924 resultados para Mobile applications


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Työssä tutkitaan menetelmiä, käytäntöjä ja oliosuunnittelumalleja jotka johtavat ohjelmistojen koon pienentymiseen. Työssä tutkitaan konkreettisia keinoja ohjelmistojen koon optimointiin Symbian-alustalla. Työ keskityy C++ ohjelmistoihin jotka on suunniteltu toimimaan matkapuhelimissa ja muissa langattomissa laitteissa. Työssä esitellään, analysoidaan ja optimoidaan todellinen, loppukäyttäjille suunnattu, langaton sovellus. Käytetyt optimointimenetelmät sekä saadut tulokset esitellään ja analysoidaan. Esimerkkisovelluksen toteuttamisesta kertyvien kokemusten perusteella esitetään suosituksia langattomaan sovelluskehitykseen. Hyvän teknisen arkkitehtuurisuunnitelman todettiin olevan merkittävässä roolissa. C++ -kielen luokkaperinnän huomattiin yllättäen olevan suurin ohjelmatiedostojen kokoon vaikuttava tekijä Symbian-käyttöjärjestelmässä. Pienten ohjelmien tuottamisessa vaaditaan taitoa ja kurinalaisuutta. Ohjelmistokehittäjien asenteet ovat yleensä suurin este sille. Monet ihmiset eivät vain välitä kirjoittaminen ohjelmiensa koosta.


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The fact that most of new Personal Data Assistant (PDA) devices and smartphones have the ability to communicate via different wireless technologies has made several new applications possible. While traditional network model is based on the idea of static hosts, mobile devices can create decentralized, self-organizing ad-hoc networks and act as peers in the network. This kind of adapting network is suitable for mobile devices which can freely join and leave the networks. Because several different wireless communication technologies are involved, flexible changing of the networking technology must be handled in order to enable seamless communication between these networks. This thesis presents a transparent network interface to mobile Peer-to-Peer environment which is named as Virtual PeerHood. Different wireless technologies and aspects of providing a seamless connectivity between these technologies are explored. The result is a middleware platform for mobile Peer-to-Peer environment, capable of handling several networking technologies.


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Tulevaisuudessa siirrettävät laitteet, kuten matkapuhelimet ja kämmenmikrot, pystyvät muodostamaan verkkoyhteyden käyttäen erilaisia yhteysmenetelmiä eri tilanteissa. Yhteysmenetelmillä on toisistaan poikkeavat viestintäominaisuudet mm. latenssin, kaistanleveyden, virhemäärän yms. suhteen. Langattomille yhteysmenetelmille on myös ominaista tietoliikenneyhteyden ominaisuuksien voimakas muuttuminen ympäristön suhteen. Parhaan suorituskyvyn ja käytettävyyden saavuttamiseksi, on siirrettävän laitteen pystyttävä mukautumaan käytettyyn viestintämenetelmään ja viestintäympäristössä tapahtuviin muutoksiin. Olennainen osa tietoliikenteessä ovat protokollapinot, jotka mahdollistavat tietoliikenneyhteyden järjestelmien välillä tarjoten verkkopalveluita päätelaitteen käyttäjäsovelluksille. Jotta protokollapinot pystyisivät mukautumaan tietyn viestintäympäristön ominaisuuksiin, on protokollapinon käyttäytymistä pystyttävä muuttamaan ajonaikaisesti. Perinteisesti protokollapinot ovat kuitenkin rakennettu muuttumattomiksi niin, että mukautuminen tässä laajuudessa on erittäin vaikeaa toteuttaa, ellei jopa mahdotonta. Tämä diplomityö käsittelee mukautuvien protokollapinojen rakentamista käyttäen komponenttipohjaista ohjelmistokehystä joka mahdollistaa protokollapinojen ajonaikaisen muuttamisen. Toteuttamalla esimerkkijärjestelmän, ja mittaamalla sen suorituskykyä vaihtelevassa tietoliikenneympäristössä, osoitamme, että mukautuvat protokollapinot ovat mahdollisia rakentaa ja ne tarjoavat merkittäviä etuja erityisesti tulevaisuuden siirrettävissä laitteissa.


