994 resultados para Marinetti, Filippo Tommaso
Le politiche di promozione e sostegno delle bioenergie sono state predisposte in relazione al raggiungimento di specifici obiettivi quali non sempre facilmente conciliabili: la riduzione delle emissioni di gas clima alteranti; la diminuzione della dipendenza energetica dai combustibili fossili; la creazione di nuove opportunità per le imprese agricole e forestali; il sostegno allo sviluppo rurale. All’interno del dibattito agricolo-economico la tematica delle bio-energie risulta di estrema attualità: ai potenziali vantaggi si contrappongono le critiche nei confronti della loro sostenibilità ambientale, economica e sociale. La bio-energia può però anche essere interpretata come un esempio di innovazione che coinvolge il settore agricolo e le aree rurali. Obiettivo del presente lavoro è infatti quello di proporre una rilettura del tema delle bioenergie attraverso l’approccio alla tematica dell’innovazione sviluppato nell’ambito del progetto europeo In-Sight, il quale parte dal presupposto che qualsiasi cambiamento nel sistema di produzione, di consumo e di distribuzione è in grado di generare innovazione. Tale approccio è stato utilizzato per analizzare il processo innovativo che ha condotto alla realizzazione di un impianto di teleriscaldamento a biomasse legnose in Toscana. Il caso studio dimostra come anche nel caso delle bioenergie gli elementi innovativi vadano oltre al di là del solo aspetto tecnologico.
Presentazione dello sviluppo di un ambiente grafico per la simulazione dell'evacuazione dei passeggeri dagli aeromobili dell'aviazione civile in seguito a situazioni di emergenza.
In this thesis Marsili back-arc basin and Palinuro Volcanic Complex (Southern Tyrrhenian Sea) have been investigated by using magnetic, bathymetric and gravimetric data. A new velocity model of opening of the Marsili basin has been proposed, highlighting the transition from the horizontal spreading of the back-arc to the vertical accretion of the Marsili seamount. Introducing gravity data, Marsili's internal structure has been modeled and a huge portion of the volcano with low density and vanishing magnetization has been detected. Forward modeling of Palinuro Volcanic Complex showed as Palinuro represents the shallowest evidence of a deep tectonic discontinuity and the possible transition domain between the oceanic crust of Marsili Basin and the continental crust related to the Appenninic chain.
2-Phenoxyethanol (ethylene glycol monophenyl ether) is used as solvent for cellulose acetate, dyes, inks, and resins; it is a synthetic intermediate in the production of plasticizers, pharmaceuticals, and fragrances. Phenoxyethanol is obtained industrially by reaction of phenol with ethylene oxide, in the presence of an homogeneous alkaline catalyst, typically sodium hydroxide. The yield is not higher than 95-96%, because of the formation of polyethoxylated compounds. However, the product obtained may not be acceptable for use in cosmetic preparations and fragrance formulations, due to presence of a pungent “metallic” odor which masks the pleasant odor of the ether, deriving from residual traces of the metallic catalyst. Here we report a study aimed at using ethylene carbonate in place of ethylene oxide as the reactant for phenoxyethanol synthesis; the use of carbonates as green nucleophilic reactants is an important issue in the context of a modern and sustainable chemical industry. Moreover, in the aim of developing a process which might adhere the principles of Green Chemistry, we avoided the use of solvents, and used heterogeneous basic catalysts. We carried out the reaction by using various molar ratios between phenol and ethylene carbonate, at temperatures ranging between 180 and 240°C, with a Na-mordenite catalyst. Under specific conditions, it was possible to obtain total phenol conversion with >99% yield to phenoxyethanol in few hours reaction time, using a moderate excess of ethylene carbonate. Similar results, but with longer reaction times, were obtained using a stoichiometric feed ratio of reactants. One important issue of the research was finding conditions under which the leaching of Na was avoided, and the catalyst could be separated and reused for several reaction batches.
The term "Brain Imaging" identi�es a set of techniques to analyze the structure and/or functional behavior of the brain in normal and/or pathological situations. These techniques are largely used in the study of brain activity. In addition to clinical usage, analysis of brain activity is gaining popularity in others recent �fields, i.e. Brain Computer Interfaces (BCI) and the study of cognitive processes. In this context, usage of classical solutions (e.g. f MRI, PET-CT) could be unfeasible, due to their low temporal resolution, high cost and limited portability. For these reasons alternative low cost techniques are object of research, typically based on simple recording hardware and on intensive data elaboration process. Typical examples are ElectroEncephaloGraphy (EEG) and Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT), where electric potential at the patient's scalp is recorded by high impedance electrodes. In EEG potentials are directly generated from neuronal activity, while in EIT by the injection of small currents at the scalp. To retrieve meaningful insights on brain activity from measurements, EIT and EEG relies on detailed knowledge of the underlying electrical properties of the body. This is obtained from numerical models of the electric �field distribution therein. The inhomogeneous and anisotropic electric properties of human tissues make accurate modeling and simulation very challenging, leading to a tradeo�ff between physical accuracy and technical feasibility, which currently severely limits the capabilities of these techniques. Moreover elaboration of data recorded requires usage of regularization techniques computationally intensive, which influences the application with heavy temporal constraints (such as BCI). This work focuses on the parallel implementation of a work-flow for EEG and EIT data processing. The resulting software is accelerated using multi-core GPUs, in order to provide solution in reasonable times and address requirements of real-time BCI systems, without over-simplifying the complexity and accuracy of the head models.
