993 resultados para María Cristina , Reina consorte de Fernando VII, Rey de España, 1806-1878
Introduction: Mechanical properties (MP) are clinically applicable tools for healthcare professionals working on the musculoskeletal system. Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate two protocols of neuromuscular electric stimulation (NMES) to improve MP regeneration of the myotendinous complex after segment immobilization in female rats. Materials and Methods: Fifty animals were equally distributed into five groups: Control (CG, n=10); Immobilized (IG, n=10); Immobilized and freely remobilized (IFG, n=10); Immobilized and NMES once/day (IEG1, n=10); Immobilized and MNES twice/day (IEG2, n=10). Immobilization was kept for 14 days, and remobilization was subsequently released for 10 days. NMES was applied for 10 days, post-immobilization, every morning for 10 minutes to IEG1 animals and every morning and afternoon (total 20 minutes) to the IEG2 group. After these procedures, the gastrocnemius muscle was submitted to the mechanical traction assay to evaluate stiffness, resilience, load and stretching at maximum limit MPs. Results: Immobilization reduced the MP values concerning load and stiffness (p 0.05). Results for NMES applied twice a day were less satisfactory than the ones obtained with one application or in the remobilized group (p>0.05). Conclusion: It is concluded that the gastrocnemius muscle became structurally better organized through a single NMES application and by remobilization.
Objectives: To evaluate the bonding interface in experimentally weakened roots reinforced with adhesive restorative materials and quartz fibre posts, varying the light-exposure time of the composite resin used for root reinforcement. Methods: Twelve extracted human maxillary incisors teeth were used. The crowns were removed and the roots were endodontically treated. After post space preparation, the roots were assigned to four groups. The thickness of the root dentine was reduced and adhesively restored with composite resin light-activated through a translucent fibre post for either 40 s (group 1), 80 s (group 2) or 120 s (group 3). In the case of control (group 4), the roots were not weakened. One day after post cementation, the specimens were sectioned transversally in three slices and processed for scanning electron microscopic analysis to observe bonding interface formation, quality of the hybrid layer and density of resin tags using a four-step scale method. Results: Formation of a hybrid layer and resin tags were evident in all groups. There was no statistically (p > 0.05) significant difference between the regions analysed in each group (Friedman test) and between groups in each section depth (Kruskal-Wallis test). Furthermore, comparison of the flared/reinforced groups showed that the different time;; used for composite resin cure did not affect the results significantly (Kruskal-Wallis test, p = 0.2139). Conclusions: Different light-exposure times used for composite resin polymerisation during root canal reinforcement did not affect significantly the formation and quality of the dentine/adhesive/composite resin bonding interface. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background. Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI), also known as ""brittle bone disease,"" can be difficult to diagnose in its mild form. The authors describe a clinical case of a diagnosis of dentinogenesis imperfecta (DI), In which a literature review combined with an analysis of dental alterations led to indications of OI involvement. Case Description. Since DI can be associated with OI, the authors reviewed correlated studies and obtained a new medical history from the patient. They then conducted a radiographic and clinical examination of the dentition and submitted an affected third molar to scanning electron microscopy analysis. They compared their findings with descriptions of OI type I dental alterations in the literature and confirmed their diagnosis by means of a medical evaluation. Clinical Implications. In cases in which DI is diagnosed, patients should be examined carefully and the occurrence of OI should be considered `since, in its mild form, it might be misdiagnosed.
En la década del 1980, un nuevo fenómeno: las tomas de tierras o "asentamientos" transforma los procesos de urbanización en el Area Metropolitana de Buenos Aires. Los autores, miembros de un equipo de investigación de la Universidad de General Sarmiento (Argentina), entrevistaron a habitantes de estos asentamientos, y se sorprendieron con las frecuentes menciones a los saqueos y ollas populares ocurridos doce años atrás en un contexto de hiperinflación. En este artículo, estos hechos son considerados como constitutivos de una experiencia formativa iniciada con la organización para la toma de tierras y seguida poco después por los saqueos de supermercados y otros negocios durante la hiperinflación de 1989. Esto da origen, posteriormente, a las ollas populares que paliaron el hambre de ese momento, y que luego se transformaron en comedores comunitarios, guarderías y otras organizaciones que hoy persisten. Esta indagación se apoya en los relatos de los entrevistados y en la recopilación de diferentes periódicos de ese momento.