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Tulevaisuudessa telekommunikaatioala tulee keskittymään pitkälti langattomiin sovelluksiin ja lisäarvopalveluihin. Tuottaakseen näitä palveluja alan yritykset tekevät yhteistyötä laajan kehittäjäjoukon kanssa. Työn tavoitteena oli parantaa case-yrityksen jo olemassaolevaa toimintamallia, jota se soveltaa yhteistyössään kehittäjien kanssa. Tutkimus keskittyy mobiiliapplikaatiokehittäjiin. Toimintamalli kattaa pääasiassa palvelutarjonnan kehittäjä-allianssissa.Jotta toimintamalliin pystyttäisiin tekemään strategisia muutoksia, oli aluksi tärkeä tunnistaa kehittäjien tarpeet ja toiseksi tarkkailla ja analysoida ympäristöä ja sillä tavoin tunnistaa pääkilpailijat ja heidän tarjontansa mobiiliapplikaatiokehittäjille. Tutkimus toteutettiin suorittamalla postikysely kehittäjille ja toisaalta tekemällä laadullinen tutkimus kilpailijoista. Kilpailutilanteen luonne ja potentiaaliset kilpailijat olivat tunnistettavissa. Parannusehdotukset sisälsivät sekä yleisiä että palvelukohtaisia parannuksia.


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Sähköisen liiketoiminnan sovelluksia on voitu toistaiseksi käyttää useimmissa tapauksissa vain langallisen yhteyden kautta. Uudet langattomat teknologiat, jotka ovat kehittyneet nopeasti muutaman viimeisen vuoden aikana, mahdollistavat näiden sovellusten käytön ajasta ja paikasta riippumatta. Tämän työn tavoitteena oli tutkia langattomien sähköisen liiketoiminnan sovellusten käyttöä ja hyötyjä tieto- ja viestintäteollisuudessa. Työssä keskitytään tutkimaan tätä tietotekniikan evoluutioaskelta yksittäisen yrityksen kannalta: rajoittuen omassa toiminnassa käytettäviin sovelluksiin. Tutkimus luo viitekehyksen mobiilisuuden evoluutioon, uuden tietotekniikan vaikutuksiin ja hyötyihin sekä tarkemmin langattomiin sähköisen liiketoiminnan sovelluksiin. Tätä viitekehystä käytetään analysoitaessa nykyistä käyttöä tutkimuksen kohteena olevissa yrityksissä. Tutkimuksen johtopäätökset niin nykyisestä käytöstä kuin myös tulevasta ovat syntyneet viitekehyksen, nykyisen käytön, sekä tehtyjen haastattelujen pohjalta.


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Diplomityössä käsitellään Nokia Mobile Phonesin matkapuhelimien käyttöliittymäohjelmistojen suunnittelu-ja testausympäristön kehitystä. Ympäristöön lisättiin kaksi ohjelmistomodulia avustamaan simulointia ja versionhallintaa. Visualisointityökalulla matkapuhelimen toiminta voidaan jäljittää suunnittelu- kaavioihin tilasiirtyminä, kun taas vertailusovelluksella kaavioiden väliset erot nähdään graafisesti. Kehitetyt sovellukset parantavat käyttöliittymien suunnitteluprosessia tehostaen virheiden etsintää, optimointia ja versionhallintaa. Visualisointityökalun edut ovat merkittävät, koska käyttöliittymäsovellusten toiminta on havaittavissa suunnittelu- kaavioista reaaliaikaisen simuloinnin yhteydessä. Näin virheet ovat välittömästi paikannettavissa. Lisäksi työkalua voidaan hyödyntää kaavioita optimoitaessa, jolloin sovellusten kokoja muistintarve pienenee. Graafinen vertailutyökalu tuo edun rinnakkaiseen ohjelmistosuunnitteluun. Eri versioisten suunnittelukaavioiden erot ovat nähtävissä suoraan kaaviosta manuaalisen vertailun sijaan. Molemmat työkalut otettiin onnistuneesti käyttöön NMP:llä vuoden 2001 alussa.


