951 resultados para Maryland State Colonization Society.
This article conducted an analysis of Portal Brazil, specifically in the areas of “Education” and “Economy and Employment”, by according to the principles of e-engagement defined by the Organization for Economic Co- operation and Development (OECD). For understanding of this work, were elucidated concepts such as public communication - trajectory, principles and relations -, digital democracy, e-government and engagement and civic participation. Through this analysis was realized the importance of public communication in the processes of opinion formation and stimulus to citizen participation, as well as the performance of the internet as a facilitator instrument in the processes of relationship between State and Society
The questions that guide this article deal with the nation-State configuration and civil society organization, as well as the contours of the relation between both in the globalization context. As a qualitative change of internationalization, globalization brings to the social sciences field the discussion about its social impacts and the problematization about extinction of State. Thus, the article is guided by the debate between determined authors that deal with the analysis about new strategies of the State action, in order to understand where national States go, seeking to adapt themselves to the new context of Capital globalization.
During a long historical process of over a century, the trade union movement gathered a significant amount of achievements. The limits and the extent of these achievements cannot be dissociated form the complex relations between State and civil society in Brazil.
Previous studies have shown that fresh squeezed orange juice or juice from reconstituted concentrate can help prevent the development of atherosclerosis. Pasteurized orange juice presently represents the major orange juice available in the market, and because of this, it becomes necessary to determine the healthy benefits associated with this product. In this study we investigated the effect of regular consumption of pasteurized orange juice on the nutritional status, biochemical profile, and arterial blood pressure in healthy men and women. Men and women volunteered to consume pasteurized orange juice (500 mL·d–1 and 750 mL·d–1, respectively), for 8 weeks. Anthropometric, biochemical, hemodynamic, and dietary assessments were evaluated at baseline and at the end of the experimental period. Total cholesterol and LDL-C significantly decreased in both men and women after the consumption of orange juice, and an increase in HDL-C level was detected exclusively in women. Fasting glucose, diastolic blood pressure, and triglyceride levels dropped in men after the consumption of orange juice. Anthropometric variables did not change with orange juice consumption, only waist circumference decreased significantly in women. Consumption of orange juice increased the energy and carbohydrate intake for women; however, vitamin C and folate increased after the orange juice period for both men and women. Regular consumption of pasteurized orange juice by men (750 mL·d–1) and women (500 mL·d–1) reduced the risk of developing atherosclerosis, and increased the nutritional quality of their diets.
Orange juice is a rich source of flavonoids, mainly the flavanones hesperidin and narirutin, associated with health benefits in humans. The objective of this study was to analyze the uptake of flavonoids in humans after the consumption of two types of orange juice, fresh squeezed (fresh juice, FJ) and commercially extracted and pasteurized (processed juice, PJ). Preliminary measurements showed that the main flavanones in PJ were approximately three-fold higher than in FJ. This study involved healthy volunteers including 12 men and 12 women, aged 27 ± 6, with a BMI of 24 ± 3 kg/m2. Volunteers drank 11.5 mL/kg body weight of fresh orange juice, and after an interval of 30 days they drank the same quantity of pasteurized orange juice. Urine was collected from each volunteer during 24 hours following juice consumption. Urine metabolites were recovered by solid phase extraction, and measured by HPLC–ESI–MS. Analyses of the urine samples showed high concentrations of glucuronic acid and sulfate conjugates of hesperetin and naringenin. The data indicate that the concentrations of the flavanone metabolites following consumption of PJ were approximately three times higher than for FJ, thus matching the relative doses of these compounds in the juices provided to the volunteers.
Este artigo visa a realizar um debate teórico por meio das análises de Michel Foucault e de Robert Castel, entre outros, a respeito dos mecanismos de segurança e das estratégias de governamentalidade neoliberal, na sociedade contemporânea. Os cursos Em defesa da sociedade, Segurança, território e população e Nascimento da Biopolítica, de Foucault, inauguraram uma discussão relevante a respeito dos racismos de Estado e de sociedade, de seus paradoxos, nas democracias, e de seus efeitos a partir da emergência do neoliberalismo norte-americano e alemão, após a II Guerra Mundial, que foram difundidos em outros países, sobretudo na década de noventa do século XX, com especificidades em cada país, mas com pontos de conexão que nos permitem traçar um diagrama da sociedade de segurança e de como ela opera por táticas de governo das condutas, também denominadas governamentalidades, por Foucault.