O presente trabalho tem como objectivo efectuar a avaliação económica e determinar a viabilidade com e sem os incentivos fiscais de duas tecnologias de conversão de duas fontes distinta e emergentes de energia renovável, o Concentrador Cilindro-parabólico e a Torre Solar para a energia solar termoeléctrica e a Coluna de Água Oscilante e o Pelamis para a energia das ondas. Realiza-se uma curta abordagem à energia Solar e à energia dos Oceanos, e às tecnologias existentes para estes tipos de energia renovável. Apresenta-se um estudo do potencial em Portugal e no Mindo, das tecnologias abordadas neste trabalho. É desenvolvido o modelo de conversão de energia para as centrais solares termoeléctricas e utilizado o modelo de superfície de potência para as centrais de energia das ondas adaptado de António Falcão. As centrais são modeladas por meio de uma folha de cálculo, onde é calculada a energia produzida em Mértola e São Pedro de Moel (energia solar termoeléctrica e das ondas respectivamente) consoante o recurso do local. É feita a avaliação económica para quatro cenários designados como optimista, base, pessimista e base sem aplicação da tarifa bonificada, e é realizada uma análise de sensibilidade do VAL a diversas variáveis. Conclui-se sobre a viabilidade dos vários cenários e sobre possíveis alterações à tarifa binificada en consequência dos resultados obtidos. Segundo os pressupostos deste trabalho concluíu-se que a tarifa bonificada é demasiado elevada para os projectos em energia solar de concentração e demasiado baixa para projectos em energia das ondas.
O objetivo desse estudo foi estimar a associação entre exposição a material particulado com menos de 2,5 micra de diâmetro aerodinâmico e internações por doenças respiratórias em crianças. Foi realizado estudo ecológico de séries temporais com indicadores diários de internação por doenças respiratórias, em crianças de zero a dez anos de idade, residentes em Piracicaba, SP, entre 1º de agosto de 2011 e 31 de julho de 2012. Utilizou-se modelo aditivo generalizado da regressão de Poisson. Os riscos relativos foram RR = 1,008; IC95% 1,001;1,016 para o lag 1 e RR = 1,009; IC95% 1,001;1,017 para o lag 3. O incremento de 10 μg/m 3 de material particulado com menos de 2,5 micra de diâmetro implicou aumento no risco relativo entre 7,9 e 8,6 pontos percentuais. Concluiu-se que a exposição ao material particulado com menos de 2,5 micra de diâmetro aerodinâmico esteve associada às internações por doenças respiratórias em crianças.
OBJECTIVE To analyze the prevalence of bullying and its associated factors in Brazilian adolescents.METHODS Data were used from a population-based household survey conducted by the Urban Health Observatory (OSUBH) utilizing probability sampling in three stages: census tracts, residences, and individuals. The survey included 598 adolescents (14-17 years old) who responded questions on bullying, sociodemographic characteristics, health-risk behaviors, educational well-being, family structure, physical activity, markers of nutritional habits, and subjective well-being (body image, personal satisfaction, and satisfaction with their present and future life). Univariate and multivariate analysis was done using robust Poisson regression.RESULTS The prevalence of bullying was 26.2% (28.0% among males, 24.0% among females). The location of most bullying cases was at or on route to school (70.5%), followed by on the streets (28.5%), at home (9.8%), while practicing sports (7.3%), at parties (4.6%), at work (1.7%), and at other locations (1.6%). Reports of bullying were associated with life dissatisfaction, difficulty relating to parents, involvement in fights with peers and insecurity in the neighborhood.CONCLUSIONS A high prevalence of bullying among participating adolescents was found, and the school serves as the main bullying location, although other sites such as home, parties and workplace were also reported. Characteristics regarding self-perception and adolescent perceptions of their environment were also associated with bullying, thus advancing the knowledge of this type of violence, especially in urban centers of developing countries.
Recent studies have shown differences in the epidemiology of invasive infections caused by Candida species worldwide. In the period comprising August 2002 to August 2003, we performed a study in Santa Casa Complexo Hospitalar, Brazil, to determine Candida species distribution associated with candidemia and their antifungal susceptibility profiles to amphotericin B, fluconazole and itraconazole. Antifungal susceptibility was tested according to the broth microdilution method described in the NCCLS (M27A-2 method). Only one sample from each patient was analyzed (the first isolate). Most of the episodes had been caused by species other than C. albicans (51.6%), including C. parapsilosis (25.8%), C. tropicalis (13.3%), C. glabrata (3.3%), C. krusei (1.7%), and others (7.5%). Dose-dependent susceptibility to itraconazole was observed in 14.2% of strains, and dose-dependent susceptibility to fluconazole was found in 1.6%. Antifungal resistance was not found, probably related to low use of fluconazole. Further epidemiological surveillance is needed.
Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Gestão do Território, Área de Especialização em Ambiente e Recursos Naturais.
The spectrum of neurological complications associated with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection is broad. The most frequent etiologies include primary diseases (caused by HIV itself) or secondary diseases (opportunistic infections or neoplasms). Despite these conditions, HIV-infected patients are susceptible to other infections observed in patients without HIV infection. Here we report a rare case of a brain abscess caused by Staphylococcus aureus in an HIV-infected patient. After drainage of the abscess and treatment with oxacilin, the patient had a favorable outcome. This case reinforces the importance of a timely neurosurgical procedure that supported adequate management of an unusual cause of expansive brain lesions in HIV-1 infected patients.