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This thesis evaluates methods for obtaining high performance in applications running on the mobile Java platform. Based on the evaluated methods, an optimization was done to a Java extension API running on top the Symbian operating system. The API provides location-based services for mobile Java applications. As a part of this thesis, the JNI implementation in Symbian OS was also benchmarked. A benchmarking tool was implemented in the analysis phase in order to implement extensive performance test set. Based on the benchmark results, it was noted that the landmarks implementation of the API was performing very slowly with large amounts of data. The existing implementation proved to be very inconvenient for optimization because the early implementers did not take performance and design issues into consideration. A completely new architecture was implemented for the API in order to provide scalable landmark initialization and data extraction by using lazy initialization methods. Additionally, runtime memory consumption was also an important part of the optimization. The improvement proved to be very efficient based on the measurements after the optimization. Most of the common API use cases performed extremely well compared to the old implementation. Performance optimization is an important quality attribute of any piece of software especially in embedded mobile devices. Typically, projects get into trouble with performance because there are no clear performance targets and knowledge how to achieve them. Well-known guidelines and performance models help to achieve good overall performance in Java applications and programming interfaces.


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The multidimensional process of physical, psychological, and social change produced by population ageing affects not only the quality of life of elderly people but also of our societies. Some dimensions of population ageing grow and expand over time (e.g. knowledge of the world events, or experience in particular situations), while others decline (e.g. reaction time, physical and psychological strength, or other functional abilities like reduced speed and tiredness). Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) can help elderly to overcome possible limitations due to ageing. As a particular case, biometrics can allow the development of new algorithms for early detection of cognitive impairments, by processing continuous speech, handwriting or other challenged abilities. Among all possibilities, digital applications (Apps) for mobile phones or tablets can allow the dissemination of such tools. In this article, after presenting and discussing the process of population ageing and its social implications, we explore how ICTs through different Apps can lead to new solutions for facing this major demographic challenge.


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Context awareness is emerging on mobile devices. Context awareness can be used to improve usability of a mobile device. Context awareness is particularly important on mobile devices due the limitations they have. At first in this work, a literature review on context awareness and mobile environment is made. For aiding context awareness there exist an implementation of a Context Framework for Symbian S60 devices. It provides a possibility for exchanging the contexts inside the device between the client applications of the local Context Framework. The main contribution of this thesis is to design and implement an enhancement to the S60 Context Framework for providing possibility to exchange context over device boundaries. Using the implemented Context Exchange System, the context exchange is neither depending on the type of the context nor the type of the client. In addition, the clients and the contexts can reside on any interconnected device. The usage of the system is independent of the programming language since in addition to using only Symbian C++ function interfaces it can also be utilized using XML scripts. The Meeting Sniffer application, which uses the Context Exchange System, was also developed in this work. Using this application, it is possible to recognize a meeting situation and suggest device profile change to a user.


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The purpose of this dissertation is to analyse older consumers' adoption of information and communication technology innovations, assess the effect of aging related characteristic, and evaluate older consumers' willingness to apply these technologies in health care services. This topic is considered important, because the population in Finland (as in other welfare states) is aging and thus offers a possibility for marketers, but on the other hand threatens society with increasing costs for healthcare. Innovation adoption has been under research from several aspects in both organizational and consumer research. In the consumer behaviour, several theories have been developed to predict consumer responses to innovation. The present dissertation carefully reviews previous research and takes a closer look at the theory of planned behaviour, technology acceptance model and diffusion of innovations perspective. It is here suggested that there is a possibility that these theories can be combined and complemented to predict the adoption of ICT innovations among aging consumers, taking the aging related personal characteristics into account. In fact, there are very few studies that have concentrated on aging consumers in the innovation research, and thus there was a clear indent for the present research. ICT in the health care context has been studied mainly from the organizational point of view. If the technology is thus applied for the communication between the individual end-user and service provider, the end-user cannot be shrugged off. The present dissertation uses empirical evidence from a survey targeted to 55-79 year old people from one city in Southern-Carelia. The empirical analysis of the research model was mainly based on structural equation modelling that has been found very useful on estimating causal relationships. The tested models were targeted to predict the adoption stage of personal computers and mobile phones, and the adoption intention of future health services that apply these devices for communication. The present dissertation succeeded in modelling the adoption behaviour of mobile phones and PCs as well as adoption intentions of future services. Perceived health status and three components behind it (depression, functional ability, and cognitive ability) were found to influence perception of technology anxiety. Better health leads to less anxiety. The effect of age was assessed as a control variable, in order to evaluate its effect compared to health characteristics. Age influenced technology perceptions, but to lesser extent compared to health. The analyses suggest that the major determinant for current technology adoption is perceived behavioural control, and additionally technology anxiety that indirectly inhibit adoption through perceived control. When focusing on future service intentions, the key issue is perceived usefulness that needs to be highlighted when new services are launched. Besides usefulness, the perception of online service reliability is important and affects the intentions indirectly. To conclude older consumers' adoption behaviour is influenced by health status and age, but also by the perceptions of anxiety and behavioural control. On the other hand, launching new types of health services for aging consumers is possible after the service is perceived reliable and useful.