“Music at the Fair!” gives the daily musical programs for The Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition, held in Omaha, Nebraska, June 1 through October 31, 1898. The Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition brought an unprecedented array of local, national, and international musical acts to Omaha, NE in 1898. This served to designate Omaha, "the gateway to the west" as a musical hub, as well as to incite musical excitement in the region. Some of the more popular acts featured were the Theodore Thomas Orchestra, the U.S. Marine Band, and the Apollo Club of Chicago. Many more groups and their musical programs can be found within the pages of this site. The “Music at the Fair!” website was created by Grace Carey, and last revised on May 19, 2006.It is the result of a two- year research grant funded by an Undergraduate Creative Activities and Research Experiences (UCARE) grant through the University of Nebraska at Lincoln. It is an extension of an ongoing project on music at the TME by Music Professor Peter Lefferts. The primary sources of information for the site are the following newspapers from June – November 1898: The Omaha Daily Bee, the Omaha Evening Bee, and the Omaha World Herald, and the the official programs of the fair located in the archives at the Omaha Public Library. I would like to thank the helpful staff at the Nebraska State Historical Society and the downtown branch of the Omaha Public Library. Site Creator: Grace Carey Project Advisor: Peter Lefferts, Professor of Music History at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln The linked “Document” is a flat PDF version of the interactive website. To download the fully interactive html version, click on the “Related file” to download the zipped folder. When unzipped, click on the file named “index” to enter the website.
O ensaio trata da metodologia de estudo de arquivos documentais gerados na modernidade como forma de entender a relação que se estabelecia entre Estado e sociedade. A partir de pesquisas desenvolvidas junto ao Arquivo Miroel Silveira da Escola de Comunicações e Artes da Universidade de São Paulo, composto de processos de censura prévia ao teatro em São Paulo de 1930 a 1970, procura explicitar o método etnográfico como meio de interpretar as informações e as relações entre as partes envolvidas. A etnografia possibilita ainda estabelecer uma ponte entre o passado e a atualidade, época marcada pela proliferação de arquivos públicos e privados.
Discussions about the new meaning of citizenship, valuing differences and respecting knowledge diversity bring the question of how public policies can be locally rooted to ensure access to diversity. This is evident when we deal with health policies, where the interaction between implementers and beneficiaries is essential to understand the results of the policy. The Family Health Program (FHP) has tried to change the relationship between state and society, bringing health professionals with the daily experienced by the users where there is (re) production of the components that lead to insecurity, poor health and disease. To analyse this kind of policy we must take into account the interaction processes and the practices of the actors involved in the FHP implementation. This article aims to analyze the role of Health Communitarian Agents (HCA) as FHP implementers. Through ethnographic research followed the practices of ACS in different cities, we seek to understand how they deal with their different knowledge, enable and disable referrals and adapt action to enact the program. We want to understand how they use mediations and interactions in their practices and built policies locally rooted, constructing alternative ways to implement these policies.
Una grande narrazione del capitalismo: potere e scienze sociali nel pensiero politico di Daniel Bell
Questa tesi punta a ricostruire il pensiero politico di Bell tra il secondo dopoguerra e la metà degli anni Settanta. In tale arco cronologico, la riflessione politica di Bell si profila, per usare una formula di Jean-François Lyotard, come una «grande narrazione» del capitalismo. Nel complesso, cioè, l’opera di Bell appare come una storia sociologica del capitalismo, che nella fine delle ideologie registra l’apogeo del fordismo e, in seguito, ne mette in luce le trasformazioni in senso post-industriale, indagando le ricadute che tali mutamenti implicano sul piano dei rapporti di potere e della legittimazione del sistema. Nell’ottica di Bell, pertanto, il capitalismo non costituisce soltanto un sistema economico, ma la forma specifica attraverso cui si dispiega la società nel suo complesso, attivando una serie di rapporti di potere mediante i quali gli individui vengono coordinati e subordinati. Una siffatta concezione del capitalismo agisce immediatamente la questione del potere e solleva un interrogativo a esso connesso: «che cosa tiene insieme una società?». Una domanda che attraversa la traiettoria intellettuale di Bell e, sia pure declinata mediante una terminologia sociologica, riflette in realtà l’ambizione delle scienze sociali di farsi teoria politica. Esse si presentano quindi come teoria politica della modernità, nella misura in cui distinguono il potere sociale dal potere politico e, al tempo stesso, instaurano tra i due poli una tensione dialettica produttiva. Mettendo a fuoco la concettualizzazione del potere nell’opera di Bell si analizzeranno le mutazioni nel rapporto tra Stato e società negli Stati Uniti durante la Golden Age del capitalismo. In particolare, si metterà in luce nella grande narrazione di Bell l’ascesa e il declino di un ordine istituzionale che, alla metà degli anni Settanta, appare percorso da molteplici tensioni politiche e sociali che preannunciano l’avvento dell’età globale e il bisogno di una nuova “scala” di governo.