Timing of waiting list entrance for patients with cystic fibrosis in need of pulmonary transplant: the experience of a regional referral centre Objective: Evaluation of parameters that can predict a rapid decay of general conditions of patients affected by Cystic Fibrosis (CF) with no specific criteria to be candidate to pulmonary transplant. Material and methods: Fifteen patients with CF who died for complications and 8 who underwent lung transplantation in the 2000-2010 decade, were enrolled. Clinical data 2 years before the event (body max index, FEV1%, number of EV antibiotic treatments per year, colonization with Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), pseudomonas aeruginosa mucosus, burkholderia cepacia, pulmonary allergic aspergilosis) were compared among the 2 groups. Results: Mean FEV1% was significantly higher and mean number of antibiotic treatment was lower in deceased than in the transplanted patients (p<0.002 and p<0.001 respectively). Although in patients who died there were no including criteria to enter the transplant list 2 years before the exitus, suggestive findings such as low BMI (17.3), high incidence of hepatic pathology (33.3%), diabetes (50%), and infections with MRSA infection (25%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (83.3%) and burkholderia cepacia (8.3%) were found with no statistical difference with transplanted patients, suggesting those patients were at risk of severe prognosis. In patients who died, females were double than males. Conclusion: While evaluating patients with CF, negative prognostic factors such as the ones investigated in this study, should be considered to select individuals with high mortality risk who need stricter therapeutical approach and follow up. Inclusion of those patients in the transplant waiting list should be taken into account.
The present PhD thesis summarizes two examples of research in microfluidics. Both times water was the subject of interest, once in the liquid state (droplets adsorbed on chemically functionalized surfaces), the other time in the solid state (ice snowflakes and their fractal behaviour). The first problem deals with a slipping nano-droplet of water adsorbed on a surface with photo-switchable wettability characteristics. Main focus was on identifying the underlying driving forces and mechanical principles at the molecular level of detail. Molecular Dynamics simulation was employed as investigative tool owing to its record of successfully describing the microscopic behaviour of liquids at interfaces. To reproduce the specialized surface on which a water droplet can effectively “walk”, a new implicit surface potential was developed. Applying this new method the experimentally observed droplet slippage could be reproduced successfully. Next the movement of the droplet was analyzed at various conditions emphasizing on the behaviour of the water molecules in contact with the surface. The main objective was to identify driving forces and molecular mechanisms underlying the slippage process. The second part of this thesis is concerned with theoretical studies of snowflake melting. In the present work snowflakes are represented by filled von Koch-like fractals of mesoscopic beads. A new algorithm has been developed from scratch to simulate the thermal collapse of fractal structures based on Monte Carlo and Random Walk Simulations (MCRWS). The developed method was applied and compared to Molecular Dynamics simulations regarding the melting of ice snowflake crystals and new parameters were derived from this comparison. Bigger snow-fractals were then studied looking at the time evolution at different temperatures again making use of the developed MCRWS method. This was accompanied by an in-depth analysis of fractal properties (border length and gyration radius) in order to shed light on the dynamics of the melting process.
The aim of this study was to develop a model capable to capture the different contributions which characterize the nonlinear behaviour of reinforced concrete structures. In particular, especially for non slender structures, the contribution to the nonlinear deformation due to bending may be not sufficient to determine the structural response. Two different models characterized by a fibre beam-column element are here proposed. These models can reproduce the flexure-shear interaction in the nonlinear range, with the purpose to improve the analysis in shear-critical structures. The first element discussed is based on flexibility formulation which is associated with the Modified Compression Field Theory as material constitutive law. The other model described in this thesis is based on a three-field variational formulation which is associated with a 3D generalized plastic-damage model as constitutive relationship. The first model proposed in this thesis was developed trying to combine a fibre beamcolumn element based on the flexibility formulation with the MCFT theory as constitutive relationship. The flexibility formulation, in fact, seems to be particularly effective for analysis in the nonlinear field. Just the coupling between the fibre element to model the structure and the shear panel to model the individual fibres allows to describe the nonlinear response associated to flexure and shear, and especially their interaction in the nonlinear field. The model was implemented in an original matlab® computer code, for describing the response of generic structures. The simulations carried out allowed to verify the field of working of the model. Comparisons with available experimental results related to reinforced concrete shears wall were performed in order to validate the model. These results are characterized by the peculiarity of distinguishing the different contributions due to flexure and shear separately. The presented simulations were carried out, in particular, for monotonic loading. The model was tested also through numerical comparisons with other computer programs. Finally it was applied for performing a numerical study on the influence of the nonlinear shear response for non slender reinforced concrete (RC) members. Another approach to the problem has been studied during a period of research at the University of California Berkeley. The beam formulation follows the assumptions of the Timoshenko shear beam theory for the displacement field, and uses a three-field variational formulation in the derivation of the element response. A generalized plasticity model is implemented for structural steel and a 3D plastic-damage model is used for the simulation of concrete. The transverse normal stress is used to satisfy the transverse equilibrium equations of at each control section, this criterion is also used for the condensation of degrees of freedom from the 3D constitutive material to a beam element. In this thesis is presented the beam formulation and the constitutive relationships, different analysis and comparisons are still carrying out between the two model presented.