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Data traffic caused by mobile advertising client software when it is communicating with the network server can be a pain point for many application developers who are considering advertising-funded application distribution, since the cost of the data transfer might scare their users away from using the applications. For the thesis project, a simulation environment was built to mimic the real client-server solution for measuring the data transfer over varying types of connections with different usage scenarios. For optimising data transfer, a few general-purpose compressors and XML-specific compressors were tried for compressing the XML data, and a few protocol optimisations were implemented. For optimising the cost, cache usage was improved and pre-loading was enhanced to use free connections to load the data. The data traffic structure and the various optimisations were analysed, and it was found that the cache usage and pre-loading should be enhanced and that the protocol should be changed, with report aggregation and compression using WBXML or gzip.


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In the current economy situation companies try to reduce their expenses. One of the solutions is to improve the energy efficiency of the processes. It is known that the energy consumption of pumping applications range from 20 up to 50% of the energy usage in the certain industrial plants operations. Some studies have shown that 30% to 50% of energy consumed by pump systems could be saved by changing the pump or the flow control method. The aim of this thesis is to create a mobile measurement system that can calculate a working point position of a pump drive. This information can be used to determine the efficiency of the pump drive operation and to develop a solution to bring pump’s efficiency to a maximum possible value. This can allow a great reduction in the pump drive’s life cycle cost. In the first part of the thesis, a brief introduction in the details of pump drive operation is given. Methods that can be used in the project are presented. Later, the review of available platforms for the project implementation is given. In the second part of the thesis, components of the project are presented. Detailed description for each created component is given. Finally, results of laboratory tests are presented. Acquired results are compared and analyzed. In addition, the operation of created system is analyzed and suggestions for the future development are given.


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The purpose of this thesis was to study how certificates could be used to improve security of mobile devices. In the theoretical part the usage of certificates to improve security is explained. In the practical part a concept of certificate handling middleware is introduced and implemented. This is to demonstrate what kind of functionality is needed to provide an improvement over the current situation in security with mobile devices. The certificate handling middleware is a concept that would work better if implemented directly into mobile device's core functionality. Many of the mobile devices have a certificate store to some degree and often it is not used to store other people's certificates. A certificate store combined with address book and added with possibility to add attributes to the people such as group memberships would be sufficient to satisfy the needs of many emerging sharing and social applications.


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This thesis describes the design and implementation of a graphical application on a mobile device to teleoperate a mobile robot. The department of information technology in Lappeenranta University conducts research in robotics, and the main motivation was to extend the available teleoperation applications for mobile devices. The challenge was to port existing robot software library onto an embedded device platform, then develop a suitable user interface application that provides sufficient functionality to perform teleoperation tasks over a wireless communication network. This thesis involved investigating previous teleoperation applications and conducted similar experiments to test and evaluate the designed application for functional activity and measure performance on a mobile device which have been identified and achieved. The implemented solution offered good results for navigation purposes particularly for teleoperating a visible robot and suggests solutions for exploration when no environment map for the operator is present.


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In recent years, the worldwide distribution of smartphone devices has been growing rapidly. Mobile technologies are evolving fast, a situation which provides new possibilities for mobile learning applications. Along with new delivery methods, this development enables new concepts for learning. This study focuses on the effectiveness and experience of a mobile learning video promoting the key features of a specific device. Through relevant learning theories, mobile technologies and empirical findings, the thesis presents the key elements for a mobile learning video that are essential for effective learning. This study also explores how previous experience with mobile services and knowledge of a mobile handset relate to final learning results. Moreover, this study discusses the optimal delivery mechanisms for a mobile video. The target group for the study consists of twenty employees of a Sanoma Company. The main findings show that the individual experience of learning and the actual learning results may differ and that the design for certain video elements, such as sound and the presentation of technical features, can have an impact on the experience and effectiveness of a mobile learning video. Moreover, a video delivery method based on cloud technologies and HTML5 is suggested to be used in parallel with standalone applications.