La ricerca si propone di mostrare come il pensiero gramsciano sia stato riferimento prioritario di due intellettuali argentini in esilio in Messico dal 1976 al 1983: Juan Carlos Portantiero e José Maria Aricó. In quel periodo incentrarono le loro elaborazioni teorico-politiche sull’analisi della relazione tra Stato, società civile, democrazia e socialismo, partendo da una prospettiva gramsciana. Il fallimento della guerra di movimento in Argentina nei primi anni settanta li condusse a riflettere su strategie alternative di transizione al socialismo, il cui punto focale fu il concetto di "Egemonia". A partire dal 1975 indirizzarono la ripresa del pensiero di Gramsci alla creazione di un progetto politico adatto ad un contesto sempre più "occidentale", caratterizzato dalla presenza di una "società civile complessa", in cui risultava necessario combattere "guerre di posizione" e non "guerre di movimento". La prospettiva che connotò questo approccio alle riflessioni gramsciane rappresenta il culmine di un percorso che iniziarono negli anni ’50, quando sorsero i primi studi del pensiero gramsciano in Argentina. Sin da allora, Aricó e Portantiero si occuparono di Gramsci insieme al dirigente del PC argentino Agosti e continuarono a farlo anche durante gli anni sessanta e i primi anni settanta sulla rivista Pasado y Presente. Fu, però, nel periodo dell’esilio che ne ripresero il pensiero considerandolo nella sua totalità, a partire dagli scritti giovanili sino ai Quaderni del Carcere, rielaborandolo in maniera originale e costruendo una propria proposta di cammino verso socialismo nell' "occidente periferico" dell'Argentina, influenzati dall'azione del Partito Comunista Italiano.
Corruption is, in the last two decades, considered as one of the biggest problems within the international community, which harms not only a particular state or society but the whole world. The discussion on corruption in law and economics approach is mainly run under the veil of Public choice theory and principal-agent model. Based on this approach the strong international initiatives taken by the UN, the OECD and the Council of Europe, provided various measures and tools in order to support and guide countries in their combat against corruption. These anti-corruption policies created a repression -prevention-transparency model for corruption combat. Applying this model, countries around the world adopted anti-corruption strategies as part of their legal rules. Nevertheless, the recent researches on the effects of this move show non impressive results. Critics argue that “one size does not fit all” because the institutional setting of countries around the world varies. Among the countries which experience problems of corruption, even though they follow the dominant anti-corruption trends, are transitional, post-socialist countries. To this group belong the countries which are emerging from centrally planned to an open market economy. The socialist past left traces on institutional setting, mentality of the individuals and their interrelation, particularly in the domain of public administration. If the idiosyncrasy of these countries is taken into account the suggestion in this thesis is that in public administration in post-socialist countries, instead of dominant anti-corruption scheme repression-prevention-transparency, corruption combat should be improved through the implementation of a new one, structure-conduct-performance. The implementation of this model is based on three regulatory pyramids: anti-corruption, disciplinary anti-corruption and criminal anti-corruption pyramid. This approach asks public administration itself to engage in corruption combat, leaving criminal justice system as the ultimate weapon, used only for the very harmful misdeeds.
La idea del marketing público se genera durante el siglo XX estableciendo un intercambio entre Estado y Sociedad. La Administración Pública diseña programas, bienes y servicios, como contraparte, los ciudadanos ofrecen apoyos mediante impuestos y costos de desplazamiento, tiempo y oportunidad. El marketing universitario, propone un intercambio entre las universidades y los alumnos para satisfacer las demandas de conocimiento y formación técnica-profesional. La problemática abordada en esta propuesta es la satisfacción de necesidades públicas a través del marketing público y, en este contexto, el marketing universitario y las demandas de conocimiento de la sociedad.
A partir de la pregunta ¿cómo se puede en este aquí y ahora profesional visivilizar a los sujetos y a las familias, en un camino dirigido hacia la construcción ciudadana?, se procura la búsqueda de algunas líneas de acción o respuestas alternativas que orienten posibles pautas de cambio desde las políticas sociales actuales y la intervención de Trabajo Social. La reflexión acerca de las familias como "la más pequeña de las Democracias" y de una nueva relación entre el estado, la sociedad y las familias impulsa la construcción de un proyecto social que recupere el sentido colectivo y la consideración de la voz de las niñas, los niños y las familias como sujetos históricos, sociales y con derechos ejercibles y exigibles.