To determine parameters associated with the evolution of sepsis, a five-year retrospective study was conducted in a university hospital. One hundred and four consecutive sepsis patients were evaluated, of whom 55.8% were men. The mortality was 68.3% and was associated with older age (p<0.05). Chronic comorbidities and infection site were not associated with prognosis. Gram-positive bacteria were more frequently identified in survivors (p<0.05), while non-detection of the germ was associated with mortality (p<0.01). Appropriate use of antibiotics (germ sensitive to at least one drug administered) was associated with survival (p<0.0001) while inappropriate use (p<0.05) or empirical use (p<0.01) were more frequent in nonsurvivors. Leukocytosis was the main abnormality (54.8%) detected on diagnosis, from the leukocyte count. During the evolution, normal leukocyte count was associated with survival (p<0.01) and leukocytosis with mortality (p<0.05). In conclusion, mortality was associated with nondetection of the pathogen, leukocytosis during the evolution of the sepsis and inappropriate or empirical use of antimicrobials. Evidence-based treatment that is directed towards modifiable risk factors might improve the prognosis for sepsis patients.
INTRODUCTION: Carbapenem-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa (CRPA) has been isolated with increasing frequency in Brazilian hospitals. Since June 2003, its detection in a teaching hospital in the city of Florianópolis, Brazil, has increased. This study aimed to investigate the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC), presence of Metallo-β-lactamase (MβL) and a possible clonal relationship among the isolates. METHODS: The study included 29 CRPA and seven isolates with reduced susceptibility. The MIC was determined by agar-dilution. Detection of MβL was performed by Double Disk Sinergism (DDS) and Combined Disk (CD). The MβL gene was verified by PCR and nucleotide sequence analysis. Epidemiological typing was performed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. RESULTS: Among the 29 carbapenem-resistant isolates, polymyxin B presented 100% susceptibility and piperacillin/tazobactam 96.7%. Seventeen (62%) strains were verified as clonal (A clone) and among these, six isolates indicated phenotypically positive tests for MβL and harbored the blaSPM-1 gene. The first CRPA isolates were unrelated to clone A, harbored blaIMP-16 and were phenotypically positive only by CD. CONCLUSIONS: The spread of a high-level of resistance clone suggests cross transmission as an important dissemination mechanism and has contributed to the increased rate of resistance to carbapenems. This study emphasizes the need for continuous surveillance and improved strategies.
INTRODUCTION: In recent years, visceral leishmaniasis, a major public health problem, has been spreading from the rural to urban areas in many areas of Brazil, including Aracaju, the capital of the State of Sergipe. However, there are no studies of the sandfly fauna in this municipality or its variation over the year. METHODS: Phlebotomine sandflies were collected from a rural area of Aracaju from September 2007 to July 2009. Modified CDC ultra-violet (UV) light traps were used to evaluate sandfly monthly distribution and their presence in the domestic and peridomestic environments. RESULTS: The most abundant species was Lutzomyia longipalpis (90.4%) followed by Evandromyia lenti (9.6%). A chicken shed trap site had the highest proportion of L. longipalpis (51.1%) and large numbers of L. longipalpis were also collected in the houses closest to the chicken shed. There was a positive correlation between monthly rainfall and L. longipalpis abundance. CONCLUSIONS: Lutzomyia longipalpis is the most abundant species and is probably the main vector of the visceral leishmaniasis agent in the rural area of Aracaju. An increase in L. longipalpis frequency was observed during the rainy season. The peridomicile-intradomicile observations corroborate the importance of chicken sheds for the presence of L. longipalpis in the peridomestic environment. The great numbers of L. longipalpis inside the houses confirm the endophilic behaviour of this species and the possibility of visceral transmission in the intradomicile.
Freshwater stingrays, or potamotrygonids, are restricted to Neotropical river drainages. These elasmobranchs are well adapted to freshwater environments and the number of described species gradually increases as further research is carried out. Some of the first studies on their systematics and natural history were carried out in the 1960s and 1970s in southern South America. However, there is no new published data on potamotrygonids from Uruguayan waters since then (except for local journal reports from sportive fishermen and specimens deposited in Uruguayan collections). The present study aims to record the recent occurrence of two species of potamotrygonids caught by sport fishermen, with comments on other published historical records for the same area. As many other elasmobranchs, these species have an important, but not always well understood, role in the Uruguayan rivers ecosystems.
Torre de Londres e Torre de Hanói: contribuições distintas para avaliação do funcionamento executivo
OBJETIVO: Realizar um estudo teórico sobre comparações de aspectos cognitivos e metodológicos envolvidos no desempenho das Torres de Hanói e de Londres em indivíduos normais. MÉTODO: Revisão narrativa da literatura. RESULTADOS: O desempenho nesses instrumentos não compartilha a variância esperada em virtude das similaridades aparentes em sua estrutura e demanda de solução. Verificaram-se correlações significativas, porém moderadas, entre o desempenho das duas torres, refletindo em média 75% da variância não compartilhada. CONCLUSÕES: Ambas as torres recrutam diferentes processos executivos para solução da tarefa e não podem ser utilizadas como instrumentos permutáveis.