirmed that Nav1.5 channel membrane expression levels were similar in WT and I890T cells. In summary, our data reveal that the I890T mutation, located within the pore of Nav1.5, causes an evident loss-of-function of the channel. Thus, the BrS phenotype observed in the proband is most likely due to this mutation
The objective of this thesis was to study the removal of gases from paper mill circulation waters experimentally and to provide data for CFD modeling. Flow and bubble size measurements were carried out in a laboratory scale open gas separation channel. Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) technique was used to measure the gas and liquid flow fields, while bubble size measurements were conducted using digital imaging technique with back light illumination. Samples of paper machine waters as well as a model solution were used for the experiments. The PIV results show that the gas bubbles near the feed position have the tendency to escape from the circulation channel at a faster rate than those bubbles which are further away from the feed position. This was due to an increased rate of bubble coalescence as a result of the relatively larger bubbles near the feed position. Moreover, a close similarity between the measured slip velocities of the paper mill waters and that of literature values was obtained. It was found that due to dilution of paper mill waters, the observed average bubble size was considerably large as compared to the average bubble sizes in real industrial pulp suspension and circulation waters. Among the studied solutions, the model solution has the highest average drag coefficient value due to its relatively high viscosity. The results were compared to a 2D steady sate CFD simulation model. A standard Euler-Euler k-ε turbulence model was used in the simulations. The channel free surface was modeled as a degassing boundary. From the drag models used in the simulations, the Grace drag model gave velocity fields closest to the experimental values. In general, the results obtained from experiments and CFD simulations are in good qualitative agreement.
Strategic partnerships have become a key to competitive advantage and success in a dynamic, global business environment. Partnering provides a strategic response to complex offerings that need multiple sources of technology and knowledge, allowing companies to offer a wider range of services and solutions to meet their customers’ needs. Companies that collaborate with strategic partners in sales channels may significantly grow their business and improve their prospects of winning major contracts. As a consequence, companies are increasingly transforming their go-to-market strategies and sales channel structures to align with the need to create added value to customers together with a business partner. The research objective of this case study is to review and assess the success of an established sales channel partnership in IT services industry and to find ways how to develop it towards a strategic collaboration. The research consists of two main parts. The first part reviews the literature, concluding with the identification of the critical success factors for partnering. The second part sets out for the case findings, focusing on how the success of the established sales channel partnership is perceived by key executives within the partner organizations, and further what actions are required to make the sales channel partnership and joint go-to-market more strategic.
Kalciumjonen reglerar flera processer i celler såsom transkribering av gener, celldelning, cellernas rörlighet och celldöd. Därför har cellerna utvecklat många mekanismer för att reglera den intracellulära kalciumkoncentrationen. Kalciumkanaler spelar en viktig roll i denna regleringsprocess. TRPC-kanalerna (eng. canonical transient receptor potential) är en familj av jonkanaler med sju medlemmar (TRPC1-7) vars regleringsmekanismer och fysiologiska roller är varierande. TRPC2-kanalens fysiologiska signifikans, samt hur kanalen regleras, är dåligt karakteriserad. För första gången, rapporterar vi närvaron av TRPC2 kanalen i råttans sköldkörtelceller samt primära sköldkörtelceller från råtta. Hos gnagare har TRPC2 antagits vara exklusivt uttryckt i det vomeronasala organet. För att undersöka den fysiologiska betydelsen av kanalen, har vi utvecklat stabila celler med nedreglerat TRPC2 (shTRPC2) m.h.a. shRNA-teknik. Nedreglering av TRPC2 resulterade i stora skillnader i flera viktiga cellulära funktioner och i regleringen av sköldkörtelcellernas cellsignalering. Nedreglering av TRPC2 orsakade minskad agonist-beroende frigivning av kalcium från det endoplasmatiska nätverket, samt minskat agonist-beroende inflöde av extracellulärt kalcium, men ökade det basala kalciuminflödet. Uttrycket av PKCβ1 och PKCδ, SERCA-aktiviteten och kalciumhalten i det endoplasmatiska nätverket minskade i shTRPC2 celler. Kommunikation mellan kalcium- och cAMP-signalering påvisades vara TRPC2-beroende, vilket visades reglera uttrycket av TSH-receptorn. Vi undersökte också betydelsen av TRPC2 kanalen i reglering av sköldkörtelcellers proliferation, migration, vidhäftning och invasion; processer som alla var dämpade i shTRPC2 celler. Samamnfattningsvis påvisade dessa resultat en ny och viktig fysiologisk betydelse för TRPC2 kanalerna.
The study aimed to evaluate the risk factors associated with the frequency of IgG antibodies against Babesia bovis and B. bigemina in cattle in southern Mozambique. Eight hundred and nine serum samples were collected from cattle in three provinces namely Maputo, Gaza and Inhambane, and tested by indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (i-ELISA) to assess the humoral immune response towards B. bovis and B. bigemina. The chi-square test at 5% significance was used to determine whether there was an association between gender, age and geographic origin of seropositive animals. The overall prevalence was 78.8% (548/695) for B. bovis and 76.0% (528/695) for B. bigemina. The origin of the animals showed a significant association (p<0.05) with seropositivity to both agents, while gender and age was not associated (p>0.05). Maputo province had the highest rate of positive animals, with 93.7% (118/126) for B. bovis and 97.6% (123/126) for B. bigemina. In Gaza province 77.3% (321/415) of the animals were positive for B. bovis and 67.5% (280/415) for B. bigemina, while in the province of Inhambane the levels of seropositivity were 70.8% (109/154) and 81.2% (125/154) for B. bovis and B. bigemina respectively. In the present study, the frequency of cattle positive for B. bovis and B. bigemina was shown to increase among older age groups, suggesting that infection and re-infection persisted even after the primary infection. Thus, this region is considered to be in a state of enzootic stability with regards to B. bovis and B. bigemina.